Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 210 29. Praise The Arcane, The Mages In This City Are So Generous!

Chapter 210 29. Praise the arcane, the mages in this city are so generous!

"A wave of fear first, it may not be able to control him.

But it doesn't matter, one killing feast after another, another wave of death falls from the sky looking for opportunities, and finally ends in exile, gaining time and escaping into the shadows.

If you are interrupted, save the field with the Scroll of Hand of Fate.


That's it! "

In the dark alley, Bu Laike quickly worked out a battle plan.

Pretending to work hard, but actually sneaking away.

Escaping is just one of the tactical options for pirates.

There is no need to have any psychological pressure. Besides, this is not his home field. The pirates on land will become weak and not in full condition.

If it was on the sea, on his own boat, he would be very happy to compete with the great mage in front of him.


Never mind.

Just as the pirates were escaping from the Arcane Eyes, approaching the archmage, preparing to launch a massacre feast, and fleeing in the chaos, the old-fashioned middle-aged archmage in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand and made a pause gesture.

"Merry is waiting for you."

The mage looked at the alley in front of him.

In fact, he couldn't detect where the pirates were hiding, he just guessed a direction randomly.

In this way, it shows that it has a great advantage.

He said softly:

"He asked me to take you to a safe place before you make more troubles. Your Excellency Assassin, as the person who helped Dalaran recover the staff of Atiesh, you don't have to sneak in so sneakily.

Dalaran has always welcomed well-meaning visitors, let alone ones like yours.

Come and meet me, sir. "

There was a dead silence in the alley.

Apparently, the pirates didn't believe him.

"Connection code is"

The middle-aged mage coughed and said expressionlessly:

"Corrupted Dalaran must perish."


The pirate jumped out from the archmage's side in the next instant, causing the middle-aged mage's brows to twitch, and his fingers holding the staff tightened.

Damn it!

Underestimate him.

"It's really my own."

Bu Laike smiled and said:

"I told you the secret signal earlier, I thought you were here to support the 'kitten boy' next to you."

"Mage Kel'Thuzad is a very good researcher of magic theory, I still ask you not to call him by that slightly insulting nickname."

The middle-aged archmage said very staidly:

"This is a matter of the dignity of a promising and excellent spellcaster, and must be taken seriously."

Hearing this, Bo Laike snorted.

Said casually:

"But you can't deny that he does have an abnormal intimate relationship with his cat. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that that soft little cat is the tip of his heart."

"This is his personal privacy. Every mage has his own quirks. We respect these secrets without affecting order and safety."

The middle-aged archmage made a "please" gesture towards the portal maintained by his side, and said to Bu Laike in a serious manner:

"And in the city of Dalaran, it's indecent to talk about it publicly. Please, Mr. Laike, go to my mage's tower and wait for a while. Merry will be here soon."

"Well maybe we can move somewhere else."

The pirate looked hesitantly at the shining portal, rubbed his chin and said:

"The last time I went to a mage's mage's tower, I encountered a little 'shock', which left me with a serious psychological shadow. Since we are not very familiar, I rashly stepped into your mage's tower, yes It's a risky move for me."

"So, where do you want to go?"

The middle-aged mage was very tolerant. He waved away the portal and said to the pirates:

"You are a distinguished guest, so it's up to you to decide the place."


Bu Laike pointed to the tallest building in Dalaran City under the night, and he said:

"It doesn't belong to any mage in the city alone, even members of the Council of Six have no right to open the magic defense of that tower alone.

It's the most visible place in town, but also the safest.

As far as I know, on the dome of Violet Castle, there is also a small balcony with a good view and excellent confidentiality, and we can just go there to talk about some things.

Are you right? His Excellency Anslem Ruinverwall. "


The middle-aged archmage suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He was silent for a few seconds, and said softly:

"Merry said that you are a very sensitive young man. He exaggeratedly said that the whole world has no secrets in front of your eyes. I have obviously put on a little disguise, but you still saw through my identity.

have you seen me before "

"I have seen you many times, Your Excellency the Archmage."

The pirate replied gracefully:

"You never knew me.

But it doesn't matter, we have enough time to get to know each other before the old Merri arrives. Do I have an acquaintance who would be honored to be an Archmage? "

Facing this invitation, Archmage Anslem nodded implicitly.

He waved away the arcane curtains on both sides of the alley, followed Laike out of the alley, and waved to the battle mages who came from all over.

Indicating that there is no danger, let them go on patrol separately.

The two of them walked side by side, without using magic, and walked towards Violet Castle in a strolling posture, which was a very strange building.

No matter where Laike looks from in the city, you can see the castle located in the central area of ​​the city.

That is the symbol of Dalaran.

It is the place where the Council of Six is ​​located, representing the incarnation of the highest power in the human magic world.

It is also the largest and tallest building in Dalaran.

It has a unique shape, consisting of multiple small and medium-sized towers surrounding the central tower, and embellished with purple defensive crystals. It looks very mysterious, beautiful and mighty.

This violet castle is built on a taller tower base, and its status can be understood only from the perception. It is the dominant building of the entire Dalaran city.

It is said that it is still built on the magic node of Dalaran.

But compared to the exclusive Karazhan Mage Tower, it has less taste.

"Ten minutes ago, Old Meili asked me to pick up a pirate. At first, I actually refused."

On the quiet city alley, the archmage leaning on the staff said softly:

"I'm a very traditional and conservative person, and I'm also a student of arcane magic. By nature, I don't like people who wantonly violate the rules."

"So what made you change your mind?"

Boo Laike pushed his top hat back and said:

"Is it just because Atiesh returned to Dalaran?"

"That's one of the reasons."

Anslem smiled, and said:

"There is another reason.

A very personal reason, maybe fate, but Mr. Laike, the first thing you did after entering Dalaran was enough to make me change my attitude towards you.

You saved my daughter. "

"Ah, that drunk chick."

Bu Laike suddenly understood, he glanced at the archmage beside him with strange eyes, and said:

"I'm also curious about how she, an ordinary person, can walk around in the robes of the Kirin Tor mages and have so many magic items on her body.

But with all due respect, Your Excellency the Archmage, you really have to discipline your precious girl.

A minor, who went in and out of a crowded bar without being accompanied, drank so much alcohol, and drank himself unconscious, was kidnapped by a group of petty thieves.

You and I both know that this world is very dangerous.

It is not every day that she is lucky enough to meet a kind person like me. "

"Well, the relationship between me and my Caitlin is very complicated. Especially after her mother died unexpectedly, she grew up day by day, as if in the blink of an eye, she became a big girl.

But that kind of adolescent rebellion came so suddenly. "

Archmage Anslem looked helpless, and said with a sigh:

"I can easily understand complex and profound magic theories, and I can kill violent and evil orcs with a wave of my hand, but I can't understand what my daughter is thinking at all.

Maybe it's because I've been busy assisting the Alliance army in defeating the orcs for the past few years, leaving her alone in my mage tower, which made her feel resentful towards me

But in any case, Caitlin is the most important pillar and most cherished treasure in my life besides magic.

You prevented a crime tonight and my daughter from a terrible fate.

Whether it's from the point of view of Dalaran's temporary administrator or as a father, I have enough reasons to thank you. "

"Thanks are unnecessary."

The pirate waved his hand modestly and said:

"In the face of a girl in distress, it is necessary for us to help, but I know that as an archmage, you have your own bottom line, and not giving real rewards will make you feel uneasy.

So, I am not polite. "

Bu Laike coughed and said to the archmage beside him:

"To be honest, I am also a spellcaster. Although I am still in the stage of self-learning, I also have the same thirst for valuable knowledge as spellcasters.

I need a sorcerer's grimoire.

I know that the mages of Dalaran, from the orc warlocks, have collected a lot of similar things in the last few years of the war. "

"Huh? So direct?"

Ansrem blinked, and the archmage said to the pirates in a gentle tone:

"According to the tradition, shouldn't it be I who insisted on paying you, and you made a hypocritical courtesy, and finally reached this kind of exchange?"

"But I'm a pirate, Your Excellency the Archmage. I'm what you call a rule breaker, the type of person you hate the most. Just because I saved your daughter, doesn't mean you will abandon your principles and become friends with me. "

Bu Laike yawned, and he said without interest:

"It's not my principle to please everyone who meets me and make them like me. Just like if the world makes me feel wronged, I will change it.

I am very easygoing.

Doesn't mean I have to swallow my breath.

Didn't Merry tell you that the reason he's friends with me is because I'm different from most people in the world.

I don't see hypocrisy as a necessity.

Archmage, in fact, you don't have to hint at me by beating around the bush, saying how much you cherish your daughter.

I am a very smart person.

I can totally see what you mean.

I am fair and just, and I only want my share.

If you want me to do something extra, make an extra copy. "

The pirate stretched out his hand towards Anslem, hooked his fingers, and said:

"Therefore, the two magic books, I promise to keep them far away from her, and will not spoil the girl in your family who is in the rebellious period, the poor bird in the cage, has a strong father who arranges her future life for her.

She was miserable enough.

I have no intention of adding more misery to that chick's life. "

These words made Archmage Anslem look up and down at the pirate who used camouflage with a strange look.

He had an urge to take off the camouflage on this guy and see what kind of person he really was.


Beneath this disguise is a devil who knows the heart

Within a few minutes of contact between the two, he guessed the real intention of the Archmage.

"Two magic books, deal."

The archmage nodded, and the hypocritical kindness in his eyes dissipated, revealing the true peace in his eyes. As he said, as a student of arcane power, he has a sincere sense of mission to maintain order.

In this idealistic world, any kind of power will affect the user. The arrogance of spellcasters partly comes from the capital of their power, but more of it comes from the interference of arcane power.

The power of that order makes them feel in control of the truth, and thus dismissive of others.

Furthermore, as a father

The archmage really couldn't accept that his daughter was affected by a pirate of unknown origin.

Catherine's teenage rebellion was already a headache for the Archmage, and he didn't want to make things worse.

The hands of the two people are held together, which represents the establishment of the exchange.

The next moment they parted.

The pirate also pretentiously pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands, as if he had touched something dirty.

This action made the archmage's anger soar.

But he still maintained his demeanor.

"Did anyone tell you that you're really good at getting people to hate you?"

Anslem said something softly.

"Are you starting to hate me?"

Bu Laike grinned, he threw the handkerchief in his hand casually, a shadowy throwing knife pierced the handkerchief, and threw it precisely into the trash can ten meters away.

He said:

"Very well, this is my first step in making friends, generous mage. Hate will escalate into hatred, hatred will lead to conflict, and conflict will lead to war.

And defeat turns into fear.

When you fear me from your heart, or when I start to fear you, we can become true friends. "

(end of this chapter)

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