Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 229 48. People Hate Ghosts And Cloth Laike

Chapter 229 48. People Hate Ghosts and Cloth Laike

"Who wants to fight him! This bastard is crazy."

Outside the tent, Bo Laike cursed when he heard Nathanos' well-timed dissuasion.

The moment he entered and exited the shadow, he clasped Xiao Er's wrist with one hand, supported his waist with the other hand, and fell over his shoulder, throwing Xiao Er to the ground.

The force was so heavy that it shattered the shadow around Xiao Er.

He put his left leg on Xiao Er's chest and put his hands on his shoulders to stop him from punching.

"You bastard!"

Xiao Er, who was pressed to the ground, cursed:

"You're hanging out with that bastard Garona! You've failed my trust! Thanks to me for treating you as a friend!"

"I'm your friend, Shaw."

The pirate sighed, held Xiao Er who was struggling in front of him, and said loudly:

"Don't be stupid, I had at least seven chances to break your neck just now."

"Come on, break my neck!"

Shore struggled and roared, obviously out of anger, and even spat at the pirate, but Laike swiftly dodged it.

He got up angrily, kicked the dagger beside Xiao Er, and cursed:

"Blind bastard! You're the same as your lunatic grandma! How blind I was to think of you as a brother.

Who I make friends with is my business, if you dare to meddle in other people's business, I will kill you. "

After cursing, the pirate looked back at a group of assassins who were watching.

He swished out the Devil's Strike, put the sharp blade in front of his eyes with cold eyes, and stuck out his tongue to lick it, acting like a twisted pervert.

He yelled at the people around him:

"What are you looking at! If you look at it again, your eyeballs will be snapped off! Trash, they are all a bunch of trash!"

Just cursing like that, the pirate led the ranger with his head down and left quickly, heading to the camp on the other side.

Only a chicken feather was left on the ground, and the assassins watched with wide-eyed eyes.

Some of them didn't know Laike, but from Shaw's roar during the fight just now, they could also know that this new assassin must be a very powerful person.

"Go back to work!"

Xiao Er got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body with a gloomy face, picked up his dagger, glanced to the side in a cold tone, and scolded, making those SI:7 assassins rush back to work.

And he himself jumped into the shadows, bought a military griffin from the griffin pen in the camp, and rode the flying beast to the barren battlefield outside the Valley of the Kings.

There are still some orcs holding on to this place.

But the Horde's army has already retreated to the scorching canyon and the adjacent burning plains farther away in the wasteland, and because Dailin led the Kul Tiras navy to carry out a successful landing from the western wilderness, the road going south has been blocked. Union blocked.

Therefore, the Burning Plain will be the final decisive battle between the two sides.

The army is still advancing steadily, and Marshal Lothar is not in a hurry for a decisive battle.

The strange disease in the orcs has been detected by the alliance assassins, and the commander is now very clear about the next strategy.

Every day that drags on, the Horde grows weaker.

With the escape route completely blocked, the tribe has no chance of a comeback.

The question now is not whether to win.

It's about how to fight to effectively reduce the alliance's losses.

Under the circumstances of this strategic stalemate, the frontline assassins will be busy. Under the command of several master assassins from Ravenholdt Manor, all walks of life are gathering in the scorching valley and burning plain.

They are frantically destroying orc supply lines.

By the way, get rid of things like assassination and poisoning.

When Shaw arrived at the SI7 outpost in Scorching Canyon, he happened to meet Granny Passonia returning from "hunting".

The silver-haired old lady was wearing a black leather armor, with a black neck guard covering her face, and the short knife and dagger in her hand were still dripping with blood.

She was sitting on the heads of four or five orc warlords, putting a few pieces of roasted jerky into her mouth.

"What are you doing here?"

When Shaw approached, the stern grandma didn't look back at all, and said in a hoarse voice:

"It's not time for you to go to the battlefield. You can be more effective in the rear now than in the front."

"He is back."

Xiao Er looked at the back of his grandma. He has been used to this weird communication mode between him and his grandma since he was a child.

Like a real subordinate, he stood five steps behind Granny Xiao and said softly:

"I provoked him and tested his strength for you. You can no longer see him as before, the traitor who has seized terrible power on this journey.

When I faced him in the shadows, I already had the feeling of facing you.

He really hasn't reached the realm of legend yet.

But the shadow loves the traitor as much as it has blessed you. The most likely guess is that he learned some new tricks from that bastard Garona. "


When Granny Xiao heard this, she didn't show any extra emotions. She just waved her hand casually and said:

"Go back to work and don't interfere with your efficiency because of his appearance. The victory of the league is imminent, which is the most important thing now.

As for the traitor, I'll deal with it. "

"I'm just worried about you."

Shaw whispered:

"I'm just"

"Stop that cowardly gesture, Mathias!"

Ms. Passonia turned her head and said to her grandson:

"You are so weak, how can I trust you to manage MI7 in the future? I have taught you since childhood that as an assassin, you must block out the interference of useless emotions.

You have to learn to use your emotions as a weapon against your opponents.

not yourself.

Now that I've got the Master Trial against Brad Laike Shaw from Ravenholdt, I'm sure I can punish him, old as I am, but not yet humiliated by a young man. "

"I just think you're losing your mind now."

Xiao Er took a deep breath and said to his grandma:

"Things related to Garona, the anger in your heart has been out of balance. You regard Bu Laike as an enemy, but he is not. In terms of behavior alone, he hunted and killed Gul'dan.

He made an indelible contribution to the complete victory of the league.

He did hang out with Garona, but that's not something you can punish him for. At the end of the day, you take this as a personal vendetta.

I'm just worried that this kind of mentality that shouldn't be there will lead to your failure. "

"He didn't just hang out with Garona, Mathias.

The news from the orcs has proved that Red Blackhand, chieftain of the Blacktooth Grinning Clan, also brought back part of Gul'dan's corpse. "

Granny Xiao said coldly:

"If that's what the orc briefing says, then it turns out that Bo Laike is at least somewhat cooperative with the orcs.

He is a hidden danger!

He is very likely to become an unstable factor in the league. Before he does more wrong things, I must personally pull out this cancer that has penetrated into the core of the League of Assassins! "

"That briefing has been personally refuted by Marshal Lothar. It is a trick by the orcs to split the heroes and high-level leaders of the Alliance! Grandma, you have lost your mind."

Xiao Er was also a little excited at this moment.

He said in a deep voice:

"Orgrim Doomhammer will use all methods to recover from the current desperate situation!

You keep saying that this is for the alliance.

But whether it's you or Bu Laike, as long as one is injured, the warchief's plot will succeed! Losing one or two Master Assassins will have an extremely significant impact on the battle situation.

You are following the path arranged for you by that great chief.

You have become a weapon in his hands to harm the Alliance, and to divide the Assassin Alliance from within! Grandma, you were not such a reckless person before!

Why was such an obvious trick provoked such anger in my heart? "

"Let's go back."

Granny Xiao suddenly became indifferent for a moment.

She ate the jerky in her hand, clapped her hands, and said to Xiao Er:

"You don't need to ask any more, I have my own reasons."

"You must always remember, Mathias.

As long as Garona Haverson existed, SI:7 would always be a loser. If I cannot wash away this shame with my own hands, then the responsibility belongs to you.

As for Bu Laike Shaw, since he chose to travel with Garona, he could never become a friend of MI7.

You have to remember this! "


On the other side, Bo Laike and Nathanos, who left the SI7 tent, walked towards the camp of the high elves under the strange eyes of a group of assassins.

"Look at their eyes, they want to kill you, Bo Laike, what did you do to make your colleagues hate you so much?"

Maris asked:

"Is it just because you and Garona remain friends?"

"Not just because of that."

The pirate waved his hand and said casually:

"They hate me because I did something they couldn't, and that's not hatred, that's envy. My friend, the assassin's business is fiercely competitive.

Especially when the news that I am about to undergo the Master Assassin Trial gets out, these guys are eyeing me.

They think that I have won glory that I don't deserve in a dishonorable way.

Unless I pass the trials conducted by Pasonia Shaw herself, I will always be a vile thief in their eyes.

But don't worry about these.

Spending energy on hate and envy is wasting their time, not mine. I have no interest in proving something dispensable to them. "

Bo Laike glanced at Nathanos, he sighed, and said:

"Remember those gazes, Marris, these are what you will experience in the future. Whether it is on the human side or on the high elf side, there will be many people who are hostile to you in various names.

The higher you climb, the more people are going to pull you down, see you slump to the ground, and smugly declare that you're just a failure.

At that time, you will know how important it is to maintain a good attitude. "

"Really? I don't think so."

Nathanos was in a very good mood, he shrugged and said:

"I'm just a Ranger Ranger right now, an ordinary man, and I probably won't be able to do anything great in the future."

"Oh, you will have great achievements in the future."

Bu Laike says:

"That's much better than my current honor, I think, you will become a ranger general on the human side in the future, and a ranger lord on the high elf side by the way

Anyway, it is very powerful. "

As they spoke, the pirates approached the high elves' logistics camp, and were immediately stopped by rangers from the Farstrider Legion. Marris stepped forward to identify themselves, and these indifferent elves allowed them to enter the camp.

"Who are you looking for here?"

Nathanos asked:

"Besides me, do you have any acquaintances in Quel'Thalas?"

"Yes, and not just acquaintances."

The pirate looked left and right in the more splendid camp of the elves, and he said to Marius:

"I'm looking for a half-elf named Fenna Golden Sword. My information shows that she is on the frontline right now. Quickly activate your 'Elf Affinity' ability and ask for me. That girl is now stationed at where?"

"Is she important to you?"

Marius nodded, and took Bo Laike to the Ranger Logistics Quartermaster, where the roster of the Elven Expeditionary Force should be found.

He led the way ahead, then turned around and asked:

"Who is she to you? There must always be a reason for asking the quartermaster. If the reason is inappropriate, the quartermaster will not tell you the soldier's private information."


The pirate pulled his hood down, hesitated for a few seconds, and whispered to Nathanos:

"She's my sister."


The expression of the human ranger is extremely exciting at this moment.

He already knew the real identity of Bu Laike, and swore to keep Bu Laike a secret with his family name, but he didn't expect that His Royal Highness Prince of Kul Tiras actually had a half-elf sister?

His Majesty Dai Lin not only roams the seas and borders, but is he also so invincible in the field of love?

(end of this chapter)

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