Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 439 148. Gilneans, You Are Really Impatient

Chapter 439 148. Gilneans, You Are Really Impatient

"Stand up, raise your head, and let Steward Runas take a good look. Come on, smile, and show your best side. If you are picked by the steward, you will meet good luck. "

After several days of sailing, they were about to return to the Alpaca in Tol Barad. Some handsome young pirates were brought onto the deck, and were forced to raise their heads under Silvermoon Harry's ridicule and scolding, as well as whip whips. .

Humiliation lined up like cargo.

Afterwards, the Nightborne pirates under Anaris came forward, each with a haughty look, pointing at these human pirates, and whispering to each other in Elvish.

Although these guys fight and pull their hips, they learn quickly to bully the weak and fear the hard.

Seeing pirates who dare to raise their heads to provoke, they will wave their whips viciously and beat them. If anyone wants to make trouble, they don't mind playing prestige on these losers.

On the other hand, His Excellency Lunas, the butler of the captain of the Moon County, put on his hands with white gloves behind his back, posing as a gentleman, surrounded by several Nightborne servants, picking and choosing on the ship.

He wanted to select a few clever new servants for the honorable lady Yuejun, to prepare for her future travels across the Eastern Continent.

Speaking of Runas, this once downcast elf exile is now awesome.

Relying on his eloquent mouth, he has already won the favor of Ms. Moon County, and has become the number one dog leg of Captain Nightborne, doing his best to do everything the lady ordered.

After being "taught" by Moros before, all the bad habits he picked up when he was wandering in Azsuna were almost forcibly eliminated.

Now it is also imposed a set of dignified demeanor that an upper-class butler should have.

Of course, this stewardship training does not happen overnight.

Now Lunas has to report to Moros butler every three days to receive follow-up instruction. Although Moros has always maintained a decent face in front of Laike, he taught his elf "apprentice" very strictly in private.

Every time, Runas would complain endlessly.

But once the people who have been down and down seize the opportunity, they can burst out with 300% tenacity, and they will desperately seize the opportunity to climb up.

Therefore, although the training was very strict, Lunas was never late. This serious attitude was initially approved by Moros.

As for whether being a pirate will hurt your face, His Excellency Lunas will not consider it at all.

When he was an exile in the wilderness of Azsuna, he was even more desolate. He often didn't eat his last meal, but now his life is great.

Not only the magic wine can be drunk casually.

Every three days, you can also get a piece of magic crystal treasured by the blue dragon army to relieve your addiction. Occasionally, you can use the majesty of the lady to pretend to be a tiger. Life on the boat is not as broken as Suramar.

After overcoming seasickness, this period of time was like heaven for Runas.

However, there were also things that bothered Steward Runas. For example, his first mate position was deprived yesterday, and he lost his temporary command over the Nightborne pirates, which made people feel regretful.

But he dared not complain.

Because the new first officer under Ms. Yuejun was someone he couldn't afford to mess with.

"Come on, my dear first mate Talisa, don't be so stern, just smile."

On the ship of the Nightborne Pirates, the Nightborne Pirates under Anaris's command also made preparations before sailing, and the captain lady, who was born in a noble family, set up a table on the upper floor of the poop and set up a table. parasol.

Although in the cold climate of the Northland, this thing is not useful at all.

But the old nobles in Suramar, no matter what the situation, must have a demeanor. Besides, after returning to the eastern continent, the sunshine here has already made the gorgeous parasols come in handy again.

Facing the persuasion of Anaris, who was holding hot tea in her hand, there was no smile on the face of the chief arcanist Talisa sitting opposite her under the hood.

She was stern and expressionless, obviously in a bad mood.

"Oh, I've always known your bad temper."

Captain Yuejun put down the teacup and touched the slightly ugly scar on the tiger's mouth in his left hand. It was the "mark" left by her sister. Although it was a bit distorted, it symbolized the bond between the two sisters.

Witnessed by the same bloodline, they will never betray each other.

she says:

"It's a pity that I promised my sister that I will take good care of you no matter what. For this reason, I specially applied to the Commander to transfer you from the Nagfar to my ship as the first officer.

That ghost ship is not for the living, it will eat away at your life force.

However, you should also show my kindness, my dear Talisa, this is no longer in Suramar, and your name as an Arcanist can't scare anyone.

You see, your friend Eucules is far more flexible than you.

Didn't he already accept the invitation from Nathalas Academy to be the teleportation tutor? He has accepted a new life, why can't you accept it calmly? "

"Why should I accept it?"

A hoarse voice came from under Talisa's hood.

The previous time was caused by Bu Laike's merciless backstab, which hurt the arcanist's neck, and made her originally noble and sweet voice a lot more bleak.

She stroked the scar on her neck and whispered:

"Because you almost killed me? Three times?

Or because you brought me here from my home, you ruined my career and my life, you turned me from a proud arcanist to a nasty, dirty pirate.

Do I think I should thank you?

Anaris, you vicious bitch! "

"Hey, look, there are still people who miss the old master."

Facing this undisguised malice, Anaris was not polite, she sneered and said:

"Then how about I send you back to Suramar now? Do you dare to go back? Your arrest warrants have been posted all over that city, and Elisande no longer trusts you.

She has a new magical advisor.

The manor you regard as a treasure has also been given to her "niece" Elisanna Ravencrest, you have no home, and this is your only place to stay.

Or I can send you to those warlocks, they are very interested in you. Not just your body~

Have you seen Melandus lately?

He also accepted his 'new life' and enjoyed it. I saw him once in the lower cabin of the Naglfar when I went to fetch you.

Do you also want to be infused with fel energy all over your body and become a monster like him?

Come on, Talisa.

You are a smart man.

You know what's real beneath the splendor of Suramar, or you wouldn't be hanging out with sympathizers of the underworld like Oculeth.

You want to free our people from the torment of addiction.

You have big ambitions.

Then I'll convince you in another way. "

While speaking, Anaris clapped his hands.

Several obedient Nightborne maids immediately helped a weak highborne druid out of the cabin, and placed him on the third chair of the small table.

This druid lord, who has been receiving "treatment" recently, will be illuminated by the warm sun, and the warmth immediately made him groan comfortably.

But the sick look on his face proved that this Your Excellency has not had a happy life recently.

"Let me introduce to you. Your Excellency is Farodin. He used to be a valley walker and a Druid, guarding a big secret that can cure magic addiction."

Anaris Moonshire raised his teacup.

Seeing Talisa's head raised suddenly, the captain smiled silently.

she says:

"I was ordered to return to Tol Barad on this trip, and I have a secret mission, which is to escort Lord Farodin to find a suitable location on that island, and prepare to start a plan to save the addicts.

Of course, you don't have to believe me, you can think I'm lying.

But Talisa, the great cause you want to do is right in front of you, in this fleet of pirates you disdain.

Do you want to save the tribe?

no problem! "

Yuejun snorted, raised his delicate chin, and said arrogantly:

"Serve the fleet first. After you prove your strength and position, I think the generous Commander will give you the qualification to join this grand plan.

So, my first officer, go and urge and train my incompetent and lazy men now, so that they will not embarrass us the Nightborne when the next battle comes, okay? "

Talisa clasped the staff tightly in her hand.

A few seconds later, she took a deep breath, stood up, silently bowed to Anaris, picked up the sailor cap specially prepared for her on the table, and put it on her head.

Great, she's on board.

Although he must be very reluctant, it doesn't matter, Anaris has plenty of time to slowly do "ideological work" for His Excellency the proud Arcanist.

After Talisa left, the Moon County girl turned her attention to the sickly highborne druid next to her.

Seeing Farodin basking in the sun with a gentle face, she glanced enviously at the jade-white skin on the druid's arm, and asked again:

"I heard that the meeting between Lord Farodin and our Bo Laike leader was not friendly, and you don't seem to think that we have the ability to properly use the Seed of Arcandor.

So what made you drop that idea in favor of us? "

"I still don't think you can use it well."

Facing the inquiry from the Yuejun chick, Farodin replied bluntly:

"I also don't support you planting Alcandor, which is the last magic tree in this world. Once you fail, the last hope of curing magic addiction will disappear.


The trustworthy Dean Lanyue gave me a guarantee and promise, which made me regain my confidence.

But I still won't allow you to plant trees until I see with my own eyes what she promises to be eternal. Only I know the method of raising Arcandor.

Without my nurturing, you will only reap disappointment when you plant seeds.

So, you don't need to befriend me, lady pirate.

I'm just... you can read me as an 'observer' on board, and I have to make sure you're eligible to use it. "

"Tsk tsk."

The answer made Anaris flick his tongue.

The female pirate let out a chuckle, brushed her hair, and said:

"It is said that we, the Children of the Night, are closely related to the Highborne, but to be honest, we haven't fully inherited your untimely arrogance.

Your Excellency Farodin, you really don't understand your current situation at all.

But you have a good eye for hugging your thighs. With Lanyue Dean protecting you, no matter how you die, no one in the entire pirate fleet dares to touch you. "

Facing this kind of ridicule, Druid didn't care.

He once made an oath that he would not let the tragedy of Fadore happen again. This is a lifelong oath that cannot be violated.

And the sad child of the night pirate in front of him didn't know that he was so mean, but he was actually protecting them, a group of ignorant magic addicts.

Lest they jump from one hell to another.

"woo woo woo"

Just when Anaris had had enough of the sun and was about to go back to his captain's cabin to take a nap and refresh himself, the warning Vrykul horn sounded suddenly on the Alpaca sailing ahead.

The low and desolate sound of the horn made the whole fleet move quickly.

The North Sea fanatics under the command of Anne Bonn responded the fastest.

Amidst the female pirate's scolding, the ship's side guns were quickly stripped off, and the Nagfar also surfaced from the deep sea in a shocking way.

The reaction of the Nightborne pirates was very hip.

They panicked, scurrying around like headless chickens, and only after being scolded and whipped by the old pirates stationed over, they hurriedly made preparations to meet the enemy.

A few minutes later, the Nightborne mage stationed on the Alpaca returned to Anaris' ship with a teleportation technique, and faced Anaris Yuejun who had already picked up his musket and rapier and put on the captain's hat. whispered:

"Don't be so alarmed, Captain.

It wasn't that the enemy was encountered on the sea, but that the island of Tol Barad was suspected to be landed by outsiders, but the two ships of the invaders had already been overturned by the sea titans.

The warning just now is to alert us to possible dangers in the surrounding waters. "

"Is that so?"

Miss Yuejun let out a sigh of relief.

Although she has been a pirate for a long time, she is still somewhat unable to adapt to melee combat. Recently, the Yuejun chick has been hesitating whether to sign up for a course at Narsalas Academy.

I am a nightborn anyway, so it shouldn't be difficult to learn some magic for body protection.

as for the warlock

Uh, let's forget it, she heard the gossip that Bo Laike will be the mentor of the Warlock School, and it's not that she doesn't trust the captain's spellcasting level.

It's just that I simply don't trust his teaching level.

Besides, how could such a beautiful and elegant girl like herself summon rude demons to fight?

Becoming an Arcanist is a tradition among the Nightborne.

Being from a noble family of ten thousand years, it is necessary to maintain the tradition.

It took the greater part of the day, in cautiously slow sailing, to reach the port of Tol Barad.

As a result, as soon as Anaris came ashore, he saw the orc Maim wearing the captain's costume, leaning on a big knife, interrogating those who landed on Tol Barad Island without permission.

Three huge sea titans sat cross-legged on the beach, throwing the guy who was trying to escape into his mouth as a snack.

This scene scared the North Sea pirates on the Alpaca to death.

These undead pirates actually have sea titans working under their command? Such a powerful group of guys, why are they still staring at their rogue port?

And the Yuejun chick was looking at this strange island, when she heard the orc captain curse:

"You Gilneans, this is the first time! We haven't troubled you yet, you have come to provoke us! You are so blatantly trying to plant a flag here and seize our island.

Is it true that this place is no man's land?

Or is it pure impatience?

Gork, give your friends extra meals today!

Eat them all! "

"Yeah! The little pirate is generous! He's a good friend!"

(end of this chapter)

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