Cooking is not easy at all.

On the first day of work, Feng Qingxue had these words in her mind.

The strong laborers from seven or eight production brigades came out to work, and the work was crowded. Although they only had to cook for their own production brigades, and there were two women with them, the workload was still quite large.

From the Caohu brigade came Feng Qingxue, Aunt Feng and Feng Shuanshuan’s wife.

In addition, Feng Qingxue brought her sister with her.

She originally wanted to send Feng Qingyun to school, but she was too young and the school refused to accept her. Moreover, the primary school in Caohu Brigade was disbanded. If she wanted to go to school, she had to walk to Wanglou Brigade where living conditions were better.

While the strong laborers were working, they had to dig wild vegetables, pull leaves and buds, wash and prepare them, and then come back to make vegetable soup for them to eat.

When Feng Qingxue was digging wild vegetables, she noticed the labor scene on the riverbed. Some people had their legs and feet immersed in the water. The excavated soil was put into large wicker baskets. Then some people carried the wicker baskets filled with soil to the embankment. , used to build embankments.

Small carts cannot be used here, so they all rely on human power, carried on the shoulders, carried with a pole, or carried by two people together.

When she was a child, she heard her grandparents say that a basket containing soil could hold six to seven hundred kilograms of soil, and a larger basket could hold a thousand kilograms. Sometimes it was all carried and carried on the shoulders, and it took almost the same time to dig rivers and canals. It's winter all year, and this is the only time of the year when there is no busy farming. Many people are exhausted from working in icy water, and suffer from long-term illnesses in their later years.

However, many prime-age laborers are willing to work.

The first is to record full work points, which is ten work points a day. The second is to save the family's food rations. Because the work is strenuous, the boss is not strict about food, and each person has two three-faced rolls per meal.

Sweet potato noodles, sorghum noodles and black noodles are mixed together. The steamed rolls are dark and taste better than the coarse grains usually eaten at home. Women who cook eat half and hide the other. Many strong laborers eat and leave one behind, carrying it in their arms and saying to take it home, either for the elderly, or for their wives and children.

People from the Wanglou brigade also came to work. Seeing Wang Zhengguo, Feng Qingxue hurriedly ran to him, "Uncle, are you back? The last few times I went to Wanglou, you and Da Guzi were not at home. I asked my aunt , Auntie said you went to visit relatives."

She didn't say anything about Wang Jiao running away from home, nor did she ask if Wang Jiao had been found again.

Wang Zhengguo and Miao Fengqin's family all hid the fact that Wang Jiao ran away from home, so she certainly wouldn't get into trouble.

"Snow? Are you here? Yes, yes, you can't just sit back and have nothing, you have to work to earn points." Wang Zhengguo seemed particularly happy to see his niece, "Take your cousin to visit relatives. The road is quite long, and the trip back and forth is delayed. some time.”

Upon hearing that Wang Jiao was back, Feng Qingxue felt relieved and a smile appeared on her face.

"How are you and your cousin? Traveling far away to visit relatives is tiring."

"Your eldest sister is fine, but your cousin has trouble walking and fell down. She has completely forgotten what happened in the past six months. So, your eldest sister stays at home to take care of her."

Having said this, Wang Zhengguo breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past six months, his daughter has been so noisy that his head hurts, he got injured and forgot some things, and lost things he took from home. She is no longer so eccentric, although she is still as willful as when she was a child, and she gets angry when she is unhappy. He lost his temper, but didn't remember that he wanted to marry Lu Jiang. When he passed by the bullpen, he despised the Lu family's poor status and said that he shouldn't secretly help the Lu family.

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