Lawyer Kang Tae-hoon Episode 71

“Did you call?”

“Hey, I hear you’re trying to dig up a finished job these days.”

He wet his mouth with a sip of coffee.

Beomhyun chuckled.

“It's all over, but maybe it's in the works. It can be said that a murderer named Jo Tae-seok was created because of the judgment at that time.”

At Beom-hyeon's words, chief prosecutor Yoon Uk-jin was at a loss for words.

Lee Beom-hyun was an outstanding talent. In the future, if he only looked forward, he would be able to surpass the position of the branch chief, and if he went further, he could even get a glimpse of the president.

Unfortunately, such a Beom-hyeon did not have a lust for wealth and power.

“I don’t like the way you look at me now. I personally don't want you to investigate this case, but it's not under your jurisdiction... … .”

“It’s not my jurisdiction, but a friend asked me to.”


At the word "friend", Yun Wook-jin tilted his head.

"There is. goofy cub. Now, I am representing Jo Tae-seok.”

"iced coffee… … .”

Yun Wook-jin let out a low sigh. he listened A friend who abandoned the judges and prosecutors and worked as a human rights lawyer.

If you look at that friend, what he does is very similar to Beomhyun.

‘It’s just that two twins make friends with each other.’

Yun Wook-jin sighed.

“What if I put pressure on you?”

“For me, to press pressure means to press it through corruption. Then I will hit the former manager as well.”

“… … okay. Get out.”

Beom-hyeon was an ordinary prosecutor. And Chief Prosecutor Yoon Wook-jin was his superior.

However, as a superior and within the prosecution, Lee Beom-hyeon had nothing to catch.

He was spending all the money he went into doing all the investigations from his paycheck without receiving any back money, and his ability to get things done was amazing.

He swayed the giant wave and received great public support.

To the extent that chief prosecutor Yoon Uk-jin, who was far above him, could not stop it any longer.

Beomhyun came out and returned to his examination room 106 with a grin.

* * *

In the audience seat, the bereaved family with venomous eyes were watching Tae-seok. All the people were calling for the death penalty.

Prosecutor Ahn Do-hye again requested the death penalty.

She said, “It is true that the defendant, Jo Tae-seok, is a vicious person. He brutally murdered five innocent people who did nothing wrong. In addition, he said 'because it was fun' when asked why he killed him in the course of the statement. Please check the No. 2 certificate.”

Along with the words of Prosecutor Ahn Do-hye, who came forward, the image of five people buried in the mountains appeared on the screen as evidence.

“The bodies found were indiscriminately stabbed in the body with a blade with a blade of about 30 cm. From 20 to 30 per body. Just think about how painful it must be.”

The judge's face contorted. A knife hurts even if you cut your finger. 20 to 30 times.

brutal murder.

The moment they saw the picture of the body, the bereaved family burst into tears in the audience.

“Also, please pay attention to the result of the mental evaluation, the 4th case. When it comes to serial killings, it is usually people with a peculiar tendency called 'psychopaths'. Usually, when it comes to killing people, the sense of ‘pain, sadness, and pain’ is significantly reduced. However, as a result of the psycho-evaluation, it was revealed that he was not a ‘psychopath’.”

It was a shocking sound.

Journalists were quickly taking notes of it.

“What do you mean? It means he knew how ill he was and how hard it would be for his family when he killed someone.”

“However, on the contrary, as a result of the psychological evaluation, it was found that the defendant was suffering from severe depression.”It was Taehyung's objection.

Ahn Do-hye shook her head.

“I know what the lawyers are saying, but I can’t represent the brutal killing of five people through ‘depression’.”

Taehyung sat down again.

A muffled voice seemed to hit his ear.

There was a gaze staring at Tae-hoon as if to kill him from the audience.

"defendant. Are there any other facts about what I said?”

Jo Tae-seok shook his head.

"That is all."

Ando Hye took her seat.

The game is already over.

But what Taehoon can do. Just one thing.

To tell the world why that person was created.

Maybe he'll even point the finger at Tae-hoon for trying to do that.

But this was the lawyer's destiny.

This is a lawyer's dilemma.

When a person who is certain to be 'guilty' asks for 'not guilty', it is the lawyer who says 'not guilty'.

unavoidable reality.

Tae-Hoon only represents himself as a lawyer.

Taehyung stood up from his seat and looked around him.

Those in the audience harbor poison.

The judge also looks at Jo Tae-seok with an unpretentious gaze.

The court inspector was always vigilant in case of another unexpected act of his.

“Defendant Jo Tae-seok spent his childhood in his orphanage. Is that correct?"


“Was he the bad boy he thought he was as a child?”

“… … no."

Jo Tae-seok shook his head.

“I am submitting the life records of the orphanage and high school as evidence of the 1st and 2nd certifications.”

The data that appeared on the screen changed.

“If you look at him, it is written that he is ‘a child who is active, has leadership leading classmates, and has a good heart and is very considerate’. Dear Judge. Everyone in the audience. Everyone must have thought of something else.”

Taehyung looked around once more.

“You must have thought, ‘I am a child who is disrespectful in his conduct and does not have good interpersonal relationships with his friends’. However, the life record of the defendant Jo Tae-seok is the exact opposite. In other words, up to that point, the defendant Jo Tae-seok was a solid student, no different from others.”

But no one's face blinked.

The indiscriminate murder of five people is not erased just because of his existence in his school days.

“And case number 762411. The woman who the accused had sex with four years ago is raped.”

Those in the audience were agitated for a moment.

But it was only for a brief moment.

“I present proof of A4.”

On the screen were Jo Tae-seok and his wife Hae-jin, who were smiling broadly.

“How do you look? Do you believe he is a vicious killer? It was the true face of this defendant, Jo Tae-seok, whom you are seeing now.”

Taehyung's voice became a little harsh.

“The 762411 case was acquitted due to insufficient evidence. I understand that it is currently under re-investigation. In addition, if there is a contradiction, the father of the perpetrator will take the place of the chief of the prosecutor's office... … .”

“I have an objection. Currently, the defense attorney is insulting the prosecutor's office with only speculation and telling a story that goes against the issue!"

Ahn Do-hye growled looking at her Tae-hoon.

She meant not to lead sympathy.

Taehyung laughed bitterly.

“I know. This may be off-topic. But what would you do if the prosecution's corruption was revealed during the re-investigation process? Ah. Are you going to go ahead and say it was a corruption?”

Tae-hoon's voice seriously spread in the courtroom.

The judge did not stop him.

With a small sigh, he presented the No. 5 certificate.

“Women, you know what this picture is.”

It was an ultrasound picture of a woman carrying a baby.

“I was 12 weeks pregnant. The child was miscarried due to her external shock, and the woman has walked a path she cannot now walk.”

Tae-hoon stood in front of Jo Tae-seok.

“It is currently unclear whether the rape case in case number 762411 is innocent or guilty. One, the suspect is convinced that he is 'guilty', and the child in the womb. And she lost her lover. still."

Taehoon patted his chest with his clenched fist.

“It is true that it should not have been killed. It was true that, no matter how angry you were, killing five people was absurd. Obviously, the defendant Jo Tae-seok did something he shouldn't have done, but it hasn't changed."

Jo Tae-seok didn't say anything.

It was a stinging tip that Taehoon gave him.

“The tears of the bereaved family are also good in my eyes. But why the accused has changed like this! I would like you to listen to that. The accused killed mainly wealthy people. Why? Judging from the defendant's subjective point of view, he was trampled on by 'the powerful' and the 'haves'."

He looked again at the audience and the judge.

“And at the time of the on-site inspection hostage incident that happened recently. He said so. At that time, he said the name of the assailant and said, 'Bring that guy.' In other words, the fact that this incident was caused by a grudge. And maybe that resentment created a defendant named Jo Tae-seok.”

Taehyung sat down in his seat helplessly.

A fight that cannot be won.

But he did his best to defend him.

Unconditional victory is not the only way to be successful.

* * *

A newspaper was in Tae-hoon's hand as he headed for it with a light footstep.

After coming to Seoul Southern Prison, he was guided by a prison guard and entered the meeting room.

Shortly thereafter, Jo Tae-seok came in with the prisoner number written on a red nameplate.

Jo Tae-seok smiled and picked up the receiver.

“W- are you here?”

“You want to be right? Like dust.”

“It is still. That character.”

Tae-hoon laughed at Tae-hoon's joke. Taehoon unfolded the newspaper he was holding and stuck it to the transparent glass wall.

Tae-seok started reading the article on the wall with a puzzled expression.

‘Prosecutor Lee Beom-hyun… … New… … through him... … Convicted... … Prosecutor Lee Beom-hyun, who is just... … Director Woo Hwan-soo, who raised the issue... … Summons… … The perpetrator was sentenced to three years in prison… … Attached to the electronic anklet for 5 years… … .'

After reading everything, Tae-seok said nothing.

He really didn't say anything.

Taehyung was sitting in front of him.

“The meeting time is over.”

At the guard's words, Taehoon got up.

Tae-hoon, who was still trying to laugh at Tae-seok with a blank expression without saying anything, turned his head at the sound of knocking on the glass.

Taehoon picked up the receiver again.“Buy something delicious next time you come.”

Taehyung raised his middle finger.



That's what Taehoon said to him on the day he was sentenced to death.

He regrets all his life in prison and never forgets the tears of his bereaved family.

When you realize your common sins, you will be troubled with nightmares and sleepless nights.

You are truly a human being that you can't get along with, and you are a natural punishment for your sins.

However, I did my best to defend you.

Remember that I was on your side. Repent for the rest of your life

Tae-hoon knew that Jo Tae-seok was a person he couldn't get along with.

However, he was Jo Tae-seok's lawyer.

* * *

A deaf man came into the counselor's office to make a request.

The situation is similar to last time. Attorney Chae Su-jin was absent, and lawyer Kim Han-ki was not there.

However, lawyer Tae-young Lee gets up and starts slurred sign language.

‘What did you come here for?’

Sign language was poor, but the woman recognized it.

Taehoon smiled as he saw the two of them talking in sign language.

Attorney Ahn Hyo-seong stood up.

“I’ll get some client data and come. I may not be able to come in today. It’s a very tight case.”

“Yes, go.”

One by one, changes were beginning.

Tae-hoon lit a fire for them.

Even in a battle that had no choice but to lose, Tae-Hoon did his best, and that became a kind of stimulus.

The number of gods that Park Moon-soo and Kim Han-ki aimed for was exactly the same.

In particular, from a certain moment, the office here started to grow lively.

Attorneys Hyo-seong Ahn, Tae-young Lee, and Su-jin Chae. The awkwardness I had with these three people disappeared.

They came first.

As the awkwardness disappeared, the pleasure of working piled up layer by layer.

next day.


Cigarette ashes burned from Tae-hoon's hand. Cigarette smoke as soon as you go to work tastes like honey.

A familiar vehicle entered. He bowed his head slightly.

Not long after, Ahn Hyo-seong, who parked his car in the parking lot, approached.

"did you sleep well?"

“Oh, I slept wrong yesterday. I am sore.”

“The last time you hit me, it still hurts.”

He smirked and laughed. Taehoon lit his cigarette.

“Really, lawyer Kang Tae-hoon. Let’s go to a nice place with me this time.”

“Is this a good place?”

Taehoon tilted his head when he said that it was a good place.

Often, when people of this age and my age say that it is a 'good place', it is not a very pleasant place.

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