Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1893 21. It's Your Honor For Me To See Your Chain Of Control, Don't Be Ignorant

Chapter 1893 21. It's your honor for me to see your chain of control, don't be ignorant

Your Excellency the Warden is not here to make trouble.

Although just now Laike and his treasure ship killed at least 2,000 Oathsworn fighters, and his violent sister smashed the frontier fortress built by Zovar in the Maw 10 minutes before setting foot on their territory became ruins.

In the eyes of any aspiring king, such an act would have been tantamount to provocation.

But Zovar said he didn't care. The gloomy Lord of the Maw didn't even set his sights on the collapsed and still burning Temakulun Fortress.

It was evident that the Outcast was a man of great things.

He doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city or a pool, and he is ruthless to his subordinates who do great things. Anyway, for him, as long as the Torghast Tower of Sin Souls is still there, the ordinary oathsworn Have as much as you want.

And the friendship of a very capable evil god is obviously not something that can be obtained casually.

Standing on the bank of the devastated River Styx, Zovar politely invited Bo Laike, his sister, and his murloc pets to his ruling sanctuary as guests.

He needs to talk to Bu Laike, an outsider friend who has never met but has helped them a lot, and promised to help them arrange a way out of the Maw.

"The oldest legend in the Shadow Realm is that the Maw is an inescapable hell, but now it seems that this 'inescapable' is more like a way to scare the night fae fairies."

On the way to the Sanctuary of Dominion, while admiring the desolate scenery of the Maw, he said to the silent warden who was leading the way:

"This is your territory, and whoever you want to leave can leave, right?"

"Well, at least for now."

Zovall has a very dull character, like a tumbler, you have to push him before he can respond to you, he speaks in a leisurely manner, even every sentence has to be thought over and over again.

But this guy has a very distinctive voice.

Empty, each syllable is like vibrating and resonating in a pipe, and there is a feeling of emptiness when it is spoken, just like the big black hole in his chest.

It was as if not only was his heart escaped in the ancient punishment, but all his emotions were also taken away.

His voice showed a kind of exhaustion, like a traveler in the desert who has traveled tens of thousands of miles, and has exhausted all his energy in the boring progress day after day.

But there is a kind of hope in the exhaustion, like hiding hope and ideal deep in my heart and not talking about it, but firmly believing that it will eventually come true.

Bu Laike is very familiar with this way of speaking.

For a short time, His Majesty Faol spoke in this way, and for a long time, the draenei seer Velen preferred to speak in this way.

What they have in common is that they are all great souls, so from this point of view, the Lord Warden in front of you should also have a pure and great soul.

Zovall fell silent again after saying a word, and just walked forward.

Stepping on the land of the Devouring Abyss seemed to make him feel at ease, and even the long and short chains that shook every step made a light and joyful sound.

Bo Laike noticed the chains.

Although it looks rusty, the crimson light in his eyes means that these chains are extraordinary. The Lord Cthulhu narrowed his eyes and made a subtle gesture to Fenna who was curious about everything around him, idiot The elder sister picked up the little murloc and took a few steps back, pretending to be interested in those dark green death crystals by the roadside.

She knew that this was her younger brother's time to have some private conversations with that gloomy god of hell.

"I heard that you were exiled to this gloomy and hopeless cage by your brothers and sisters?"

Bu Laike said softly:

"Is there no resentment in your heart?"

"That doesn't seem to be a concern for you, Lord Bou Laike."

The warden was somewhat resistant to discussing the subject.

He glanced at Bo Laike with his indifferent blue eyes, and the blue runes on his marinated cheeks danced for a moment, representing Zovar's mood at this time.

He said with a straight face:

"If you are interested in these old things, maybe you should go to Denathius for confirmation, my collaborator is a talkative personality most of the time.

He would love to share these stories of the past with you, but I don't want to recall disappointing memories for a protagonist who has endured pain and betrayal. "

"Ah, sorry, it seems I asked too much."

Bo Laike grinned, but then changed the subject, glanced at the chain on Zovar's wrist, and said:

"I should stop here so as not to cause dissatisfaction with my collaborators, but I don't want to do this, I rarely see beautiful stories that rely solely on myself to turn the imprisoned object and even the cage itself into self-power.

Based on my superficial understanding of the power of death, I found at least four completely different godhead remnants on this chain. I'm really curious how you did it? "

"It's very simple, I smelted the shackles and the country that imprisoned me."

Zovar looked at Bo Laike with interest.

He knew that if he didn't say anything, this perverted evil god would keep asking.

Considering that he and Denathius still need Braike Shaw as the cannon fodder to explore the Holy Tomb of the Firstborn, he thought for a while, then pointed to the gloomy and sharp towers that existed everywhere in the sky and on the ground, as well as those towers The ubiquitous chain embellishment around, said:

"My brothers imprisoned and exiled me based on my past powers, and if I continue to retain the powers given to me by the Firstborn, I will never be able to leave here.

But they underestimated my determination. When they were singing and dancing, I spent countless epochs reshaping the foundation of my power. "

The warden is not a storyteller, he told a story that should have been great dry and very short.

He said:

"I unite myself with the despised Maw, this cursed land longs to be accepted, just like other kingdoms of the dead, it longs to have an Eternal as its master .

Being punished, I embraced the Maw, which represents all darkness and evil, in pain, and Maw generously rewarded me.

These chains"

Zovar grabbed the chain hanging from his wrist, and he said with emotion:

"They were designed by my brother, the Warrior Lord, to imprison an arbiter who can judge souls, just like a cage specially used to imprison angry flames, but it cannot trap a mass of ice or a pinch of water.

After my existence was completely merged with the Maw, these chains themselves became the weapons I used for revenge.

I no longer judge souls.

I accept them fairly

No matter good or evil, good or evil, great or humble, as long as they fall into the Maw, they will enter my command and serve me and even this land. "

"It's really a great transformation. The prisoner bound by fate broke through the shameful imprisonment with his own efforts. Well, I want to record this story. One of my children will definitely like it."

Bu Laike pretended to take out his own notebook and wrote a few words, then said in a drawn out voice:

"However, you kept saying 'revenge', but I didn't feel any hatred in your empty heart, instead it was filled with a kind of pity that I don't understand.

You don't hate what your brothers and sisters did to you?

why? "

"There's not a heart here to hate."

Zovar tapped on the hole in his chest.

He glanced at the bright-eyed Bu Laike, and after a few seconds of silence, said:

"Their betrayal was based on a narrow concept born naturally under a flawed system, not from the instinctive malice of my brothers wanting to banish a wise man who saw the flaw.

I really don't blame them.

Because they too are victims of the system, I have understood what I must do in the throes of pain and despair, and my desire to rebuild is greater than to destroy.

If possible, I hope that my brothers and sisters, like the cunning and ruthless Denathius, realize the necessity of this operation and participate in it with all their strength. "

"Oh? I'm starting to get interested."

Bu Laike squeezed his eyes and asked:

"The 'flaw' you mentioned refers to the world system of the Shadow Realm? Do you think the current order of these large and small death kingdoms is wrong?"

"Do not."

Zovar looked Boo Laike up and down with dark eyes.

After nearly ten seconds of silence, the warden said in a weary tone:

"The 'flaw' I mean refers to the six original forces and the universe they extend, whether it is the kingdom of death or the material world, whether it is the sea of ​​lightlessness or the twisting void.

They maintain a balance in opposition, seemingly perfect, but in fact there are endless troubles.

It only takes a little bit of insignificant provocation to make the force unbalanced, and it only takes an evil god with different intentions to secretly push the flames, and the entire galaxy will fall into a predicament of losing control.

You and I have all been witnesses to this state of affairs, Your Excellency Bo Laike.

I can only say that this universe was designed too rough!

It can never truly unite to unleash its infinite potential, and in the face of real threats, our universe is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

but me

My purpose is very pure, I just want to reshape it, fix this mistake, and make the six forces really unite. "

Bu Laike seemed startled. He took a deep breath, shook his thumb, and whispered:

"This is really a great ideal. I have to admit that my previous judgment on you was indeed biased. You are a true idealist, and you are completely different from a monarch like Denathrius who is keen to create an era of death. .

But what I'm more curious about is, how do you plan to fix this kind of cosmic flaw in your eyes?

Is it to break the shaped "fate" and return freedom to every living being so that they can truly control their own destiny? "

"Why do you have such naive thoughts?"

Zovar shook his head, looked at Torghast Tower of Sin Soul, which loomed in the distance between Maw and other kingdoms, and said:

"Freedom has always been just an excuse used by weak beings to deceive themselves. They interpret their failures in the name of freedom, and use the reason of freedom to persuade themselves to abandon their responsibilities.

Among the ten souls in the Maw, eight will shout this term to excuse themselves, and the remaining two are fools who believe in this thing.

That is a great and righteous but empty and boring term.

I don't want to give freedom back to every being, because they are born with it, and no one can really take it away from them, unfortunately not everyone understands it properly or uses it.

And what I want to shape is a united group of stars, dedicated to the same ideal and the same goal under the leadership of one will.

I'll be what they call a tyrant

But that's okay too.

As for destiny

It's even more boring. The Firstborn hope to create an order under the "Mandate of Heaven" so that the Shadow Realm can continue to operate according to the perfect blueprint they designed.

Unfortunately, their design is not perfect.

The kingdom of death is bound by this set of rules, and each kingdom bears responsibilities, which is the purpose for which they are shaped, but this shaping itself suppresses the curiosity and creativity of the eternals.

They became so ignorant and short-sighted that they panicked when I tried to break the rules that bound them.

They only see the stars in their eyes, but they can't see anything further away."

Bu Laike understood.

His eyeballs flickered, and he whispered:

"You mean, beyond the world? Do you see a threat that exists beyond these stars? I want to know what you see? Foreign enemies? Or some kind of doom?"

"I lifted the veil of destiny and glimpsed the future of all beings."

The warden looked at Bu Laike seriously, and said like a magic stick:

"This universe is not the only one, we are just a part of a growing grand system, when you look down at the stars from a higher level, you will find that even the battle between evil energy and the void is the same Ridiculous.

It's just internal friction. "

"Well, it seems that you have indeed seen something remarkable."

Bu Laike nodded, and what Zovar said reminded him of the words that the bronze dragon king said when he met Nozdormu 10,000 years ago.

If those guys who sent themselves to this world really exist, then their level must be much higher, because in their eyes, everything that happens in Azeroth and even the stars is nothing more than the "cradle" Tiny stories.

The evil god thought about these things, and lost the idea of ​​continuing to talk to Zovar.

They walked one after the other in the barren Maw, and soon arrived under the largest palace on this land. It was still the gloomy and twisted dark style of Maw, but the palace in front of them revealed a sense of power everywhere. An imposing manner that cannot be underestimated.

This is the sanctuary of dominion.

Zovall's palace was also the place where he was exiled and imprisoned by other eternals. As Zovall said, he spent countless hours turning his cage into his own power.

"I will arrange for you to leave the Devouring Abyss."

In front of the gate of the fortress that ruled the Sanctuary, Zovar bowed his head and said to Bo Laike:

"You are a distinguished guest and you can walk freely in my palace. All the secrets here are open to you. The soul of the titan sent by you is at the lower level of the tower of sinners, and the entrance of Torghast is also above the sanctuary. middle.

I don't like wasting time, so I won't show you my palace.

Your weapon has also been forged and will be delivered to your room shortly. "

"I have another merciless request."

Seeing that Zovar was about to leave, Bo Laike pointed to the chain on his wrist and said:

"Can you give me a 'Chain of Control'? I have always wanted to make my own artifact of the evil god, and this thing may give me some inspiration.

You won't be using them anyway. "

Facing this slightly rude request, Zovall didn't answer immediately, but just stared at Bu Laike, who took out the golden arbitrator core from his bag and gestured to the King of Abyss Eater, saying:

"This should be yours. We can exchange it. I have already extracted the imprint of the Eternal. This thing is of no use to me."

"I don't need it right now."

Zovar seemed to sense Bo Laike's sincerity, and he reached out and touched the golden orb like a heart, which was once a part of his body.

He shook his head, casually tore off a black chain on his wrist and handed it to Bu Laike.


"Take this as a gift from Chu Yuan to the distinguished guests. May we have a happy cooperation, and may the great cause be broken through. The silent ones who came from afar."

"Of course, that's why I'm here."

Bo Laike held the black chain in his hand.

He showed a very iconic smile, bowed to the warden Zovall in front of him, and said in a humble tone:

"I am your loyal servant, and I will do my best to serve your great cause. Compared with you who have great ambitions, the emperor Denathius, who is obsessed with rule and power and used to use conspiracy to get things done, will also fall into inferior status." Woolen cloth."

(end of this chapter)

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