If it involves the country, it is no small matter.

Although Lu Jiang is not responsible for this matter, he has always put the interests of the country first. If an innocent person goes abroad with his family savings, he will naturally not meddle in other people's affairs. However, this is Chen Aiguo plundering the country and even the property of those who were wrongly killed. He cannot No matter, he hung up Huo Beiting's phone neatly and transferred the call to Zhao Anbang.

Since it was not working hours, I called his home phone number.

Unexpectedly, the person who picked him up was Uncle Xu. Lu Jiang pondered again and again, and told him the results of Huo Beiting's investigation in detail, "Although Xiaoxue and I respect you two elders very much, what Xu Lei is involved in is not a trivial matter. , I must tell Lao Zhao to seize this opportunity and seize this person, so as not to lose track of Chen Aiguo's whereabouts. "

"What a sin, your aunt is right! My surname is Xu, I have no way to teach my son!" Knowing that his eldest son had unilaterally severed the relationship with his wife, Uncle Xu's already cold heart felt like falling into an ice cave, and he blinked Blinking his sour old eyes, "Comrade Anbang is working overtime. You can call him later. Xu Lei is indeed still in Huaihai City. If he doesn't believe that we have run out of gold and jewelry a long time ago, he probably has some gold and jewelry that he can't get." It means getting the house and the compensation money.”

Lu Jiang felt a little comforted in his heart. What he feared most was that Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu still chose to cover up his son even though he knew he had committed a crime. In terms of family ties, there are very few people who can be selfless.

"Okay, I'll call him right away to prevent Xu Lei from running away."

Uncle Xu snorted, "He probably thinks that Huaihai City is thousands of miles away from the northwest and southeast, and they don't know each other's information. He doesn't know what he has done in the northwest, and he is still thinking about the fortune he hid back then, so he dares to act so arrogantly. Appeared. He didn't achieve his goal, and he didn't think we knew his details, so he wouldn't leave immediately. "

"That's what I say, it's better to be careful." Only when you have the person in your hands can you feel at ease.

Regarding this point, Uncle Xu had to admit that Lu Jiang was right, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. You can talk to Comrade Anbang and deal with him as soon as possible. How many more years can your aunt and I live happily?" ”

After hanging up the phone, Uncle Xu finally shed tears that he had been holding back for a long time.

Seeing her husband's muddy tears rolling down her wrinkled bronze face, Aunt Xu felt anxious and hateful, "Did Xu Lei do something sinful again? You have been sad for so many days, and you are still so sad now."

Uncle Xu held her hand that had experienced the same vicissitudes of life and spoke softly, without any concealment.

"Twenty years. It turns out that he has cut off relations with us for twenty years. We only know now that thanks to us, we have missed him and thought about him for these twenty years. If there is any good thing, we should hold on to him first. Good grasp. , It’s time to catch them, there’s a bunch of bad thieves anyway, and our former daughter-in-law and grandson are not among them.”

Speaking of her former daughter-in-law and grandchildren, Aunt Xu was inevitably worried, "Have you ever asked for news about them? Are they smuggled into Hong Kong as the girl said, or are they still in the northwest region?"

Uncle Xu slapped his forehead and said, "A Jiang didn't say anything, so I forgot to ask."

"Then wait for a while. When Ajiang and Comrade Anbang finish talking about the business, let's call him and ask him carefully." Her son is useless, and Aunt Xu's only hope is that her grandchildren will be upright, live a smooth life, and be unworthy of her son. Shameless and despicable.

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