"Wait a moment!"

The tip of the gun stopped at Pan Feng's chest, not because of Pan Feng's shouting, but because of the phrase "wait a minute".

To Zhao Yun, this voice was like an imperial decree, and the owner of the voice was Liu Zhang.

"My lord, don't you want to kill him?"

When Zhao Yun turned his head, Liu Zhang had already walked up.

"Wait a minute, I'm very interested in this person."

Although Pan Feng was in extreme embarrassment, he was still quite courageous, and he didn't make his diapers loose due to fright, which was worthy of his stature.

"Pan Feng, why are you not convinced? Do you think you can beat Zhao Yun?"

Pan Feng escaped his life for the time being, but he looked down on life and death a lot.

"General Wei, I'm not Zhao Yun's opponent, but if I didn't have my weapons in hand, I definitely wouldn't have suffered such a disastrous defeat!"

Liu Zhang thought that Pan Feng was just trying to save his life and deliberately attract his attention, but now it seems that he got it wrong.

"It's not my problem that the weapon is not in my hand. You have to find Han Fu for this."

Pan Feng shook his head lightly, there was no chance for him to find Han Fu, now he only has regrets!

"It's no wonder Mr. Han, it's because I was so praised by General Wushuang that I lost myself..."

"Let's do it, it's not a shame to die under General Wei's command."

For some reason, Liu Zhang suddenly felt that Pan Feng was not useless, at least he knew himself clearly now.

"It doesn't matter to me whether I kill you or not, because you don't pose any threat to me. But have you ever thought about it, even if I don't kill you, what can you do?"

Pan Feng showed a miserable smile. The reason why he was not so afraid of death was because of this.

Today Pan Feng can be regarded as completely humiliated in front of the heroes of the world! Who would dare to use him in the future? Even Pan Feng's name will become the laughing stock of the entire Han Dynasty!

Rather than living in such a humiliating manner, Pan Feng felt that it would be better to die! Anyway, Pan Feng can be considered a man!

"General Wei is right. Today Pan Feng has lost all face! I am willing to lead him to death, and General Xie Wei will make it happen."

Liu Zhang looked into Pan Feng's eyes, he wanted to see whether Pan Feng was really fearless or just pretending.

Soon Liu Zhang was sure that Pan Feng already had a will to die in his eyes, and he was really disheartened!

What a wrong step, every step is wrong! Pan Feng lost himself because of a compliment, and gave up his weapons for many years, resulting in today's situation.

"Pan Feng, it's easy to ask for death, just wipe your neck! But after you die, how will future generations say about you? Not only will you become the laughing stock of the Han Dynasty, but you will be infamous for thousands of years! Admiral Wushuang, how domineering in the first place The name will become a laughing stock in the future! Are you willing?"

Pan Feng lowered her head, her eyes gradually turned red. Can he be willing? After more than thirty years of days and nights, it finally came to this end! How could Pan Feng be reconciled!

But what if you are not reconciled? The world is so big, there is nowhere to go!

"If you still have the will to fight, I can give you a chance to wash away your shame with your own hands and prove to the world that even if you are not a unparalleled general, you are still a real general!"

Pan Feng's world was already dark, but Liu Zhang directly illuminated him like a ray of sunshine tearing through the darkness!

"General Wei, what do you mean...?"

"Will you surrender to me?"

Liu Zhang actually recruited Pan Feng, which made Dian Wei very unacceptable.

"My lord, what do we need this trash for?"

Dian Wei's words seemed to be a strong adhesive, gradually closing the gap pierced by the sun again.

Yes! waste! In the future, the word "waste" will definitely be put in front of my name!

The little hope that Pan Feng had just ignited is constantly being shattered. Liu Zhang is certainly the master, but the people under his command look down on him so much, how can he have a good life?


Liu Zhang knew that Pan Feng was provoked by Dian Wei's words, but Liu Zhang did not stop Dian Wei. If Pan Feng couldn't tolerate even some bad words, he probably wouldn't make any achievements in the future, and there would be little value in recruiting him.

"Pan Feng, your mouth grows on others. If you can control one person or two people, can you control the world? If you want to gain the approval of others, you need to speak with strength."

"But I can tell you clearly that you are a waste now, but my subordinates don't want waste!"

Liu Zhang winked at Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, then turned and left, only Pan Feng was left kneeling on the spot, not knowing why.

"Waste...? No, I don't want to be a waste!"

Pan Feng's eyes revealed a look of determination, he stood up directly, and quickly ran to Liu Zhang's horse and knelt down on one knee.

"Pan Feng asks General Wei to take him in!"

Pan Feng lowered his head, didn't say a word, and didn't make any guarantee to Liu Zhang. He felt that it would be superfluous to say more, and it was far better to prove it to Liu Zhang in the future.

Without any response, Liu Zhang rode away directly.

A sense of sadness rose in Pan Feng's heart. If Liu Zhang didn't take him in, there would really be no way out!

"Come on, what are you doing kneeling there?"

Pan Feng trembled all over, and looked at Liu Zhang blankly, as if he didn't understand what Liu Zhang meant.


The corner of Liu Zhang's mouth twitched, revealing a warm smile, and then he raised his head lightly.

Pan Feng smiled instantly, and quickly ran to the direction where Liu Zhang left. This smile convinced Pan Feng that Liu Zhang was someone he could protect with his life!

Back at Hulao Gate, Pan Feng couldn't wait to ask Zhao Yun and Dian Wei to compete again, Liu Zhang also agreed, and he also wanted to see how far Pan Feng's dissatisfaction could go.

"My lord, this time the morale of the coalition forces has been severely damaged. It is estimated that within three to five days, they will definitely not be able to slow down!"

Xun You had seen everything at Hulao Pass, and he was very excited.

Dian Wei alone has already caused the coalition forces a headache, and with Zhao Yun present, Yuan Shaokong has an army of more than 100,000, and there is still nothing he can do!

"Gongda, today is pure luck! If I hadn't provoked Yuan Shao a little bit, and the cooperation of that idiot Yuan Shu, today's fighting general is really hard to say!"

Liu Zhang is not so optimistic. If Liu Guan and Zhang really play today, plus Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei really can't handle it!

Even if Liu Zhang and Gao Shun are forced to bite the bullet, it will definitely not help! Can these two fight against Yan Liangwen Chou?

"My lord, why did you say that? Didn't Yuan Shao already fled back to the camp in disgrace?"

Xun You didn't quite understand Liu Zhang's meaning. He clearly saw that his side had been firmly taking the initiative at the gate.

"I didn't expect Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei to be here. I thought they followed Gongsun Zan in Youzhou! It was my mistake for not bringing Taishi Ci and Zhang Liao with me today!"

Liu Zhang secretly rejoiced that he had discovered the three of them in advance and stimulated Yuan Shao.

"Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei? Could it be Liu Xuande who conquered the Yellow Turban?"

(end of this chapter)

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