Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 727 The ruins of the one-horned wolf

Long Bai and Mo Lan boarded a starship for the first time, and sailed in the starry sky away from the star network for the first time. They had no intention of dormant.

They gathered together in the cockpit and stared at the holographic projection.

The countdown beats second by second.

The starship is slowly accelerating.

The distance between starships and star systems is accelerating.

The wait lasted nearly ten hours.

The countdown is over.

During the projection, a strong blue-purple glare lit up in front, forming a flat and long light curtain.

The starship flashed into the light curtain.

At the same time, Long Bai and Mo Lan clearly felt the violent space fluctuations.

It only lasted a brief moment.

The holographic projection on the bridge in front of him changed, and the cabin was dark. In the dark space, there was only a green spot representing the Sea Lemon.

"Hai Meng. Hai Meng."

Mo Lan called.

Hai Meng: "I'm here."

Mo Lan asked: "How far have we sailed?"

Hai Meng: "The distance of each jump of the Hai Meng is 1.1 light years."

Mo Lan: "Now you have to stop to store energy again?"

Hai Meng: "Yes. It takes time to convert ordinary force into space energy."

The countdown appears again in front of the holographic projection: [9-24-21]

It takes 9 hours and 24 minutes to recharge.

Long Bai and Mo Lan were in high spirits and stayed in the cockpit, continuing to wait.

Controlled by thoughts, the stereoscopic projection screen was zoomed to the maximum, and he concentrated on trying to see clearly how the starship opened and constructed the subspace channel, and then made the jump.

The whole process is too fast.

After trying four or five times, I confirmed that I couldn't see clearly and had no choice but to give up.

Each returns to the nest room for rest and enters a state of hibernation.

"Longbai Ant King~"

"Longbai Ant King~"

The information Hai Meng calls is directly transmitted to the soul consciousness.

Long Bai woke up.

Hai Meng then reminded: "The starship is 0.3 light years away from the One-Horned Wolf ruins and has entered sublight speed navigation mode."

Hai Meng: "Captain Ang Tianlian invites everyone to go to the cockpit to discuss matters."

The hatch opens automatically.

Next door, Mo Lan ran past, stopped, turned around and urged: "Long Bai, don't be so slow, be more agile! Hurry up! Hurry up!"


Long Bai stood up and followed him to the cockpit.

Five old spiders arrived one after another.

Main console, holographic projection stereoscopic image: around the ruins of the torn hemisphere, densely packed light red dots turned into a mass of crimson.

Each red dot represents a large group of highly aggregated energy bodies.

There is also an extremely bright white spot, which is specially marked with characters: [One-horned Wolf 001 Source Point]

The source point is separated from the ruins by a small distance.

They are all submerged in countless original energy bodies.

Ang Tianlian introduced: "The source point provides the original energy, and the remains of the powerful masters inside the ruins continuously derive the original energy body. They are stacked and accumulated to form a sphere of original energy body with a radius of 600,000 kilometers."

With a thought from Ang Tianlian, the red dot representing the distribution of the original energy body disappeared.

The remains of the hemisphere were clearly revealed, and then they were automatically dissected and split into four pieces.

There are more than a thousand bright red spots scattered inside.

Ang Tianlian: "This is the location of the strange original energy body that was detected by the Haimeng and may be a threat."

Ang Tianlian pointed to the golden square again and said briefly: "The wreckage of the Dominion Realm and the treasure house are located in the center. The metal used to cast the treasure house still has original energy properties, and the Haimeng cannot detect the internal situation."

Sectioned hemispheres merge.

Ang Tianlian raised his claws and pointed at the torn surface of the hemisphere, and said: "Let's carve out a passage, guard the Longbai Ant King here, and use the soul-fixing ability to sense it. Then, no matter what the detection conclusion is, retreat immediately and return to the starship for discussion. , formulate the next action plan.”

"One, three, two formation."

"I will be the vanguard, clearing the way forward."

"Gansui, Alocasia, you are on the left and right, guarding the Longbai Ant King on both sides."

"The eagle leaf and the purple cicada are separated."



"Follow the captain's orders!"

Long Bai, Ying Ye and Zi Chan agreed sonorously.


Gansui and Alocasia lightly touched their front feet to show that they had no objection.

Mo Lan looked left and right, tilted his head, and asked: "Captain Ang Tianlian, what about me? Will I follow Long Bai?"

Ang Tianlian: "Mo Lan stayed behind to guard the starship. According to my observation, you and Ant have super strong bodies, and the half-star realm can easily adapt to the space environment without resorting to any protective measures."

"Mo Lan can also help. He leaves the guardian starship behind. If there is a wandering original energy body approaching, he can use his soul-based mental attack ability to defeat it. Don't let the original energy body get close..."

Ang Tianlian explained: "The original energy body has super penetrating power similar to the force, and has its own chaotic destructive force field. It may cause damage to some precision equipment inside the starship."

"Mo Lan, your mission is also very important. If you don't come with everyone this time, we will need to leave Ying Ye or Zi Chan to guard the starship."


Mo Lan wanted to say, since it is so important, it is better to leave Yingye or Zichan to guard the starship, and I will follow...

Mo Lan thought for a while and agreed: "Listen to Captain Ang Tianlian's arrangements!"

Ang Tianlian: "Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, regarding the original body, there is another characteristic. They are instinctively keen and eager for fresh life and complete souls. They have no senses such as vision, hearing, and smell. The ability is mainly to sense the existence of the target through original energy and soul induction. Therefore, suppressing one's own original energy breath and covering the whole body with soul-based defense capabilities can more effectively shield the original energy body's perception of us."

Long Bai: "I know!"

Mo Lan: "Understood!"

Ang Tianlian: "Okay! That's all I have to say. After being dormant for twenty years, let's eat first to restore our physical strength, move our legs and feet, and adjust our condition."



Long Bai and Mo Lan agreed.

All the insects eat and drink together, enter the activity room, walk slowly, walk quickly, run, and move their bodies.

While the Haimeng was sailing at sublight speed, it was also activating its reconnaissance function to conduct an all-round scan and inspection of the 'One-Horned Wolf Ruins'.


Half a month later, the Haimeng docked in a safe area 30 million kilometers away from the ruins.

Ang Tianlian, Gansui, and Alocasia left the cabin first, and it took half a year to build a star network tunnel from the starship docking location to the vicinity of the ruins.

Preparations are complete.

Mo Lan left the cabin and stayed on top of the starship.

Ang Tianlian took Long Bai, Gansui and Alocasia took Ying Ye and Zi Chan respectively, and got into the Star Network channel.

It took a short time to get out again.

Already arriving near the ruins, the source of force enveloped the area.

Looking around, there is no light, no original energy body, no ruins, endless darkness, and the direction can only be determined through the flow of original energy.

The soul-fixing ability senses that there are scattered and broken soul bodies floating nearby.


"Soul defense ability!"

Ang Tianlian prompted.

The insects did as they were told.

As soon as Long Bai thought about it, he activated his night power, covering his whole body. Feeling unsafe, he activated his mental thrust again, covering the body surface with a layer of fine mental spikes.

Ang Tianlian set off first.

There is no matter, no gravity, but the force exists in the space environment. The lightning ability shines and approaches the ruins at super speed.

Other insects followed suit.

Flashing forward in the darkness,

About half a day later, Ang Tianlian in front slowed down and prompted: "Immediately enter the airspace where the original energy bodies gather densely. Glide with inertia and converge the original energy power."

The insects did as they were told.

Long Bai used his soul-fixing ability to sense again. Four to five hundred kilometers ahead, the distribution of original energy bodies of different shapes suddenly became denser. They are evenly dispersed and motionless, absorbing the force spreading from the direction of the source.

Get closer...

The original energy body was vaguely aware of Long Bai and his party, and instinctively drifted closer.

The five old spiders took turns activating their soul abilities in tacit agreement.

The ranged mental power attack swept across, and the pieces of original energy bodies collapsed, turning into systems and water-based frost-like original energy forces that spread.

There are also primitive bodies attracted by these disintegrated primitive energies, approaching them and greedily absorbing them.

Long Bai concentrated his attention, observed silently, and gradually felt at ease.

The original energy body has inherited the consciousness and weak law power of the strong masters in the domination realm, but it has no residual soul, no independent consciousness, and acts entirely on instinct.

Keep going,

Densely packed original energy bodies.

To describe it more appropriately, they are like corpses stacked on top of each other.

An extension of the corpse of a strong person in the Dominion Realm.

There are trillions of them, filling a space with a radius of 600,000 kilometers.

It's not spectacular, it's eerie.

The mental attack cleared the way. After passing by, the passage behind was immediately blocked by the original energy bodies that squeezed up.

It's like diving, constantly descending.

Long Bai observed and tried, and a mental spur shot out.

Without any obstacles, it easily penetrated all the original energy bodies in the straight line, defeating a long list with one ability.

Looking at the five old spiders again, it was obvious that they were not using their full strength and were using every bit of power cautiously.

Long Bai silently estimated the possibility of breaking out of the siege with his own strength without the escort of the five old spiders...

After a long, long time...

"Control your power carefully! Slow down!"

Ang Tianlian, who was leading the way from the front, gave instructions, and the original power of thunder on his body flashed.

The insects followed suit.

The forward speed of inertia gradually slows down until it stops.

The invisible spiritual energy surged and spread, within a radius of thirty to forty kilometers, and the original energy bodies that were attracted by the original energy and swarmed up collapsed.

"Longbai Ant King!"

Ang Tianlian prompted.

No need to be reminded, Long Bai's super brain has been activated, the soul-fixing ability is fully deployed, and the sensor is scanned forward, sweeping past.

——I feel it!


——The creation of scientific and technological civilization?

Long Bai was confused and solemn.

In the soul-fixing ability induction, deep in the ruins, there are more than a hundred 'soul bodies' with the same shape as the original crystal.

It's really weird!

Generally speaking, the shape of the soul is consistent with the shape of the living body.

for example,

Dragon cypress is an ant, and the soul is in the shape of an ant.

The souls of the five old spiders are all in the shape of spiders.

Including the original energy bodies wandering around, they adhere to the will of the remains of the strong masters in the domination realm. They are the shapes of various creatures in the memories of the strong masters in the domination realm, and the broken soul bodies are also the corresponding shapes.

Original crystal shape...

There is absolutely no way there is a life form that looks like a primitive crystal in the universe.

"Longbai Ant King?"

Ang Tianlian called and asked.

Another super-powerful and wide-range mental attack ability was launched, smashing the gathered original energy body.

The five old spiders activated their soul defense abilities one after another to hold up five protective barriers to resist the rapidly gathering original energy bodies and at the same time resist the gravitational pull of the huge ruins.

"...It's so weird!"

Long Bai murmured and said: "The soul body in the shape of the original crystal! It is highly condensed into a ball, and the size is the same as the original crystal."

——Confirmed to be a soul body?

——The soul in the form of original crystal?

The five old spiders were also confused.

Everyone knows more or less about the original energy body, but I have never heard of any soul condensed into the original crystal shape.

It is even more impossible to have a life form in the form of a primitive crystal.

Gan Sui asked: "What about the strength of the soul? What about the level of life?"

Long Bai: "My soul-fixing ability has a limited sensing range. I sensed 1 person who is stronger than you. There are also 44 people with similar soul strength as you. There are also 58 people who are weaker than you."

——Stronger than us?

The five-headed old spider looked awe-inspiring.

Ang Tianlian asked: "Sujing?"

Long Bai said uncertainly: "I haven't seen Sujing, so it's hard to judge."

Ang Tianlian: "It's very simple. When the star realm begins to understand the laws of the universe, there must be "star traces" on the soul. The image point description is like the 'marks' on our star realm level, which are reflected on the soul. Traces can Hidden, the 'star trails' on the soul will not be hidden."

Ang Tianlian asked: "Can the soul-fixing ability sensor distinguish the 'original color' of the soul? If it can, then it should be able to distinguish the 'star trails'."

Long Bai: "...Yes!"

Long Bai said: "However, I just sensed that all the weird original energy bodies have 'star trails'!"

Five terrifying, confusing, and questioning mental thoughts came over.

--How can it be?

Long Bai thought about it for himself and realized that something was wrong.

The five old spiders are all in the star realm.

I just said that there is only one soul in the original crystal shape that is stronger than them.

At most, it is a place of residence.

How is it possible that there are divine patterns of law?


The surface of the original crystal-shaped, highly condensed soul body is indeed densely distributed with many white, slightly brown and dark red veins.

Ang Tianlian: "You use your power to transform and show the lines? Let me take a look?"

Long Bai didn't say much, a little blue floated out from his forehead, expanded, changed, and turned into a white raw crystal, with a layer of vague off-white lines covering the surface.

The color of the surface of the original stone transformed by the beast changed, and the veins disappeared.

Long Bai said depressedly: "No! It's too complicated. I just glanced at it in a hurry and it was blurry."

Ang Tianlian said firmly: "It's very complicated? That's not 'Star Trail'. 'Star Trail' is similar to 'Star Trail'. When a certain ability is comprehended, reaches a certain depth and comprehends the secret, a mark with the star will be imprinted on the soul." A highly similar 'trace', usually a simple trace."


"That's good. If I confirm it's not the case, I won't panic."

Long Bai pondered, speaking slowly and forcefully, and analyzed: "Then I speculate that it should be some kind of artifact with original energy lines made by technological civilization that imitated the shape of the original crystal. This kind of artifact can be used for the residual soul of the original energy body to attach, And it can solidify the residual soul, even complete the residual soul, and strengthen the original energy body..."

"High-grade technological and civilized artifacts, combined with the residual power of the remains of the 'One-horned Wolf' in the Dominion Realm, have combined to create this kind of 'monster' that is beyond our knowledge."

——It’s almost the same.

The five old spiders unanimously agreed with Long Bai's analysis.

Ying Ye asked: "What should we do next? Fight in? Or should we consider the long term?"

Zichan raised her paw and said: "If it's not a star trail, what is it? If it is a technological civilization artifact, what type of artifact is it? What is it used for? Will it erupt with power that threatens our lives? I think we should at least first Only by understanding these issues can we consider taking action.”

——That’s right!

The four old spiders all agreed.

Ang Tianlian said: "Record the original energy patterns of the stone-shaped technological civilization artifacts and give them to Hai Meng. It may be able to deduce some useful information in reverse."

——The enemy!

The spiders agreed again and looked at Long Bai.

Long Bai: "..."

The meaning of the four-headed old spider is very clear.

Concentrate your consciousness and scan and observe the soul of one of the 'original crystalline energy bodies'...

But there are certain risks.

Any form of reconnaissance ability, no matter how hidden, will definitely be perceived as long as the consciousness pays attention to the target and the target's life level reaches a certain height.

Doing so will most likely disturb the souls in the ruins.

The consequences are unknown.

Long Bai asked: "Shall I pick the weakest one and scan it carefully?"


Ang Tianlian said without further ado, "Get ready! Three, two, one."

The countdown ended, and the five old spiders simultaneously removed the soul ability barrier.

A range of mental attacks are launched to destroy surrounding energy bodies.

Long Bai activated his superbrain and soul-fixing abilities at the same time, swept through them, and locked onto the weakest original crystalline soul body, carefully 'looking' at it, shorthand for his superbrain ability.

It's just a short second,

Long Bai was about to remove his ability when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Without warning, the original crystalline soul body that was locked and observed by his own consciousness disappeared from the soul-fixing ability induction.

Long Bai subconsciously searched for his super brain and soul-fixing abilities to the limit.

The other party suddenly appeared forty-five kilometers away, and the next moment, it moved another forty-five kilometers towards him.

Flash by flash, he was tracking in the opposite direction, approaching towards him.

"not good!"


Long Bai shouted, and the beast instantly expanded and turned into a thirty or forty meter frost centipede, curled up into a ball.

Long Bai's figure disappeared into it.

The five old spiders were always vigilant, and at the same time they sensed a fatal threat and became nervous.

In the mental perception, a pale figure appeared out of thin air forty or fifty kilometers away, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, he teleported directly and appeared in front of the coiled frost centipede.

——Space ability!

——Space shuttle!

The insects were shocked and inexplicably horrified.

A four-legged creature, somewhat similar to a human being. Its two hind legs are upright, its entire body is vertical, and it has two flexible front legs, one of which is raised, as if aiming...

The whole body was naked, as white as ice and snow, exuding a cold and raw energy.

It resembles the head of a unicorn wolf, with a single silver horn on top of its head.

The sky-blue eyes flickered and stared straight ahead, where Long Bai was hiding inside the centipede.




The three old spiders, Ang Tianlian, Gansui, and Alocasia, locked on the target at the same time, and launched fierce, sharp, and mighty mental attacks at the same time.

However, the pale white figure was not affected at all. He raised his front legs and aimed at the lurking Long Bai, as if a blizzard was brewing in his palms.

The brewing and accumulating power is completed,

The next moment, rapidly rotating snowflakes spurted out.


Every extremely cold snowflake carries unrivaled power.

The frost centipede's body surface cracked rapidly, without any resistance, it shattered into ice ballast.

The force of the wind and snow continued unabated, heading straight towards the dragon cypress hiding the frost centipede. (End of chapter)

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