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Chapter 1235 I’d rather sit in a Rolls Royce and cry

"Of course I am..."

Hearing the question from his high school classmate and major shareholder, Wang Rong subconsciously wanted to answer his girlfriend's name, but he was a little entangled when he thought that Xu Wenwen would also be attending at that time.

He and Xu Wenwen attended the previous class reunions in his hometown. Everyone thought they were a couple, and Wang Rong enjoyed it quite a lot at first.

Moreover, Wang Rong didn't feel any pressure when he was with Xu Wenwen on weekdays. He ate, drank and had fun, just like other young lovers, carefree and enjoying the taste of love.

But as time passed, Wang Rong suddenly discovered that the days with Xu Mengxin were more real.

Because Xu Mengxin will think about the pressure of life, plan future development, and suggest the direction he needs to strive for.

The relaxed and comfortable daily life is love; the short warmth in the parents' home is love.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh.

"When are you going to get married?"

Seeing the hesitation of his high school classmate, Zhou Anan did not continue the topic and asked another more abrupt question.

"Marry? I just graduated. It's a bit too early."

When talking about marriage, Xu Mengxin immediately came to Wang Rong's mind, but he also felt that he was still young.

Xu Wenwen was indeed prettier than Xu Mengxin and better at dressing up. She was still his first love, but Wang Rong had no intention of marrying her.

Xu Mengxin, who was given to him for the first time, and who knew how to live well, was the first person he wanted to marry.

Men are also very realistic sometimes.

"Okay, let's make an agreement. If you don't get married this year, and you get married in the future, I will only give you a small red envelope."

Seeing Wang Rong's hesitation and confusion, Zhou Anan didn't say any unnecessary nonsense.

There are some things that the other party still has to make their own choices. He just hopes that this high school classmate can be more decisive so as not to regret it later.

Anyway, it's not his own trouble.


After hearing the other party's joke, Wang Rong smiled and agreed.

The meetings of Qinglan Group are very simple, and they basically revolve around the established plan for expansion.

There is a lot of good news. The income from the franchise of the remaining two brands is increasing day by day, making the Qinglan Tea Drinks directly-operated store's loan purchase and store expansion smoother, and even the bank's revolving loan limit has been reduced by 30%.

For this reason, the president of a bank branch personally came to persuade Qinglan Group to continue the loan.

It’s true, banks only lend money to rich people.

Among several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, the well-positioned Qinglan tea drink has become the first echelon of new tea drinks. Qinglan coffee accounts for more than 70% of the mid-to-high-end coffee market, causing Starbucks, which was slow to respond, to miss out on the opportunity.

The latest valuation of Qinglan Group is 6 billion.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. When the company goes public in the future, I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

Sitting in his chairman's office, Zhou Anan and several senior executives finished drawing the pie and concluded their rare trip to Qinglan.

When he walked out of the Qinglan Group headquarters, it was already getting dark. Zhou Anan looked at his watch and saw that it happened to be 6:30 pm.

Because he had eaten a little too much at afternoon tea, he didn't feel very hungry.

Zhou Anan, who currently had no other appointments, remembered the recruitment seminar held by the Celebrity Group at Jiangnan University today, so he asked the driver to go around the nearby university town.

June is a common graduation season. From time to time, graduates dragging suitcases pass by on the roadside in university towns, and occasionally there is a sense of farewell in the air.

Occasionally, one or two beautiful figures with good figure and appearance flash by, which is pleasing to the eye.


Seeing the two figures on the roadside, Zhou Anan said casually, and the Rolls-Royce Extended Phantom stopped steadily on the roadside.


The car stopped, Zhou Anan lowered the window, called one of the girls, and ignored the other two men who looked like students.

Excellent men must learn to ignore those ordinary men.


Hearing the shouting, Shuna, who was avoiding the pursuit of two junior students with her best friend, was surprised and ran over with her best friend.

Although the other party didn't call her name, the meaning was the same.


There was no unnecessary nonsense. Zhou Anan looked at Shu Meizi's long white legs under her pleated skirt and said simply and clearly.

In contrast, personal trainer Lou, who is wearing jeans, is more provocative.

I don’t know if it is as soft as in the previous life.


After listening to the words of her fellow senior, Shuna happily got into the car with her best friend.

The two boys who were following him and had been looking for something to talk about seemed to understand something when they looked at the gleaming luxury car and the extraordinary young man in the luxury car, with undisguised disappointment in their eyes.

After all, the goddess senior sister they like is not exempt from vulgarity.

Just like the saying that has been circulating on the Internet recently, I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh behind a bicycle.

Oh no, this is sitting in a Rolls-Royce and laughing! ! !


Huang Ying, director of the President's Office, who was sitting in the back, couldn't help but sigh inwardly as she watched the two young girls get into the big boss's extended Rolls-Royce.

I don't know if I feel sorry for the big boss' romantic debt, or feel sad for the two male students who were dejected in the hot wind.

This unfair world! ! !

After a brief sigh, Huang Ying looked at the work group on the laptop, and then her eyes fell on the book in her hand.

‘How to keep a successful man from getting bored’! ! !

"Senior, where are you going?"

After getting in the car, Shuna sat with her legs together like a lady, obviously moved closer to the other person, and asked softly.

As a student of the School of Communication, Shu Na, who usually pays attention to various entertainment news, naturally also knew the identity of this fellow senior.

She always thought that the fellow senior was a second-generation rich man, but she never expected that the fellow senior was a self-made billionaire. He was so handsome! ! !

It's a pity that they haven't met their fellow seniors for so many days, and the condolence messages they sent only received occasional replies of a few words, which made people feel a little disappointed.

Could it be that the identity of the fellow senior has been exposed, and there are too many Yingying Yanyan around him, and he has forgotten them?

When she thought of this possibility, Shuna felt extremely sorry for her previous timidity.

"The company is holding a seminar at Jiangda University. I'll go over and have a look."

Handing over two bottles of water from the small refrigerator, Zhou Anan casually said where he was going, and then asked: "Where are you going this evening?"

"We are about to take the final exam, so we want to buy some snacks and prepare to stay in the study room all night."

After taking a sip of mineral water with foreign trademarks, Shuna moved closer again and answered proactively.

Now that a great opportunity is in front of her, she can no longer miss it.

"It's time to take the exam, so don't work so hard. You still have to pay attention to your health."

One hand was casually placed on the long white legs at close range. Zhou Anan's eyes fell on the somewhat thin personal trainer Lou, and he said with concern: "Please accompany me to see the scene later, and then take me with you." You guys go buy some nutritious snacks.”

Well, this feeling seems to be better than the texture of stockings. Sure enough, youth is capital.

Thinking of this, he became more and more interested in Private Tutor Lou in this life.


Feeling the gaze of the fellow senior, Lou Shuqing responded with a slight blush, holding the mineral water bottle, and couldn't help but turn her eyes to the window.

"Senior, let me tell you, those two juniors are really annoying."

A slightly cool feeling came from the palm of her hand, making her hair stand on end. Shuna felt happy and got closer, and took the initiative to talk about the two junior students who were pursuing her and her best friend.

Along the way, I listened to Shuna Balabala talking. Seeing that the opponent's long legs felt good, Zhou Anan responded from time to time.

Soon, the car stopped smoothly next to the gymnasium on the main campus of Jiangnan University.

For this briefing, Mingli Group communicated with Jiangsu University and built a stage of more than 100 square meters directly in the square next to the sports official, showing the Mingli Group's wealth.

At this time, thousands of students had gathered in the square, and a steady stream of students were coming not far away.

For this year's Jiangnan University graduates, the recruitment presentation by the Celebrity Group is definitely one of the top three important itineraries, second only to the public postgraduate entrance examination in terms of allure.

"Wow, so many people?"

Looking at the dense crowd in front of her, Shu Na took the initiative to hold the arm of her fellow senior and sighed in surprise.

"Be careful, don't get lost."

With his free hand, he held personal trainer Lou next to him, and Zhou Anan led the two of them towards the edge of the stage. There were several security personnel in place to protect them.

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