"Yes, Lili, I came here with Minghua. He was invited to revise the manuscript, and I came to visit grandma and grandpa."

"Fang Minghua is here too?"

"Well, I'm revising the manuscript in my grandpa's study.

"Oh, grandpa, let me prune the branches for you."

During lunch, the two girls chatted about the interesting things that happened to them recently, while Fang Minghua ate and listened silently.

"Cousin, our school has resumed weekend dances, but I'm not interested in that." Li Li said.

"Then what do you usually do?"

"I joined the recital club and the May Fourth Literary Club at Yanda. They all wrote poems. There are so many poets at Yanda."

May Fourth Literary Society?

Fang Minghua suddenly thought of someone and interrupted: "Li Li, do you know a poet named Xichuan from our school?"

"I know you. Why don't you know me?" Li Li turned around and looked at him: "I was in the same department as me. He is now the president of the May 4th Literary Society. His original name was Liu Jun. He is very good at writing poems. By the way, he also has Cha Hai Sheng and Luo Yihe are both very powerful, and they are known as the Three Swordsmen of Yan. How did you know?"

Li Li felt a little strange.

Although Nishikawa and others are very famous, they are only among the Yanjing universities, and not many works have been published publicly.

Another thing is that there are too many students who can write poetry in this era, especially at Yanda. Some people jokingly say that "if ten steamed buns are dropped on the heads of YSU students, nine of them will be poets."

After listening to Li Li's question, Fang Minghua replied calmly: "I went to see a writer named Shi Tiesheng a few days ago. At that time, he also had a friend from Yan University. We chatted about literature and poetry, and mentioned Xichuan and Haizi. "

Li Li did not doubt Fang Minghua's words and said, "Shi Tiesheng, I heard that this writer is a disabled person."

"Yes, Li Li, I want to go to your school on Monday. Can you take me to meet Xichuan and the others?" Fang Minghua made his request.

"Have you met him? Don't you stop writing poetry now?"


Song Tangtang immediately took over the conversation:

"Lili, Minghua is now the deputy editor-in-chief of the editorial department of "Yanhe" and is responsible for poetry. He wants to meet Xi Chuan to see if he has any good poems to publish."

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Okay then, you come here on Monday afternoon. I don't have classes, so I will take you to Xichuan."


The two girls started chatting again, and Fang Minghua was busy eating again.

After dinner, the two girls Song Tangtang and Li Li made an appointment to go shopping, while Fang Minghua was still at home revising his article.

In the evening, Li Li and Song Tangtang squeezed into a bed and slept together all night. They got up early and went to school. At noon, Fang Minghua had to go to Yanda after dinner.

"Tangtang, are we going together?" Fang Minghua asked.

"You go ahead. I will accompany my grandpa to the Institute of Political Science to meet a friend of his." Song Tangtang said.

"Well, I guess I came back a little late today, so you don't need to worry about me for dinner." Fang Minghua said.

"Well, be safe."

Of course, Fang Minghua was not just looking for Xichuan, the "Three Musketeers" of Yan University, not to mention the even more awesome Haizi.

Haizi seems to have graduated, but you can find Haizi if you can find Xi Chuan.

Fang Minghua, still carrying his washed-white yellow satchel, left the courtyard and took the bus straight to the Yanda campus.

In this era, you can enter universities casually and no one cares about them at all. Fang Minghua entered Yanda and went straight to her dormitory building according to the address given by Li Li.

You can enter the university at will, but you are not allowed to enter the female dormitory building. Regardless of whether you are a writer or an editor, Fang Minghua had to stand at the bottom of the building and shout Li Li's name loudly.

At this time, Li Li was in the dormitory, reading a book intently.

What she was watching was the French version of "In Search of Lost Time". Ever since she was admitted to Xu Yuanchong's postgraduate program, her tutor was proficient in English, French and Italian, so she taught herself French.

The best way to learn a certain country's language is to read the original text written by the country's writers, rather than the translation.

"Li Li, Li Li!"

"Hey, Li Li, someone is calling you below." A girl with a ponytail in the same dormitory said, stretched her head out the window and took a look, then turned her head and said to Li Li with a smile.

"A very handsome boy, with bushy eyes and big eyes. Your boyfriend? What's his name?"

After hearing this, Li Li put down the book and shook her head.

"It's not mine, it's my cousin's." After saying that, he stood up and walked downstairs.

When he went downstairs and saw Fang Minghua, he said: "The May Fourth Literary Society is holding a "Spring Poetry Reading" recital by Weiming Lake. Xichuan is there, I will take you there."

There was still some distance from Li Li's dormitory to Weiming Lake. Li Li, who used to love talking and laughing, now talked a lot less after meeting him. Fang Minghua was not a very talkative person either, so the two of them walked in silence.

Finally, Fang Minghua broke the silence: "Li Li, is it okay to study at Yanda?"

"It's very good. Professor Xu is not only knowledgeable, but also very amiable to our students. I taught myself French and am currently watching "In Search of Lost Time""

"French version?"

"Well, I read the original French version and felt that the translation of the title "In Search of Lost Time" was not particularly accurate."

"'Searching for Lost Time'?" Fang Minghua asked tentatively.

"Yes, I think this name should be used." Li Li replied.

After saying this, the girl began to recite softly as she walked.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant. You can smell them from a distance. The tall, curved branches of the plant have a unique look as they approach you. Then, as I get closer, I can see the composition of their light, delicate leaves. The treetops are so elegant that they are easy to grasp, with a coquettish appearance and light texture. Hundreds of flowers hang on the branches and leaves, like a swarm of flapping bees."

"Those purely personal emotions I had in the past are extremely precious to me, as are all collectors. I open my heart to myself, just like opening a display window and looking at each piece to see how much I love and how much others love. You can’t feel it anyway.”

Fang Minghua listened silently.

Li Li seemed to be memorizing excerpts from "In Search of Lost Time," but he couldn't be in a hurry.

"Oh, my old habit has returned. I always like to recite." Li Li suddenly woke up and smiled.

"Let's go quickly."

April is the most beautiful day in the world.

Weiming Lake is very beautiful in spring. There are some peach blossoms on the lakeside, and there are several pairs of mandarin ducks on the lake, enjoying the breath of spring.

Fang Minghua and Li Li rushed over and saw students sitting in twos and threes around the lakeside, sitting on the ground, reading, reading newspapers, reciting poems, and enjoying the spring sunshine. I don't know who brought a four-speaker tape recorder and played the most popular songs.

It is the theme song of the Japanese TV series "Blood Doubt" which has recently become popular all over the country.


Your pain is so deep

Xu してください

It's all caused by me


My bitter pill, I will swallow it


I beg you to forgive me

"Blood Doubt" starring Yuka Miura and Momoe Yamaguchi became an instant hit after it was broadcast in China, and the couple became idols among boys and girls.

The man is handsome and unrestrained, the woman is beautiful and gentle, especially her smile, Fang Minghua feels there is a kind of healing beauty.

Before coming to this era, Fang Minghua had watched "Tang Detective", and finally heard someone say that the person who played the underworld boss was actually the idol Miura Tomokazu from the 1980s!

It really corresponds to Wang Guowei’s poem:

The most unbearable thing is that the world can't keep it, the beauty of the mirror is like the flower of the tree

But in this bright spring light, it seems a bit inappropriate to play this sad song.

What should be played the most is "Sweet Honey" sung by Teresa Teng

Song Tangtang loves singing this song the most.

Li Li, it seems she also likes to sing?

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