Jingzhou, Nanyang County, Luyang City.

Yuan Shu didn't know the news about Sun Jian's disastrous defeat, so he focused more on Suanzao.

Yuan Shao had already sent letters several times, asking Yuan Shu to move his troops to Suanzao as soon as possible, to join him, and to march on Hulao Pass together.

Yuan Shu wondered at first, Yuan Shao would attack so selflessly? Only later did he know that it was Yuan Shao's mortal enemy Liu Zhang who guarded Hulao Pass!

"Everyone, my concubine's son invited me to go to Suanzao to join the army. Do you have any suggestions?"

Now even if the troops stand still, the people of the world will not be able to say anything. After all, Sun Jian has already reached the Dagu Pass, and Yuan Shu has already set a pioneer and set an example for the heroes!

However, Yuan Shao's letter was mostly pleading, and this was where Yuan Shu struggled. Yuan Shaoke has never treated Yuan Shu like this!

"My lord, right now, shouldn't our focus be on Prefect Sun? Prefect Sun sent more than a dozen groups of people to urge food, and he must be extremely nervous. Why don't we distribute food and grass?"

Yan Xiang stood up, even though he had said this countless times! From the first time Sun Jian sent people to urge food, he suggested to support Sun Jian as soon as possible, and he could send troops to reinforce him when necessary. But Yuan Shu just refused to listen, and has been detaining the person who urged the food all the time!

"This... this... will be posted immediately!"

Yuan Shu faltered and couldn't speak, and he used the excuse of sending it immediately every time.

"My lord, the matter of food and grass is very important, how can it be child's play?"

Yan Xiang didn't believe it a long time ago. He had mentioned it at least ten times, and Yuan Shu used this excuse ten times!

Yang Hong in the crowd saw Yuan Shu looking at him, and immediately walked out.

"Yan Changshi, don't make things difficult for the lord, I was the one who stopped the lord from giving Sun Jian food."


Yan Xiang's expression was astonished, obviously he didn't understand very much.

"Dong Zhuo, jackals, Sun Jian, tigers and leopards! Both jackals and tigers and leopards are harmful to us! Rather than letting tigers and leopards replace jackals, it is better to let jackals, tigers, and leopards lose!"

"Dong Zhuo is certainly hateful, but Sun Jian is not a good person! Sun Jian is warlike and murderous. He is brave and invincible. If he is allowed to enter Luoyang, wouldn't he be the second Dong Zhuo? Will he still listen to the lord?"

"In my opinion, it's better to let Sun Jian suffer some setbacks, sharpen his spirit, and let him return to the Lord with all his heart!"

Yang Hong stroked his beard lightly as he spoke, with a smug expression on his face, quite confident in his strategy.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xiang didn't agree at all, and directly refuted Yang Hong.

"Confused! Mediocrity mistaken the master!"

Yang Hong frowned. He always respected Yan Xiang, but he never thought that Yan Xiang would be so insulted.

"Mr. Yan, why are you so rude?"

Yuan Shu couldn't stand it anymore. Yang Hong was the first adviser to follow him, so naturally he couldn't stand by and watch.

"My lord, you are so confused! Sun Jian is brave and true, but what if he breaks into Luoyang? He is still superficial and rootless! Without the support of the lord, he is nothing! Sun Jian's 20,000 men, even if they really win Without Dong Zhuo, how many people are left?"

Yan Xiang was very disappointed with both Yuan Shu and Yang Hong, he didn't expect that they didn't even understand such a simple truth!

"My lord, Sun Jian doesn't represent Jingzhou, on the contrary, he represents you, my lord! If Sun Jian invaded Luoyang first, wouldn't the princes look at you differently? On the contrary, once Sun Jian was defeated and died, the lord would lose a general and two If the elite soldiers don't say anything, how will the heroes treat the lord? Then how will Yuan Shao laugh at the lord! The lord lost the heart of the world's heroes because of one person!"

Yan Xiang's words were like enlightenment, allowing Yuan Shu to see the sun through the clouds and mist!

Yuan Shu was completely stunned, and jumped out of the misunderstanding of his thoughts in an instant.

correct! Sun Jian is based in Changsha, and the lives of the whole family are hard to save. How can he dare to be the second Dong Zhuo? What's more, Sun Jian was originally born in poverty. Although he claimed to be a descendant of Sun Wu, his family has long since fallen! His status is even inferior to that of Dong Zhuo, who was born in a wealthy family!

How could people like Sun Jian manage to dominate Luo Yang!

If Sun Jian can really defeat Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shu can take the opportunity to go straight from Dagu Pass to Luoyang!

Yuan Shu is the real second Dong Zhuo!

It's a pity, is it too late to understand this now?

"Yang Hong misunderstood me, Yang Hong misunderstood me!"

Yuan Shu slapped his thigh, and then regretted endlessly, secretly hating himself for not listening to Yan Xiang's words.

"Hurry up, allocate food and grass to Sun Jian immediately, and support him with another 5,000 people!"

Yan Xiang shook his head, sighing continuously.

"It's too late! It's too late! Today, Sun Jian has been out of food for several days! Even if the food is delivered now, it will not reach Sun Jian's barracks in two or three days! No matter how elite Sun Jian's soldiers are, they are human beings. How can anyone endure without food for several days?" ?”

Yuan Shu felt extremely remorseful, and couldn't help but glared at Yang Hong next to him. If he hadn't encouraged him, how could he have made such a stupid decision!


Just as he was about to put the blame on Yang Hong, a soldier broke in outside the door, kneeling on the ground extremely anxious.

"My lord, Lu Bu attacked Sun Taishou's camp at night. Sun Taishou's army had no food and no defense, so he was attacked by Lu Bu. Sun Taishou lost more than ten thousand soldiers and horses, and only brought thousands of remnants to Luyang. .”

It's over, Sun Jian is defeated!

Yuan Shu's heart was ashamed, let alone how the heroes would treat him, how Yuan Shao would laugh at him, just because Sun Jian didn't die, could he let it go?

"Yang Hong, it's all you! Tell me, what should I do now?"

Yuan Shu had no choice but to push everything on Yang Hong.

Yang Hong was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to plead guilty.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life! I am also wholeheartedly for my lord!"

Yuan Shu is a soft-hearted person, and Yang Hong is his confidant and direct descendant, so he didn't lose much anger after begging for mercy hard.

After all, it wasn't Yuan Shu's trilogy that was lost. Yuan Shu was only troubled by the impact of this consequence, not Sun Jian.

"Get up! Think of a way now. Mr. Yan, what do you think?"

Yan Xiang looked helpless, it was obviously Yuan Shu and Yang Hong who caused the mess, and he was required to end it in the end.

A day later, Sun Jian led the remnants back to Luyang.

The actual situation was even worse than what Yuan Shu predicted. Sun Jian only had more than 2,000 people left, and almost everyone was injured!

Compared with the imposing manner not long ago, Sun Jian is much depressed now, without the slightest heroic spirit to win, only anger and unwillingness are left.

"Wentai, come, sit down! Drink a glass of wine first to calm down the shock."

Sun Jian stood on the spot without moving, staring at Yuan Shu indifferently, causing Yuan Shu's hot face to touch his ass.

(end of this chapter)

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