Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 144 52. A Young Man's First Full Level 【14/15】

Chapter 144 52. The young man's first full level [1415]

"clap clap"

On the deck of the Naglfar, Bo Laike kept clapping his hands and whistled from time to time, cheering for old Bwonsamdi who was dancing in the air in front of him.

As expected of a troll!

This dancing posture is really nothing to say! Well, that Thomas maneuver is really professional!

And the head of the Zandalari pirate king Zemlan, who was placed on the wooden barrel next to him, also stared at the rotten and weathered eyes, completely watching Bwonsamdi with a stinky face and dancing an ancient troll song. war dance.

Only the two of them can see this scene.

And the Naglfar has been cleared, and there is no one else around, lest Bwonsamdi's little black story spread, causing the old troll to become angry and cast a curse to kill them both.

In fact, this is just a formality.

Bwonsamdi said he didn't believe Bo Laike, and said he didn't care that his cruel adoptive father, Azeroth's oldest god of death, Muezzara, still had shrines left in the material world.

Actually, it cares.

If this news is true, it proves that Bwonsamdi's monitoring of the troll civilization for thousands of years has gone wrong.

What's more terrible is that if Muerzala has regained followers, then it won't be far from returning to the material world.

Once returned to the material world by the Sleeping Father, the Son of Time, and the Friends of the Night, it could easily take away the power of death it bestowed on Bwonsamdi.

And once it does that, the troll's civilization will quickly collapse.

To put it simply, Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death, dare not bet on the truth of this news.

Bwonsamdi was not afraid of Hela, he knew very well that Hela would not be able to use his precious power to deal with Odin before he got rid of it.

But it was terrified of the Muehzarah.

Not only because Mueh'zala was its adoptive father, but also because when it was still a mortal, Mueh'zala raised it to the Troll's Grim Reaper with only a little power.

And it, the Grim Reaper, is only the spokesperson of Muehzara in the material world.

From this point of view, the two gods of death in Azeroth both have some "family relationship" problems. Hela wants to kill her sister, while Bwonsamdi guards against her adoptive father like a thief.

This father-daughter and father-son relationship is really bad.

Maybe the two of them can think about it, let go of their prejudices, and form something like an "Alliance of Father and Enemy".

"Well, it's over, I haven't moved my body for a long time, I'm getting old and moldy."

Bwonsamdi finishes the troll war dance with a cool Thomas gyro and hovers over Bo Laike, pretending to flex his shoulders, the soul fire dancing in its eyes.

There was already a strong sense of impatience and a shocking killing intent.

Bu Laike knew that the heat was almost ready.

If the game continued, Bwonsamdi would lose his temper.

This troll god of death has a weird temper, but it doesn't mean that it will accept humiliation from others casually. Although, the invitation to dance is definitely not a humiliation for trolls.

This is the ethnic culture of their civilization, no matter what the trolls do, they can have something to do with dancing.

"Come on, let's sign this deal."

Bo Laike took off the gauntlets of the Brotherhood of Masons armor, turned his left hand toward Bwonsamdi in front of him, and rested Zem'lan's head contentedly in his right.

He coughed a few times and said to Bwonsamdi:

"It will be I who will take up Zem'lan's unfinished duties, as a pirate, to complete the sacred bargain with the Troll Reaper, the great and wise Bwonsamdi.

I will keep this cursed mojo and turn it into my new power!

under the witness of death.

I will honor this deal, even if my bones are broken. "

"I, Bwonsamdi, the death of trolls, witness the deal being made."

Bwonsamdi raised his hands, and the scarlet moon appeared above his head, and the moonlight shone on Bo Laike's body, causing his undead form to be quickly reshaped into a living human life.

The troll god of death said in a solemn tone:

"I agree with this millennium duty transfer. From now on, the flesh and blood life in front of me will become a member of the Nether Palace, and I will give him the important rules of guiding the soul."

The next moment, the eyes of the two people looked at the third party whose duties were transferred in this transaction.

Seven thousand years ago, the Pirate King, the crazy Zemlan squeezed his decayed and weathered eyes, and first whistled a provocative whistle to Bwonsamdi.

And he said to Bu Laike:

"Hey, friend, you fulfilled your promise, before I dissipated, the anger of being deceived in my heart finally subsided, and I can finally let go of these.

But I still have to warn you!

Don't believe Bwonsamdi's nonsense, when it made a deal with me back then, it contained more than what it said just now. Hehe, but that is not a secret that ordinary people should know.

I hid it.

It was the greatest treasure I had ever sought in my life, but unfortunately I failed.

I meant to take it to the eternal grave.

But the dance that the old bastard danced just now was really beautiful, so I decided to leave it to you. I gave you all the treasures, so it doesn't matter. "

The head grinned dry mouth, and gave Bo Laike a smile that would scare him awake from a nightmare.

He said:

"My mutiny-loving first mate will find it for you. Also, thanks, friend, and good luck with your raids at sea!"

This thank you is absolutely sincere.

If Bo Laike hadn't taken over his responsibility for the deal with Bwonsamdi, then after Bwonsamdi got back the Mojo, his soul would also be taken into the Hades by Bwonsamdi.

At that time, it is hard to say what kind of torture he will encounter.

Although Bwonsamdi is a little more reliable than Hella.

But it's also a grim reaper, and it's absolutely masterful in the art of torture. But now, the deal that had to be fulfilled wasn't cancelled, it was just transferred to Laike.

This means that the cursed Millennium Calamity of Zemlan is over.

His corrupted soul would also dissipate directly after the curse was removed, without having to fall into Bwonsamdi's hands.

"I agree to transfer my duties in the death deal to my excellent colleague and successor, the human pirate Bu Laike. Shaw! And, Bwonsamdi, curse you!

You crafty old lunatic, never get your hands on the most magnificent jewel in the Great Sands of Vol'dun!

I will never give it to you!

Ha ha ha ha. "

Amid Zemlan's wild laughter, the head of the Zandalari Pirate King seven thousand years ago dissipated in the hands of Bu Laike like quicksand.

His soul crumbled, and some fragments traveled down Laike's arm, turning experience into the pirate's body.

He casually dropped that stream of enthusiasm on the pirate rank, but the experience bar at level 59 is so long, such a little experience is not enough to make it jump forward.

And now is not the time to scrutinize these gains, the pirates have more important things to do.

Under Bwonsamdi's strange gaze, Bo Laike took two steps forward, put his foot on the side of the Naglfar, and raised his right hand to the still frozen sea below.

After Zemlan's eternal death dissipated, there was a viscous mass exuding scarlet and faint blue intertwined power, just like a mass of plasticine.

It was Bwonsamdi's death mob.

It seals within it the power of that eternal damnation.

When Bu Laike lifted this thing up, all the undead pirates on the ice not far away, those ghost skeletons who had been cursed for thousands of years, all turned their heads to look at Bu Laike.

They growl.

They have fulfilled their promise to Bu Laike, they have fought valiantly against the Mist Legion of Kvaldir, and they have lost a lot.

Now, they're asking for something in return!

Ask Bu Laike to fulfill the oath he just made, and they will be freed!

Even if the price of liberation is to completely dissipate in the material world like their captain.

"Cursed undead pirates! I have seen the battle you have done for me! I will keep my promise!"

Bu Laike held up the group of red and blue death demons, the stream of magic power wrapped around his arms, like a flag, and he shouted loudly towards the skeletons below:

"I will set you free! I will release you! But... I have a small request, before you leave, leave me a little bit of your decayed soul.

Just a trace is enough.

Let me always remember fighting side by side with you today!

Let me share some of your legendary stories that ran across the world seven thousand years ago, and share some of your courage across the sea with me.

Keep your heroic demeanor in battle forever in my memory!

Give me courage, give me strength, let me set foot on this blue sea of ​​plunder as a pirate.

I will also inherit your name!

In the name of the undead fleet, in the name of the undead pirates!


Derek Proudmoore, I give you freedom! "

In the next moment, at the moment when Laike's fingers were clasped tightly, the power of eternal damnation that had enveloped Zemland Harbor and this sea area for nearly seven thousand years was completely withdrawn.

It's like a scarlet light streaking across the frozen sea, and it's like a gust of wind. Wherever it goes, those cursed bones and ghosts are like sand castles hit by sea water.

One by one, they turned into quicksand and dissipated in the wind of magic power. They maintained their roaring movements, and the exhausted souls were forever silent between the heaven and the earth.

They responded to Laike's request at the last moment.

At this moment, more than 3,000 weak soul fragments were mixed in the magic wind, and instantly turned into scattered light feathers, which merged into Bu Laike's body.

The pirate chuckled in his heart, and then injected this huge experience into the pirate and warlock class.

In the next moment, the experience bar belonging to the pirate class on the character card climbed rapidly like a rocket, until the last moment, the experience bar seemed to be punctured.

It solidified like dissipated ink, and disappeared completely under Laike's gaze.

Pirate class level 60!

Full level!

Finally full level!

In the end, about one-third of the experience was left, and he was thrown into the warlock class again. The warlock class with only level 5 also climbed like a rocket, and finally stayed at the number of level 15.

"The plan works!"

Bo Laike snapped his fingers, looked back at Bwonsamdi who was holding his arms folded, with an indifferent expression on his face, whistled again to the god of death, waved, and said:

"Come on, friend, let me tell you a little secret about your adoptive father."

"You'd better make sure it's true!"

Old Bwonsamdi moved his jaw, showing a malicious smile, and said:

"Now we are traders. In the framework of the transaction, if you dare to lie to me, old Bwonsamdi has plenty of ways to teach you a reasonable and legal lesson."

"Don't worry, the goods I give you are definitely worth the money!"

The pirate stretched out his thumb, shook it in the air, touched his handsome face again, and showed a bright smile. Old Bwonsamdi floated over and landed beside Boo Laike.

The pirate bowed his head and said in Death's ear:

"You did a great job of secretly clearing out all the shrines belonging to Mueh'zala in the material world after the cataclysm.

Muetzalah knew you did it, but he couldn't punish you for it.

But you miss the point, Bwonsamdi, my friend, that shrines that existed before the Sundering 10,000 years ago, you haven't cleaned out perfectly.

As far as I know, Kalimdor, deep in the Tanaris desert, Zul'Falakri, the main city of the Sandfury trolls, still has a dilapidated shrine engraved with the name of Muezhara.

I have another message for you.

There is one last follower of Muehzara in the material world, and his name is Seka.

Seka the Martyr.

Go ahead and kill him before he does something dangerous, and cast your signature curse on the Sandfury trolls, there are people out there who believe in you anyway.

Let those Sandfury undead climb out of the sandpit and kill in that city! Well, if you are lucky enough to find those two Sandfury Swords, don't forget to sell them to me.

I recycle at a high price! "

(end of this chapter)

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