Everyone couldn't compete with him and nodded one after another, "Yes, yes, my sister is the fat girl, and you are the baby, everyone's big fat baby."

Xibao was satisfied.

Wang Zhonghua suddenly said: "Xibao, you are the big baby, isn't Huihui the little baby?"

"Fat Ya!"

"Hui Hui!"

Once again, because of Fu Bao's name, the two brothers turned against each other. Neither of them gave the other the last bit of cake. They almost punched each other. Xi Bao picked up the paper box containing the cake and ran out, "I won't let you eat it!"

Father Lu and Zhao Hanzhi heard clearly, and watched Xibao run into the yard to get drunk, and couldn't help but laugh secretly.

"Xiaoyue, don't be so stingy. Take Fu Bao out and let me see it." Zhao Hanzhi put down the tea bowl and said in a loud voice. He originally had a daughter who died at ten months old. Later, he had been looking forward to the birth of Zhao Yong and Guo Xiuying. He had a granddaughter, but all the children he gave birth to were boys. He had been coveting other people's little girls for a long time, and Xiaoyue was half of his daughter.

Jiang Xiaoyue stuck out her tongue and came out with Xibao in her arms, "You saw Fubao, where's the meeting gift?"

Father Lu was afraid that Zhao Hanzhi would really give him a greeting gift, so he hurriedly said: "No greeting gift. A Jiang is not around. Everyone has helped Xiaoxue and his wife a lot. We are grateful in our hearts. It is more valuable than any other greeting gift."

While holding Fubao in his arms, Zhao Hanzhi said to Jiang Xiaoyue, "Did you hear that? Not everyone is as obsessed with meeting gifts as you are."

"After all, you are still stingy!" Jiang Xiaoyue made a face at him, not afraid of Zhao Hanzhi's black face at all. "Is it because you are stingy that you are being transferred?"

"Transferred? What do you mean?" Father Lu looked at Zhao Hanzhi in surprise.

"Yes, the transfer order has been issued. I will have to go to the Southeast Military Region to take up my post after the meeting next month." Zhao Hanzhi himself has no idea. He obeys the state's command in everything. "I am just handing over the work, so I am not very busy this month." Let’s take a look at Fubao. This time he was transferred and promoted instead of being demoted. Now he is the deputy commander, and he will be a positive one when he gets there.

Father Lu thought of the recent situation in the capital, nodded and said, "Congratulations to Commander Zhao."

It would be beneficial to Zhao Hanzhi to stay away from the power struggle in the capital.

"Don't mention those things, let me see this big fat girl, she is so cute!" Zhao Hanzhi looked at Fu Bao's fat face, Fu Bao smiled back at him, so sweet that the old man's heart melted, "Your dad He called me and learned that your mother did not live with you in the army. She was extremely worried and wished she could get her wings and fly over. Unfortunately, he had the heavy responsibility of a soldier and could only stay on the plateau and look towards the capital. But your Grandpa Chen will come to the capital for a meeting next month, and he should bring your father's wishes. "

Father Lu was overjoyed, "Did Lu Jiang call?" This was the best gift Fu Bao had ever received.

"Yes, the phone call came to me. The few words in the telegram are not enough to express the meaning, and the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, so if you write letters and send things, Xiaoxue Niang may not be able to receive them even if you go back. Lu Jiang was so worried that he couldn't sleep all night long. This is what my Ayong told me." Zhao Hanzhi handed over the treasure and continued: "Because of my status, I have to worry about Xiaoxue. Fortunately, you elders are thinking about it. I told Lu Jiang that he came thousands of miles away."

Father Lu thanked him profusely, "He is a soldier, so he should put his country first before his family."

In fact, he felt particularly sorry for Feng Qingxue. He couldn't see her husband during the two births and did everything by himself, but he couldn't say these words in front of outsiders.

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