[ Reward : Unlimited Nail Fist � 1 ]

[ Remarks : In order to improve the success rate of the host , the system will give away all the ingredients in the captive universe for free ]

.Cang Yue was surprised for a moment . She didn’t expect the system to be so powerful that it could send supplies across the universe .

.This is actually thanks to another clone of Cang Yue , who just conquered the captive universe of Gourmet some time ago , and merged that universe smoothly .

.Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Cang Yue to do this .

.After all, the laws of the two universes are different . Before the universe merged , the Cang Yue deity only had the power to destroy , but not the power to create .

.” Cough cough ~”!”

.The cat fairy coughed : ” If I’m not mistaken , the fairy the little girl is looking for is me . ”

.” Ah ?”

.Bulma’s eyes widened and exclaimed, ” Uncle, look , this cat has become a jerk , and can actually speak human words !”

.” It’s not an essence , it’s a fairy !”

.” Nani … Immortal ?”

.Bulma was stunned for a moment , and said with some doubts : ” Hey , Fat Cat , are you an immortal ?”

.” First , I’m not called Hi , I’m called Cat Fairy . ”

.Immortal Mao shouted in dissatisfaction : ” Second , I’m not fat , but my hair is fluffy. If you bark again , I will sue you for slander !”

.” Oh , it’s still an immortal , and the little mouth is like smeared with honey !”

.” Don’t be naughty, Bulma , you go and play while I have something to discuss with the cat fairy . ”

.Hearing this , Bulma had no choice but to leave angrily , not forgetting to make a face at the cat fairy .

.” This bear boy …”

.Cang Yue shook her head , then walked to Immortal Cat .

.A huge sense of oppression came , and the cat fairy couldn’t help sweating .

.” You … you are not from the earth , why do you know this place ?”

.The cat fairy asked with difficulty .

.” Don’t worry about this , anyway, I not only know about this place , but also know that you have fairy beans in your hand …”

.Cang Yue said blankly, ” That’s why I have to discuss with you , how about selling the fairy beans to me ?”

.The effect of the fairy beans is better than that of the medical cabin . If it weren’t for the limited number , Cang Yue would be too lazy to use those high-tech equipment .

.” No , Xiandou can’t …”

.Before Immortal Mao could finish speaking , Cang Yue waved her hand , and a dreamy puffer whale that had been stripped of its poison sac appeared out of thin air in front of Immortal Mao .

.” This is the fantasy puffer whale , the top ingredient in the universe. As long as you promise me , I will give you as much as you want . ”

.” Meow ! Give it to me !”

.When the puffer whale appeared , the cat fairy fell immediately .

.No cat can resist the temptation of fish , let alone the top ingredient such as fantasy puffer whale .

.Soon , Cang Yue reached a deal with Immortal Cat , and wiped out all of the other party’s Immortal Beans in one go .

? Ding ! The task has been completed , the reward is unlimited nails � 1 ]

.” Cat Immortal , in the future, use more immortal beans . In addition to the fantasy puffer whale, I also have other more advanced fish ingredients !”

.Cang Yue continued to seduce her .

.Hearing this , Immortal Cat’s eyes lit up and nodded again and again .

.After saying goodbye to Immortal Cat , Cang Yue took Bulma and flew towards the higher Heavenly Temple .

.After passing through the barrier of the Temple of Heaven , the two soon came to the Temple of Heaven .

.Bulma cheered and was attracted by the majestic building in front of him .

.But at this moment , Tian Shen and Bobo appeared , startling Bulma .

.Cang Yue glanced at the two of them , always calm and composed .

.” .” Welcome , friends from the Saiyan family . ”

.The gods took the initiative to come forward and say hello .

.” Hello , Heavenly God , my name is Cang Yue !”

.Cang Yue was not surprised when the other party revealed his true identity in one sentence , after all, the characteristics of Saiyans were too obvious .

.On the other side , Bulma said in surprise : ” Uncle , is this green weirdo a god ?”

.” You can’t be so rude . ”

.For Bulma’s mischief , Cang Yue looked helpless .

.” Oh . ”

.Bulma pouted and responded reluctantly , but the reverence for the gods in her heart lost another layer .

.” It’s okay …”

.The Heavenly God smiled and waved his hand , then looked at Cang Yue and asked , ” Your Excellency is visiting the Heavenly God Temple , what are you doing ?”

.Cang Yue said indifferently : ” I’m here this time , mainly to take Bulma to visit the Temple of the Gods ( alright ) to satisfy her curiosity . ”

.Tianshen was stunned when he heard the words , he was inexplicably relieved , and said with a smile : ” So that ‘s the case, do you need me as a tour guide ?”

.” No need , we’ll just take a tour and go back after a while . ”

.” Well , call me if you need anything , and I won’t disturb you. I wish you a pleasant visit . ”

.After learning that Cang Yue was not malicious , Tianshen and Bobo left freely , allowing them to visit at will .


.Before you know it, the sun is setting and dusk is approaching .

.After playing all day , Cang Yue took Bulma back to the Western Capital .

.Over the next few days , Brive and Bulma went to work .

.Cang Yue also returned to Planet Vegeta once , and handed over the fairy beans to Bardock , asking him to distribute them to the practitioners .

.Seeing that everyone was busy and doing nothing , Cang Yue came to Baozi Mountain .

.Because he thinks of Kakarot , which is Sun Wukong , how is he doing now ? To .

Chapter 307 _ Son Goku , the heart of a child, the pretentious Vegeta , the strongest monster Broly

.Looking at Little Wukong in the distance , Cang Yue was filled with emotion .

.At the same time , he also detected Xiao Wukong’s combat power , which is the legendary Zhan Wu scum .

.Although Goku’s combat power is generally lower than that of any Saiyan , his heart is beyond many Saiyans .

.Even Cang Yue is not as good !

.Among all the anime protagonists in the previous life , only Goku and Luffy have the purest hearts of innocence .

.It is precisely because of this nature that Wukong can go from a low-level warrior to constantly breaking through the limits of his body , and eventually grow into a top master in the entire universe .

.Maybe Cang Yue is better than him in terms of bloodline , but she is not as pure as the other party in terms of heart .

.In order not to affect Wukong’s growth trajectory , Cang Yue spent a year with Xiao Wukong as an ordinary person .

.Due to the honesty and kindness of Xiao Wukong , he didn’t notice anything unusual .

.The relationship between the two was also very pleasant .

.Because for Xiao Wukong , Cang Yue was the second human being he met besides his grandfather, and he was also the one who really treated him well .

.Therefore, in Xiao Wukong’s heart , Cang Yue occupies a very heavy weight .

.As for Xiao Wukong , Cang Yue also deeply likes it .


.Before you know it, another two months have passed !

.Planet Vegeta .

.At this time , the cultivation situation of all Saiyans was unprecedentedly enthusiastic .

.Thanks to the help of the Universal Capsule Company , the medical pods and gravity chambers can finally be mass-produced , and almost every Saiyan can be equipped with a set .

.With these two kinds of high-tech equipment and 320 assistants , the cultivation progress of all Saiyans finally ushered in a big explosion .

.The first system mission : to make 10,000 Saiyans fight over 10,000 within a year , this mission has been overfulfilled .

.The other two tasks are also half completed , and it seems to be completed within a year. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time .

.At the same time .

.Cang Yue also knew that death cultivation was not enough , because the real powerhouses were often born from the sea of corpses and blood .

.Therefore, in the days that followed , Cang Yue took the opportunity to set up an interstellar pioneering team , dedicated to pioneering and colonizing planets in the universe .

.Cang Yue , a Saiyan whose combat power had exceeded 10,000 , was sent out to participate in the interstellar pioneering .

.In this way, it can not only train the crowd , enhance the combat effectiveness , but also clear the colonial obstacles in advance , and also strengthen the centralization of power .

.Because every Saiyan who joins the pioneer team must first swear allegiance to Cang Yue , and then all kinds of brainwashing education .

.This policy has been written into Saiyan law .

.If someone dares to break their oath and openly betray Cang Yue in the future , they will definitely be spurned and hunted down by all Saiyans .

.Among them , Bardock was appointed as the commander and was solely responsible for the size of the pioneering team .

.Today , Cang Yue specially brought Bardock to understand the situation of the pioneer team .

.” Your Majesty , over the past few months , we have colonized no less than a hundred planets , and have successfully suppressed and ruled the natives on the planet …”

.Badak said happily : ” However, the biggest gain is the strength of the warriors . After hard training and a lot of fighting , the combat power of all members of the pioneer team has exceeded 30,000 on average , and there is still a big increase. potential . ”

.” Good , but don’t get carried away !”

.Cang Yue gave a warning , and then asked : ” By the way , do you have any complaints ?”

.Although Saiyans advocate fighting , but such a high-intensity fight , it is estimated that the psychological burden will be very heavy over time .

.Being in the midst of killing and fighting for a long time , the psychological burden will definitely be heavy . Fortunately , it is a Saiyan. If it were an ordinary person , it is estimated that it would have collapsed long ago .

.Therefore , Cang Yue was particularly concerned about this aspect . After all, he didn’t want a mad army that only knew how to kill .

.However, it was obvious that Cang Yue had underestimated the resilience of the Saiyans .

.Badak said indifferently : ” Your Majesty , there are no complaints . After all, for Saiyans , fighting is their destination , and dying in battle is an honor for Saiyans . ”

.Cang Yue smiled slightly and said to Badak, ” Okay , you can take care of this one more from now on , and remember to guide and guide everyone . I don’t want to see anyone become a demon who only knows how to kill . ”

.Badak said solemnly : ” Please rest assured , Your Majesty, I will pay attention to this . (bjej)”

.Cang Yue nodded , then waved Bardock to leave .

.After dealing with the government affairs , Cang Yue planned to visit Earth .

.But at this time , Paragas came to the door .

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