Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 447 156. Stop Singing, Show Off, Be A Fun Person

Chapter 447 156. Stop singing, show off, be a fun person

"Booty Bay. Very noisy."

As a merchant ship from Kul Tiras slowly approached the shore, Aluriel, the Nightborne Demon Swordsman in a magical disguise, stepped off the ship lightly.

What caught her eyes was a vibrant but chaotic city of goblins.

It has the lively feeling of Boralus Port, but this bay city is obviously more "inclusive", and almost all races of the entire Azeroth can be seen here.

The magic swordsman has become accustomed to the living pattern in human society.

While noisy goblin tax collectors were haggling with Kul Tiran sea merchants to collect taxes, she disappeared unnoticed into a dark alley at the Booty Coast docks.

However, the "tails" behind her were still following from a distance. She knew that this must have been arranged by the king Dai Lin. They had been watching her all the time when they were on the boat.

These guys are very professional.

It should be a high-ranking assassin from Ravenholdt, who followed her for some unknown purpose, but certainly not to kill her.

Dai Lin has seen the power of Aluriel, and if she really wants to assassinate, it is impossible to hire only this few people.

They should have followed for some information. Maybe they want to find out the true origin of Aluriel, or maybe they want to see the purpose of her being an elf who came to the Eastern Continent.

This kind of tracking makes the magic swordsman very annoying.

But she didn't deliberately get rid of them, instead, she walked through the intricate buildings in Booty Bay like a tour, and even asked a few people for directions.

Finally, after walking into an alley, he disappeared without a sound.

It made the stalkers who followed her look dumbfounded.


Is this some kind of elf magic?

That swordsman who can use magic has such a high level of spellcasting?

The disappearance of Aluriel was indeed the magic of the elves, but it was not released by the magic swordsman himself.

She just found the teleportation runes that the arcanists of Suramar set up in the corner of the city of Booty Bay.

After opening Suramar, the great magister Elisande has sent ambassadors all over the world, using an active and cautious attitude to make initial contact with the outside world.

As the most prosperous commercial city in the Eastern Continent, Booty Coast must also have envoys from Suramar.

This is also the purpose of Aluriel coming to this city.

She must report to the Grand Magister about her contact with Dai Lin and the true identity of the hateful pirate who plundered Suramar, so as to avoid more conflicts between her people and the powerful Kul Tiras.

The teleportation rune sent the magic swordsman to the depths of Booty Bay. In a small human-style manor built by the mountain, she saw her clansmen.

Two arcanists, one magic swordsman, and three guys were sitting in the courtyard, basking in the sun while maintaining a posture like a salted fish lying down.

On the table in front of them, there were some weird medicinal herbs, ignited by flames, emitting a pungent and weird smell.

And the state of the three night children is obviously not right.

They looked bewildered and satisfied, as if they had absorbed a lot of magic power at one time, and fell into a state of short-term psychedelic satisfaction.

The corners of Aluriel's eyes twitched watching this scene.

Good guy!

In Suramar you are just addicted to magic.

As a result, he was sent out to the world of flowers and flowers, and the problem of addiction to magic power was not solved, and now he has started to become addicted to dangerous things like "Blood Thorn" again.

The blood thorn is what the three nightborne messengers are sniffing. This is a kind of herb native to Azeroth, and it has a good analgesic effect.

It is generally used by doctors as a medicinal material, but it has serious hallucinogenic and addictive properties.

It is said that in Zul'Gurub, the capital of the ancient Gurubashi trolls, hidden deep in the jungle of Stranglethorn Vale, those troll priests would use this thing as a material to communicate with the Loa god.

But in Kul Tiras, the planting, use and distribution of this kind of thing is expressly prohibited. As far as Aluriel knows, other human countries also prohibit this dangerous thing.

However, it is said that in Quel'Thalas, blood thorns are also very popular among the Quel'dorei elves, especially the corrupt elf nobles.

As in Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay, which intersects with trolls, is the largest blood thorn production and sales place in the Eastern Continent, and it is also the hardest hit area where this thing is raging.

Green-skinned goblins are famous for doing anything to make money.

Selling blood thorns or something, hey, drizzle.

"clap clap"

Aluriel is a good elf who keeps himself clean.

Magic addiction is a natural thing that can't be helped, but she will never use other things to get herself into new troubles.

Seeing the depravity of the newly sent companions, she was so angry that she rushed up and slapped three times, and the three night children jumped up from the reclining chair.

But seeing the magic swordsman angrily destroying the bundle of burning blood thorns with magic, the three Nightborn Envoys with slap marks on their faces showed heartache expressions on their faces.

There's no salvation for these old ladies who are curious about all kinds of addictions.

"Get through the communication, I want to talk to the great magister."

Aluriel stared fiercely at the three useless envoys in front of her, and said in a deep voice:

"Although I have lost my military position and am already a civilian, if I see you secretly using blood thorns again these days, I will chop off your heads!

Master Elisande sent you out to do something serious, not to let you indulge in the vulgar fun provided by these goblins!

You are elves!

But noble Shaldorei, you represent the face of Nightborne and Suramar, show me some dignity! asshole! "

Under the threat of death, the Nightborne emissaries work efficiently.

Soon, the magic communication to connect to Suramar was set up. In the study of this house, Aluriel, with a tone of self-blame and humility, described his experience in Kul Tiras exactly. told the great magister.

On the other side of the magic projection of the communication, the great magister Elisande in the luxurious palace listened carefully to Aluriel's report.

When the magic swordsman pleaded guilty for not saying goodbye, Elisande forgave her generously.

"I watched you grow up, Aluriel. I saw your talent. I also know your character. I am not surprised that you did such a reckless thing."

The great magister said to the magic swordsman in a gentle tone like an elder talking to a junior:

"Although I was really angry at your self-righteousness at first, after calming down, I don't think it's a bad thing for you.

That nasty pirate was right, for a genius like you, if you want to go further, you have to accept the tempering of wind and rain. Keeping you in Suramar will only make you a flower in the greenhouse.

Don't worry, I'm not angry anymore. "

Hearing the answer from the great magister, Aluriel immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, she heard Elisande's voice change and said another thing:

"During the time you left your hometown, many things happened. We brought back the dark walkers from ten thousand years ago and asked them to help us train a group of warriors.

Among those demon hunters, I was also lucky to find the daughter of my old friend Lord Ravencrest, whom I regard as my niece.

That is a very good girl, tough, strong and decisive, who will not bow her head through the storm, just like you.

However, she has recently encountered some troubles.

It is related to the heroes of our elves, and her father who has made great achievements. She needs to find some spiritual books to relieve her father who has suffered for 10,000 years. "

The great magister raised his head, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said to Aluriel in a gentle tone:

"The knowledge Elisanna needs happens to be in the continent where you are, in Dalaran, the magical city of humans. I am busy with business and cannot accompany her there, so I want you to go with her.

This is not a bad thing for your travels.

Aluriel, would you like to share this trouble with me? "

"I am very willing, Grand Magister."

Aluriel immediately replied:

"I will wait for Elisanna to join me in Booty Bay. From here, there are direct ships to the northern border of the Eastern Continent, and magicians from Dalaran provide teleportation services here.

It is very convenient to go there.

However, Grand Magister, I have something to report to you about the envoys from the Booty Coast, they are addicted to a kind of blood thorn."

"Ah, the blood thorn."

Before Aluriel finished speaking, the great magister on the projection in front of him smiled and picked up a delicate incense burner in front of him, put it under his nose and took a light sniff.

With a happy expression on her face, she commented:

"The world after 10,000 years is not as bad as I thought. At least in terms of enjoyment, the use of blood thorns by those creatures called goblins really impressed me.

Although it is far from the satisfaction of blending with magic power, the appearance of the blood thorn will undoubtedly relieve our people's hunger for infinite magic power.

I'm planning to make it into some kind of potion and promote it in Suramar City.

Although we can't solve the magic addiction for the time being, maybe we can try to divert it.

By the way, what were you going to say? "


Aluriel closed her eyes in pain, and she said in a tone of despair mixed with pleading:

"Please do not do this, my lord.

The blood thorn is a terrible disaster, promoting it will only break the backs of our people. The Nightborne have suffered enough, don't burden their poor hearts any more. "


Grizzly Hills, Northrend.

Bu Laike is standing on the top of a coastal mountain, looking at the naturally formed semi-enclosed harbor below with the Eye of Keir Rogge,

He watched the little murloc beside him jump down from the cliff with cheers, and fell into the turquoise sea water of the coast like a bungee jump, splashing a splash of water.

Looking at the lush and lush forest around him, he said:

"The rich Grizzly Bear Hills is indeed the most suitable area for human habitation on the Northrend continent. The environment is friendly, the temperature is pleasant, and there is such a natural harbor. No wonder Lordaeron's second colony is chosen here.

I'm going to make it a home port for undead pirates before the goblins come and take over this pier, it's a much better place than Rogue Harbor. "

No one answered the pirate's words.

Behind Bu Laike, Little Xingxing was frowning, looking at a few pages, which were the news from the human world that was sent by Old Garni and organized by Red Jack.

The whole article is about the situation in Lothar.

"I don't know Lothar's story very well, but listen to you, he should be a human hero."

The innocent little blue dragon princess raised her head, waved the letter paper in her hand, and said to the pirate:

"Since he is a hero, why do so many people want him dead?

This is not right, what is going on with you humans? Each of them can't live more than a hundred years. Shouldn't he be praised and protected to witness such a great man in such a short life? Why do you still want to hurt him? "

"Uh, how do you want me to explain this to you?"

Bo Laike frowned at the little star's question.

It's not that this matter is so difficult to understand, the main reason is that it is difficult for him to explain the complicated logic behind this matter to a simple little star.

It can only be described very simply:

"It cannot be said that all the nobles are bastards, and they all want Lothar to die. In fact, they can also respect Lothar very much, provided that this great man becomes a harmless statue of humans and animals.

Just like his ancestor, Thoradin, the co-lord of mankind. Become a legendary figure who will be hung on the wall and told various stories, but will not judge others. "

Bu Laike stroked his chin, "looked" at Little Xingxing's bewildered expression, and said:

"As for Strom'kar, the Emperor's Sword, it's been a big problem since its legendary appearance.

Now, this big trouble is still in the hands of Anduin Lothar's trouble, which is going to be a big problem that is going to drive people crazy.

I guess, at this time, some people will always think that it would be great if Lothar was a brutal person. If he had a little flaw, everyone would accept him.

The problem is, he's too perfect.

can you understand

His perfection is his greatest sin.

Such a perfect person, such a lofty reputation, and an artifact in his hand that can rebuild the empire legally, the combination of these factors will make many people sleepless at night. "

Probably seeing the little star and still not understanding, the pirate changed his approach and made an analogy:

"Let me give you an example.

If Malygos suddenly went crazy and suddenly declared that magic is a sin, he would use his authority in the magic net to forcibly withdraw the magic of all spellcasters in the entire world and forbid everyone to use magic.

What do you think is going to happen? "

"The Spellweaver isn't crazy! It's just too lonely."

Little Xingxing emphasized this fact, then tilted his head and thought for a while, then poked his cheek and said:

"Uh, but if what you said really happened, all mages in the whole world, no matter what race or origin, would probably unite to rebel against the Spellweaver.

Although they will definitely lose, facing such an attack, the blue dragon army may... Ah, this problem is too damning! "

"You get it, good."

Bu Laike let out a playful laugh and said:

"You will be hated if you take away what others have. In order to protect their own power, the bewildered people who are immersed in it can pay any price.

Even if that is only a slight possibility, they will do everything in their power to prevent it from coming.

This is the situation Lothar is facing now.

In fact, when he returned to northern Xinjiang, it didn't have to be someone's death as the result.

Everyone can sit down and talk until a deal that everyone is satisfied with is reached, that is, Lothar gives up the Emperor's Sword in his hand and gives up all threats.

He was elected as a "sage" by everyone, and was held up high, becoming a symbol of brilliance and harmlessness to humans and animals.

But do you think Lothar will give up? "

Without waiting for Little Star to answer, Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"He won't, that's not a fighter's choice.

So things in northern Xinjiang are bound to be exciting, very, very exciting. When I'm done here, I'm going to see it there, and I'm going to be a part of it and have some fun.

do you want to come with me "

"Yes! I must go."

Little Xingxing said excitedly:

"I like to watch the excitement so much. Let's go and find that big horn, and then let's go to the Eastern Continent!"

(end of this chapter)

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