Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1949 77. Will Animatronics Dream Of An Electronic Evil God?

Chapter 1949 77. Will animatronics dream of an electronic evil god?

The four major kingdoms of the Shadowlands each have their own military characteristics, but the most peculiar among them is undoubtedly the promotion fortress.

The eldest daughter has formulated a strict and lengthy promotion process for her promotions. During this process, the souls who choose to become Kyrian candidates should not only seek peace of mind, but also work hard to exercise their strength to better themselves. to guide and protect souls.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the entire promotion team is very good, especially when the five great saints are in command, these little blue angels can compete with the elite of Maldraxxus in local battlefields, like the brave saints Sandria and her Hand of Courage, who are extremely good at fighting, can even beat Marjorie's fierce men.

But every promoted person is the precious power of the eldest daughter, and it is an important medium used by the eternal one to guide the mortal souls into the shadow kingdom. Their value does not lie in fighting. It's like hitting someone with a gold nugget of equal weight.

It's not that it can't be done, but the price/performance ratio is too low.

Therefore, after advancing to the fortress, after several battles of void invasion, just like the stone blacksmith created the Stoneborn Legion for Revendreth, the eldest daughter also ordered her subordinate master craftsmen, who are ingenious and good at manufacturing, to create This land has shaped a military force that can replace the promoted ones to fight.

The "Hundred Hearts" Legion was born from this.

The composition of this legion is all machines, which were designed into different shapes by the first-generation furnace master of the deacon. They were smelted and formed in the eternal furnace on the top of the white mountain at the top of the promotion fortress, and then assembled in the storage of the chief of the hundred hearts.

Most of the time, the Hundred Hearts Robot will be sealed in the arsenal. When the order of the promotion fortress is threatened, you only need to provide them with enough anima as energy, and a powerful attention will sweep everything away in an instant. The power of the eldest daughter appeared on this land of the eldest daughter.

There are said to be two explanations for why these robots with different shapes are collectively called "Hundred Hearts".

First, anima is the most precious resource in the Shadowlands, and the amount of anima that can be extracted from each soul is always limited, so the name Hundred Heart Leader represents the cost of these robots.

Every time they are used, it means that the anima reserve of the promotion Bastion is greatly reduced.

Second, this name represents the power of these animatronics, each of them can exert a powerful force equivalent to a hundred souls.

Generally speaking, this is a powerful and expensive means of warfare, and this large army will not be used unless necessary.

But now, in the mountains in front of Laike, those golden and powerful machines are rapidly forming formations under the command of the wise St. Jessenius, preparing to attack the loyal fortress that has been captured by the Academy of Sharp Eyes for a third.

It can be seen from their decisive deployment and the vigorous heart power bursting out of each of the robots that the eldest daughter has made up her mind that she will not allow the second temple on this land to fall into Maldraxxar again. in the hands of the Ras invaders.

"I don't think the front line can withstand the rampage of this group of Gundams. It is necessary for the evil god to come forward to suppress their arrogance."

On the platform of the Floating Void City of Creation, the Bone Throne of the Queen of Creation was moved out, and the Lord Cthulhu, who was sitting on it and surrounded by a group of undead structures, complained in a low voice, and then snapped his fingers majestically.

It's like a signal.

The pitch-black wings spread out in the next instant, and the original loyal Saint Jedworth, who was holding a dark spear, soared into the sky, and rushed into the sky with the angels who had just surrendered.

After seeing them appear, Wisdom Shengjie, who was in the air commanding the Hundred Hearts Legion, suddenly turned pale with fright.

De Vos's depravity exceeded his expectations. It is absolutely impossible for a Saint Jie who was blessed by the eldest daughter to become a Forsworn in one day. This is definitely not a normal dark transformation.

The Maldraxxians have evil methods that can directly target Shengjie!

Damn it!

Wisdom Saint Jie immediately realized the critical situation. As the owner of the first-rate wisdom in the promotion fortress, he originally wanted to negotiate with Maldraxxus, at least delaying time by this means.

But when he saw De Vos's black wings, the wise St. Jessenius immediately put an end to the negotiation.

Although it is still unclear why these Maldraxxians made such a big move, what is certain is that they definitely did not come just to plunder some resources.

Loyal saints have fallen, courageous saints are missing, and the glorious order of the promotion fortress is already in jeopardy. This is no longer an ordinary invasion, and we must deal with it with all our strength!

"Hundred Hearts! Attack!"

Thinking of this, Senius Shengjie no longer hesitated, he waved the holy sword in his hand to give the general attack order, and at the same time brought the angels with his wise hands to raid the airspace where Devos was.

He must capture the fallen Devos here to prevent her from spreading the poison of the Forsworn to more companions. As for the Hundred Hearts Legion on the ground, he does not need his command at all.

These war machines promoted to the fortress have quite superb intelligence. The core designed for them by the first generation master master can allow them to master complex tactical systems and learn to grow in the war. They will not stop until the intended combat target.

The moment the order to start the war was issued, the spirit leopards cruising at the forefront of the army immediately rushed out roaring.

These mechanical beasts, which look very similar to lions, flick their tails decorated with anima fluid and metal blocks, soar into the air while galloping, glide at low altitude and cross the ruined defense line guarded by Nerubian assassins, and fall into the rear of the enemy.

They ignored the various traps activated on the ground, pounced around in the deadly plague slammed by the withered secret courtyard, and disrupted the outermost line of defense in less than a minute.

Following them, the Goliath titans rushed forward like galloping tanks, smashing the ruins into pieces and knocking them out of the way.

This Assault Charge model of Goliath has a very cool head, just a hollow helmet, but when activated, there are blue flame-like hearts that can be ignited in the helmet, making these big guys look full of a futuristic Tech feel.

Their height is generally about five meters. These big golden guys weigh several tons. The structure of the secret courtyard was torn apart.

They are also equipped with huge spears that can deliver energy slashes, and use the spears to impale on some difficult guys.

The cumbersome but powerful Goliath titan and the nimble and swift spirit leopard rushed quickly on the ground in coordination with each other. They broke through the outer defense line of the Eye Academy within a few minutes and began to march towards the inside of the fortress. The special model of "Flying Wing Adjudicator" is making simultaneous assaults.

These guys are about the same size as adult humans and orcs, maybe a little taller.

Their appearance has nothing to do with power, but looking at the arms that are shaped as joint flying wings, it is clear that this type of Centurion is used for flying assaults.

They flew silently, and the deacons of Grian may have installed hidden cores for these peculiar centaurs so that they could sneak and attack like assassins, and their hands were equipped with sharp and deadly anima powers. Claws, even in the face of the rough-skinned and thick-skinned war abomination, one claw can open its flesh-stitched chest.

It stands to reason that such arbiter Hundred Hearts would definitely be a nightmare for enemies on the battlefield after they appeared in groups. It would take a ball of wool to save the day, but getting stalked by these deadly judges never ends well.

But it's a pity that the Kyrians dispatched the adjudicator Hundred Hearts to deal with the creations floating in the sky, the Floating Void City, at least today, is really a bad idea that cannot be worse.

Sitting here is another guy who is very good at stealthy actions, and it is really unnecessary to let a group of anima mechanical assassins stealthily assassinate in front of a shadow evil god.

"Sneaking in front of me makes me feel like you guys are mocking me to get out! Hidden guy!"

The crumb pirate who was sitting on the throne of creation coughed and swiped his finger down hard.

A large-scale Shadow Fury hit the platform of the Floating Void City, driving all the hidden Kyrian adjudicators out of the shadows, and dragged them into the void exiled in the whirl of the purple energy storm. In prison.

The pirate also ignored the undead structures around the platform that were entangled by the leopard raid. With a wave of his hand, he rolled up the void crack and threw a Goliath titan that rushed into the platform along the teleportation circle to anyone at an altitude of 10,000 meters. It landed freely, stood up again, smoking a pipe, and walked towards the commander of the group of judges under the escort of the screaming Saramani sisters.

It was a special type of adjudicator with hundreds of hearts, which was larger in size than ordinary adjudicators, with better weapons and equipment, and more intense heart vibration.

It was temporarily exiled from the material phase by the void energy, and it still maintained the shadow attack attack, but the entire slender and elegant body was fixed in place like a photo and could not move.

"I feel that you are afraid, and your mood swings are especially obvious among your companions, which proves that you have enough wisdom to understand your current situation.

May I have your name? "

Bu Laike looked up and down the unique model of the Centurion Arbiter, which sensed the gaze of the evil god but said nothing in the void exile.

It seems to use silence to show its loyalty to the promotion of the fortress and the eldest daughter of His Majesty.

"It's such a beautiful creation, I can even imagine how proud your first furnace master created you from the eternal furnace.

I believe that your birth represents that the military strength of the Fortress has reached a new height, and the eldest daughter is probably very satisfied with this. "

Bu Laike circled the adjudicator several times, and while breathing smoke rings, he said to the imprisoned anima machine:

"But it is a pity that the deacon not only gave you the strength to fight, the core of self-growth, and inexhaustible mental energy resources, but those ingenious owls also gave you real wisdom.

Wisdom is a good thing most of the time, right? Miss Ventunax. "

The evil god asked back.

The adjudicator of the hundred-hearted leader who was called by the broken name shook her body. Her mechanical will driven by the heart was telling her that something seemed wrong. A self-destructing module is activated.

She would rather die here than fall into the hands of this void god.

Ascension Bastion has been invaded by the Void many times, and the creatures here loathe and hate the power of the Void, and they are well aware of the horrors that will happen if the Void is allowed to approach them.

"When you have enough wisdom to understand the world, you will start thinking, and once you start thinking, the search for 'truth' will take root in your hearts.

Well, you seem curious about the truth of the world, and you want to learn more wisdom.

What a nice boy.

I fully read this respect and desire for knowledge. "

The evil god completely ignored the more and more intensive explosion countdown sounding from within the adjudicator. He put his hand on the shoulder of the golden centurion adjudicator, staring at the visor shaped like a crown and the sparks of anima within it. .

This robot has no eyes.

But Lord Quiet doesn't need to make eye contact with her either.

In the chaotic floating city of creation, he whispered to the hundred-heart leader who was about to self-destruct in front of him:

"Come, accept the truth that I share with you, my dear knowledge-seeking robot, don't be restrained, this blessing of wisdom and knowledge has always belonged to every soul that can think freely.

Come on, take everything you need from me, I know you want"


Bu Laike's face was blurred in the next instant, and seven red eyes of truth flashed across the chaotic cheeks. At the moment of witnessing this scene, the golden adjudicator commander let out a mournful cry as if his mind had collapsed.

The "truth" from the evil gods polluted her, and the wisdom from the silent ones "blessed" her.

The taboo knowledge of the Lightless Sea poured into her overwhelmed mind continuously, causing the blue sparks burning in her helmet to turn purple.

And when the self-destruction module activated in the body reached the last second of the explosion, the sharp anima claws pierced into the torso with a bang, and the destroyed module was taken out and thrown into the distance amidst the sparks.

Under Bu Laike's satisfied gaze, the commander of the golden adjudicator in front of him slowly lowered his head to him with a shaking body emitting black smoke.

Little by little, her golden shell transformed into a shadowy purple painting, and clusters of runes of truth from the lightless sea appeared on her beautiful metal body.

Today, the Voidlord of the Sunless Sea has a new follower, neighing with delight as she roams on the tides of truth.

"What a novel experience, my dear Ms. Ventunax, the fusion of your thoughts with the lightless sea is completely different from the embarrassment of mortal minds drowned by empty truth.

Compared with those perceptual languages, you hope to understand everything in your eyes from the essence of the world, which means that the means of void corruption should also keep pace with each other.

Ah, I guess I can see why it took Yogg-Saron so long to completely corrupt the titan guardians.

It's not that it's not powerful enough, but that the two modes of mental corruption are fundamentally different.

A more rational mechanical mind is many times more resistant to void infestation than a fleshy mind, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be high enough. "

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, took off the pipe, and pointed at the Hundred Hearts on the platform that were still fighting with the undead structures. He said to his new servant:

"You have set yourself free in your thoughts, yet your companions waste their precious lives and energies in ignorant and foolish allegiances.

Go ahead and stop them.

Share with them the truths you have learned from me.

The Forsworn are not your enemy, and neither am I.

We are here to accomplish something great and necessary, and I am truly honored to have the assistance of your wise and indestructible Centuries. "

The evil god paused, and looked at the depraved Baixinchang who stood up behind him and showed his psychic claws and blades towards his companion.

He said:

"The eldest daughter restrains you, controls you, and throws you into an unjust war, but I believe that under your leadership, your companions can always make the right choice."

The black adjudicator of Centuries nodded, and rushed towards his former subordinate like the wind while the broken breastplate was still emitting black smoke.

She is like a black source of infection, and can often pass the void pollution on her body to more Baixinchang machines after a few contacts.

But Bo Laike has stopped paying attention to her.

The evil god was looking at the Hundred Hearts Colossus that aimed at the floating city in the mountains and rivers below and began to store energy. He couldn't help thinking about the magnificent scene of that thing attacking the city and land under his command.

He raised his finger and gathered a mass of void truth thoughts, like a dark purple halo rolling around in his hands. He had to transform these conventional corruptions into something similar to a "virus" to infect these mechanical creations.

Fortunately, although he was not a programmer, he still understands the basic principles of virus action, and as an evil god, he can always get more help from the endless truth of the lightless sea.

"Thanks to Yogg Saron's experiments in Ulduar for bringing us the evil wisdom needed to corrode circuit boards, then, my dear mechanical minds, I hope the Kyrian has installed anti-virus software for you."

(end of this chapter)

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