Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1886 14. Who Said Wheelchairs Can't Drag Racing?

Chapter 1886 14. Who said wheelchairs can't drag racing?

Kul Tiras is still at war.

This is nonsense.

The whole world is at war, but the war in Kul Tiras is somewhat different from other places.

The main reason is that this island country surrounded by the sea, apart from Stormsong Valley, really doesn't have so many places left for the demons to line up and drown the enemy.

The mountainous and hilly terrain with dense waterways made it impossible for the legion's numerical advantage to be brought into play, especially in the dark mountains of Drustvar. The demons were beaten hard in the mountains, and the druids of the revived Drust sect also fought back in the forest.

Although the Burning Legion has such a powerful weapon as a starship, there is no way to completely flatten this area.

They have tried to destroy the world outside the orbit of the planet, but the spaceships of the Legion of Light and the Draenei are not that easy to deal with, not to mention that there are unreasonable assassins like Xingsheng jumping back and forth in the Twisting Nether. interference.

Generally speaking, after losing the high-level confrontation, this war has gradually turned into a tug-of-war and fueling war, but such a situation is very popular with the demons.

These berserkers who have lost their organization and command system don't care about the general trend of the war. Anyway, as long as there is a battle, it will be fine.

It was under such circumstances that the Naglfar arrived silently in the middle of the night at the port area of ​​Boralus, which had been completely flattened by the main guns of the starship.

On the sea surface not far away from this big deep pit full of ruins, there is also the wreckage of half a starship blown from the sky obliquely inserted on the seabed, and the burning Bora that is full of gunpowder. Les as the background, it looks quite postmodern wasteland style.

"The demons have captured a third of the city, and the remaining warriors in the city are fighting them in the streets.

Mechagon's bombing brigade dropped a lot of bombs here, and with their assistance, the Kul Tirans, who were not very good at land combat, could barely hold the city.

But their fleet is about to break through the blockade and come back.

The Scourge of the Undead has entered the eastern continent, and the transfer of refugees to Tol Barad is about to be completed, and there is no need for the assistance of the Kul Tiras fleet there. "

Under the dark night, Sefiel pushed Bu Laike's wheelchair onto the uneven ground, and while walking towards the burning city, he introduced the situation to the pirates.

The first officer glanced at the ruins of the city illuminated by the fire in front of him. Under the light of that night, large swaths of flying demons were roaring into the city on the other side, and there was also the roar of low-pitched dwarven mortars firing And the sound of the explosion when it landed.

It is clear that a fierce battle is ahead.

"It still has to be fought."

Bu Laike cast his will forward like a big net, and the situation of the whole city was controlled by the evil god in a few seconds. He pouted and said:

"After such a long seesaw, the cowards have already fled, and the bravest or most brainless guys have died in the charge, and the rest are a group of hard bones who are determined to obey orders.

After all the members return to their ancestors, no amount of demons can withstand it. War is always a living thing that changes rapidly. If the demons cannot defeat the world, a stalemate will form.

The most dangerous moment has passed, and the only problem now is that this war may drag on for too long, turning Azeroth into a true 'bloody battle in the abyss'."

Lord Cthulhu snorted, and said impatiently:

"I know that my brother-in-law and his staff officers had prepared for the worst when they were studying the plan before the war, but if it really lasts for hundreds or thousands of years, the world will not be saved."

"It all depends on how strong the evil god is."

Sefiel drew his voice and said in a strange tone:

"The initiative of the war is not in the hands of the creatures of Azeroth. Everyone has exhausted all their strength to maintain the stalemate on the front line. It is impossible to end the war as soon as possible.

But I know you always have a plan. "

"Hush, urge, urge, what urge?"

The pirate pia ji stretched out his hand and patted the butt of the first mate dragon. He said with a straight face:

"Aren't I about to leave?

What kind of devil are you that don't allow a man to say goodbye to his family before he sets out to do great things? Well, look, there are some little devils over there trying to ambush me.

What a guts. "

As soon as the words fell, a large group of messy demons jumped out from the ruins of the collapsed city wall in front of them under the scolding of a fel lord who had lost his arm, and rushed towards the cripple in a wheelchair with weapons in hand.

In the case of Braike who dares to walk alone in the ruins at night, any guy whose intelligence is higher than his heel knows that there must be fraud and the farther away the better, but you must be sure to be with a group of unorganized and undisciplined people who are hooked by war. Demon bastards who have all the fun in a tyrannical high talk about IQ?

Anyway, in their rough world view, the man and woman in front of them are both entwined with the fragrance of flesh and blood. I can't beat those crazy steel vrykuls, and can't bully a cripple in a wheelchair?

The demons rushed over with red eyes and screaming.

But it turns out that the guy who discriminates against disabled people must not end well.

The pirate glanced back, and the group of violent and hungry guys turned around in unison, and rushed towards their commander, howling and waving their weapons.

The one-armed fel lord sensed something was wrong and ran away, but how could the maddened demons let him go?

A few seconds later, a horrible and evil cannibalism was staged here, with severed limbs flying around and waving flesh and blood. The kind-hearted Mr. Blaike who watched at the end of the cruel scene frowned, and rewarded him with a "big brain" Chemistry".

Amidst the muffled sound of bang bang bang, dozens of squid-like Void Brain Monsters waved their tentacles with brains and sneaked into the night to serve their evil god.

"Although I have watched it many times, every time I see this scene, I feel sick."

Seifel held his nose and complained:

"Can't you really modify the effect of this spell? Those alienated brains crawled out like a nightmare."

"We people who play the void are like this, we are used to being barbaric, and there is no hope."

Bu Laike glanced sideways and said in a drawn out voice:

"If you don't like it or get tired of it, break up as soon as possible. Anyway, everyone's husband and wife are about to lose their passion. Don't delay me looking for flowers and ask Liu, and I won't delay you going out to find little fresh meat or something."

"Huh? Lost passion? Sure enough, with a 'playmate' like Azshara, you can't look down on the yellow-faced woman at home, right? You men are all big pigs!"

Safiel crossed his hips and slapped the pirate on the forehead, gritted his teeth and said:

"Don't come to me these few days, solve things yourself! Hmph."

The angry first officer twisted his waist, dissipated in place like a quicksand avalanche, and went to the battlefield of the night to find the evil spirits of those demons, and just threw the poor, helpless but mean Lord Cthulhu in his wheelchair.

The pirate sighed, let the wheelchair move forward to cross the rugged and dangerous war zone, and then sang the love song of the breakup in a weird voice, that miserable, it was short of matching the BGM of Beifeng Xiaoxiao.

It took him a while to make it safely through the city where street fighting was taking place.

In the middle of the charge at 200 mph, I stepped on 27 dwarf mines and was blown up eight times, which means that the quality of this wheelchair is not bad, otherwise I might not be able to survive this "wild catching shrimp in the war zone" " at the end.

Running at a supersonic speed, he killed a group of demons without eyes, created more brain monsters to trouble the demons, and rescued several Kul Tiras soldiers who were kicked by the demon circle.

Not only revived them, but also gave them extra strength, allowing them to fight the enemy bravely.

Of course, the evil god's gift is not so easy to get, these guys have grown "extra" parts, four hands, six legs, eight eyes and so on.

The most outrageous little brother didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune, he almost became a noodle man

"tear up"

With a swift tail-wagging at the speed of sound, Laike's high-speed wheelchair pulled out several hundred meters of sparks on the ground and finally stopped firmly at the gate of Proudmoore Fortress.

The rubber tires on the wheelchair have been completely worn out, the wheels are so red that they are hot, and they are still emitting bursts of high-temperature smoke.

The royal knights guarding the gate of the fortress were taken aback by the sudden sound. They rushed forward with their weapons in their hands, and in the white smoke, they saw Lord Bu Laike who was taking off the flying goggles from his face.

Oh, it should be called His Highness Derek Proudmoore in this land.

A group of knights stared dumbfounded at their prince slumped on his weird wheelchair in a leisurely, gentle and elegant manner, acting like a sad prince with no power to restrain a chicken.

After the pirate's third dissatisfied coughing hint, the group of slow-reacting guys came back to their senses.

They hurriedly lifted the prince out of the wheelchair, made a stretcher and carried him into the fortress, and sent people to inform the king and queen, the two princesses and the little prince.

Within a few minutes, the news of "The Eldest Prince has returned from a serious injury" spread throughout the fortress. While Old Dailin and his wives were still preparing, the door of the room where Braike was was knocked open by a huge force, only wearing pajamas Fenner ran so fast that she bumped her head into the wall on the other side of the room as Braike watched in amazement, knocking a huge human-shaped hole out of the wall.

The next second, the disheveled Fenna ran back again. Seeing her "weak" brother lying on the bed with a pale face, she burst into tears.

"Didn't I tell you to take care of yourself? Look at you now."

Fenner was crying and lay beside Laike's bed.

Given her state, it was not difficult to see that Bu Laike was really injured. The battle scars left by the Dark Titan were clearly felt by the demigod warriors, and the killing power made Fenner's hair stand on end.

"Brother, please don't be in trouble. If something happens to you, how will I live, sister?"

Seeing that Fenna's tears could not be stopped, the evil spirit sighed, pouted and said:

"Can you change your clothes before you cry?"


Fenner waved her hand and said indifferently:

"I can't hurt me by hitting the wall. Look, I don't even have a scar on my arm. You don't have to worry about me."

"I'm not worried about you, Hemet's bullets can't penetrate your skin, but you are bulletproof, your clothes are not bulletproof."

The pirate reminded him a little tiredly.

Only then did Fenner lower her head to look at the pajamas on her body. The clothes were already tattered and shabby in the collision just now, and they were wrapped around her body like cloth strips, letting the foolish warriors have a good time.

Her face turned red immediately, but then she waved her hand carelessly and said:

"Don't be afraid, anyway, you have read it a long time ago, you are obedient, I will take care of you tonight, do you want some water?"

"Have some wine."

Bu Laike says:

"By the way, change your clothes, my dear, they are coming over, I need to have a few words with them first."


Fenner got up obediently, and regardless of Jaina and Tenred had already arrived at the door, she just bent down and pecked Braike on the cheek, and then jumped out of the wall she knocked away a few times. Go to your own room to change clothes.

"Big brother!"

Jaina and Tenred rushed into the house, pretending that they hadn't seen anything just now, they came to the evil god from left to right, and looked at the weak big brother speechless for a while.

In their minds, the omnipotent Bu Laike hadn't looked so weak for a long time.

"I was just injured, not dead."

The pirate glared at the increasingly emotional Tenred, and said:

"If you dare to shed tears, I will beat you. The Proudmoore family doesn't need a crying guy."

"Who wants to cry! I'm just full of emotions, okay?"

The younger brother was stared at by the elder brother, and immediately straightened his back and refuted, he performed well in this war. Although he did not personally fight the enemy, he has been helping to treat the wounded, which can be regarded as serving the country.

As for the more mature Jaina, needless to say.

The pride of the Proudmoore family is guarding the mage tower in the city that has not yet fallen, and they have withstood the violent bombardment of the demons with their own strength. Of course, this girl is not all right.

"Where is Arthas?"

The crumb pirate stared at his sister and asked.

The little mage immediately lowered her head, not daring to look into the big brother's eyes. Obviously, there was no way to hide the mess between her and Arthas from Bu Laike.

"You tell him for me."

Bu Laike was also polite, stretched out his hand to grab the disobedient sister's ear, and said:

"Turn him into a little princess again, I'm serious. I've told Calia and Varian that after the war, I'll let him go back to Lordaeron to honestly assist in the country's reconstruction. .

Let's talk about it when you're old enough, all the little kids, do you know what love is? "


Jaina, who had just quarreled with her parents before, would be very obedient and dare not refute.

Even if she has learned that her mentor, Lord Merry, intends to let her take over as the next guardian of Tirisfal, she still has little right to speak in front of this big brother who has already ascended to the gods.

The closer you get to power, the more you will be in awe of power.

Little Gianna is probably the person in the family who knows the big brother's situation best.

After talking a few words with his younger siblings, Bo Laike felt heavy footsteps sounding outside the door, and Mrs. Catherine helped Old Dailin into the room.

The old man didn't know why he was crazy. He still had to wear that cumbersome admiral's uniform when his family met in the middle of the night.

With a cane in his hand, and those outstanding medals pinned to his chest, he even took the time to comb his hair, making him look hale and hearty, as if he had turned back into the admiral he used to be, with the ambition of conquering the sea.

But he is really old.

Losing the nourishment of strength made his muscles no longer strong, his old arms could no longer easily strangle a green skin, and the Proudmoore Blade worn at his waist even became a burden.

The weight of the legendary weapon was not so kind to his old waist who had to get up twice a night.

Even trying to straighten the waist will make the spine make a sound, which is the silent complaint from the old body.

The more he tried to preserve his dignity as a warrior in front of his rebellious son, the more he revealed a weakness and a lack of self-confidence that this man had never felt before.

The father and son just looked at each other, making the atmosphere in the room dark and awkward.

Mrs. Catherine seemed to be aware of this contradiction. She frowned and tried to persuade the old man, but in the end she just shook her head, calling Jaina and Tandred to leave temporarily with her.

Leave time for the father and son who are always at odds but rarely get along alone.

It's a pity that the door of the room was smashed by Fenner just now, and there was a human-shaped hole in the wall. The night wind was blowing, and the sound of war in the city came from afar like an accompaniment.

"sit down."

Bo Laike flicked his fingers, and a chair was pushed beside Dailin.

The Cthulhu changed into a more comfortable posture on the bed, took out two more bottles of wine and threw one to the old man, he said:

"You can waste time making eye contact like this, but I think we should use it better, I'm running out of time, father, we should talk.

What has never been said before, what must be said.

You see, I could spend my last night in this world in many places, but I chose to spend it here, where I was born, with the family who gave me life. "

Bu Laike shrugged, glanced at the expressionless old Dailin, and said:

"Don't be tense, I won't laugh at you, do you need to go to the bathroom before the conversation starts? Don't be restrained, your bladder is crying."

(end of this chapter)

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