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Chapter 128 Award Ceremony

After walking for a while, he came to the lake and saw the blue waves rippling on the lake. Zhu Lin suddenly said to Fang Minghua: "Xiao Fang, let's go boating?"

Do all women of this era like rowing?

Needless to say, Song Tangtang, as well as Wang Anyi and Yu Shan whom we met for the first time in Yanjing last time, and now Zhu Lin.

"Okay, but you have to sing a song!" Fang Minghua made a condition.

"What song are you singing?"


"All right."

The two rented a boat and rowed in the rippling blue waves.

Sure enough, Zhu Lin sang softly while rowing:

Let's paddle together

The boat pushes away the waves

The beautiful white pagoda is reflected in the sea

Surrounded by green trees and red walls

It’s this song again!

Fang Minghua laughed.

But it sounds pretty good too.

At 7:30 in the evening, Fang Minghua and Zhu Lin took a taxi and rushed to the Rongcheng Grand Theater, where the third Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony will be held.

Rongcheng Grand Theater is located on Shengfu Road, which was once the political center of Fujian Province. From the Yuan Dynasty until after liberation, the highest administrative agencies governing Fujian Province and even Zhejiang Province were located here. Until the government offices were moved out in the 1960s, the Grand Theater looked simple and elegant.

The ceremony of the party was much simpler these days. There were no cars to pick up and drop off, and there was no red carpet for celebrities to walk. There were not many reporters. People from the entertainment industry from all over the country just entered the theater in twos and threes.

Everyone wears very ordinary clothes. Gay men basically wear short-sleeved shirts, and some of them wear a red tie fashionably.

Lesbians are relatively required to look fashionable, but they all wear various skirts, light makeup, and of course there are no topless ones.

But Zhu Lin's appearance still surprised everyone: with a beautiful face and a slender figure, although he was only wearing a very ordinary red dress, he looked noble and elegant.

Someone immediately whispered next to him.

"Who is this lesbian? So beautiful?"

"It seems his name is Zhu Lin, from Emei Film Studio."

"Hey, who is the young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who came in with her? Is she dating?"

"Nonsense, Zhu Lin is already married. Didn't you see that young man's face is tender and younger than Zhu Lin?"

"Oh, you're a female junior, holding a gold brick."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let others hear it. That young man is a writer, his name is Fang Minghua. He recently attended the award ceremony for outstanding short and medium stories held in Yanjing. I saw his photo in the newspaper!"

"Then why is he walking with Zhu Lin again? He looks very familiar."

"You don't know? The movie "Into the Dust" that Zhu Lin was nominated for the heroine this time was adapted from Fang Minghua's novel of the same name, and Fang Minghua is also the screenwriter!!"

“I can’t tell how powerful this young man is.”

Although the voice was very low, it was still heard by Zhu Lin who was passing by, and his pretty face suddenly felt a little hot.

She glanced at Fang Minghua secretly, but saw a calm face, as if he was not affected at all.

These days, there are no special seats. Except for the seats in the front row for special guests or local leaders, everyone else can sit casually.

Fang Minghua and Zhu Lin just found a seat and sat down, and heard someone next to them calling them: "Comrade Xiao Fang." Fang Minghua turned around and saw a middle-aged man, but he didn't recognize him.

"Comrade Xiaofang, I am Teng Wenji from Xiying Studio. I have a good relationship with Tianmin." The middle-aged man introduced himself.

"Hello, Director Teng." Fang Minghua took the initiative to shake hands: "I know that you and Director Wu co-produced "The Trill of Life" and won an award. "

"Haha, that's all in the past." Teng Wenji chuckled and looked at Zhu Lin next to him: "Is this Comrade Zhu Lin?"

"Hello, Director Teng." Zhu Lin also greeted quickly.

In 1979, Wu Tianmin and Teng Wenji co-produced "The Trill of Life", but this time they were "opponents."

Because Teng Wenji was also nominated for Best Director for his movie "Pots and Pans Symphony"!

Of course, the personal relationship is still good.

The two chatted for a while, and then they heard Teng Wenji say: "Xiao Fang, I want to ask you something. Did anyone ask you to buy the copyright to make a movie about the article "Red Dresses Are Popular on the Street" that you wrote?"

"What's the matter? Are you interested, Director Teng?"

"I'm quite interested. How about letting me take a photo?"

"Okay." Fang Minghua agreed generously.

"Well, we will sign the contract when we return to Xijing!" Teng Wenji said with a smile.

Fang Minghua didn't do it on a whim.

Although Teng Wenji is not as famous as Wu Tianmin and Zhang Yimou in Xiying Studio, his level is quite good.

Not only making movies but also TV series, "The Last Princess" and "Blood Romance".

What's even more amazing is that they also supervised the production of an online drama of the same name adapted from the online novel "The Ultimate Servant"!

His son is also very good and is also a director. He directed movies such as "Double-sided Tape" and "Dwelling" that are familiar to movie fans, as well as the "healing" movie "Love Is Not Blind".

Of course, there is also "Shanghai Fortress" which was criticized by movie fans.

Both father and son are awesome.

After Teng Wenji received Fang Minghua's reply, he looked at Zhu Lin, who was sitting next to Fang Minghua: "Comrade Zhu Lin, I think you have also watched "Red Dresses on the Street". Do you want to play Tao Xinger in the play?"


Zhu Lin didn't expect that Teng Wenji would come to her, and subconsciously glanced at Fang Minghua.

"Sister Zhu Lin, I think your role as Tao Xinger is quite good. Look at you, you are wearing a red dress, aren't you very beautiful?"

"Okay, I am willing." Zhu Lin agreed happily.

Anyway, I have a schedule.

"Okay, Comrade Zhu Lin, I will discuss this matter with your factory director when I get back." After finishing speaking, he looked at Fang Minghua again.

"Xiao Fang, the script belongs to you."


Come to attend a ceremony and pick up a job by the way?

Fang Minghua readily agreed.

At eight o'clock sharp, the award ceremony began.

There was no singing and dancing, and no banter between later hosts, just like the CCTV announcer announcing the final winners one after another.

The first to be announced is the award for Best Story.

"The list of films that won the Best Story Award at the 3rd Golden Rooster Awards is" The host paused deliberately at this point.

There was silence in the audience.

"It's "Luotuo Xiangzi" and "Hidden in the Dust"! Guests are invited to come up and receive the award!"

The audience burst into applause.

Damn it

It really won an award.

"Xiao Fang, hurry up and receive the award." Zhu Lin next to him looked excited.

Fang Minghua didn't hesitate, sorted out his style buckles, then stood up and strode towards the stage.

In another aisle, an old man also stood up. He was Ling Zifeng, the director of "Camel Xiangzi".

Walking to the stage, Fang Minghua slowed down, waited for Ling Zifeng to come, and helped him onto the stage.

The host began to introduce.

Ling Zifeng is a senior director, and everyone in the audience is familiar with it, but who is the young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes next to him?

Director of which film studio?

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