Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 374 83. Tch, Good Assassins Don't Need Eyesight

Chapter 374 83. Tch, good assassins don't need eyesight

"There is an evil reaction in the lowest level of the crypt! The betrayer has escaped from the cage! Quick, sisters, come with me and activate the seal!"

The anxious cry of the warden's deputy, Nasa, echoed in the empty crypt. Following her call, the watchmen who had just returned from fighting outside the crypt gathered without hesitation.

These Wardens are very sensitive to fel energy.

When they entered the burrow, they felt the terrible vibration from the lower floor, but even knowing that they were going to face Illidan Stormrage who was completely out of trouble, they were not afraid.

Under the leadership of the commander, the watchmen poured into the underground cave, activated the owl statues everywhere, and fashioned temporary fel suppression seals.

Those wandering vengeful spirits also acted together with the Wardens, forming the last line of defense to prevent Illidan from leaving the cave.

But Nasa knew that this was not enough.

"Maileen! Go find Lady Maiev, we need her."

The warden Nasa held her spare moon blade, and before entering the suppressing position, she turned her head and said to a sister who was following her in a deep voice:

"We will try our best to stop the 'betrayer', we will stick to it until the lady returns, even if we fight to the last person, we will"


The dark green evil fire gushed out from the darkness of the cave ahead, knocking the two female watchmen who were caught off guard out of the shadows, and a sharp shout echoed in front:

"He's out! Block him!"

Then there was the battle sound of intertwined sharp blades, and the cold aura stirred when the Vengeful Soul was released, and the battle reached a fever pitch in an instant.

But Nasa couldn't see Illidan's figure in the darkness.

She only saw a terrifying devil-like monster wreaking havoc among her sisters' line, God of the Moon, what the hell is that?


Nasa turned around and pushed away Mai Lin Bladewing, who was about to join the battle, and scolded her. Holding the moonblade, she chanted a prayer to Elune, and as her figure flickered, she also joined the chaotic scene ahead. In battle.

Maileen is a "recruit".

She joined the Watchers after the War of the Ancients. Although she is several thousand years old, she is not as experienced as Nasa, a veteran who has experienced the demon war.

She was frightened by the ghastly figure in the shadows ahead.

Is that a demon?

It has huge dark wings, a divine majesty covered in fel energy, and strange hooves like a demon, but it holds two blazing war blades wrapped in evil fire.

Obviously, his body size is terrifying, but his fighting skills are also superb.

Mai Lin saw with her own eyes that the warden of Nasa threw the Moonblade, but the demon jumped and snatched it from the spot, shaking the body back and forth, knocking down the two watchmen who were rushing past on the left and right.

The shadow blessing of the dark moon phase seems to be invalid at this moment.

The skills they were proud of were useless against monsters that could see through everything at that time, and it could even shoot scorching fiery eye ridges from its eyes.

The three sisters who were besieging in front were burned by the evil fire, their cloaks were ignited, and their swords were melted.

What kind of monster is this!

"Lady Maiev. Only Lady Maiev can subdue him"

Mai Lin Daoyi saw that another companion was knocked down by a monster, she felt a thrill in her heart, turned around and rushed towards the magic platform behind her, she was going to find the leader she was still fighting on the island at this time.

Lady Maiev is the first Watcher.

She has climbed to the top of the Black Moon Watch, she is the most powerful of them all, and she was the one who arrested and imprisoned Illidan Stormrage 10,000 years ago.

She is the traitor buster.

On the rapidly rising magic platform, Mai Lin grasped the thorn knife wheel in her hand.

She felt ashamed of her cowardice just now, deeply felt that she had broken her oath by showing fear in front of a demon.

Although the watchmen are the wardens of the demon hunters.

But like the demon hunters, they are also the natural enemies and nemesis of all demons. In the past ten thousand years, they have fearlessly hunted down the demons hidden in the world in the dark night.

Wardens shouldn't fear demons, demons should fear wardens!

His own performance shamed the watchman.

I must

"Hey! Captain, look, there is an elf chick jumping out over there!"

When the magic platform rose to the second floor, before Maileen Bladewing's self-repentance was over, she heard a vulgar voice, and she was startled.

At this time, why are there other people in the cave? Didn't the Nightborne have already escaped with the prisoners? The invading naga have also been slain.

Where did these guys who are still wandering in the Warden's Vault come from?

Her vigilant figure flashed and disappeared into the shadows.

Looking at the place where the sound came from, I found that there were a few warlocks, with some racial chaos, bastards dressed as pirates, rummaging around the sealed room of the second-floor crypt.

These guys are all different heights.

There are nightborn elves that Mai Lin has seen, trolls that all elves hate, and humans she has never seen, big and green orcs, snake people who walk on two legs and keep spitting out snake letters.

There are even the stag-horned tauren from Highmountain, and the vulpey ones who are no taller than a tauren's knees and have huge tails.

Not only is the race chaotic, but the dress is also chaotic.

Some were wearing well-made but filthy robes, some were wearing magic armor just pulled from the dead Nightborne Demon Swordsman, and some were wearing animal skin trench coats.

The most outrageous masked troll is actually wearing women's clothes!

This guy was the first to discover Maileen Bladewing just now. Beside the giant magician wearing a lady's robe, there was also a tall, six-armed witch of destruction.

Apparently his demon servant.

"No! Bastard! That's my prisoner!"

When Mai Lin saw the female demon, she immediately cursed in the shadows.

The Destroyer Witch is a "prisoner" in the Warden's Vault, and this demon was captured by Meileen in the wilderness of Desolace hundreds of years ago.

These demons sealed in the crypt are out-and-out bad species, each of which has a very strange power, but now because of the current chaos, it has become the "dinner" of this group of shameless pirate warlocks.

"Captain! That watchman chick has run away, do you want to chase her?"

Merlene also heard the troll shouting at the others.

But the troll uses human language, and the night elf, Mai Lin, can't understand it. She hated this group of pirates who took advantage of the fire. If it was normal, she must teach them a lesson.

But now, there are still traitors raging below, and it is important to find Ms. Maiev.

So the recruits of the watchmen looked back at these pirates for the last time in the shadows, as if they wanted to keep their appearance in their minds, and wait until today's predicament was resolved before hunting down this group of ignorant idiots.

How dare you rob the Watcher! What a crazy and arrogant group of people dare to rob the most elite hunters in the world of Azeroth.

Must be taught a lesson.

With this thought in mind, Mai Lin headed towards the surface at an extremely fast speed in the shadows. As she departed, the troll Zalak's cry was echoed by Bo Laike's captain:

"What are you chasing after? How many lives do you have for the watchman to kill?"

Bo Laike, who was carrying the wine bottle, scolded his incompetent and arrogant subordinate, this bastard actually wanted to chase a watcher who had escaped into the shadows, what kind of ignorant and arrogant idea is this?

The pirate turned his head, "looked" at Zarak with his red eyepatch eyes, and cursed:

"Hurry up and move things! Maiev is coming back, and when she comes back, you bunch of trash don't even think about running away. Spending the rest of your life in this cage is the best ending for you."

"That...Captain, I'm here, you've got the wrong person."

The troll waved his hand awkwardly behind Bo Laike.

And a Zandalari troll pirate who was regarded by Laike as Zarak was scolded for no reason, but he didn't dare to refute, so he could only lower his head and move things quickly.

So as not to offend the moody fleet commander again.

"cough cough"

Because of the cursed vision of Sargeras, the normal vision was blocked, and Bu Laike Shaw, who could only use "blind guessing" perception, coughed awkwardly.

He also refuted bluntly:

"What, of course I know you're there! I just saw this guy being lazy, so 'remind' him."

He touched the red strips over his eyes and could explain:

"It's not that I can't tell you apart, and it's not that I'm visually impaired. I can easily determine your positions with my keen perception. For an excellent master assassin like me, having these eyes means nothing to me. Not much anymore.

I just got this baby just now, and I'm still not used to it. "

"Of course, of course, no one will doubt your powerful and terrifying strength, Captain."

The orc warlock next to him rubbed his hands with evil eyes, and flatteringly said to Bu Laike:

"Captain, you are really mighty and domineering when you wear this red blindfold.

My fel hounds have fled back into the Twisting Nether in terror of you. In fact, when you first said that we were going to rob the Watcher, I refused in my heart.

I think this is courting death.

But please forgive my ignorance, my wicked captain, I can't understand your cunning wisdom until we actually come in, what a rich treasure house this place is for us"

"Yes Yes."

Seeing that Xieyan started to flatter, Zarak came over, not to be outdone, and said to Bo Laike:

"The watchmen have caught too many strange creatures here in ten thousand years, and they can be used by us, such as the destroyer I just contracted.

This is a very rare demon in the outside world. Ordinary Warlocks may not be able to encounter it after searching for several years in the Twisting Nether.

It's all about your guidance, Captain.

Ah, it is the greatest honor of my life to be able to plunder with you! "

"Hey, if you have time to talk stupid things here, why don't you do something serious, you two bastards who can only play tricks, time is running out, do you understand!

Maiev Shadowsong will be back at any moment, and the Warden of the Wardens can eat you trash like sandwiches, so don't expect me to rescue you then. "

It's a pity that the flattering posture of the two warlocks is too bad, and the time is very tight, and Bo Laike has no interest in listening to them flattering himself.

After punching and kicking, these two wastes were driven out and commanded the pirates to search around.

Bo Laike himself is also walking quickly in this second-floor hall.

At this moment when every second counts, he also has his own things to do. Under the special vision brought by the blindfold of the cursed vision, the pirate can clearly capture the flow of fel energy and magic power in this cave.

It's like looking at a piece of light that intersects with each other, and can follow the flow of evil energy to find the source of the evil energy's magic power.

Now the largest source of fel energy and magic power must be Illidan Stormrage who fought with the watchers in the depths of the burrow. A downright demonic form.

Demon hunters have mastered this special power 10,000 years ago.

He was just too weak, and ten thousand years of captivity prevented him from unleashing his anger and potential, and Laike helped him at this most critical moment.

But are pirates good people?

Illidan attracted all the Wardens underground, the Nightborne fled, the Naga died, and now the entire Warden's Vault has become a "place of wealth" that can be plundered by Bo Laike.

It's a pity that the watchmen live in poverty and don't need money or treasure, which disappointed the vulgar pirates. However, in the watchman's supply boxes placed everywhere, you can find all kinds of captured spoils.

Some great weapons, some rare armor, weird and wicked magic items, and more, just find one and it's worth the trip.

"right here!"

Braike followed the evil perception brought by the cursed vision, and quickly found a sealed hall in the Watcher's Burrow, regardless of the Watcher's seal that would trigger an alarm, waved the hand of death, and closed the door The seal lock was cut open.

He strode into it with his scythe in hand.

In the ghost vision compiled by the cursed horizon, he "saw" a strange creation full of fel energy and magic power, surrounded by a dozen mirrors in a large cage in front of him.

The pirates were also polite, and waved their hands to investigate, and quickly fed back the biological information in front of them:

Name: "The Observer" Glazer

Race: Devil [high-level beholder]

Status: Weak · Mirror Seal

"Ha, that's you! One of the great trophies I've come to the Vault of the Wardens to take.

The most valuable prisoner captured in the Warden's Thousand Years Hunt, a rare demon card that other stupid warlocks may not necessarily be able to "draw" through their miserable and useless lives. "

Holding the scythe, the pirate strode down the seal made of mirrors in front of him.

Shi Shiran took out the demon contract that he had already prepared from the magic bag, and shouted to the big floating eyeball with tentacles that was suspended in the center of the mirror, seriously lacking in vitality:

"You trash so pathetic that a mirror can defeat you, this pirate is now giving you a chance to serve me."

"Don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

(end of this chapter)

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