Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 765 After the Little Farewell 2

When he learned that his family still had more than 600 yuan, Lu Jiang stared at his wife with wide eyes for a long time, and finally became helpless.

"Hearing you say "poor and useless", I thought our family's money wouldn't last until next month. The salary allowance for the two of us adds up to more than 200 yuan per month. Living in the army, including all the favors The cost of traveling and privately purchasing local medicinal materials costs one hundred yuan a month. According to the bills you summarized, the most expensive items in the past six months are air tickets and train tickets, and you don’t have to fly every month. Taking the train, Xiaoyun’s living expenses are not paid every month. I guess when you have time in the capital, you often buy antiques, jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, etc. You don’t have this opportunity in the army.”

"In order to avoid running out of money when you want to buy something, you can't spend it without restraint. As you said, buying antiques and cultural relics costs a lot of money. If you encounter them in the future, you can continue to buy them. It feels more secure to keep them in your own hands." Feng When Qingxue heard this, she felt that she needed to save more money. If she had the chance, she would go to various scrap collection stations, flea markets and black markets to collect antiques and cultural relics.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingxue couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

She originally planned to go to scrap collection stations and flea markets in the capital after her confinement, and buy as many antiques and cultural relics as possible to put in the space. Even if she couldn't keep them for herself in the future, she would donate them to the country. credit.

Some antiques can be kept for yourself as collections, while some cultural relics must be handed over.

After Xibao finished eating the fruit, he suddenly wiped his mouth and said, "I have money!"

Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang were stunned at the same time, and the latter said: "I didn't hear your mother tell you to give you money, where did you get the money?"

Xibao had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. Feng Qingxue never gave him a penny, of course, except for the New Year's money, but he took back the New Year's money afterwards, including those given to him by his comrades in the army.

"I have money!" Xibao went to find his small satchel.

This small satchel was made of colorful rags. It was made by the orderly at the old leader's house. It was brightly colored and Xibao liked it very much. For a while, he wore it every day, but later he forgot about it and threw it aside.

Of course, he would still wear it cross-body for a few days when he remembered.

"My bag, mom, where is my bag?"

Feng Qingxue knew that the bag he was talking about was not a bag but a satchel, so she turned around and took it out for him. As soon as she got it in her hand, she felt something was wrong. The small satchel was bulging and there was something inside.

Before she could open it to see what was going on, Xibao snatched it away, opened it himself, and poured out a large stack of unity.

"I have money!" Xibao shouted.

There were at least dozens of unity cards in a stack. Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang looked at each other and asked each other at the same time: "Where did he come from?"

"I don't know either, because I never taught Xibao to put anything in a small satchel. When I brought this satchel back from the old leader's house for the first time, it was empty. I didn't open the satchel after that. Xibao He didn't let me touch it. He stuffed it into his luggage bag when he was packing." After Feng Qingxue finished speaking, she knelt down in front of Xibao and said, "Xibao, tell mom, who gave you the money?"

"Grandpa!" Xibao's fat hand held a lot of money, "Buy cakes, buy fruits, buy meat!"

Feng Qingxue frowned, "Mom knows that grandpa gave it to you, which grandpa gave it to you?" As she said that, she took out all the photos, "Tell mom, which grandpa gave it to you?"

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