Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 173 81. What Is This? Oiled... (Part 1)

Chapter 173 81. What is this? oiled (on)

"Get up! Get up! Slackers!"

Rough yelling sounded in the dark cabin, mixed with the sound of whipping and screaming. This noisy movement quickly awakened Joan Crydone.

The knight of the Vik Reiss family opened his eyes, and what he saw was a dark cabin, and then he felt a sharp pain on his forehead.

The pain made him curl up rubbing his forehead and let out a low whimper.

It was like being hit on the head with a wooden stick head-on, accompanied by concussion symptoms, which made it difficult for the knight to concentrate. His body was trembling, and when he was about to fall, he was supported by the people around him .

"Are you all right, Knight Cridoon? We were terrified when you were brought here last night. You were covered in blood. We thought the orcs tortured you."

The familiar voice moved the knight's heart. He struggled to get up and looked behind him.

In the dim cabin, he saw the old Herb with a frightened face, and several other young sailors, all of whom were on the merchant ship.

"Where's Miss? Did she escape?"

The knight's reaction was quick, and he immediately asked about the situation of the person in charge of his defense, and then touched his forehead, where a bandage was tied and there was an unpleasant herbal smell.

But the wound was no longer bleeding.

"no one knows."

The old businessman Herb shook his body. He lay on the edge of this cage-like cabin and looked out. It can be seen that some orcs are leading the trolls and roughly pulling the captives who were caught on this big ship out of the cell.

From time to time, he waved his whip and beat those disobedient sailors severely.

The old merchant was terrified by the scene, and while shrinking his head, he said to the knight behind him:

"I asked other people quietly. Some said that the lady was captured by pirates, and some said that she slipped away in a small boat. There is no definite news, but what is certain is that the group of pirates won a big victory.

They caught us all, but didn't kill us, they just took us to a queer big ship, as if to take us captive. "

The old merchant turned to Cridone and said:

"I have an old sea dog under my command who once dealt with Zandalari troll merchants. He said that the trolls who robbed us last night were all from Zandalar, and there is a tradition of slavery there.

I reckon we're likely to be bought over there as slaves to the trolls. "

"But what about those orcs?"

Knight Cridorn also saw what was happening outside the cabin. He leaned against the cage and looked outside. He could see many orcs walking back and forth in the cabin.

As a knight of the Vic Reiss family, he escorted Miss Meredith to the Eastern Continent, and when he had a secret meeting with Master Arthur, he also saw orcs on the Gilneas Peninsula.

He even killed a few with his own hands.

He would not have mistaken an orc.

"Aren't these greenskins all supposed to be in the Eastern Continent? Their Warchief failed at the city of Lordaeron, and Marshal Lothar and the elite of the Alliance are now chasing them.

How could there be green skins coming to be pirates? "

Cavaliers' questions are destined to remain unanswered.

But it doesn't matter, the answer will be announced soon. A few minutes later, several tall orcs with whip weapons brought a group of troll exiles to his cell.

"You slackers! Come out!"

The orc cursed in a bad tone, and swung the whip in his hand a few times.

The door of the cage was opened, and the vicious troll rushed in, kicking and kicking the people out of the cage.

There were also trolls holding long spears, forming a circle around them, pointing at them with the tip of the spear dotted with sapphire fragments, and there were still tiny arcs jumping on the tip of the spear.

"Don't be impulsive, Cridan! There are a lot of them."

The old businessman, Herb, comforted the knights beside him in a low voice, for fear that Cridan would not be able to suppress his anger and would fight head-on with these arrogant stinky pirates. They don't have weapons in their hands now, and if they really fight, they are afraid that they will be stabbed to death easily.

"You! Hold your head up!"

But the orc in front of him seemed to be looking for trouble on purpose.

He lashed the knight's feet with a whip, and told Cridan to raise his head. The knight's fist would be clenched tightly, and the old businessman and a sailor held down his left and right sides to prevent him from doing stupid things.

Credone was furious, he raised his head, staring at the orc in front of him with red eyes.

The orc obviously didn't like this kind of provocative look, he sneered and pulled off the whip, leaving a welt on the knight's face, and Credone wasn't afraid of the pain.

He struggled a few times like a beast, and shouted:

"Green skin! Give me a knife, let's fight one-on-one! I'll screw your head off and kick it like a ball!"

"Hold him!"

Enraged by this provocation, the orc pulled out the knife at his waist with a swipe, and roared angrily. Then several exile trolls pressed down on Critone's shoulders and pinned him to the ground.

The orc sneered and licked the blade with his tongue, before slashing towards the knight's cheek.

But before he could do something bad, he was hit in the back by a kick from behind, and he flew out in a whirl.

"Several captains are waiting up there! You bastards are still playing! Don't want your head? Go, drag that pig out, and let him join the fight soon."

Wearing a mask, Zalak, the former noble Akunda leaning on a luxurious staff in his hand, yelled, and the trolls around him rushed up and dragged the violent orc to the deck.

Zarak glanced at the angry human knight again. The northern troll sneered, waved his hand, and said in a strange human language:

"You want to show your bravery? Human, do you think you are brave? Oh, there will be a chance to show you soon. Take it! The arena is about to start, and the evil lord is waiting.

Move fast, you pigs.

If you dare to spoil his interest, all of you will be whipped! "

Under the scolding of Laike's No. 2 henchman, the troll exiles who were officially converted to pirates quickly pushed the prisoners from last night to the upper deck.

Cridan, who had welts on his face, was also among them. As he walked up, he was observing the environment in the dim cabin. He saw many animal cages.

But the ones placed inside are not ferocious beasts, but some strange creatures that are grazing with their heads down, covered with fluff all over, like sheep and deer.

They look harmless to humans and animals one by one, and they also make light calls.

There are some short creatures with big tails, walking on one foot and two feet like foxes, pushing the cart and feeding the alpacas.

In the pen on the other side, there are some gray-skinned, evil-screaming coyotes.

But there are also vixen who look after them.

These are tamed beasts.

In the Curry between the lower deck and the upper deck, there are many caravans with their wheels removed, which are fixed between the cabins as a temporary dormitory for fox people.

The second deck of this weird big ship was divided into several areas in this way.

Although wild animals are domesticated, they are cleaned very cleanly.

When they walked up the stairs to the upper deck, the morning sun suddenly shone, causing the prisoners who had stayed in the dark cage all night to subconsciously close their eyes.

Then they heard the noisy sound from the deck, the beating of gongs and drums, as if a celebration was being held.

"The tide is rising, this boat is really big!"

Hearing the exclamation of the old businessman Heb beside him, Critorn glanced back at the deck in front of him. Indeed, the upper deck of this strange ship was huge, two times larger than the largest flagship of the Kul Tiras Navy. lock up.

The most amazing thing is that such a large deck is straight and made into a square shape, but there is no mast on it, just like a flat road.

On both sides of the huge hull, there are small auxiliary hulls, on which there are four side-by-side masts, which are used for temporary wind power. And at the rear of the deck, there is a taller poop building.

Like an observation platform, it is also divided into two floors, and there are some pirate orcs and trolls holding war bows on it, walking back and forth vigilantly.

This is obviously not a human warship.

Cridone thought to himself that he had never seen similar ships in the fleets of Kul Tiras or other kingdoms.

"Go! Go over and stand over there!"

The trolls escorting them behind gave the knight a hard push and let him take a few steps forward. These people were forced to move forward by the spears, and soon they saw someone standing on their side in front of them.

All the sailors and caravan members captured by the pirates on the four merchant ships in the battle last night were all brought to this huge deck.

One by one lived with fear and anger on their faces, but they had no idea what these pirates were going to do with them.

And behind these captives, there are some trolls carrying things, forming a large circle of more than 20 meters on the deck, and some vulperas and tortoises accompanying the ship are preparing large barrels of wine beside them.

There was also food from four merchant ships, all placed in large basins, as if there were a real celebration.

Farther away, some orcs and troll pirates have begun to warm up.

They were unarmed, and they fisted each other, surrounded by a group of onlookers, waving their hands and cheering them on.

"What are they doing here?"

Among the captured human sailors, someone asked in a fearful tone, but Critone didn't answer, and the knight looked around. Finally, I set my sights on the poop aft of the large deck.

He stared at the high place, and could vaguely see some people standing there, seeming to look towards this side.


"I've heard that human pirates will celebrate after victorious looting, but do they often organize such large-scale entertainment?"

On the towering poop of the Alpaca, Kojo, the turtle collector, held a glass of wine in his paws. He looked curiously at the commotion on the deck, and asked Braike, who was sitting outside the cabin, smoking a pipe. :

"What are you going to do with those human captives? They are all Kul Tirans. If you hurt them, the powerful fleet of that ocean kingdom will keep chasing you."

"And what do you want me to do, my friend."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"Let them all go? Are you kidding me? I just need these skilled sailors. As for today's happy celebration, it's just to welcome new members to join us.

I'm also picking some crew for my ghost ship.


It's almost time.

Eudora, let the celebration begin. "

"Yes, Captain."

The small quartermaster jumped out nimbly, followed the cable like a flexible monkey, and jumped onto the deck. She shouted a few words to the crowd.

Immediately bursts of whistles and cheers sounded from the deck.

Humans don't know why, but everyone is vigilant, no matter what the pirates do, this meeting is about to start.

"Brothers and sisters of the undead pirates!"

A high-pitched voice sounded from behind the crowd. When the humans turned their heads, they saw the noble Akunda wearing a long robe and a mask outside the temporary "Little Colosseum", shouting at the top of his voice. arrive:

"Look over here! Look over here! We had a great victory last night, the honorable captain was very satisfied with our performance, and he decided to give us a celebration!

We have enough booze! There is enough meat! And enough entertainment!

But as an opening game.

We're going to pick ten lucky guys, na na na, who will be so lucky? "

As Zalak finished speaking, the human captives were scattered by the swarming pirates, and soon ten unlucky ones who couldn't escape were dragged out and thrown into the "hut" surrounded by pirates and wooden stakes. Colosseum".

"Today, the prisoners captured by us will fight for their fate! Only the strongest and most powerful ones will leave our ship alive!

Cheer for them, brothers and sisters.

They are mighty warriors from Kul Tiras, and they have nothing to fear! "

Zalak was originally a priest of the Akunda Temple, and he was very good at playing this game. In his long-drawn-out sarcasm, all the pirates around laughed and gathered together.

"Now, invite their 'opponent' to play!"

(end of this chapter)

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