From Nanzheng to Baishuiguan, you have to take a road that must be passed, and it is the only road, the Jinniu Road.

Jinniu Road is also called Stone Niu Road. It got its name from the story of the king of Qin conquering Shu, stone cow dung and gold, and five Dings clearing the way.

As far back as the Warring States Period, King Qin Huiwen of the Qin State coveted the land of Shu, but at that time Hanzhong and Shuzhong had nowhere to go, let alone sending soldiers to conquer! So King Qin Huiwen made up the lie of the golden bull to deceive the king of Shu. The king of Shu was blinded by greed and sent his soldiers to build the road from central Shu to Hanzhong. This is the origin of the golden bull road.

There was no road at first, but a road was built with difficulty in the end, which shows how steep the Taurus Road is! Almost all of them are built on the hillside, which is rough and difficult to walk!

Li Bai, a great poet of later generations, was also shocked by its precipitousness when he passed Jinniu Road, so he had the famous "Shu Road is Difficult"!

"Hey, the danger is so high! The road to Shu is as difficult as going to the blue sky!"

After 20 days of trekking, Liu Zhang finally arrived at Baishui Pass with 200 soldiers. He couldn't help but borrow Li Taibai's poems to lament the difficulty of the journey!

"My lord's talent and learning have not diminished in the past, and I admire you so much!"

Xun You's eyes showed admiration, but Liu Zhang's face turned red.

Liu Zhang swears that he definitely didn't show off on purpose. It's really too difficult to go on the road of Jinniu, so he felt the shock in his heart!

"Ahem, Gongda, don't make fun of me..."

Xun You shook his head again and again, and hurriedly said that he admired him sincerely, which made Liu Zhang even more embarrassed.

"My lord, this is the first time you have come to Shu Zhongyou. I have long heard that Baishuiguan is known as the gate of blessings and misfortunes in Yizhou. It closes all the roads to Shu, and it is even more critical! Seeing you today, it really lives up to its reputation!"

Not only Xun You, but Liu Zhang himself was amazed again and again, otherwise he couldn't help but read the poem.

Baishui Pass straddles the two mountains, and it is absolutely impossible to steal it. If you want to cross Baishui Pass, there is no other way but to attack. Baishuiguan is more than six feet high and about ten feet wide!

The natural geographical advantage of Baishuiguan has caused great restrictions on the attackers, and the troops cannot be deployed at all!

Even if there is an army of one million, there is nothing to do. Only a hundred people can be invested at a time. The soldiers defending the city gate only need more than a thousand people to rotate, and a million troops can be kept out of the pass!

Liu Zhang secretly rejoiced that someone came to 'send off! ’ Otherwise, relying on his strength, even if it is exhausted, there is nothing to do with Baishui Pass!

At this moment, a figure leaned out from the door and shouted loudly towards the bottom.

"Guan Xia is Liu Zhang, General of the Wei?"

Liu Zhang raised his head. It was an unfamiliar face, but he answered him loudly.

"That's right, this will be Liu Zhang! Open the city gate quickly!"

"General Wei, please wait a moment!"

After the people in the city shouted, there was no movement, and the whole Baishui Pass fell into silence.

"It seems that Zhang Lu is going to welcome us here..."

Liu Zhang sneered and looked at the gate of Baishuiguan with disdain. As long as the gate is opened, Baishui Pass will be his!

Not long after, the gate of Baishuiguan was slowly opened with a squeak, and a familiar face appeared in Liu Zhang's eyes.

"Yang Changshi, I didn't expect you to be here!"

Liu Zhang's slightly excited voice made Yang Bai smile even more, and he hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

"Greetings to General Wei, I am waiting here specially!"

"Thank you!"

Liu Zhang bowed his hand in return, his eyes full of gratitude.

"General Wei, please come in!"

Yang Bai turned his body sideways and put on a gesture of invitation, but Yang Bai himself may not have noticed, he was so excited that he couldn't even close the corners of his mouth!

Liu Zhang clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and walked forward slowly.

Yang Bai kept swallowing his saliva, his eyes were full of excitement, every time Liu Zhang took a step forward, Yang Bai became more excited!

Soon Liu Zhang will enter Baishui Pass!

"Huh? What happened to General Wei?"

Yang Bai looked at Liu Zhang very puzzled, not understanding why Liu Zhang suddenly stopped!

Liu Zhang stopped at the gate of Baishuiguan, just standing in the gate hole!

"Hehe, Yang Changshi, can you come over and help me lead the horse?"

Yang Bai's face darkened, such a thing as leading a horse is really too insulting!

"General Wei, is he joking? Although Yang Bai is not a celebrity, he can't stand such an insult!"

Liu Zhang smiled, and casually glanced at Xun You who was beside him. Xun You immediately understood and started to walk back.

Yang Bai felt something was wrong, these actions were too strange.

"General Wei, please come in, we have to rest for a while and we have to hurry!"

Seeing Yang Bai's slightly anxious and urging tone, Liu Zhang smiled again.

"Yang Changshi, can you come and go with this general?"


Yang Bai frowned, and there was a little fear in his eyes. Liu Zhang, a strong man with a hulking back, probably could smash Yang Bai's small body to pieces with one punch!


At this time, there was a loud noise outside the city gate, which once again attracted Yang Bai's attention.

"what sound!"

Liu Zhang looked around innocently, then shook his head at Yang Bai.

"I will not know!"

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Yang Bai's forehead. He knew that this stalemate could no longer continue, and he had to get Liu Zhang in as soon as possible!

"General Wei has come from afar and worked so hard, why stand here? Please enter the pass as soon as possible!"

Liu Zhang still stood motionless, looking at Yang Bai with a half-smile, which made the latter even more flustered.

"General Wei?"

"Yang Changshi, didn't this general tell you? Let Yang Changshi come and enter the customs with this general! Why, this general is about to take over as Yizhou Mu, so why can't he order Yang Changshi?"

Liu Zhang is in a high position and often leads troops to fight. His words and deeds exude the majesty of a superior, which makes Yang Bai fearful!

"Yes, yes! General Wei said yes!"

Yang Baisi didn't dare to refute, he just wanted to take Liu Zhang into Baishuiguan, as long as Liu Zhang came in, even if he was his son!

"Then why don't you hurry up!"

Liu Zhang yelled angrily again, which made Yang Bai tremble in fright!

"This this…"

Yang Bai knew very well in his heart that as long as he went by himself, there would be no life but death!

Instead of this, it is better to strike first!

Yang Bai gradually put away his smile, and a stern look appeared in his eyes!


Just as he was about to issue orders, he heard shouts from the city gate.

"Yang Changshi, there is smoke and dust not far from the pass, and it seems that a large army is coming!"


Yang Bai screamed, and he immediately understood that Liu Zhang had been stalling for time, and he had no intention of going to the city at all!

"Liu Zhang, you treacherous thief!"

"Come on! Do it for me! Take down Liu Zhang!"

Seeing soldiers pouring out from behind Yang Bai, Liu Zhang didn't panic. He raised his arm and waved it lightly. The armored soldiers behind him stepped forward one after another, and quickly formed a battle formation!

At this time, a general suddenly stepped forward, directly protected Liu Zhang behind him, and roared angrily at the same time.

"Ambition to fall into battle!"

All the iron armored soldiers roared and responded with fiery eyes.

"There is death and there is no life!"

(end of this chapter)

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