Banished to Another World

Chapter 340: Times 340

C_t; The black shadow blew the whistle, and the bones of the hand did not dare to move. (Marshmallow, his feet have been entangled in the branches, and the pointed branches are pointed at his eyebrows.

Several defensive people came over and saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately notified the non.

I have already heard the whistle of warning, listened to the return, and raised my eyebrows: "Tree people? Take him over, don't start."

The news passed back, and the shadow of the tree slowly said to the tree man: "I will let go of the bone blade now, and you should not do it."

The black shadow withdraws the bone blade, and the tree man also retracts the branches.

The black shadow exhaled a sigh of relief, cold face: "Our master wants to see you, come with me."

Several defensive fighters also appeared, surrounded by the tree man.

Shu Man doesn't feel any interest in seeing the owner of the shadow, but he wants to eat meat.

The non-waiting people heard the footsteps and looked at the direction of the sound.

The black shadow came over, and he went back to the darkness.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the tree man.

"The mother **** is on, it is really a tree!" The long-haired man was amazed.

That non-gaze is also the intersection of interest and greed. In front of this tall man who only has a leather skirt around his waist but carries a big parcel, it is not like a purebred longevity, it is like a mixed race of longevity and human. He has only heard of such a mixed tree, and he has never seen it.

The non-gaze was especially passed on the tree man's face, and he did not see any warrior marks, but he was not stupid enough to think that the other party was not at the first level, but that the tree man had hidden his own mark.

"I am the one, what does the tree brother call?"

When the tree man arrived here, he found that there was more than one fire. He had only seen the people in this circle because of the angle, but in fact there were several fires behind the tent, there were more people and more tents.

The tree man swept the crowd and suddenly walked toward the fire.

A circle of people was shocked and several people stood up. The warrior behind the tree man also wants to stop him.

That is not to drink them, but also let the subordinates give the tree man a position, he can see that the opponent's goal is the fire. This made him a bit surprised. Shouldn’t the tree be afraid of fire? Why did he dare to sit on the fire? Or because the other party is a mixed blood?

The tree man looked at the position where he let go, and he took it very politely. He stretched his left hand and grabbed the barbecue on the shelf.

The tall female warrior turned over the eyelids. It was very uncomfortable for the other party to ask for self-satisfaction. It was not to hold her hand, but let the soldiers around them spread out. "Ha ha! The original tree can also eat meat, I still I know for the first time. Eat and eat, is this enough? Do you want me to let the slaves roast again?"

That is not to wait for the tree man to answer, and immediately order the slaves who are waiting to be sent to a beast that has been stripped clean.

The tree man did not refuse, and the barbecue in his hand was finished. He immediately reached out and grabbed another piece of meat that was being grilled on the fire. He also cooked it with his mouth, and even if he had a bite, he could still take it.

That is not a careful look at the tree man, focusing on the big package that he is carrying.

The tall female soldier suspected that the package was in the way, and picked up the wooden stick on the ground to pick the fire and poked it at the parcel.

"Hey!" The wooden stick was drawn by the branches.

The tall female warrior jumped up. "What are you doing?"

The tree man grabbed only two mature barbecues and looked at her coldly.

The tall female warrior was shocked by the other's eyes. The long narrow eyes of the tree were full of murderousness and grievances, just as she had done something that was particularly unreasonable.

That is not to estimate the fighting power of the tree man in his heart, and gently pull down the female warrior.

The tall female soldier snorted and walked to the other side to sit down. When she sat down, she did not look at it.

That is not a slight smile, the female warrior is very clever, just the equivalent of tempting the tree man's alertness, reaction and corresponding ability, and the performance of the tree man also makes him know how to deal with him.

The female soldier changed her seat. This time, there was no other person between him and the tree man. He did not personally hold a bowl of hot soup and handed it to the tree man. "It’s cold, drink some hot warm body, although you look like not afraid cold."

The tree man sniffed the hot soup and sipped it.

The long-haired man on the side of the fire was very acquainted with his companions. They didn't want to provoke new troubles. Seeing that they were not interested in the tree, the long-haired men took the initiative to stand up and said that it was not early. They planned to go back to the tent to rest.

It was not a smile to watch them leave.

Shunan found that the long-haired men did not walk into the four tents, but walked around to more people.

"Where are you from? As far as I know, there seems to be no longevity in the vicinity of the readings." It was not a chattering tone.

The tree man doesn't like the taste of the broth and feels bad, but he still drinks a lot.

"Can't you talk? Then can you understand me?" It was not clear that he did not get any answers, but he was still patient.

The barbecue on the fire was rapidly reduced, and even the meat that the slave had just placed on the fire was torn off by the tree man.

Look at the tree male to eat raw meat, the tall female warrior and several other non-subordinates look a little inferior, how the long-lived mixed race, not the same as the wild man.

The tree man felt that he had eaten almost the same, and then put his finger into the bowl before the soup. He felt that the broth inside was not very hot. He solved it under his backhand and put it in his arms. He carefully opened the leather and started. Feed his baby coke.

Nafei and the female warrior and other people have long wondered what is in his parcel. Seeing that he opened the parcel, he naturally looked back at it.

"Evil! What a ghost thing!" The female soldier first called.

It was not very comfortable after seeing the things in the package.

"Is this his food? Burnt beast? Or..." asked a side-faced soldier with a look of disgust.

"The mother **** is on! What is he doing?" Another soldier called.

The female soldier directly covered her mouth and wanted to vomit.

The tree man even used his mouth to fill the broth to feed the coke that couldn't see what it was.

It was that it was a bit disgusting, but he also saw that the coke was supposed to be an individual or a humanoid.

Feeding many times, the tree man has already fed the experience, each time the spit feeding speed is very slow, not much to feed each time, but this time feeding the broth is out of trouble, the broth can not be poured.

The tree man is not very worried, but he is very helpless to turn over the coke and control the broth in his mouth.

It’s a small trouble to pick up, even drinking only blood.

After several feedings, the tree man has actually found that the coke is not "drinking" blood, but is absorbing blood, and all the blood has penetrated into his body through his mouth. The raw meat of the solid is not well absorbed, and the broth is also rejected.

The tree male eyes fell on the group of beasts, not far from the beasts and camel beasts, these are all blood, then look at the crowd in front of the fire, maybe the human blood effect is better?

However, the tree man did not act rashly, so many people are like the herd, he may not have played.

"Is he still alive? Is it your loved one?" The desire/satisfaction that inhibited the hands-on asks, the tree man looks at their eyes like watching prey, interesting, that is, who knows who will become the prey in the end.

The tree man re-wrapped the coke and planned to leave.

"Hey, where are you going? The sound city is in front. If your loved ones are still alive, maybe the temple priests in the city can save him." That would make this rare tree mixed with people.

The tree man hugged the corpse, and the first time he looked at it.

That is not to say a kind smile to him. "We are going to the sound city and recognize the road. You can go with us and be a friend."

The tree male stretched his finger to a beast.

That is not speculation, "Do you want to fight the beast? Still not full?"

The tree man pointed to his stomach.

"It seems that I have not eaten enough. I let the slaves send another one... You have to fight the beast? Ah, I understand, you want to live?" That is not to see the tree man pointing to the beast finally figured out the meaning of the tree man.

The tree man nodded.

It was not very generous to immediately let the slaves send a cage of still alive rabbits.

The tree man holds the parcel with one hand and lifts the cage with the rabbit in one hand and slowly retreats into the darkness.

Several fighters wanted to stop him. He raised his hand and shook his head. He said with certainty: "He won't go far."

The tree man did not go far, got a cage of alive rabbit, he could finally take his blood to feed his coke corpse reads;

This time, the appetite is very appetizing, and the visitors are not rejected. All the blood is absorbed into the body.

The tree man gently pressed the stomach of the corpse and felt a little elastic. I went to the chest of the corpse and listened for a while. For a long time, he heard a very light and light bang.

The tree man smiled and smiled happily. Killed a few rabbits and licked them, and leaned against the tree and slept.

On the side of the fire, it was not the return of the subordinates, and fell into meditation.

The tall female soldier couldn’t help but ask him: "Adult, do you?"

"I have already started. Wait and see." That doesn't look up. Although I don’t know how the anti-toxicity of the tree people is, the Huaneng Dan is not a general poison/drug. The blood-threatening soldiers below the seventh level can’t resist it. Even the eight-level and nine-level fighters can’t take care of them. To be dragged down for a while.

Huaneng Dan is so powerful, of course, it is also very precious. That is not to be willing to come up with a Huaneng Dan is also a very rare tree-man mixed with the tree. If such a mixed blood is adjusted or taught, it will be the best war slave. Even if it can't be adjusted, it can be sold to the temples and nobles of the nine great cities. Those temple priests like this kind of mixed-race and non-human wisdom creatures.

"Adult, the treeman fell asleep. We just smashed him with a snow group. He woke up, but the action was much slower than before." The man who monitored the tree man came back again.

"Good! Enclose him, don't let him run, prepare more torches!" That stood up in disappointment.

The tree man opened his eyes and looked at the several bone blades that reached his chest and neck. He looked at the smile that smiled at him.

"Is the broth delicious?" The non-deterministic tree man can no longer use his ability, and he is close to him.

The tree man moved right by hand, and the branch spread a little longer and could not fall down.

That did not avoid his right side, went to his left and reached for his head.

"Look at me, look at my eyes. You are my slave, I am your master, you can't resist me, or I will give you the most painful punishment, but if you are obedient, I will let you eat. ”

The tree man doesn't want to look at the eyes of the child, but the voice of the child is like a magic, attracting him to look up.

Once on the pair of eyes, the tree man stunned and a familiar voice appeared in his mind, and the voice was screaming at him: stupid!

The tree man's attention was all attracted by the idiot. At this moment, he felt a cool, not cold, brain-clear refreshing.

"If you pretend to listen to the slave trader, go to the city with him."

The tree man opened his mouth, and a familiar name was on his lips, which seemed to be called anytime and anywhere.

"Shut up! I can't support it for a long time. This time it's awful, my bones are going to be coke. I have to grow a little bit from the cell. Remember, I went into the sound city and gave me some yuan coins. Unfortunately, my pocket is on the reward list..."

Silent! The tree man remembered the name of the voice. He wanted to say a few words to the voice in his head, but the voice ignored him.

The tree man is wronged. In fact, he does not know what to say to the voice, but he just wants that voice to talk to him more.

This is where? When the tree man pursued the voice, he inadvertently entered a very strange place, where there was endless black land, and there were scattered hills in the land. The top of a hill at the farthest was hot, and the vast In the center of the land, only a small sprout was grown.

The buds have four leaves, which seem to be comfortable and comfortable to take root in the black land, and occasionally there will be no wind and two.

There is something trying to pierce the dark sky and want to enter here, the tree man looks up at the sky.

Suddenly a large fog appeared on the vast black land, and the thing came in. It was a hundred-footed caterpillar with a sharp head.

The tree man saw the fog suddenly turned into a sealed box and loaded the worm into it.

The buds are waving four leaves and they are very happy.

The whistling sound passed to the ear: "The mental power that I gathered together is now wasted to you. It is really troublesome, and I will be careful later."

"Mom! Don't go!"

The master who did not catch the sound, the tree man came back with a sigh of relief;

It was not very happy. At first he felt that the power of the tree man’s soul was resisting and struggling, but in a few moments he was secure, just like the war slaves he had controlled before.

"Tell me you are a few fighters?"

The tree man looked at him blankly. Pretend obedient, how to listen?

"It's stupid, can't talk, not even count?" The tall female warrior laughed.

That’s not a laugh. “Many barbarians don’t count, they don’t even know their age. This tree is probably a mixture of ordinary long-lived Mu and savage. Or the long-lived Muzu is cool. When I left, I didn’t know that a savage woman had given him a seed."

"Ha ha!" The warriors around the tree man laughed all over, and some people curiously asked: "I don't know how the long-lived Mu people should be handed over with women? Sowing?"

"It's not sowing, hahaha!" The people laughed even more.

"Adult, this tree is mixed, are you going to keep it yourself, or bring it to the city?" The female soldier asked Naf.

It’s not sinking. “Let’s take it to the sound city first, and see if their temple priests or nobles are interested in him.”

"Adult, this person is a tree-man mixed, then will he also be able to live forever?" The voice of the warrior questioning is full of obvious greed and longing.

"Not necessarily. It is also possible that he is not a mixed-race of the long-lived Mu and humans, but only a wood-controlled warrior." That's why you don't want to live forever, but in order to protect their offspring, the long-lived Muzu can get them without eating them. The vitality will even have a counter-effect, otherwise how would he want to sell this rare half-tree to other people.

"Do you want to let him blood to give the slaves to try?" The warrior proposed.

"Wait a minute." That doesn't agree, he also has this idea.

The female warrior disgusted and reminded: "What about the coke? Let him carry it?"

That’s not a move, ordering the tree man, “Give me the parcel in your hand.”

The tree male eyeball slowly turned down, sent the parcel forward a little bit, and quickly recovered, this time he held tighter reads;

That didn't frown, and said: "Let the parcel go, stand up!"

Shunan stood up, but he still did not release the parcel.

It is not doubtful, is he not completely controlling this tree? However, he clearly felt that the power of his soul had marked the soul of the other party.

"I ordered you to give me the parcel on my hand!"

The tree man suddenly licked his teeth.

I didn't feel the vibration of my soul in contact with each other's soul, and immediately appease him: "Well, I don't want your parcel, you can always carry it."

The tree man immediately calmed down.

It’s not a frown, the tree man’s situation is too strange, but he has also encountered a controlled person who is particularly attached to a certain thing or person. These controlled persons are also particularly concerned about the attachment, sometimes if they force them to give up or Destroy, they can even break his control.

Thinking of this, it is no longer necessary to let the tree male give up the parcel. Since he likes the charred body, then take it.

and many more! This tree man has not been able to move yet. Now he can not only stand up, but also hold the package?

What is his level of warrior? Can Huaneng Dan be so short on him? Or is it because of his special blood?

I don’t want to think about other better explanations. Maybe the blood of the tree is not obvious to the chemical Dan.

That is not to trust their ability, and naturally they are very reassured by the people they control. Although there are still many mysteries in the tree man, it does not have much impact on him, as long as the tree man can obey. .

That’s not to lift the chin to the two men. “You go with them, don’t run around, don’t be allowed to attack anyone without my order, or I will punish you, go.”

The tree man was very obedient and held the parcel to keep up with the two fighters.

The tree man entered the tent and found several large cages filled with non-human intelligent creatures with cats and cat tails.

The cats saw the non-hands coming in, angryly screaming at them, and the cat's claws kept scratching the railings of the cage.

The soldiers who sent the tree males seemed to have become accustomed to this. They solved the bones of the animal skin and beat them in the cage, and put the bone blade into the cage for a while.

The screams are more lively.

Another soldier impatiently said: "Don't call. Call again and eat your nephew!"

The soldier walked to a cage and picked up the bone blade that also wrapped the animal skin into a small cage.

"Hey! Hey..." The tiny messy cat screams in the cage.

The tree man looked at it and found that the two cages in it were all kittens that could not be changed into humanoid shape. The smallest one was less than the palm of the hand, and the big one was not half-armed.

The cats are very united and friendly, and the big cats keep the little guard in the middle, even if they are poked and hurt again.

The cats in the big cage made a louder shout.

"Call again? Call again!" The warrior slammed even more.

The tree man grabbed the soldier's arm.

The screaming screams also stopped at the same time, and none of the cats dared to make a sound again, only to use the hateful eyes to smother these slave traders.

The soldier did not care about the cat's gaze, only turned his head to the banyan tree. "What are you doing?"

The tree man doesn't know how he should react at this time, but he doesn't want to see these people treat the cats like this. He is also a child with children. He can't stand the treatment of young people like this.

He also has children? The tree man’s thoughts paused. Where is his child?

Is it here to hold the parcel with one hand? With their father?

Hey? What is Dad?

The tree man let go of the soldier, raised his hand and beat his head, and wished to think of everything in the past.

The warrior looked at the tree man and thought that it was not a punishment for the tree man. He smiled smugly, no longer took care of him, and no longer abused the cats. He pointed to the animal skin covering the wall and let the tree man roll over. And another soldier walked to the other side of the tent to rest, and ordered a small fire pile of reads;

The tree man opened the animal skin and covered it with a corpse. Since he woke up to today, he was still sleeping for the first time in a place with fire and a cover.

Cats look at their eyes, look at the sleeping soldiers, look at their cubs, and finally look at the new non-humans.

The next day, it was not announced to start the camp.

For the new tree people in the team, no one has any more questions.

It’s not that the tree is stable, and there’s nothing to tell him to do, just let him follow the team. On the way, he ordered the tree man to put some blood on him, and dragged a wild man on the spot to let the wild man drink the blood of the tree.

As a result, the savage drunk blood for a while and began to smash and roll around. When others stood still, they found that they were dead and could not die any more.

That is not to see the wound from the surface, direct life to cut open the belly of the savage.

Everyone is scared!

The savage's internal organs have all burned into coke!

The tree man looked down at his left hand, and he remembered that there was a fire red transparent spar.

The tree is calm, but the expression of the tree is a little cracked, including no one dares to try to drink the blood of this tree to seek longevity.

The non-waiting person even thought that the coke in the parcel would not have been drunk by the blood of the tree.

The episode ended and the slave team reopened.

After entering the forest, what the tree man felt, he looked up and looked forward, there seems to be something vaguely calling him.

There are actually many opportunities to change his way. Sometimes he can't find a meal in a few days. He wants to change a road. But every time he just comes up with this idea, he immediately dismissed it. He walked in this direction and walked all the way. .

This is the reason? So who is it, what is calling him in front?

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