Now everyone moved, and hid for the nearest cover.

Those who had already entered cover quickly retreated to the rear to leave enough space for their teammates.

Otherwise, huddle into a ball, and only the people who can't enter the periphery will be smashed into pulp.

Li Xiao took Mo Xingwan all the way backwards.

There were constantly large falling rocks, falling from the sky, falling to the ground and shattering.

Mo Xingwan looked at the crowd around him, if it weren't for Li Xiao pulling him, I'm afraid he would have been paralyzed on the ground.

In the command car, the instructor's orders kept coming:

"Stabilize everyone, stabilize me, don't mess with the front, follow behind, move forward quickly, don't push."

"The construction vehicle moved forward, taking the place of the barrier. In

the end, Li Xiao pulled Mo Xingwan and came to the last engineering vehicle.

With the addition of engineering vehicles, his situation has quickly improved.

Although there are still small pieces of drops, large pieces of rubble are no longer visible.

Before the collapse could stop completely, another command came from inside the command vehicle.

"All the teammates put down their hands, and the tools immediately set off into the tunnel, and bring everyone out of the tunnel without falling!" Hearing

the command vehicle's order, the rescuers who had not yet recovered from the panic immediately cheered up.

Whether they were lying on their stomachs, standing, or being supported by others, they immediately shouted, "

Yes!! guarantee to complete the task!" Everyone

immediately put down their things and rushed towards the tunnel.

No one cared about the fact that the top of their heads was still falling, all kinds of messy things.

Some rescuers fell off their helmets in a hurry, and even though they were hit in the head by stones, blood flowed from the top of their heads.

He just wiped the blood from his face, and immediately continued to rush into the tunnel, not caring about his own situation at all.

Li Xiao's situation was much better, because he avoided in advance, and his body was only stained with some dust.

There is not much danger in the process, after all, the physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

And with the danger perception, some large falling objects, he can even dodge in advance.

Within a few tens of meters, he ran from the back of the line to the front.

As he ran, he frantically searched the crowd for the person he was looking for.

Soon two white-clothed figures appeared in his sight.

The two men were hiding in a pink car at this time, and although their faces were full of panic, they did not seem to be injured.

Seeing that the person who was worried was intact, Li Xiao's heart, which had been lifted for so many days, could finally be put down.

The command in the engineering vehicle did not stop for a moment, for fear that there would be confusion among the rescuers and the trapped people.

"The trapped people stay where they are and don't run around!"

"Rescuers rescued everyone from near to far, in order of priority. "

The situation inside the tunnel is very stable, so don't be nervous. "



Although the live broadcast is a 360-degree shooting without dead ends, due to safety issues, only a few fixed camera positions are set up in the tunnel.

So many viewers immediately poured into Li Xiao's live broadcast room.

Because of Li Xiao's live broadcast room, he has been following his pace.

Can see the inside of the tunnel, who is willing to see the official static picture at the first scene of the rescue?

For a while, Li Xiao's live broadcast room soared from more than 300,000 people to more than 600,000.

"This tunnel has finally opened!"

"It was not easy, it took 102 hours.

"It's not easy inside and out, the rescuers outside are hard, and the people inside are pitiful.

"I'll go, it's too dangerous

!" "This falling rock has not stopped and I have gone in to save people!

" "Good guy, this is chaos

!" "The anchor is so fast!" "

Yes, the anchor has dodged several rocks like an unpredictable prophet."

"The speed of the anchor is so fast, and it surpasses so many people at once.

"The small problem is just a few small collapses, and if you wait for them to fall

, you'll be fine!" "Isn't it stupid? If that were the case, the rescuers wouldn't have rushed in now!"


Outside the tunnel.

The eyes of Zhao Kaiming and a group of researchers kept moving in Li Xiao's live broadcast room and the monitoring screen.

Zhao Kaiming's fists were clenched, and he whispered in his mouth:

"Hurry up, hurry up, move faster

!" "It's okay, it's definitely okay!"

In the crisp autumn season, his back was wet with his sweat, which showed how nervous he was now.

The researcher with the Mediterranean Sea in his mind, his fingers tapping quickly on the supercomputer, constantly crunching the data obtained in real time from various detectors.

The results of deduction are constantly produced in the background.

It was completed with 100 deduction results, and the supercomputer made a ticking sound.

A new red, orange, and green diagram appears on the screen again.

This time, the researcher did not wait to be scolded and then adjust the schematic diagram, but immediately made adjustments the moment the schematic diagram came out.

In an instant, the three different colors of red, orange, and green were divided into three zones again.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the computer screen, and when they saw the data displayed on the screen, they gasped.

Three different figures are also listed:

Green (Safety): 17%.

Orange (high risk): 15

% red (very dangerous):

68% green dots have increased by 2.4 times, but the number of the same red dots has also increased, from 41% to 68% now.

The safety factor has been increased from 7% to 17%.

But there is also a probability of nearly 7 percent that a serious collapse accident may occur.

Zhao Kaiming felt a little dizzy when he saw this result.

Fortunately, his secretary was prepared and held him firmly.

At the same time, quickly take out a small vial of golden heart-saving pills from the handbag.

The secretary skillfully unscrewed the cap of the bottle, poured out two heart-saving pills and stuffed them into Zhao Kaiming's mouth, and finally gently closed his mouth.

After more than ten seconds, Zhao Kaiming, who had taken the heart-saving pill, slowly opened his eyes.

He gasped and pointed to the computer screen:

"Why is this happening? How has it changed again? And it has changed so much??? Seriously

, the researcher was really tired of explaining, after all, the interlacing is like a mountain.

However, he couldn't explain it, after all, Zhao Kaiming was the supreme commander on the scene, so he could only speak helplessly:

"All the variables are constantly changing, and there are hundreds of people in the tunnel digging at the same time.

"Every person is a variable, every support bar added or subtracted, every additional or less platform is also a variable.

"All of these variables add up to a lot of numbers.

"So it's very normal for such a big change to occur within a few minutes.

"And you don't just look at the risk factor is 6% higher, but you also have to see the safety rate increase by 2.4 times."

"While there is a greater chance of danger, there is also a greater chance of safety.

"We've done everything we can, and now all we can do is pray.

With that, he let go of the keyboard with both hands and looked at the dark tunnel with no end in sight.

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