Awakening of the Masses: Enlightening Across the Multiverse in My Dreams

Chapter 723 From now on, Daxia will lead the human race!

"I don't agree with this motion! Who gave you permission to initiate a vote? I don't think we need to change the system!"

As soon as Feng Xi finished speaking, the blond lord of the Free Federation immediately scolded loudly, and even pointed at Feng Xi and cursed:

"What are you doing here! The Lord's Council is not something that you, the guardian of Huiyue, can join, let alone say such crazy things here!"

At this time, he could only try his best to prevent the meeting from going on, because he had seen something wrong with the expressions of other people. ♧

So much so that they even said such nonsense, completely ignoring their own repeated requests for Feng Xi to be promoted.

I really don’t even have any shame anymore.

However, at this time, the more he behaves like this, the more incompetent he appears.

Others present also saw the fear and powerlessness of the Free Federation, so no one spoke at this time.

In the past, many people would have stood up to support what he said.

But now... there's no point.

Feng Xi ignored him and drank tea calmly. When she looked up at him, she looked at him with disdain, as if she was looking at a clown.

However, Xiao Yuwei beside him spoke up and scolded in a deep voice:

"Watch your words! Where do you think this place is? If you want to drive Feng Xi out, why don't you ask everyone who is doing it first?"

Feng Xi also put down her tea cup at this time and echoed with a smile:

"That's right! Everything needs to be discussed. If any of you venerables still think that I am not qualified to sit here, you can say it. If everyone thinks this way, then I can leave."

"I am the most reasonable person."

His attitude was really arrogant, but no matter how dissatisfied everyone was, they all kept silent at this time, and no one dared to object.

Just kidding, you have already decided not to offend Daxia, why should you offend the only savior for these guys from the Free Federation who are struggling to death?

If you kick someone out today, you will have to kneel down and beg for help tomorrow. Why bother?

The blond lord of the Free Federation laughed angrily when he saw everyone had this attitude.

"Okay, okay! You're all just a wallflower now, aren't you?"

"Don't you know what they want to do? They Daxia want to treat us as..."

He wanted to say that word angrily, but was forcibly held back by another Lord of the Free Federation beside him.

His voice sounded like thunder in his ears, forcibly waking him up:

"That's enough, Ron! Shut your mouth! Do you want to offend everyone?"

"Can't you see clearly what the situation is now? In the face of survival and the future of the entire human race, all alliances have lost their meaning! Now Daxia stands at the highest point, justice has stood by their side, and they are already qualified I changed the rules of the game at will, can’t you see clearly?”

"Stop resisting. All we can do now is temporarily obey and wait for the opportunity! No matter what, let's survive this crisis first."

Ron was reminded, and after his expression changed one after another, he sat down helplessly.

Yes, it's just a matter of modifying the parliamentary system and taking power into our hands. In the face of the future of the entire human race, what does this mean?

Even if he succeeds in preventing this meeting, what's the use?

To put it bluntly, Daxia, who owns Feng Xi, can now directly announce his withdrawal from the God-Slaying Council, and then reorganize himself into a God-Slaying Council, a God-Slaying Council, a God-Slaying Council, etc.

It is guaranteed that as soon as they leave, the leaders of other countries will rush over to join them, chasing after Daxia and willing to be their vassals in exchange for the chance of survival.

This is the inevitable result, unless they are willing to wait to die.

Not to mention other countries, even their Free Federation will definitely have to compromise in the end because they don't want to die.

That being the case, why continue to struggle?

After thinking about this, Ron only felt helpless and aggrieved. His smile was bitter, but his eyes concealed malice and resentment.

In fact, the possibility he thought of was Feng Xi's final response.

He had made an agreement with the Twelve Heavenly Elements before and got their consent. As long as this council ends in dissolution, they will immediately announce that Daxia will collectively withdraw from the God-killing Council and force them to come on their own. Be a dog in Daxia.

Of course, it really won’t look good if it gets to that point, so this is the last option.

But no matter how ugly the commotion was, Feng Xi still felt that it was better than maintaining the status quo and waiting to die.

Anyway, he will never compromise. If he doesn't obediently ask for free help, then he will come back to trouble them, asking for more and more, then what's the point?

Feng Xi would rather transform into a supervillain and kill all the people in other countries than be subjected to unlimited prostitution by these ignorant bitches.

Fortunately, these guys are quite sensible and understand who is the master who can save their lives now.

It seems they were never stupid, just plain bad.

That would be easy to handle. What he, Feng Xi, is best at is dealing with bad guys, because he can be badder than anyone else!

Feng Xi secretly sneered, but at this moment, Mo Linjun finally spoke and made the final decision:

“Since everyone has no objections, let’s continue voting.”

"Your Majesty, who agrees to amend the parliamentary system and allow us to have unified management and dispatch in Daxia, please vote in favor."

After the words fell, the atmosphere became quiet for a moment.

Then silently, green lights representing approval lit up one after another...

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