Strictly walked to the original battle and looked around.

The people around him quieted down and looked at the young witch who was passed down as a god.

"The only thing I have to say is that there is a horned army coming towards us. You have three choices. Choose one and fight against the enemy together. Choose two and trust the horned man. Choose three and run away."

The original battle was followed: "The people who made the first choice stood behind me."

Under the leadership of Wu Yucun Wu and Qi Hongzhi, the people of Qiyu Village did not hesitate to stand behind the original battle.

The people in the village of Ludi were slightly stunned. Looking left and right, the lion screamed: "Follow me, we will fight with the sorcerer with the sorcerer."

After the lion moved, most of the villagers in the village followed the lion to the original battle, but there were also a few people left in the spot to be overwhelmed.

The setting sun felt that the people he was bringing were watching him. His forehead was kneeling and his back was full of sweat. Fighting with horns? Just because of these ordinary hornless people who have not trained in warriors?

"You are letting everyone die," the dog's teeth that were tied and thrown on the ground shouted and shouted.

His people saw no one to guard him, ran together to loosen him and help him get up.

The dog's teeth were badly beaten, and the nose and face were swollen and not adult.

"So I gave you three choices." The strict expression and voice were calm, as if I didn't know how dangerous it was. "I don't know why the horns sent troops, but obviously they didn't plan to follow them." Commitment, don't want us to live on this land. They want to destroy us, just like killing the hornless people in the southern village. For them, our hornless people can be slaves, animals are bugs, want us Let us live, let us die if we want to die. They can't stand the hornless people to talk to them about conditions, and they can't stand the hornless people and they stand on the same level. But you really have to be like animals forever. Living under the arrogance of a horned man?"

"Can you take us to kill the horned man?" A childish voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looks at two children together.

They are strictly chosen by default, and that is the child of the two southern villages he treated.

The older boy took his sister's hand and looked at him nervously.

Strictly: "Do you want revenge?"

The young boy nodded hard. "Will you train me as a warrior? Will you teach me as powerful as the fighters around you?"

"I can't guarantee that you will be as powerful as he is, but as long as you think, we will try to train you as a qualified fighter."

"Well, we will fight against the horned people with you." The young boy picked up his sister and strode over.

A patient suddenly stunned: "We are not infected with the horns and we are killed by them. If so, it is better to fight with them."

"Can you fight too?" Someone whispered at him.

"So what can we do? Escape? How far can we follow?"

The original battle raised the voice: "Who is the patient who wants to fight with the horned man? Raise your hand."

After a while hesitating, many people raised their hands.

The cover of these people suddenly moved, and all moved to the original battle and the side of the strict.

Seeing the magic of the original war, many people feel that maybe they can really fight with the horned people, and some people continue to go after the original battle. Most of these people are alone and have an inextricable relationship with the horned people. They hate deeply, and at the same time they are more sober, and they feel that it is unlikely that the horns will let them go. An horned person needs a slave to be enshrined, but there are still many hornless villages around, killing them, and the loss to the horns is not great.

But there are so many people, whether they are healthy or sick, there are more than half of them.

The dog's teeth deeply felt that the hornless people who were desperate to fight with the horns were crazy, but he didn't care about these deaths. He just had to complete his mission, so he shouted again: "As long as they leave the witch medicine All patients can heal, if that witch really wants to help everyone"

"Yes." Strictly and sincerely, "I can leave the witch medicine."

Dog teeth are a stalk, but as long as you are willing to leave the witch medicine, "so many patients, a little witch medicine is not enough."

Strictly smiled and called the members of the nursing team, such as the lion, to give them enough medicine on the spot. "These are enough for you to heal."

The sick people have a lot of sorcerer's medicine. After the treatment of the sorcerer's time, there are not many serious patients, and most people are recovering.

"We flee." The sunset finally opened. He didn't want the tribes and the horns to desperately, but he also knew that the horns would not easily let go of their hornless people who had contacted the witches and the magic warriors. Even if they don't die, the best end is to become a slave.

"Yeah, let's escape, there is still time, how far can we escape?"

Most of the people left are this opinion. They don't want to work hard with the horned people, but they don't want to leave the compassion that the horned people rarely expect.

The sunset pleads to look at the silence and the original battle. "Two adults, please take us to escape together, we...we are not warriors, we can't compete with the horns."

"When we flee, will they not chase?" Qi Hongzhi sneered, "Where can we escape?" Instead of being killed by them on the way to escape, they must hide from the East and sleep peacefully. It’s not a good day, it’s better to fight with them.”

"Escape is at least a hope, at least there are people who can survive, and can be desperate with the horned people. How many people can survive in the presence?" The sunset is afraid of the original battle and the sternness, but not afraid of the people in the rain village, the current sneer retorted.

"Yeah, we can escape to the territory of the White Pointers and I heard that they are more tolerant of the hornless."

“Do you know how far the white-horn towns closest to here are? If it’s so easy, why should our ancestors stay here for so many years?”

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to die in our ancestral home."

Cries and screams rang.

"Hey silent, is there a horned man asking me to kill them first?" The nine winds flew back and hovered in the sky.

Strictly look up and shout in the nine original words: "No, nine winds, you just look at the sky, don't do it for the time being."

"Sunset, the horned man has come, you must first take the person to escape to the direction of the village, fast"

"Yes," the sunset also refuses to take care of others, and immediately greets those who want to escape to go with themselves.

The time was urgent, the sunset did not even do the mobilization, just shouted two times, and took the person to leave first. Other people who want to escape see this, and they dare to delay again, dragging their daughter-in-law to cry and yelling at her mother to keep up.

Some of the family members of the patients have the most headaches. Some people give up the patients and escape. Some people think of ways to take the patients together. Some people leave behind with the sick family who cannot go.

The patient is also full of people. There are people who are crying and shouting and abandoning themselves. There is no conscience, but the same crying and shouting is to let family and friends give up and hurry to go...

They were reminded to remind them that they could grab the wooden sticks on both sides of the bed and lift them up and down.

The family members of the patients found that each of the beds had so many wooden sticks and lifted them up.

The patient and his family are overjoyed.

The dog was stunned and left with a group of people.

Both the original war and the sternness were seen, but they did not move.

After the lion and Qi Hongzhi angry, want to catch up to kill the dog teeth and his people.

Shake his head shiveringly. "Whoever has the power to survive, as long as he does not do sorry for the hornless, then go with him."

Qi Hongzhi still wants to say something. He was glanced at the old village of Qiu Yu. "The adults must have the reason to do this. Whatever kills and kills, how can you let me hand over the villagers to you?"

"Isn't it all given to adults? Anyway, I listen to adults." Qi Hongzhi is not worthy.

"What are you still doing?"

Slightly laughing, turned and said to the Yu Yucun Wu: "Pray for the rain, remember what I told you two days ago?"

"Remember, adults."

"So, let's get started now."

"it is good"

Qi Hongzhi and the lion look at the two witches. They always feel that they seem to have concealed anything. Is there any worry about the old village witch’s face?

When the horned army arrived, the camp had already dispersed most of the people.

Strict and the original battle stood at the forefront, followed by a group of hornless people who held all kinds of weapons and were frightened.

The original war took over the command and assigned the strongest villagers to pray for the protection of other people. Women, children and the elderly were in the middle, and they were young and strong. The patient was placed in another place, but only three steps away from them. .

But the patients who decided to stay did not feel that they were abandoned because their sorcerers stood in front of them.

So from the perspective of the horned man, I saw that the demon warrior brought a group of people to resist them, but the witch seemed to give up and stood in front of the patient.

There is no shadow of nine winds in the sky, and the old village witches are not there.

"A lot of people" have left a lot of hornless legs soft.

No one laughed at them. It was the most war-torn villagers who saw the war. The horned warriors who saw so many soldiers and strong beasts also had a little calf tremble.

The leading horns glanced at them in a circle, sneer, that these hornless people even wanted to get their own land and didn't want to offer it.

Suddenly coveted, the body suddenly floated slowly.

The horned man’s head smashed, and the “magic witch” immediately waved his hand. There was no such thing as a direct statement: “kill”

The horned man knows that the original battle is the most powerful. The army first rushed out ten bone warriors with full body bones. Their purpose is to trap the original battle and kill him.

The original battle sneered, and in turn rushed to them

Other horned warriors also moved, and they pulled out the bone knife and rushed to the hornless crowd.

Bone treasure costs Yuanjing, to deal with some hornless people, not to let them use bone treasure as soon as they come up, with a bone knife is enough

Qi Hongzhi and the lion and other people are afraid of seeing everyone, and they are not allowed to watch the sternness. They are the first to swear: "kill and kill these horned people"

The people of Qiyu Village and the villagers of the village first met the enemy, but they did not ride the beast. The weapon was only a bone spear. How could they be able to rival the horned people with all the cavalry weapons?

Just then, there was a singing voice like singing in the air: "The ancestors are on the top, and sacrificed by my energy. Please give the aura of protection. May the hornless people present not be injured and will not be killed for ten minutes."

The number of people needing protection is less than two hundred. Ten minutes is not his limit, but he needs to leave energy to prevent others.

There were not many people who heard the singer, but everyone saw him floating up and singing in the air.

Many hornless people saw horned cavalry rushing toward them. At this moment, their courage and fear went forward. When they poked the bone spear, they also closed their eyes.

They waited, waiting for the bone knife to slash to the moment waiting for the beast to step on their body.

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