Feng Qingxue didn't have any experience in growing vegetables, so she had to ask Aunt Feng Honglingniang and other elders with better connections for advice.

At this time, spring is coming to an end and summer is approaching. Many vegetables cannot be sown, but seedlings can be planted.

So, this family gave her a few home-grown loofah seedlings, and that family gave her a bundle of pepper seedlings, some eggplant seedlings, cucumber seedlings, and pumpkin seedlings, and some gave her a handful of cabbage seeds, mustard seeds, and a few sprouts. of ginger and potato pieces.

Then, everyone taught her how to plant. Loofahs and pumpkins can be planted in front of and behind the house. Peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers can be planted in the vegetable garden. When the loofahs, pumpkins, and cucumbers grow older, they need to build a shelf and let them follow the shelf. The sprouted ginger and potato pieces are buried in the soil to create ridges, and the cabbage seeds and mustard seeds are sown.

Every household is an old farmer. They eat the vegetables they grow year after year, and when raising seedlings, they will raise more seedlings. However, their own land is limited, so more or less there will be some seedlings left with nowhere to plant.

In this case, everyone will give it to each other or exchange it with each other. It would be a pity to throw it away anyway.

Hong Ling specially picked up a handful of chive roots from her husband's house and brought them to her. She planted them in the vegetable garden and took care of them. Then she would not have to worry about running out of leeks to eat. This thing would grow again and again after being cut.

Not to be outdone, the second aunt of Feng Shuanzhu's family and Feng Erhu's family also sent a lot of seedlings.

I usually don't think much of it, but now Feng Qingxue's popularity immediately became apparent.

On the other hand, Feng Qingxue's brother and sister-in-law were still so cold and indifferent, and had no contact with Feng Qingxue and the sisters at all. However, Feng Qingxue didn't care at all about the attitude of the two brothers and sister-in-law towards her, and no one bothered to mention it.

With everyone's help, the two small vegetable gardens soon came into being.

After this incident, Feng Qingxue knew that among the vegetable seeds in her space, except those that could be sown, the others had to be cultivated first and then planted according to the season, instead of spreading the seeds directly into the ground.

The soil quality of Caohu Brigade is not very good. Even if Feng Qingxue takes care of it carefully and there is plenty of water near the river, it does not grow vigorously.

Feng Qingyun is more caring than Feng Qingxue. When she has free time, she squats in the vegetable garden to weed and remove insects. Sometimes after playing outside for a long time, she must run home quickly to her own vegetable garden when she feels like it. After relieving herself, she even plausibly told Feng Qingxue that this was a way of keeping the wealth in others' fields. She learned this from adults, and many people did this.

For this reason, Feng Qingxue told her three or four times before she felt better.

Although crops and vegetables all need to be fertilized, holding back the urge to defecate for a long time is very harmful to the body, so we should not put the cart before the horse.

After twenty or thirty days, the pak choi is ready to be picked.

Chinese cabbage is the name that Feng Qingxue read in books, but locally it is called chicken-feathered cabbage.

When sowing, Feng Qingxue quietly took some seeds from the space and mixed them with the ones given by everyone. As a result, a large piece of tender seedlings emerged, which were juicy, fresh and tender, and people liked them.

I picked out the larger ones, washed them, put them in a pot and stir-fried them. They were especially tender and delicious.

There are no pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, and it is the fruit of my own labor. There is an indescribable sweetness in your mouth.

Of course, chicken feather vegetables themselves have a sweet taste.

After another half month, Feng Qingxue picked some melons and vegetables from the ground, first paid homage to a circle of elders, and then sent them to Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu.

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