Father Lu has become a frequent visitor to the flea market recently. He spends a lot of money and is very popular. He buys used goods on the pretext that he needs to buy some belongings for his family when he first arrives in the capital. He buys jewelry and toys for his grandchildren to play with, dishes, chopsticks, cups and plates. Not to mention its usefulness.

Why come to the flea market? It’s easy to understand if you don’t have a ticket to go to a department store.

A decent piece of large furniture in a department store can easily cost tens to hundreds of dollars.

"Comrade Lu, come to my place and take a look. I don't need the cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks, so I took them out and sold them."

"Bring Xibao to see mine. Whether it's wood carvings or gourds, they are all old craftsmanship. You won't regret buying them. Children like to play with these things. Look at how exquisite this rattle is!"

Xibao stopped when he heard someone calling his name, and saw the rattle the other person took out, "Sister!"

The idea was to buy one for my sister. Father Lu obeyed, "Okay, okay, buy one for my sister."

This rattle is either the one played by Xibao, or it is an ordinary boxwood, but it is extremely well made and only costs 50 cents.

After walking around for a while, he bought three or five more things, all of which were porcelain. Father Lu carried them in a net bag, as if he really came to buy dishes.

The young man who sold them the chair suddenly grabbed him secretly and whispered: "Uncle, I have a lot of calligraphy and paintings handed down from my ancestors. Do you want them? I'll give them to you for one dollar each."

Father Lu actually loves calligraphy and painting the most, but these things are not very common on the market. After hearing what the other party said, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he pondered for a moment and said: "Calligraphy and painting are not of much use, but you can let me take a look first. If I feel If it looks good, I will buy it and stick it in the house. The old house we live in is relatively shabby, and the walls are full of holes. It doesn’t look like that.”

The young man was overjoyed and said, "Please wait for me first, I will go home and get it."

He was worried that Father Lu would go back on his word and walk home without even paying attention to the stall. As for the pile of old goods, he wasn't worried at all.

On the one hand, everyone around him knows him, and on the other hand, the socialist atmosphere is good.

Not long after, a young man came over with an armful of calligraphy and painting scrolls, sweating profusely. Father Lu only took one look at them and decided to buy them all, spending a total of eighteen yuan.

It was too garish to bring back so many calligraphy and paintings. After walking for a while, Father Lu took off his coat, wrapped the scroll and clamped it under his arm.

"Xibao, let's go home!"

"Go home, go home!" Xibao shouted, dragging the chair and running home.

When Father Lu arrived home, he didn't have time to rest, so he put the porcelain aside and unfolded the calligraphy and paintings first, "Xiaoxue, come here and take a look."

Maybe he knew that he was about to be a full moon, but Fu Bao didn't stop all day today, crying when he put her down. Feng Qingxue had no choice but to hold her in his arms, wander around the room, take a look at the table, and exclaimed: "Dad, where did you get so many good paintings? Although a few are fakes, there are at least a dozen authentic ones, right?" Most of them are authentic works by the famous scholar and painter Huang Binhong.

Even though Huang Binhong's paintings look like large black areas, which are difficult for most people to appreciate, this is his work after he was 80 years old. In the early stage, he used white paint, dry brush and light ink, sparse and elegant, and in the later stage, he painted black paint, which is dense and dark. Thick, dark and translucent.

When Huang Binhong was alive, no one wanted one of his paintings for a dollar, but half a century later, one of his paintings was worth hundreds of millions.

In the painting world, Huang Binhong and Qi Baishi are famous, which shows how high his status is.

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