Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 383 92. Hey, Where Did You Get This Bow?

Chapter 383 92. Hey, where did you get this bow?

"I'm not fainting."

Dean Alya Lanyue, who was lying on the gorgeous big round bed in the captain's cabin, explained seriously that beside her were her "students".

Bu Laike, the trio of warlocks, and the elementary school girl Stella Gosa.

On the other side of the bed was the black-robed ship doctor, Ms. Natalie Serling, who was sitting there, maintaining soul comfort.

Well, the idea of ​​treating the dead sounds outrageous.

But consider that this happened on the Naglfar.

That's understandable.

"I just heard the news, and I was a little too excited, which caused a little problem with my soul and body structure. Now that the magic power cycle is smooth, there is no problem.

You don't have to worry. "

In order to show that she has "recovered", the dean reached out to release a magic spell, but as soon as the unreal arm was raised, a disordered magic power erupted at her fingertips.

Broke a piece of the delicate and ornate relief above Bo Laike's bed.

The scene immediately became awkward.

"Ms. Lanyue, your spirit body is not completely stable yet. I suggest you take a rest for a while. After all, you are a ghost for more than 10,000 years, and you have accumulated too many memories in your consciousness.

Originally, after the zero-point reincarnation at Narsalas College, you should allow your tired spirit body to recover for a while, but now you are suddenly suffering from emotional ups and downs, which has affected the stability and integrity of your spirit body. "

Natalie hurriedly threw out another soul appeasement, making Dean Lanyue's spiritual body more solid.

As expected of the former archbishop, the ship doctor spoke with a seriousness and reproach that is unique to a doctor, while on the other side, Laike and the warlock trio exchanged glances.

The joy in the eyes of the four people was hardly concealed.

"Well, Dean, you can rest for a while. You are the backbone of Nazaras College. Seeing that the college is about to be rebuilt, you can't have any accidents."

Bu Laike hypocritically persuaded:

"It is very important to combine work and rest. Only by giving yourself a vacation occasionally can you work better."

"That's right, that's right! Dean."

The warlock Xieyan, who is better at acting, still has injuries on his body, but his blue-faced and long-toothed face also showed a concerned expression. He pretended to be honest and said:

"You don't have to worry about our study, you know us, we all have a strong sense of self-management, we don't need your supervision, we will be very concerned about learning.

Haven't all the textbooks been distributed?

We will definitely study hard and will not shame Narsalas Academy. "

"Yes, that's the truth."

The troll Zarak hurriedly nodded in agreement:

"I'm the most honest, dean, you know me, I'll help you watch over us, and if anyone is lazy, I'll definitely report to you as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he secretly kicked Kanrethad.

The skinny boy also quickly restrained the chuckle on his face, showing a serious attitude.

"The words are nice, but I'm most worried about the four of you."

Dean Lanyue sighed and said:

"But the situation is already like this, and there is no good way. The other instructors are still learning the basics of warlock magic, which is far from the level of teaching, but your learning progress cannot be slowed down.

I will entrust His Excellency Elan to teach me for a period of time. The most important thing is homework. Fortunately, I have completed the syllabus, and your homework can be distributed on time. "

After saying this, the faces of the four warlocks including Bu Laike fell down.

The little Xingxing who watched couldn't stop laughing beside him.

"Okay, you all go out first, I have a few words to say to Bo Laike."

The dean waved her hand, and her students walked out of the captain's cabin with their heads bowed. When the door was closed, there were several cheers outside the door.

Although homework is indispensable, without the strict discipline of Dean Lanyue, the warlocks can finally relax for a while, which is also worth celebrating.

"Bo Laike, what I want to tell you is about the Eternal Water Bottle"

Dean Lanyue opened his mouth, and Bu Laike nodded and said:

"After I finish my business during this time, I will go to the Kalimdor continent to get it back. It is a very important thing. It is related to the future of Nazaras Academy and the Undead Fleet. It must be taken seriously. treat."

"Yes, it is very important. So, don't take it now! Don't disturb your original plan because of this sudden accident."

Alya Blue Moon looked at Bu Laike seriously, and she said with emphasis:

"I have heard about the situation of your fleet. In Tol Barad, you are still facing threats from other countries, as well as your special identity and the special significance of the Well of Eternity.

Acquiring a water bottle won't do you any good until you're fully fledged.

Whether it is imitating the Nightwell of Suramar or the Sunwell of Quel'dorei, it takes a long time to establish such a magical facility, and once the news leaks out, you will immediately face direct pressure from the Kaldorei.

The victory of Overwatch Island cannot be replicated.

The Tidal Stone is very powerful, but it is broken after all. This world is very mysterious, we must respect the unknown, and a few weak stones cannot always bring you victory, my student.

The reconstruction of Narsalas College needs to be re-planned. When we establish the college, we must simultaneously start designing and manufacturing the facilities that carry the water of the Eternal Well.

During this period of time, you must first make your own power stronger and stabilized, so as to eliminate the threats of other forces to you.

Only when both goals are achieved at the same time can we advance to the next step.

I know you have big ambitions.

But there is no conflict between lofty ideals and down-to-earth. "

Bu Laike froze for a moment.

Dean Lanyue's words were beyond his expectation. He originally thought that the high elves' desire and special feelings for the Well of Eternity would make the dean urge him to get the eternal water bottle.

And Alya Lanyue heard the news just now that the excited spirit disorder entered a short-term chaos, which also proved her thirst for eternal well water. That magical and powerful liquid is very likely to cause some subtle changes in spirit bodies like them.

But she suppressed her desire and impulse, and in turn persuaded Bo Laike to keep his feet on the ground.

This made the pirate feel a little moved.

He nodded, without saying anything, took out the broken head of Gul'dan from his bosom, put it in the dean's hand, and said:

"I know that the dean can't be idle, so you can use this thing to practice while you are recovering from illness, it can help you better understand the operation of warlock magic.

This thing means a lot to me, it's what led me down the path of a spellcaster. "

Bu Laike paused, grinned, and said:

"I also ask the dean to use your powerful attainments in inscriptions and enchanting to help me restore it. I don't want to restore it to its original strength, as long as its magic power does not continue to be lost."


Dean Lanyue agreed, and Bu Laike told Natalie a few words, then stood up, picked up the red eye patch that Seifel had washed, put it on the eyes again, and tied a bow skillfully, Then he pushed the door and walked out of the captain's cabin.

"quack quack"

The moment the door was closed, the familiar murloc cry sounded in front of Laike.

The little murloc, Benbo Erba, rode a weird thing, flew all the way along the cabin, and circled Laike twice, as if to show him his "new mount".

It was a snow-white owl.

It radiates fluorescence in the dark, and it is several circles larger than the average owl. On Hanhan's face, there are slender eyebrows that curve upwards, forming a crescent shape, like two horns growing on his head.

Its claws are huge and sharp, and they are covered with exquisite steel claws.

On the neck of this moon white owl, there is a collar with the watchman's logo on it, and only watchmen and moon priests will domesticate such an owl for scouting.

Needless to say, this owl must be a "trophy" that Benbo Erba hunted on Watch Island, and this little guy doesn't know how to tame it.

Or rather, trying to tame.

After all, seeing the owl flying obliquely, he tried his best to throw the little murloc off of it, but Benbo Erba had ridden a dog, an undead bone eagle, and a big crab.

It is already the "Master Beast Tamer" among the murlocs.

A silly owl is certainly no match for it.

"Ha, I knew you could always find something good."

Bu Laike is blindfolded and blocked from normal vision, but he can sense the surrounding situation, and the eye of Keir Rogge helps him obtain a full range of 360° vision.

Although he was "blind", he could still see clearly.

Stretching out his hand and flicking the little murloc's head hard, Bu Laike asked in a low voice:

"Apart from this owl, did you find anything good on Watch Island? Come, give me some. I don't want more, just one or two will be fine."

The murloc shook his head violently, then spread his hands, and made a "poor" gesture, indicating that he really didn't get any good things.

But the pirates believed it was a ghost.

This little idiot must have secretly "brought in another batch of goods" for himself.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, I don't ask you to ask for it, just go away."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"Take care of your big bird, don't allow it to shit on my boat, if I find it, you can clean it up for me yourself! Sefiel will stare at you."

The little murloc grinned, made a face at Bo Laike, then pulled the collar of the naughty owl, and flew crookedly along the cabin.

The pirates didn't bother to pay attention to it, strode out of the poop, walked to the railing, and saw a pile of things piled up on the deck below, and the pirates on the ship were sorting them out.

Those were all brought back from the Warden's Vault, as well as some items that were looted when the druids left before.

Bu Laike lost sight of it, and there was a blue-green light shining on the big pile of things, and occasionally one or two faint purple lights could be seen, all of which were good things.

But the captain is no longer needed.

"Everyone gets two! Everyone gets a share."

He stood by the railing and shouted to the pirates below who were sharing the spoils:

"The rest will be handed over to Quartermaster Yudora, whoever dares to take more will have their hands chopped off! Once the private possession is caught, it will be hung on the mast, and it will be released after the next unlucky guy makes a mistake.

There are also those gems and gold coins that were looted, one bag per person, is there any more!

Go to Northrend for the next battle, there is said to be a place for sailors to relax. You can play whatever you want when you get on the shore, but if you dare to cause trouble for me, you will throw all of you trash into the sea, understand? "

"Long live the captain!"

The pirates below heard Laike's words and immediately cheered.

They saw the captain docilely subdue the group of invincible big bird druids with lightning and tides, and they were in awe. Now that they were given money and treasures, they were all overjoyed.

Of course, there will always be some troubles in the distribution of loot.

Especially since the trophies are all magic items this time, the pirates want to get the best, and they will definitely fight with each other.

But that has nothing to do with Bo Laike.

Anyway, he has achieved fair distribution, and no one can speak ill of him.

"Those guys are awake, Your Highness."

General Lyresa's voice sounded from above Bo Laike, and the eye of Keir Rogge, floating beside the pirate, rolled up and saw the Ranger General sitting on the edge of the third story of the poop.

The latter was holding a dark green war bow, using special tools to fine-tune the bowstring of the war bow, and there was a bag of snake-human bone arrows beside him.

She said to Bo Laike:

"The Anaris girl is going to carry out her plan, why don't you go and see?"

"Since I let her do it, I don't have to intervene. I trust my crew very much, and I trust everyone."

The pirate threw out the hook lock, clasped it on the three-story railing and jumped lightly, then landed beside Windrunner's mother. His Eye of Kiel Rogge was close to the war bow in the hand of the ranger general, and carefully sized it up.

The texture of this bow is very strange. It is made of metal. Judging from the color and structure of the metal, it should be magic steel!

This is a special metal that only the demons of the Burning Legion can smelt. It is very suitable as a carrier for some dark magic. The Ulthalesian war scythe in Bu Laike's hand is made of magic steel.

And the shape of this war bow is quite strange.

Its slender bow arms are like the wings of a demon, and three sharp blades are shaped on the bow guard, stabbing forward like devil claws, so that the bow can be used for melee combat when necessary.

On the upper and lower sides of the bow arm, there are two half-arc vacancies. When the bow is drawn, dark magic should be activated in the two vacancies.

Bu Laike stretched out his hand and put it on the cold and familiar war bow, purple light jumped out, and the entry showed:

Betrayer's Dark Bow

Epic quality [magic energy enhancement]

Super Tough. Super Swift. Super Puncture. Super Heavy

Item effects:

Dark Drain: This war bow is specially made by Illidan for hunting demons. When the arrows it shoots hit the enemy, it will actively draw the enemy's magic, making them enter a state of magic loss.

It also replenishes the user's mana for longer hunting.

"Excellent weapon for a powerful ranger like you, my mentor."

Bu Laike gave a compliment.

Then the voice changed, and said quietly:

"But I'm curious, how did you get it from Maiev Shadowsinger? If you lose, will there be any loot?"

(end of this chapter)

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