Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 305 14. Return To The Broken Isles---【19/35】

Chapter 305 14. Return to the Broken Isles - [1935]

(For Suyan, Qingguo Brothers to add more [4/5])

"Jina Proudmoore, what a sweet little girl."

By the window on the second floor of Violet Castle, Fenner took off her battle helmet, and in the sunlight, she shook her long golden hair, which was exactly the same as that of little Jaina.

She watched as the little mage disappeared into the street in front of the castle, leaning on an ice staff taller than her, wearing a cloak, and rubbing his head.

The emotion in the half-elf's eyes could not fade for a long time.

This little girl was the second Proudmoore she came into contact with.

Much better than the meeting scene with the first stinky pirate.

The pendant on her neck, as Fenner saw very clearly just now, has traces of dragon fire burning on it, it does not belong to her family pendant, it should be given to her by Bu Laike.

There must have been a meeting between the two.

But with Fenner's understanding of her younger brother, there is a great possibility that little Jaina does not know that Drake himself is the one who gave her the pendant.

This is a good thing.

With her current status as a pirate, if she really confesses, it will add a lot of unnecessary psychological burden to this little girl who is still in her early stages of life.

"Is there really something wrong with doing it, and you have to become a pirate? You clearly know that your country has a tradition of hunting pirates."

Fenner shook her head and complained softly.

Putting her battle helmet on her head again, she turned around and strode up to the top of the castle, exuding a cold aura that no one should get close to, making some mages she met along the way take the initiative to make way for her.

After Bu Laike injected the ray of divine power from Tyr, the king of order, into Fenner's body, some strange changes occurred in the half-elf.

Not just the body.

There have also been changes in the momentum level, and even formed something similar to "Longwei".

Fenner didn't know whether the change was temporary or permanent.

Coupled with the many entanglements in her heart, she had to go back to her hometown immediately to find her spellcaster mother and have a good talk.

"Archmage Anslem, I want to use the portal to Silvermoon City."

Fenner came to the castle hall and made a direct request to Archmage Ansrem Luinvivor who was handling the affairs of Dalaran City.

The archmage did not refuse.

After all, the magic portal leading to Silvermoon City was built with the help of the high elves. The Golden Sword family is also very well connected in the Silvermoon Council, so this request is not too much.

"I will order the mages in the teleportation hall to prepare the portal for you, Ms. Fenner."

Archmage Ansrem looks a little haggard, and even has dark circles under his eyes. Apart from the busy affairs of Dalaran City, perhaps part of the reason is because of his really worrying daughter. .

Leaning on the staff of the Archmage, he said to Fenner:

"Because the post-war materials need to be deployed centrally, the preparation of the portal may take a little time."

"It's okay, Archmage, I can wait."

Fenna replied with the decisive tone that a warrior should have. She turned around and was about to leave the hall and wait in the teleportation hall, but after walking a few steps, she heard the voice of the archmage behind her.

"Wait a moment, Ms. Fenner."

Archmage Anslem Luinvivor seemed to have an idea suddenly, he stepped forward leaning on his staff, and whispered to Fenner:

"I heard that the Golden Sword family you are from is a magic family that has been passed down for thousands of years in Silvermoon City?"

"Well, the family inheritance is indeed more than a thousand years old."

Fenner smiled and replied:

"But this is not uncommon in Quel'Thalas. Archmages and high elves have a long lifespan. As long as there are mage families with a little bit of magical talent, they can reach the so-called 'thousand-year family'.

Our Jinjian family is not conspicuous among them, it is just a small ethnic group. "

"Actually, I have a very personal request, and I hope Ms. Fenner can help me."

The Archmage whispered:

"My daughter, Caitlin, is also gifted with magic, but she didn't like magic since she was a child, perhaps because of the problems with my education method.

I would like to ask Ms. Fenner as a guide to take my ignorant daughter to visit Silvermoon City.

Perhaps, after she has seen the spellcasting art of the high elves, and the millennium city you have created with magic, she will rekindle her interest in the way of magic.

I know it's rude.

But it is related to my daughter's life choice, so I have to be more cautious. Please rest assured that I will pay enough to satisfy you for this trip. "

"Is that so?"

Fenna nodded, she could feel the love of the old father beside her for her daughter, as well as the pain and helplessness that he and his daughter couldn't communicate well.

This made the very emotional half-elf immediately jump into his own "unique" way of thinking.

His younger brother, Bu Laike, was so rebellious that after his resurrection, he abandoned Dai Lin and ran to become a pirate. She also has such a weird, withdrawn and annoying personality, which must be caused by Dai Lin's failed family education.

Children who are not cared for will become monsters when they grow up.

I can no longer help my younger brother change his personality, and Bu Laike is basically hopeless. But now, the Archmage's daughter still has the possibility of being saved.

"Don't worry, Archmage, I will help."

Fenner answered bluntly:

"There is no need for compensation or anything. I have lived in Dalaran for many years, and this city has left me with many good memories. This time, I will repay this kindness.

Please prepare your daughter, I will take her to Silvermoon City, and bring her back safely the next time I return to Dalaran. "

"That would be great."

The archmage, who was worried about his daughter's future, was moved when he heard Fina's decisive help, so he personally sent Fina to the teleportation hall.

He went back to his mage's tower and got his naughty daughter ready to run.

Fenna, who was waiting for the portal to be ready in the teleportation hall, had nothing to do, so she took out a novel about knights that she had just bought on the street of Dalaran from her luggage.

I opened the title page and read it, and then quickly immersed myself in the vulgar story.

This story is quite old-fashioned. It tells the story of a high elf voluntarily embracing death for the sake of national hatred and family hatred, becoming a generation of devil kings, and then leading a ghost army to save the world.

But these down-and-out mages in Dalaran really dare to write, and they even use Ms. Alleria as the heroine, and there are many explicit descriptions.

The most terrible thing is that the hero of the story is Ms. Alleria's titular big brother


"This, this, this... This is too taboo! How can this be done between brothers and sisters!"

The pure Miss Fenner blushed, she criticized this vulgar plot, and turned the page faster with a critical attitude.

"Huh? It's gone behind?"

The half-elf female warrior was watching the key plot, but found that the following story was interrupted. She immediately became angry, glanced at the author's address at the back of the novel, and glanced at the portal that was being prepared.

She rushed out of the teleportation hall with her epee in hand.

Ten minutes later, with a few follow-up manuscripts that had just been written and had not yet been printed, I returned to the hall contentedly, and continued to immerse myself in the vulgar story.

Alas, this elf is hopeless.


On the endless sea, a fleet is sailing under the sun.

Its composition is rather strange, four human-style merchant ships, guarding a large troll-style ship, and a small vrykul raider in the rear, hiding in the shadow of the troll ship.

And the one leading the front is a keel ghost ship that can hardly dissipate the cold and evil atmosphere under the sun.

This fleet did not fly the pirate flag, but it could be seen that they were well-manned. There were no less than a thousand sailors on the four merchant ships alone, and the composition was very messy.

Humans, Orcs, Trolls, Vulpera and Snakemen.

The big troll ship was even more exaggerated. A large group of foxes were leading their alpacas to bask in the sun on the deck, and there were 28 goblin-style aircraft fixed around the huge deck.

Five goblins are leading a group of foxes to maintain the aircraft.

There were originally 30 flying machines, but two fell during training, and the goblin engineers built a temporary laboratory on the lower deck of the Alpaca to try to repair it.

But the stupid apprentice broke the plane so much that it would be difficult to repair it.

"cough cough"

In the captain's cabin of Nagfar, who was navigating ahead, Bu Laike, who was looking at the chart, suddenly coughed twice. He seemed to have some strange perceptions, as if something related to him was happening in a distant place.

But the feeling comes and goes as quickly as it feels.

"Captain, we are going off course!"

The pirate dragon Sefiel appeared next to Bo Laike yelling, and the first mate yelled like the end of the world:

"This route is not the one we took last time. If this continues, we will not be able to reach Azsuna. Please correct the route."

"Who said we were going to Azsuna?"

Bu Laike glanced at the first mate who knew nothing about navigation, pointed to the chart in front of him, and said:

"We will go to Broken Beach first, stay there for five to seven days, and then sail westward along the coast of the Broken Isles to Azsuna. Don't worry, I chose this route on purpose.

The Naglfar did not yaw. "

"What are you doing on the Broken Shore?"

Sefiel folded his arms, pouted and said:

"The tomb of Sargeras has been re-sealed now, Madam Aegwynn must have entrusted old Merry to come and see it in person, with your spellcasting ability, you can't break the seal set by that lich at all.

Apart from the tomb of the gods, there was nothing else worthy of attention on the beach.

Where and what are we doing?

Is there a sea breeze? "

"There's nothing on the Broken Shore, but there's something in the channel across from it."

Bu Laike rubbed his head and said to Seifel:

"Use your brain, okay? Didn't I tell you before? Our fleet lacks the power of spellcasters, so before going to Azsuna, I must first add some spellcasters.

Let me ask you, besides the druids of Quel'Thalas, Dalaran and Cenarion, where is the current caster group in Azeroth the most? "

"Uh, let me think about it."

Seifel raised his head, put the fingers of his left hand to his lips, poked his own face, and said:

"The lunatic Xin Della elves in Eressalas? The loa priests of Zandalar? The blue dragonflight of Coldarra? Ah, I know!

You're going to Suramar to capture the Shal'dorei!

That place is in the channel across from the Broken Shore. Are you crazy? Captain, let me touch it quickly, do you have a fever? "

Pirate Dragon stretched out his hand, and really wanted to put it on Bu Laike's forehead, but the pirate pushed it away with disgust.

He leaned back on the chair, took out his skull jug, took a sip of the wine, and said:

"I'm not mad, I'm wide awake. Ah, that nasty noise!

That little fool just threw his damn crab and his damn croak croak pirates overboard, and the sound of them yelling from the deck was driving me nuts! "

When Bu Laike heard the murlocs' cheers outside the cabin, he was out of breath. He opened the window and threw the wine bottle beside him, which landed on the deck with a bang.

Soon, the murlocs stopped shouting.

This allowed Bo Laike to finally gain precious peace.

He turned his head to look at Sefiel, who had a strange expression, coughed, and said:

"Speaking of the topic just now, I certainly know how powerful the Nightborne Shaldorei are. At this time, if Quel'Thalas and the spellcasters from Dalaran are moved here together, their Su The magical enchantment of Rama City.

It's powered by the Nightwell, after all.

Serious titan fetish, but we don't have to take Suramar, do we? In the ruins of Meredell and Flannar, there are many exiled withered and mana addicts.

I don't want many, dozens of them are enough.


The pirate narrowed his eyes, recalling the map and defense of Suramar City in the game, he said:

"The Nightwell's magic shield doesn't cover all of Suramar City. There is a large manor outside the shield on the eastern channel. If I remember correctly, it should be the manor of the chief arcanist .


We took a chance to rush in, plundered a bit, and then walked towards Azsuna. The Nightborne elves dare not chase them out, they are a group of cowards who are 'in the nest'.

Oh, right.

Remember to invite Windrunner's mother over after you dock in a few days.

You must show her the interesting things in Suramar. Believe me, after she reads it, she will definitely break down, maybe she will cry.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really look forward to seeing that scene. "

"I don't believe that Windrunner has a steel-like will, I"

"Ha, you have a different opinion, dear Sefiel, do you want to bet? A bet of ten gold coins, do you want to play?"

(end of this chapter)

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