Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 377 86. This Maiev Is A Bit Weird (Part 1)

Chapter 377 86. This Maiev is a bit weird (Part 1)

"Hurry up, get out! Little Xingxing opens the door, we should get out."

In the watchman's burrow, upon hearing Xal'atath's reminder, the captain immediately called the blue dragon girl to come and open the portal.

Locating the Naglfar in the haze of ocean pollution was a bit difficult.

But this difficulty is for ordinary spellcasters. For a blue dragon with a natural ability to cast spells like Little Xingxing, as long as the ghost ship's ship spirit does not resist her positioning, it is not difficult to open the door accurately.

"What's the rush?"

The little princess didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. She put away the beautiful flame stone in her hand, and brought her chubby little dragon forward, waved her ten fingers and began to outline the portal.

He also emphasized:

"You are not allowed to call me 'Little Xingxing'! We are not close yet, only friends and family can call me that."

Bo Laike's assassin instincts were calling the police.

He looked up, feeling sick at the sight of an apex predator, and Xal'atath chuckled in his ear.

The smile is full of faint malice, as if she is happy to see the pirates who always put on airs get into trouble, which is also a strategy that possessed monsters like her often use.

Only when the host is in desperate danger, will he not resist the "help" of some dark forces in order to survive.

But the Pirates were too steady before.

No matter what the situation seems to be more than enough, Xalatath has no chance to use this strategy against Laike.

Now is a good time.

Once Maiev Shadowsong chases after her, with the current strength of the pirates, she will never be able to win even if she cheats. At that time, she, the "Legacy of the Void", will be needed to make a move.

Hehe, the plan works.

"Open the door, Stellagosa!"

Bu Laike held the scythe behind him, and shouted back impatiently, probably because of the coldness in the words and the tone of calling his name directly, which made Little Xingxing feel abnormal.

She didn't say any more, and the action of outlining the portal in her hand became faster.

The pirate took the time to look back, and he could only say that it was indeed a blue dragon. When using a short-range portal, it didn't even need to draw a mana model like a human spellcaster.

The magical power that used to be unruly in the hands of humans is as docile as a sheep in the hands of Little Xing Xing. Watching Princess Blue Dragon cast spells is full of casualness and ease.

These guys rely entirely on their talents to use magic.

It's really enviable.


The sound of the magic platform falling was like thunder in Bu Laike's ears.

The pirate completely followed his instinct, rolled outwards and fell into the shadows.

At the same time, four figures flashed towards the pirates, and before the three warlocks could react, they were kicked over by the girls who jumped out of the shadows.

The soldier Maim has reacted.

But also completely useless.

The trident in the orc's hand pierced forward with fiery anger, and of course it missed.

The watchman wearing plate armor and holding the moon blade performed a graceful somersault in front of him, rubbing the edge of the trident and jumping in front of Maim. The dark green cloak turned like a whirlwind of knives in front of the orc.

In just an instant, a dozen deep scratches were left on Maim's heavy armor.

There is also a watchman flashing in the direction of the little star, to prevent the blue dragon from casting spells.

But she flashed and jumped over with a shadow attack, and was kicked on the back by Bu Laike who was hiding in the shadow, and the thrown moon blade flew out against the body of the little star, without interrupting the opening of the portal.

The pirate and the Watcher lady fought quickly in the shadows.

The two staggered for less than two seconds, and attacked each other more than a dozen times. The moon blade that missed it flew back in a circle, and was thrown to the ground by Bu Laike's bat dart.

The Watcher, who had lost his weapon, had a hard time resisting Bo Laike's outburst. In the third second, he was punched in the waist by the pirate. After failing to dodge, he was thrown over his shoulder and fell to the ground.

The young lady jumped up and fought back.

The pirate in front of her waved a banishment, temporarily expelling her from the dimension of reality.

"Ha, you must be a recruit."

Bu Laike picked up the moon blade stuck in the ground, held it in his hand, and said sarcastically to the exiled watcher in front of him:

"The skills are not bad, but the combat experience is far worse than Nasa. Typical young people, the strength comes and goes quickly when fighting, this is not good, you.

You have to learn to slow down, believe me, no matter what you do, persistence is more important than explosion. "


Little Star's portal finally opened, and Laike turned around and was about to jump in, but when he turned around, he saw a watcher holding a thorn knife wheel, emerging from the shadows with graceful steps.

She appeared next to the giant magician in a flash, and the knife wheel in her hand didn't seem to move. Zalak's newly contracted Destroyer Witch seemed to be cut open by an invisible sharp blade.

The lustful demon with six hands and wearing a veil collapsed into pieces of flesh and blood without even making a scream.


The speed of swinging the knife is too fast, so you can't even see the moves clearly?

The giant magician backed away in fright.

She waved her hand and threw the magic shield on herself, but the warden lady didn't even look at him. She turned around lightly on the spot, the blade-wing cloak turned, and the three warlocks around her screamed at the same time.

They were exposed to the array of shadow knives thrown around by Madam Warden waving her cloak, and the magic armor on the warlocks was like paper.

In less than a second, the three warlocks were like punctured bags of flesh, with blood gushing out of their bodies, before falling down convulsively.

Meme was about to charge up with the trident, but the warden's figure flashed, and when he reappeared, his left foot wearing the owl boots emerged from the shadows, kicking in the space of Meme's war helmet.

Kicking this heavily armored orc on his back was like a Dragon Rising Fist. It knocked him off the ground and fell to the ground hard. That posture looked like an orc warrior who took the initiative to send his face up to be stepped on by the warden.

If the pirate hadn't known the truth, he would even have thought the orc was an actor hired by the warden.

Isn't this too fitting?

"Maev Shadowsong!"

Bu Laike was taken aback.

He didn't care about any plans at this meeting, and when he saw that the warden had easily dismissed his subordinates and then disappeared into the shadows, he took out the Odin shield and blocked it in front of his eyes.

The next blow is definitely coming towards him!


The heavy blow of the weapon slashed from the large shield, and its force pushed the pirate back three steps. Isn't Warden an agile class? Why is it so powerful!

Ms. Warden, you are cheating.

But Bo Laike had another problem than Maiev's raid.

Just as he took out Odin's shield to block Madam Warden's shadow attack, a disdainful scolding sounded in his ear.

The Shield of Odin is not to be used in mortal battles, and Laike's use of the weapon of the Lord of War dishonors what the shield stands for.

In the deafening scolding, a bright negative effect jumped out of the floating character card in front of him:

Coward: You used the weapon of the gods in the mortal duel, which severely damaged the fairness of the battle, and was excommunicated as a "coward" by Odin.

In this state, the attack and movement speed are reduced by 50%, the protective effect of all armor is cleared, and all talents are temporarily sealed, and the effect lasts until the end of the battle.

"Damn Odin!"

Bu Laike, who has always been very particular about "self-restraint", burst into a foul language at this moment.

He was not angry because of Odin's mischief at this time, but mainly because he thought that Odin might also be blind in the other eye.

Do you also regard Maiev Shadow Song, who is blocking and killing gods and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas in front of you, as a "mortal"? This woman's combat power can easily kill most of your heroic spirits, okay?

"Wrong response."

When Bu Laike was protecting with a shield, the warden Maiev, who was interrupted in front of him, suddenly said something in Salas language, as if evaluating Bu Laike's behavior.

Let the pirates hear clearly.


The warden threw the thorn knife wheel upwards, and clasped the edge of Odin's shield with his ten fingers in iron armor.

After a light somersault, she passed over the pirate's head, snatched the shield from the weakened Laike's hand with strength, turned around and kicked out her slender legs, and kicked the pirate's upturned ass.

It's not hard.

But it broke his balance, causing Bo Laike to jump forward a few steps in embarrassment.

He turned his head, and saw Maiev raised his left hand, firmly caught the falling knife wheel, raised the serrated sharp blade, and pointed it obliquely at the distressed pirate in front of him.

Under the battle-scarred owl helmet, a pair of eyes stared at the enemy in front of him.

She flicked back the Odin Shield in her other hand, and landed it precisely at Bu Laike's feet, saying:

"Borrowed power will betray you."


The pirate looked at the warden in front of him in surprise.

Just as he was about to ask more questions, he saw Maiev's figure disappearing in front of him again, and he didn't want to take out the hilt of the sword at his waist to inject magic power.

A one-meter-long flaming blade jumped out and swiped down to the left relying on perception, cutting through a moonlit phantom that appeared from the shadow of the warden, but the real Maiev came out from the other side at the same time.

The icy bramble wheel slid down the pirate's neck, leaving a clear scratch on the Night Slayer's suit, leaving Bo Laike between life and death.

He stepped back, stepping into the shadows.

During the smooth process of the shadow suit covering the body, the fingers wrapped in the icy gauntlet protruded, and they were precisely and unceremoniously buckled on the pirate's cloak, grabbing him out of the shadow again.

Laike was thrown to the ground by the warden over his shoulder in the same posture as when he bullied the watchman recruit Merlene Bladewing just now.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw Maiev pressing on him in a strange posture. The legs wrapped in iron armor knelt and pressed against the chest, making the pirate almost unable to breathe for a moment.

What's more terrible is that the sharp saw-toothed bramble knife wheel was right in front of Bu Laike.

Just less than an inch in front of Sargeras' curse vision, even if you don't have to look at it with your eyes, you can feel the unique icy aura of that weapon.

"Sharp perception, but can't make good use of it. He has treasures, but behaves like a real blind man. Typical young people, come and go quickly.

Is this what you call 'permanent'?

Can't hold on for five seconds? "

The Salas language with a slight Suramar accent sounded from above the pirate's body. In Ms. Maiev's soft evaluation, the icy thorn blade touched the corner of the pirate's eye.

With a slight swipe of the sharp blade, the red cursed vision was removed, revealing the blue left eye of Laike.

"You must have experienced many challenges, but why are you still so weak? I used to think that the pirates who dared to rob the Watcher's Vault must have some skills.

But seeing you now, I'm really disappointed.

Unrestrained and unrestrained, arrogant and frivolous.

You must have wasted a lot of time on unnecessary entertainment. "

The knife wheel spun slightly, sliding under the corner of Bo Laike's left eye.

Leaving a wound oozing blood, amidst the stinging pain and the pirate's stunned gaze, he heard Maiev say in a whisper only he could hear:

"Leaving this mark is much more pleasing to the eye"

"B Laike Shaw, from today onwards, you are my prisoner and I am your warden! Run as much as you want, let me relive the feeling of hunting.

I will enjoy it. "


Pirates were thrown out.

He still hasn't figured out what happened.

The Maiev in front of him was a bit strange, definitely not the white-haired Kadorei lady he had seen in the game.

It's normal to beat her.

In the current legends of Azeroth, there are very few who can win against Maiev, but the intertwined moves just now are not like fighting at all, more like cat and mouse.

Or a coaching match.

Moreover, perhaps it was the illusion of the pirates, why does this Maiev feel a bit dark and coquettish! Is it also one of the evil consequences of breaking the thread of fate?


But the matter in front of him no longer allowed him to think too much. When he was thrown out by Maiev, there was a fel storm explosion under the magic platform in the Vault of the Watchers.

Amidst the dark green energy tumbling, a black shadow sprang out from the cave below, swept to the sky like an eagle, and when it spread its wings, it landed in the middle of the pirates and watchers in a swift superhero style.

Inky black fel energy billowed like black smoke, and the completely demonized Illidan Stormrage, with Gul'dan's head in his left hand's alienated claw, slowly stood up in his very standard classic pose.

At this time, Illidan had grown two curving and domineering demon horns on his forehead, and in his eyes without blindfolds, there was flickering fire of evil energy.

Facing the exaggerated appearance of the World Destroyer Demon King, Maiev Shadowsong also moved her body, holding her Thorn Knife Wheel.


The pale-white Skull of Gul'dan was dropped from Illidan's hands, and rolled to the pirates like a ball, and was grabbed by Laike again.

But instead of orange light, what caught his eyes was a dull purple.

The thing was sucked dry by Illidan.

It was almost destroyed, and the decline in grade was just an appearance, which meant that the Skull of Gul'dan had changed from a warlock sacred object to a fairly good magic item.


Illidan's hoarse voice echoed in the crypt, and he said to the pirates who got up behind him:

"Don't worry about today's failure, you are facing the best stalker in Azeroth, and I have also tasted bitter failure in her hands.

You have to survive first to have a chance of defeating her.

Don't forget to do your duty, pirate. "

Bo Laike nodded.

He grabbed the almost discarded Skull of Gul'dan and got up, and then gestured to the group of incompetent useless men behind him, allowing the petrified little star to continue to maintain the portal.

At the moment of retreating into the portal, the pirate suddenly raised his head and shouted to Illidan Stormrage:

"Maybe it's a bit unlucky, but... if there will be no date in the future, I hope you die well."

Brother Egg was taken aback by this sentence.

Afterwards, a ferocious smile appeared on that demonized face, his wings flapped, and he raised the burning blade in his hand. Before fighting Maiev, he said:

"That's a good line, I like it. I wish you a well-deserved death too, pirate."

(end of this chapter)

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