Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 146 54. Shocked! The Dreaded Demon King Is Actually...--Add More For The Crow_13 Brothers【1/

Chapter 146 54. Shocked! The Dread Demon King is actually——add more for the crow_13 brothers [15]

A dread demon king is sealed in Meili Dongfeng's body.

This demilich who has lived for three thousand years seems to have a special relationship with the Dreadlord. In the development of the several timeline stories that Laike knows so far, Meri Winterwind will always have a relationship with the Dreadlord in the end.

Even the dreadlord he sealed inside his body was the same.

I have to say that this is probably the so-called "arrangement of fate".

Meri Dongfeng's status in Dalaran is transcendent. Even in the current council of six in the Kirin Tor, there are only two people who know of his existence.

He chose to live in seclusion in Dalaran City. Apart from living too long, not being interested in the mortal world, and being indifferent to fame and wealth, there are more realistic reasons.

He has a "bad relationship" with the dreadlord inside him.

In order to prevent this dreadlord named Cassanatyr from doing some dangerous things, Meri could only bind himself in a secret small plane in Dalaran City.

It was the stronghold of the Tirisfal Council, and it was also the place where Magna Aegwynn learned to control the magic power of the guardian. The two also became friends at that time.

In short, Meili Dongfeng has an astonishing history and powerful strength.

This also means that the dreaded demon king who can disturb his sanity is not an ordinary thing.

When Bu Laike was brought into the violet enchantment that the old mage sealed himself, what he saw was a phantom of a demon completely composed of magic power wrapped around the demilich's body.

It has dead gray skin and no hair.

Two sharp fangs jutted out of its mouth, making it look like a huge, twisted vampire, but it was clad in shoulder armor that could be described as magnificent.

It is dotted with intricate patterns representing corruption and corrupted power.

There is also a huge belt embellished with jewelry and a battle skirt around the waist. It has complete devil characteristics, and there are two huge devil horns protruding outwards and twisting upwards on the forehead.

There are also recurved demon hooves.

no tail.

There are four claws on the palms of both hands, sharp enough to turn cloth Laike into thick-cut steaks with one claw.

Finally, it has a pair of huge wings, much like the wings of a bat, with obvious joints, and leather wings full of holes underneath. It is worth mentioning that the wings of this dreadlord are scarlet.

It's like blood is all over the wings, and after looking at it for a long time, you will think that the color is pretty.

But it is unreal now.

Apparently, it was because the demilich Meri Dongfeng did not give up the resistance of the mind, and had been trying to suppress it, which made it impossible for the dreadlord to appear in the material world in its true form.

Bu Laike stood up straight in the magic barrier. He took a look at Meri Dongfeng's state, then raised his head and looked directly at the Dreadlord in front of him. He said bluntly:

"I ask you to be quiet at once, Casanatiel! Stop torturing my friend!"

"Oh? Your protection of your friends makes even a dreadlord like me feel heart-warming."

The phantom of the demon spread his claws, and said in the devil's language with a gloomy tone:

"But who do you think you are? You are also paired with my mission? You ignorant and fearless little human, you seem to know a lot of secrets, how strange!


Who told you this?

It's about the origin of Nathrezim, about our existence, about the lord who hides behind the curtain."

"Who else needs to tell me?"

The pirate raised his head and said sarcastically:

"As long as you have a little understanding of the history of you nathrezim demons, you can guess that there must be other forces behind your appearance.

You dreadlords are shadow-savvy, cunning, manipulative beings, and rather strange creatures, and I know a lot about you.

For example, your flesh and soul are one, so you can easily hide in the living or lost life, just like the upper body of a ghost.

Just as you are now attached to my friend's body and soul. "

Bu Laike glanced at the old mage, who was struggling to persist, and his rotten eyes were also looking at Bu Laike, there was no verbal communication, only eye contact.

He saw the determination and stubbornness in Meili Dongfeng's eyes.

The pirate blinked his eyes knowingly, and then turned his attention to the Dreadlord in front of him.

He said:

"You are vampires who hunt for divine power. You will treat the weak-willed as your food and slaves.

You are naturally advocating chaos, and you are willing to infiltrate the stars painstakingly, spreading corruption and darkness, and regard it as your mission and 'glory'.

You are truly an evil to a very pure creature.

What you enjoy is not only the sense of accomplishment when the evil wins, but also the process of spreading evil.

Relying on this dark quality, you became the first members of the Burning Legion, the intelligence officer of the demons, and the war vanguard of the dark titan Sargeras.

It is also said to be the chief culprit who tempted that powerful god to fall.

But let's be honest.

I don't believe this last statement. It's just you putting gold on your own faces. Who among the stars doesn't know that the dreadlords are the best braggers!

Lies are also your greatest weapon. "

The dread demon king in front of him who said these words laughed loudly, and he used the old mage's weakness after fighting with all his strength to suppress Mei Li Dongfeng's will to a corner.

It only takes a little more time to completely control this stubborn old mage.

At that time, with the help of the great magic power of the old mage, he could easily kill all the lives around him, so he was happy to delay the time, so he used the illusory shadow to make a gesture of rubbing his chin.

It stared at the pirate in front of it with a cruel look, and said:

"You do know a lot, little bug, but don't change the subject! How do you know about the Great Emperor? Someone must have told you.

With your weak soul, you still don't have the ability to cross the curtain and reach the other side of life and death. "

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly, haven't I said this already?"

Bu Laike moved his fingers, and he said softly:

"It is precisely because I know you dreadlords that I know that your power is not strong enough to lure a Titan of the Pantheon into darkness.

I'm familiar with the story of the Bronze Titan's desperate fall, the formation of the Burning Legion, and the destruction of the stars.

I have my own interpretation of that story.

I prefer to believe that Sargeras' depravity is more due to the doubts and loss in the heart of that god, as well as a kind of lofty obsession with his own mission.

You Nathrezim demons, you just showed up just right.

It was just the right time for you to ignite the doubts and disappointments in the bronze titan's heart, and finally, with the stubbornness of that god, you shaped the former protector of the star sea into a god of darkness.

And the biggest problem is that."

Bu Laike glanced at the demon in front of him, and he said softly:

"The demons of the Nathrezim, who played an ignominious role in this sad tale of the fall of the gods, were timed so coincidentally that they appeared alongside the Bronze Titan.

It was so coincidental that I had to suspect that this was deliberately arranged by some power hidden deep in the sea of ​​stars.

Later, after some things.

I just knew that my guess was correct.

You dreadlords were born behind the veil of life and death, made by the Eternal of the Shadow Realm, but you are not good children, and you caused him a lot of trouble in the first free time.

Let him have to banish you among the stars.

I even suspect that this is all arranged.

In this way you lurk among the five forces other than death.

Spy on the secrets of arcane, life, void, fel energy and holy light, and share what you see and what you understand with your creator.

Then, with his will, in the sea of ​​stars outside the curtain, rounds of wars were set off, continuously creating deaths.

Sargeras, the invincible Titan among the stars, the only idol in my heart.

He was just used by the Eternal One! "

The pirate pointed out this terrible secret, the depth of which made the dreadlord, who regarded it as a torture, dumbfounded, and the shock that could not be concealed appeared in its eyes.

Just stare at Bo Laike, and listen to him continue to tell some secrets that even the dreadlord himself doesn't know.

"Although your creator and master has a noble status, he is still limited by the laws of the Shadow Realm. He couldn't end it himself, so he used a tricky and evil method.

Play the role of the mastermind behind the Burning Crusade, hosted by demons.

He knew that his strength was not enough to fight against the Titans of the Pantheon.

He also knew that as long as the Pantheon that established the order of the galaxy existed, it would be impossible for him to tilt the balance of life and death towards death.

He must bring down the Pantheon before waging a war to destroy the worlds.

You are here with Sargeras for this purpose.

You guys did it.

You have done well, and with the evil wisdom He bestowed upon you, you have succeeded in degrading the Protector into the God of Darkness and destroying the Pantheon by the hand of Sargeras himself.

The basic point of order has collapsed, and what follows is a large-scale cleansing and massacre within the entire galaxy.

Your master's plan has succeeded.

Countless civilizations are buried every day, and countless souls are sent into the Shadow Realm every day, and sent into the hands of your masters. The hearts of those souls are extracted to provide the entire Shadow Realm to flourish.

To be honest, I still can't understand what your master wants to do.

He has lived too long and is too boring, so he intends to watch the world burn? Or, he also wants to use this method to try to resist, what about the omnipresent and incomprehensible 'Mandate of Heaven'? "

Having said that, the pirate shook his head, looked at the dreadlord in front of him, and said:

"You are only pretending to serve the Dark Titan, and even this loyalty comes from the 'master's order', and your loyalty has been dedicated to another powerful person.

Known as the most cunning and ruthless Dreadlord, he is actually the most loyal group of demons in the galaxy.

Who would have thought of this horrific fact? "

"You bastard! You can't stay!"

Casanatiel listened to Bu Laike's description in a daze. Most of what the human pirate said was known to him, but there was still a small part that he didn't know.

The phantom of the Dread Demon King is becoming more solid and murderous.

The biggest secret about the Nathrezim race and the "big plan" of their creators, Kassanatil had no choice but to think about it. It roared in this violet magic enchantment:

"I will personally send you to the Shadowlands, to Revendreth, and present your strange soul to the supreme Emperor Denathrius.

The Great Emperor will be happy to dig out all your secrets bit by bit! A soul like yours will definitely squeeze out a lot of pure anima!

Your sin monument will be as big as a mountain! "

"I know I know."

Laike stepped back, and with a strange smile on his face, he said to the dreadlord who had materialized in front of him:

"But your great emperor's plan has a fatal flaw. When the curtain of life and death is solid, even he cannot appear in the material world.

In other words, he lacks the ability to cope with mutations, such as mine.

Besides, your loyalty to your master moves even a stinky pirate like me.

But that thing makes you angry, makes you lose your mind, makes you kind of forget that it's not just the two of us here. Are you really, a dreadlord known for his cunning?

Is it my illusion?

Why do I feel that you are more likely to be provoked than those abyss lords with poor brains? Ah, it was Blood Red's loyalty that got you, right?

That stuff is really poisonous."

(end of this chapter)

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