Chapter 655

"How can there be any magic artifact in such a desolate place? Ms. Elisande is really dizzy."

As the Nightborne's graceful portal opened on the beach across the long strait between Suramar and the Broken Shore, the first Spellblade to set foot here grumbled among themselves.

Their work has been stressful lately.

Because Nightborne has decided to open the city, the training speed of the main ground forces of Suramar has been raised all of a sudden.

I'm exhausted after training every day.

There is no joy at all in the leisurely fishing time of the past 10,000 years.

All kinds of gossip are spreading wildly in the city. Everyone is saying that Ms. Elisande is planning to start a war, but it is still unclear who the target is.

A large number of magic swordsmen are assigned to perform tasks in different areas, and this frequent transfer seems to confirm this view of war.

There are even more outrageous rumors that Ms. Elisande has completed a conquest without the citizens of the city being aware of it.

In a remote place overseas, she built a city left over from the elven empire for the Night Children. As long as it is cleaned up, the Night Children can leave Suramar, which has lived for 10,000 years, and settle in a new city.

This news made many people cheer, but it also made many people feel worried.

The main reason is that if there is no magic wine in other places, how can these "alcoholic" night children survive?

"Shh! Don't talk! There's someone up ahead!"

Just when the forward Captain Night Son wanted to continue complaining, the adjutant beside him suddenly grabbed his wrist. Miss adjutant pointed to the ancient temple in front of him under the night, and said in a low voice:

"Look! There is also a group of flaming warhorses there, which seem to be the product of a warlock's magic? What race are those guys? Human, or orc?

There are so many!

What are these guys doing here?

Is it true that there is a powerful artifact hidden here as rumored? "

"Send a message back!"

The disgruntled Captain Nightborne also became nervous.

He ordered the arcanists in his party to send a message back to Suramar, while his party changed direction and headed towards the Tomb of Sargeras.

But when they turned over a valley, they saw something terrible by accident.

Four black dragons!

Those legendary creatures with sharp teeth and huge wings will be lying in a mess in the valley on the desolate beach, sleeping soundly.

They looked very tired, and each of them slept very badly.

There are also giant beasts that seem to be in nightmares, and will spew scorching flames from their nostrils while whimpering like thunder.

"Back! Back down, be careful."

The captain of the magic swordsman's eyes tightened, and he hurriedly gestured for the team members to retreat, and they returned to the position where the portal opened before as if fleeing.

With the presence of giant dragons here, the seriousness of this incident rose sharply.

They faithfully fulfilled their mission as the vanguard and sent the news back to the city as quickly as possible. A few minutes later, several large portals opened with the position of the Nightborne Elf vanguard as a mark.

Groups of Shaldorei arcanists riding on war golems, and elite magic swordsmen riding armored magic sabers poured out from the portal.

The leader is the No. 2 figure in Suramar City, the great astrologer Etraeus and a group of high-ranking apprentices in his star observation tower, even stationed on the upper level of the night fortress, guarding the night well and the great magister A large group of magic guards came.

It seems that the news of the black dragon's haunting has brought about a change in the dispatched troops.

"As we all know, the black dragon is the sworn enemy of the blue dragon.

As those of us who have just become vassals of the Magic Legion, if we can present four living black dragons as a 'gift' to the mysterious Coldarra, the spellweaver will definitely be 'dragon face joy'. "

The elegant astrologer walked to the valley platform on the Broken Beach surrounded by a group of apprentices, leaning on a staff full of stars.

He explained the goal of this battle to the arcanists around him.

He said:

"The authority of the magic net has been opened to us, your magic power will be greatly enhanced, and these four black dragons will be handed over to you, be sure to capture them alive!

If the resistance is fierce, death is barely enough.

Two teams of magic swordsmen follow me, let's go to the tomb to have a look. "

The Grand Astrologer raised his hand and released a short-range portal. He said to the others:

"I didn't think there would be anything valuable in the ruins of this temple that had sunk under the sea for thousands of years. After all, 10,000 years ago, we saw with our own eyes how it was destroyed by the catastrophe.

Those miserable defenders were buried into the sea along with this temple.

But maybe during the 10,000 years of our self-isolation, some things happened that we don't know well. In short, if this tomb can attract dragons after attracting Naga, then it is worth us to re-explore it .

We need to establish a semi-permanent research outpost here, and bring this beach into our sphere of influence. Huh? Someone came out of it? "

Etraeus sensed the changes in the tomb in front of him, his expression became serious, he walked into the portal ahead, and when he reappeared, he was at the broken bridge in front of the tomb of Sargeras.

Just in time to see Talon Gorefiend coming out of the tomb with the staff of Sargeras on his back.

Seeing each other, the two were stunned at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the Gorefiend's attention shifted to the weird starlight wrapped around Etraeus. The special composition of this magic power made the Gorefiend feel very troublesome.

And the gaze of the great astrologer fell on the scepter of Sargeras behind the Gorefiend.

Rao was so well-informed that the great astrologer had been in and out of Queen Azshara's court 10,000 years ago, and he was taken aback by this magical staff full of dark power.

His understanding of magic is far superior to that of the ignorant former warlock master Tarongore.

Bloodfiend can feel the unique power effect of Sargeras' scepter on space, and the great astrologer can only feel it more clearly.

In Etraus' perception, the staff carried by this weird orc undead is simply a moving "space singularity".

Wherever it goes, it will form a brutal force that pulls the space nearby, distorting all the nearby space rules to the extent of "serving it".

"An artifact! A true artifact! It is most likely an artifact of the same level as the Eye of Aman'Thul that forms the core of the Nightwell!"

An exciting conclusion was formed in the heart of the great astrologer.

"Damn it! This black skin elf's gaze has become dangerous and greedy! He must be aiming at my precious staff!"

A pessimistic conclusion was also formed in Talon Gorefiend's heart.

"Must get the artifact!"

"The artifact must be protected!"

In the next moment, the same thought erupted in the hearts of both of them at the same time.

At the same time, the great astrologer activated the "Concentration of Mind" magic formula and instantly raised his hand to summon the astral meteorite.

And Talon Gorefiend waved his dark staff, and under the blessing of space power, he hit the great astrologer with a brutal and excessive death coil, and there was an instant fight between the death knights and the elf magic swordsmen.

Not even more communication.

Under the temptation of the magic artifact, the two sides decided to send each other to hell the moment they met.

And farther away, the four tired black dragons who were sleeping soundly were also attacked by bold black skin elves.

These black-skinned elves who have obtained a more advanced magic net authority have stronger magic power, faster casting speed, and faster magic recovery speed.

First, without disturbing the black dragon, they created an eggshell-shaped barrier on both sides of the valley to seal off the airspace, completely blocking the four black dragons' hope of escaping.

Then send out the war golems made by Seiko, and let these steel creations, with the magical support of the arcanists, carry the magic swordsmen into the battlefield.

The magic swordsmen held thick chains in their hands, and there were barbed arrows like harpoons hanging in front of each chain.

These things were placed in the weapon slots of the war golems, and when they rushed towards the black dragon at close range, they raised their hands and shot them out. Some of them could penetrate the black dragon's scale armor, and some were bounced off.

But when the four black dragons were attacked and were about to run, they were greeted by black-skinned elf arcanists who had ambushed on both sides of the valley in advance and were still casting spells in groups.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the four unlucky black dragons were almost "smashed back" to the ground from mid-air by the magic frenzy.

These black-skinned elves who have been self-enclosed for 10,000 years are really powerful.

In just a few minutes of fighting, nearly a hundred high-ranking arcanists bombarded with saturated ice magic, freezing the smallest of the four black dragons into an ice cube.

The other three tired black dragons couldn't break through the maintained air-forbidden barrier with their combined efforts. Their huge eyes were full of despair.

They know that it is only a matter of time before they are frozen into ice cubes.

On the other side, the battle between the great astrologer Etraeus and Talon Gorefiend ended faster, mainly because Etraeus's astrology magic was a super unpopular magic inheritance even in the elf empire period.

Few people have heard of it, let alone seen it with their own eyes, or caught the weakness.

At the moment when the great astrologer marked his body with five astrological signs in succession, and detonated the astrological triangle composed of Orion, Cancer, and Wyvern at the same time, the Gorefiend's armor was completely shattered.

At the moment when the astrological triangle was formed, the exaggerated to unreasonable arcane magic power was detonated like a bomb under the control of Etraeus. The legendary body of Old Dahl Triple Bloodblade that he had worked so hard to snatch was also shattered by this blow.

This kind of creepy and weird magic frightened the blood demon.

He completely lost the courage to confront the unreasonable and powerful black elf astromancer in front of him. He left his subordinates of the death knights who were still fighting, and howled back to the tomb of Sargeras.

He wants to use the time others bought him to activate the Sargeras Scepter in the tomb to open a dimensional rift to a safe place.

He would no longer be able to think about what kind of catastrophic consequences would be caused by opening a dimensional rift in this already unstable terrain.

He didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't care whether the entire Broken Isles would be destroyed because of his actions.

In fact, the Gorefiend, who was beaten up by the great astrologer, was looking forward to the Broken Islands, which would become his "parting gift" to these arrogant elves.


Etraeus saw the gorefiend dragging his body back to the tomb of Sargeras, frowning, he detonated the remaining two star symbols, but this arcane explosion that could destroy a town did not shatter Sargeras The magic defense of Si's Tomb.

Afterwards, the great astrologer felt a destructive force aroused from the scepter of Sargeras by the crazy orc necromancer, and it was exerted on the no longer stable space plane.

This orc is going to run!

By the way, the entire destruction beach was torn up and sank into the bottom of the sea.

He could even see the evil and mocking smile on Talon Gorefiend's pale cheeks that didn't belong to him through the shield that shone with magical light.

"This is what happened to you for messing with me!"

The Gorefiend laughed wildly and exploded the power of the Sargeras scepter. With a bang, a dimensional rift leading to a safe place was opened, like a floating black tunnel.

The entire Broken Isles also collapsed in all directions amid the screams of space being torn apart by chaos.

A doomsday scene.

"Elisande, I need your help."

The great astrologer shook his head at this moment, and Yang Tian called out in a calm tone.

The Gorefiend scoffed at this.

He didn't think there was any power to help these dark elves escape, and he was no longer interested in watching a group of doomed bastards.

Leaning on the scepter of Sargeras calmly, he walked towards the dimensional rift.

Through the dark tunnel through the crack, he could even see the familiar scenery of Shadowmoon Valley polluted by fel energy. That's right, this scepter is so powerful that it can easily break the barrier between the two worlds.

Send the Gorefiend from Azeroth directly into the world of Dellano, but the price of opening this door is the collapse of the entire broken beach.

But people like Gorefiend don't care!

If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. What does it have to do with him, a death knight and warlock who pursues power?

Just when the Gorefiend was about to step into the dimensional rift and leave this sad world forever, his expression suddenly changed.

An obscure force was exerted upon him.

The Gorefiend felt that his consciousness was disconnected from his body.

In his confusion, he saw the khaki-yellow light turning around his body like gravel, and he saw that the world outside himself seemed to fade in an instant, and everything around him was "upside down"!

It was as if a hand had been placed on the timeline of the Broken Shore, pushing it forward exactly one minute.

When all the dust settled, Talon Gorefiend, who had come back to his senses, was shocked to find that he had returned to the battlefield a minute ago, and the great astrologer Etraeus, who had been prepared for a long time, decided to detonate five Astrological signs.

"Facing the sacred object of our Nightborne, facing the Eye of Aman'Thul who can manipulate time, you can't go anywhere! Cowardly, vicious and cunning orcs."

The big astrologer said indifferently:

"Thank you for your selfless dedication. After we have mastered time, we can finally master the power of space again. Haha, this is really easy!"

(end of this chapter)

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