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Chapter 291 Editor-in-Chief Responsibility System

Although Bai Miao is usually careless, he is actually a very shrewd person at heart, and this time he was right.

At this time, Fang Minghua had already decided to compete for the position.

Being a free and easy person like a wandering cloud and wild crane is certainly more meaningful, but wouldn't it be more meaningful to do something practical?

From the bottom of his heart, he still has feelings for Yanhe magazine.

In this era, the first article was published in it. After seeing it go through ups and downs, I still hope that this old magazine can continue to be glorious.

However, as the saying goes, it doesn't take a day to freeze three feet. In Fang Minghua's view, it is not enough to revitalize "Yanhe" just by changing the editor-in-chief.

Because the editor-in-chief does not have enough power.

No personnel rights.

Even the appointment of an editor must be approved by the president's meeting, let alone the appointment of three deputy editors, or should they be appointed by the Writers Association?

How can that work?

If you want to compete for the position of editor-in-chief, you must have personnel rights!

Editor-in-Chief Responsibility System, I have the final say who will be the editor or chief editor!

But you cannot bring this up during the recruitment process, otherwise the leaders will think: Good guy, you are really taking the opportunity to seize power.

It depends on the timing.

Soon, the time came.

Yesterday afternoon, Fang Minghua received a notice that he would go to the Writers Association compound next door to study tomorrow morning.

Since becoming the vice chairman of this Writers Association, the number of studies has increased significantly. I have to learn major policies, the latest policies, and the spirit of the latest documents issued by the government.

The chairman and vice-chairmen of the Provincial Writers Association, the directors of four divisions within the Writers Association, some directors in Xijing, and the presidents, editor-in-chief, and deputy editor-in-chief of several major magazines in the province all participated.

When Fang Minghua was a director, he often asked for leave for excuses. There were so many people and no one said anything, but now that he is the vice chairman, he has to sit on the rostrum!

Except for Lu Yao, who asked for leave from the Writers Association because he was writing in a coal mine in Tongchuan, everyone else was present.

Want to slip away?

There is your nameplate on the rostrum, with hundreds of people staring at it.

In this way, Fang Minghua sat upright all morning, drank several large cups of tea, and went to the toilet twice.

Studying in the morning is not the end. There are group discussions in the afternoon. Anyway, that’s all for the day.

In this situation, the Writers' Association usually takes care of the meal at noon. Now the conditions are much better than in previous years. At least they will give you a bowl of braised pork and unlimited steamed buns.

At noon, hundreds of people ate in the canteen of the Writers' Association. Some simply held steamed buns in one hand and an enamel bowl in the other, squatting on the eaves outside the canteen to bask in the sun while eating.

Old Qin people like to squat when eating, and no one will laugh at you.

Fang Minghua, Jia Pingwa, and Chen Zhongshi gathered together, chatting while eating, both of them squatting, so Fang Minghua had no choice but to follow suit.

At this moment, Hu Cai, chairman of the Writers' Association, came over with an enamel bowl and said to him:

"Minghua, come here, let's talk."

Fang Minghua stood up quickly.

Hu Cai is 73 years old this year. He is definitely a big-shot figure in the literary world of Qin Province. He is older and more senior than Du Pengcheng. During the Anti-Japanese War, he went to Yan'an, the holy land of revolution, to participate in the revolution. In the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Cultural Association work, and also participated in the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art.

After liberation, he has been working in the Qin Provincial Writers Association and is one of the main representatives of the Qin Provincial literary and art theoretical circle. He once put forward views such as "from life to art", which had an important impact on the development of literary creation and literary criticism in Qin Province.

It's just that he mainly engages in literary theoretical research and rarely creates literary works, so in the eyes of outsiders, he is not as prominent as Liu Qing, Du Pengcheng and other big figures.

But within the literary circles of Qin Province, he is definitely a figure on the level of Taishan and Beidou.

That's why Hu Cai wanted to chat with Fang Minghua, and he quickly followed him.

The two found an empty table in the cafeteria and sat down, chatting while eating.

When Hu Cai came to Fang Minghua, it was definitely not like Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongshi who were just chatting. He had something serious to say.

Sure enough, I heard Hu Cai ask: "Minghua, your magazine is going to compete for the editor-in-chief. What do you think about this matter?"

"Didn't I also express my position at the last meeting of the council? I firmly support the decision of the Provincial Writers Association." Fang Minghua said with a smile: "Has anyone signed up?"

"Yes, Wang Yu from your magazine has already signed up."

"Deputy Editor Wang is also an old comrade of the magazine. He is a stable officer. It would be good for him to be the editor-in-chief." Fang Minghua said.

"If you want someone who is stable and stable, why should the Writers Association put forward a competition? You can just appoint him directly!" Hu Cai replied, then looked at Fang Minghua: "Do you have any idea of ​​​​compete for this position?"

"Me? I think my qualifications are a bit low and I don't have enough experience." Fang Minghua was very humble.

"Short qualifications? Deputy editor of the magazine and vice-chairman of the Provincial Writers Association, this qualifications are still called shallow?" Hu Cai said with a half-smile on his face: "As for lack of experience, how can you think of setting up a poetry section for college students without experience? As a result, the poetry column of the magazine I suddenly came alive.”

Hu Cai did not wait for Fang Minghua's answer, but continued: "Today I am not myself, but the leader of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. They also hope that you will come out to compete for this editor-in-chief!"

In this case, Fang Minghua no longer conceals his thoughts.

"Chairman Hu, I have considered running for this position, but I have my concerns."

"Say." Hu Cai continued to eat slowly.

"I think this recruitment method is not thorough enough!"

"Oh? Why not thorough?"

"The editor-in-chief doesn't have enough power! He has no personnel power!" Fang Minghua said all his thoughts.

Editor-in-Chief Responsibility System!

The editor-in-chief has the right to hire or fire an editor!

The editor-in-chief has the power to appoint deputy editors and team leaders!

Hu Cai thought for a while and did not directly answer Fang Minghua's opinion.

"I have to consider what you said and report it to the relevant leaders of the Provincial Propaganda Department. But no matter what the result is, I hope you can come out and compete for the position."

Fang Minghua didn't answer either.

Hu Cai could see that if this was not implemented, Fang Minghua would not take the initiative to compete for the job.

"You?" Hu Cai shook his head, finished the last bite of steamed buns, and left with the bowl in hand.

Fang Minghua finished his meal long ago and immediately went to wash the dishes and then returned to his office.

Since he was elected as the vice chairman of the Writers' Association, the Writers' Association has also arranged an office for Fang Minghua, but he doesn't come here often, and his main office is still at the magazine.

In fact, it was the two houses where Lu Yao originally lived. After he moved out, they were converted into offices. One was given to Lu Yao and the other to Fang Minghua.

Although the yard is a bit old due to its age, it is very quiet.

As soon as Fang Minghua returned to the office and sat down, someone followed him in. It was Jia Pingwa.

They are all old acquaintances and they are not polite. Jia Pingwa sat on a chair, lit a cigarette and took two puffs before saying: "Minghua, Chairman Hu just came to you, did he ask you to compete for the position of editor-in-chief?"

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