benefactor? This time it was Feng Qingxue's turn to be surprised, "Benefactor? No way?"

"Why not? It's Lu Jiang, I remember it clearly, the land of land, the river of rivers."

"Sister-in-law, there are so many brothers in the army, and many of them have the same name. It may not be my Lu Jiang. Please, don't be too busy thanking me." Lu Jiang is brave and good at fighting. Feng Qingxue knows it very well and knows that he did save lives on the battlefield. He has won many comrades-in-arms, but isn’t that what he should do? Feng Qingxue was proud of him, but would not publicize these things to the outside world.

Wu Lei is the division chief of staff, subordinate to Zhao Yong's division.

Lu Jiang fought side by side with Zhao Yong and Wu Lei. He is still in the same division now, but he has independently taken charge of a brigade. Although the brigade belongs to the division, it is an independent force. How is it divided specifically, and how many other soldiers are there? Feng Qingxue did not check the staff carefully, but her husband was probably the Lu Jiang who saved Wu Lei.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Feng Qingxue couldn't just agree to Huang Xiuzhi's words.

If not, wouldn’t it be a joke if I agreed? When outsiders hear about it, they will think that they are eager to take credit.

Huang Xiuzhi was stunned for a moment after hearing Feng Qingxue's words, and then said: "It doesn't matter, anyone named Lu Jiang deserves my thanks anyway. Ask Xiao Shitou's father later, and I will know if I have thanked the wrong person. ”

Based on this, the two naturally chatted happily.

As long as she wasn't someone like Wang Baozhu, Feng Qingxue could easily gain the other person's favor.

Huang Xiuzhi smiled broadly and patted Xiao Shitou on the shoulder. "Go, don't forget to take brother Xibao with you when you play. If you don't take him with you, I will send you back to your hometown to go to school!"

The little stone drooped its head.

"Children like to play with older children, but older children play a lot of games and really don't like taking care of children. It's okay, little Shitou, you can go play by yourselves and I'll take care of Xibao." Feng Qingxue said considerately.

Xibao shook his head hurriedly: "No, no!"

He impatiently put his chubby hand into Little Shitou's hand and urged: "Let's play!"

"Xibao, call me brother." Feng Qingxue reminded.

"Brother!" His voice was loud and crisp, and he looked cute and well-behaved.

Huang Xiuzhi couldn't help but praise: "Oh, why is this child so cute? I have never seen such a white and fat child. Big sister, how did you raise it? You put a lot of effort into it, right? Look. My little Shitou is as black as a sheep dung egg and as skinny as a monkey. He is a real skinned monkey. He can climb trees, touch birds, and go down rivers to catch fish. There is no unique skill that he is not proficient in. "

Seeing Xiao Shitou leading Xibao and having fun with the group of children, Wang Xiaowu hurried over anxiously. Feng Qingxue laughed softly and replied: "Isn't it the same as raising children? Give them some food and clothes. It’s been two years since I came here.”

"Two years old?" Huang Xiuzhi was very surprised, "I thought Xibao must be three or four years old."

This head and body shape don’t look like that of a two-year-old child? Some people believe him when he is said to be four years old.

Feng Qingxue laughed dryly, "He just ate too much and gained weight."

Huang Xiuzhi asked Xibao how much he weighed and learned that the last time he weighed himself in the logistics department was 34 jins. She raised her thumbs at Feng Qingxue and said, "My son only weighed 32 jins when he was five years old. He is so tall. It’s almost the same as Xibao.”

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