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Chapter 299 “The Great God’s Appointment”

Well done, Uncle Zhao!

Fang Minghua was overjoyed. He picked up the pen and tore out half a page from the notebook, scribbled down a few words and handed them to Hu Cai who was speaking next to him.

Hu Cai took one look and immediately stopped talking: "Comrades, let me tell you some good news. Our leaders will come to visit you in a while!"

This is a great leader.

Everyone seemed very excited.

After all, he is still a newcomer to the literary world, and most of them are from small places. It would be good to meet the county magistrate.

When Yu Hua heard this, his drowsiness disappeared immediately, and he immediately wiped his messy hair with his hands.

Fang Minghua didn't care about this and hurried downstairs to the front desk to find a phone to call Li Wei and asked him to bring someone over quickly. He also waited at the door for Zhao Hongjun's father to come over.

Not long after, I saw several cars parked in front of the hotel. The first one was a black Hongqi car. After the car stopped, a man walked out of it. It was Zhao Hongjun's father, Zhao Hailin.

Fang Minghua hurried up to greet him and heard Zhao Hailin say with a smile: "Xiao Fang, I brought several people here for you."

Sure enough, several leading cadres got out of the car behind.

Fang Minghua also knew each other. Everyone smiled and shook hands with each other, and went up to the sixth floor together.

When Zhao Hongjun's father arrived, a group of people on the stage quickly stood up, shook hands and gave up their seats. A new group of people sat on the podium, and Zhao Hongjun's father began to speak.

"Dear writers and comrades! Welcome to Xijing, the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties with a long history and splendid culture."

After finishing his speech, Zhao Hailin walked off the stage and shook hands cordially with the participating writers and talked.

Fortunately, Li Wei arrived in time with his assistant, and finally took a group photo.

Zhao Hailin and a group of people stayed at the Tangcheng Hotel for less than forty minutes before leaving in a hurry. However, in less than an hour, the standard of the meeting suddenly improved a lot.

The next day, not only the TV stations and newspapers in Qin Province reported the incident, but Guangming Daily also reported it at great length. The People's Daily also reprinted the meeting, calling it a meeting among outstanding young and middle-aged writers in China. Such a great event.

But now Fang Minghua's mind is no longer here.

It’s time to promote the publicity, and now it’s time to enter the substantive stage.

After dinner this afternoon, he summoned the three chief editors, all members of the novel team, and Zhang Yanqian to the hotel's reporting room for a meeting.

"Xue Feng, do the writers have any opinions on the accommodation and food for our conference?" Fang Minghua asked.

Liu Xuefeng was responsible for the logistics of the meeting.

When Fang Minghua asked him, Liu Xuefeng replied: "What do they think? In the three-star foreign-related hotel where we live, these chefs cook for leaders and foreign guests. Is it OK? Editor Fang, I have a suggestion." !”

"What advice?"

"We have recruited these writers, provided them with good food and drinks, and organized them to go out to play. They must each contribute an article to our "Yanhe", right? At least each one must contribute one article!" Liu Xuefeng said.

"What is one article enough?!" Bai Miao jumped out and objected: "At least each person must submit 3 articles. I calculated that a total of 31 writers were hired this time. 3 articles per person is 93 articles, which is barely enough."

"I'm talking about Bai Miao, are you too greedy? Why should they submit three articles to you? Do you still have to sign an agreement?" Liu Xuefeng retorted.

"Sign them all? Why not? Eat our mouths softly and use our hands short!" Bai Miao said confidently.

"You are a bit shameless!" Li Xuefeng said angrily: "Editor Fang, don't you think so?"

"There is indeed something wrong with what Bai Miao said. We should invite people to come and provide us with delicious food and drinks. How can we use this as a condition for others to submit articles?" Fang Minghua said with a smile.

"Let's see." Liu Xuefeng was happy.

But I heard Fang Minghua say: "But, the idea of ​​signing an agreement mentioned by Bai Miao is very good. I have already thought of an agreement. Today I called everyone together to discuss it. You guys can decide whether it is suitable or not." After saying that, Fang Minghua Magic took out a piece of information from his briefcase and handed it to them.

Everyone came together to take a look:

The title is called "Excellent Writers Signing Agreement"

There is a lot of content, very detailed, but the most important ones are these:

Writers who sign this agreement will receive preferential remuneration: a minimum of not less than 14 yuan per 1,000 words; (Adjusted according to changes in the national remuneration system.)

The manuscript review cycle is shortened to no more than 7 days

Each journal will give priority to publishing articles by contracted writers.

Articles from signed writers will be published first on the front page of the magazine

Priority will be given to translating novels by contracted authors for publication abroad.

There are many benefits.

But there is one thing:

If a writer signs the agreement, short and medium-sized novels (except novels, because Yanhe does not publish novels) written within eight years must be given priority for submission to Yanhe! If "Yanhe" rejects the manuscript, it can be transferred to another magazine!

Damn it!

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

Isn't this equivalent to an eight-year contract of betrayal? !

ruthless! Cruel enough!

"Editor Fang, why don't you sign the contract for 10 years?" Bai Miao suddenly said.

Damn it, this guy is greedier than me.

Fang Mingming muttered in his heart.

"Ten years is too long, and people may not agree to it. It would be good if we can sign it for eight years." Fang Minghua explained: "I call this agreement a 'Great God's Agreement'. Do you have any opinions?" ""


"Well, I will allocate work and adopt a lump sum system. Each person will be responsible for a few writers. The specific allocation is as follows:

Bai Miao, go find Wang Shuo and Gao Jianqun

Xuefeng, go find Ma Yuan and Liu Suona

Mu Qing, go find Acheng and Zhou Meisen

Leave Tie Nian, Can Xue, and Chi Zijian to Yan Qian. You are a lesbian, and lesbians can communicate easily. "Fang Minghua said to Zhang Yanqian.

"Promise to complete the mission!"

"I want to emphasize one point. We understand each other with emotion and reason, but no threats or lies are allowed. Let others understand the contract clearly and clearly. Think carefully before signing. Even if you don't sign, you are still a friend! Do you understand me?"


"Everyone can find an appropriate opportunity to take action and adjourn the meeting!"

Fang Minghua left the reporting room and was not in a hurry to go home. He wanted to find some very important writers.

Ge Fei was chatting with Su Tong in the room while watching TV.

One of them graduated from Eastern Normal University and the other from Yancheng Normal University. They were both from Jiangsu Province, so they quickly became good friends.

Now a piece of news broadcast on TV attracted their attention:

"This station reports that on May 4, a national creative meeting of outstanding young and middle-aged writers was held at the Tangcheng Hotel in Xijing City, our province. Thirty-one young and middle-aged writers from all over the country gathered together to discuss literary creation. This meeting must It will promote the prosperity of literature in our province.”

"Hey" Ge Fei sighed suddenly as he looked at it.

"What's wrong?" Su Tong asked.

"You said, I actually published a novel and was called a writer on TV, and am I still excellent? I don't dare to take it seriously."

"Su Tong, do you think it's appropriate to publicize it like this? If the teachers in our school see it, will they laugh at me for pretending to be fake?" Ge Fei couldn't help but say.

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