Azeroth Shadow Trail

121 Chapter 31. Smashing And Looting

121 Chapter 31. Smashing and looting


Under the dark night of the desert, the night was dark and the wind was high. Reid Hei, who was carrying a saber, rubbed his hands together, took a step forward, and kicked the room next to the Akunda Temple.

The wooden door was kicked open by the orc chief, and as the moonlight passed, a few gleaming lights reflected in the dark room.

"Move out!"

Black Hand laughed, waved his finger forward, and shouted to the orcs behind him.

The greenskins cheered.

Under the horrified gaze of the priests of the nearby temple, they rushed into the warehouse where the supplies were stored and began to loot wantonly. The same thing happened in other places with the temple as the center.

The orcs were divided into several teams, led by the terrified priests of Akunda, and rushed to the place where they stored food, water and other supplies.

Pirates definitely don't want food and water.

They want something more valuable.

For example, the pirate captain Bu Laike is now commanding the pirates under his command to carry out a round of all-round precise "smashing, smashing and looting" activities against the Akunda Temple.

"Those precious stones! The gold leaf on the wall, and those gold utensils, take them away! Take them all away, the kind Akunda wants those things to be useless, but they are very useful to us.

Take it easy! asshole.

That fine gold is worth nothing if it's broken.

Art! understand?

The artistic value of that thing is far more valuable than its own gold content. "

The pirate stood on the square of the Akunda Temple, with his hips crossed and his left hand constantly waving. Under his command, Maim and a group of orcs were searching for all the valuables in the Akunda Temple.

In other words, these trolls are really rich.

In the barren and barren place of the Wharton Desert, they were able to find so many gem-studded jars and artworks, and they were all sent to the Akunda Temple as sacrifices in the name of faith.

But if you think about it carefully, the Wharton Desert has not always been a desert.

Before it was changed into a desert by the great power of creation, there was civilization here, not only the civilization of the trolls, but also the civilization of the snake people hiding in the northern part of the desert.

The fox people are a civilization that was born after Wharton became a desert.

They just know that there are many ancient ruins and ancient secrets under the desert, but they don't know the source of those secrets.

But Bo Laike knew.

In fact, if it weren't for the tight schedule of this trip to Wharton, he would have the mood to stay here for a few months to do "archaeological" work.

There are some "interesting" things buried underground in this desert. If you can get them, it will definitely be of great benefit to Bu Laike's future piracy career.

"Yudora, you send someone to contact the nearby Foxman tribe, and ask your tribe to come over as quickly as possible to take over the Akunda Temple.

Bring more caravans by the way. "

The pirates cursed and directed the clumsy orcs to plunder, and then used their energy to speak to the fox leader who was setting up a cauldron and boiling potions.

The formula of this potion was given to them by Meri Dongfeng.

It is said that it can make those Akundas who have hallucinations recall the past, but while the effect is strong, the taste is a bit bad, making the foxes who have a keen sense of smell complain unbearably.

"But this is the temple of trolls."

Eudora hesitated a bit, the little vulture flicked his big tail and said to Bu Laike:

"Since my grandpa's grandpa's generation, this place has been controlled by trolls, we vultures occasionally stop here, but we don't believe in Akunda.

This is somewhat implausible.

Why not go to the Temple of Jibul on the other side of the desert, where there are real priests of Loa, all believers of Jibul who are tigers, it might be better to invite them to take over the temple. "

"Whatever you want, but I need more caravans."

Bu Laike looked at Eudora, shook his head, sighed and said:

"And your people also need a solid base camp. You looked smart before, why are you so stupid now? Even an outsider like me knows that not only trolls in this land believe in the Loa God.

Those mysterious tortoises will go to the jungle border of Nazmir every few years to worship their loa god, the giant turtle toga.

It is precisely because the Zandalari trolls also believe in toga that they allow the tortoises to have a small camp in Zuldazar.

You fox people have no faith, do you? Why not get yourself one?

I think Akunda is quite suitable. After you become the priests of Akunda, your family will migrate to the vicinity of Akunda Temple, where you will be protected by a powerful loa.

Isn't it better than you wandering around in the desert? "

"We fox people are not without faith!"

Eudora corrected:

"It's just that we ourselves don't know who we believe in.

It's not that our ancestors didn't try the method you mentioned, but the Loa God doesn't accept our belief. They say that the origin of our fox people is sacred, and no loa is qualified to accept our offerings.

But you're right, we do need a base camp. "

The vulture leader nimbly jumped onto the stone pillar next to him, and with a shrewd gaze, scanned the buildings around the Akunda Temple, she said softly:

"Although this canyon is a bit dilapidated, it is not far from the sea, there is a water source nearby, and it is not far from Fenghua Oasis. If it is properly repaired, it can accommodate at least 10,000 people!

That is, there are the ruins of Atu Aman nearby, where many exiles gather, and they also have their own desert gangs."

"Don't worry, they won't be a problem soon."

The pirate looked at the desert exile trolls who were driven by the orcs to stay in the open space, and he said softly:

"I want to fight a battle in Zemran Port, I need a lot of soldiers, a lot of cannon fodder, let your people come, let them bring enough caravans.

I will leave them enough food and water, and a clean temple.

From now on, the Akunda Temple will belong to you. "

"it is good!"

Yudora jumped off the stone pillar, whistled, and a few coyote mounts galloped towards this side. She gave a few orders to her smart clansmen.

They jumped on the hyena, took water, and rushed into the desert in the dark to contact the nearby vulper tribe.

Although these foxes are small in stature and have a cowardly side of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, the pirates like them very much for their courage when it comes to matters that really concern race.

"I'm taking the caravan back!"

Eudora turned back to Bo Laike and said:

"I'm going to pick up all the clansmen I left at the previous temple, don't worry, I will try my best to come back before noon tomorrow, and I won't miss the time to send you to Zemran Port.

I'm sorry I lied to you earlier, Boo Laike. "

The fox leader said with a touch of guilt:

"There is actually a faster way to Zemland Port.

We set off from the Akunda Shrine, and instead of taking the rugged coastline, we went northwest first, passed through the ruins of Atu Aman, and went to the Fenghua Oasis to rest for a night.

Then go all the way southwest from the oasis.

Although this road has to cross the desert, it is very flat, so it only takes four days to reach Zemran Port. "

"You lied to me, you lied to a brutal pirate, Eudora, you little vulture is so brave!"

Bu Laike stroked the hilt of the dagger at his waist, and said faintly:

"How should I punish you?

Ah, how about this, how about you joining my pirate group? I made you my quartermaster, a very prestigious position on a pirate ship. "

"okay then."

Eudora glanced around, she lowered her head and said:

"But I'm the only one. I have to make sure that there is no danger before I can take my people on your boat. And I must see your boat first!"

"Go, go, crafty bastard."

The pirate waved his hand and lost interest in speaking.

The leader of the fox people laughed treacherously, and turned around to brew the unpleasant potion again.

Within a few minutes, the sneaky orc warlock Xieyan slipped out of the temple. He quickly ran to the captain, couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, looked around, lowered his voice, and asked in a hurried tone:

"Captain, did you just say that the supernatural power of the loa gods of these trolls can really be taken away?"

"of course can."

Bu Laike glanced at the temple surrounded by lightning, narrowed his eyes, and said:

"Actually, as far as I know, being betrayed and assassinated by one's own priests and stealing divine power is almost regarded as the 'inherited craft' of the priests of Loa.

Since the trolls established their belief system with the loa gods, nine out of ten of the loa gods who died in the material world died under the backstabs of their own people.

God Loa is just a demigod evolved from the original power of life.

Although each is beyond death.

But since there are entities in the material world, it means that their divine power can of course be taken away. I know what you are thinking, Xieyan.

Unfortunately, I also have things I don't know.

For example, how to seize the divine power of a loa god is a taboo secret in the troll civilization, and it is only circulated among those loa priests who have evil intentions.

I don't know. "

A trace of regret suddenly flashed in the eyes of the orc warlock.

But soon, his one eye looked at the honorable Akunda not far away, who was chained to the ground, disheveled, holding his head and trembling.

Warlock's eyes lit up again.

He said to his captain in the sombre tone characteristic of warlocks:

"This guy dares to poison his own Loa God, he must know the way to gain power! Captain, you can see that this big lizard is already so weak, it's not as good as us.

It's here anyway, right? "

"This time, forget it."

There was a flash of emotion in Bu Laike's eyes, but he quickly gave up on this plan.

He said to the power-hungry warlock:

"Although I don't know the way to take away the divine power of Loa, at least I know one thing. If you want to take away the divine power, you have to make Loa enter the weakest state.

That guy poisoned Akunda, but only for one year.

He has no other helpers, so he can only do it secretly by himself.

In one year, he was dealing with a powerful loa like Akunda. He was far from being able to extract Akunda's divine power. According to his speed of poisoning, it would take at least ten years.

It would take even decades to bring this storm god into a state of real weakness.

In other words, we came early.

But it's okay, evil eye. "

The captain patted Xieyan on the shoulder, and he said softly:

"This world is huge, Evil Eye. Not only the Zandalari Empire, there are Loa Gods on this island, the Eastern Continent, Kalimdor, Northrend in the North, and the empire in the mist.

There are loa in too many places, and not all of them are as powerful and difficult as Akunda.

We always have a chance. If conditions permit, you may also experience the feeling of being a loa in the future, provided that you can live under my command until then.

For now, focus on what's at hand. "

Bo Laike took two empty magic bags from his waist and handed them to Xieyan. He said:

"Go, I'll give you two hours, fill these two bags with shiny little ones, I only want the most valuable, the most valuable, and the most portable ones.

The rest is up to you. "

(end of this chapter)

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