Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 314: Smart Nash

On the sidelines, the Mavericks rest area.

"What's the matter with you? I snooze at the beginning? Where did you throw everything you usually learn?"

Don Nelson relieved everyone.

"Next, just follow our usual game rhythm."

"Give the ball to Steve, let"


The game is back again!

The Mavericks serve in the frontcourt!

This time, they came up with a small sandwich tactic, and Nash easily got the ball.

Of course, it's so easy because the 76ers' defense is no longer aggressive.

Half-court offense, playing positional battles.

What the Mavericks do best is Nash's pick and roll with Duncan.

In every game, they played a lot of counter-attacks and fast breaks, and the pick-and-rolls in positional battles were also a lot.

Facing his former teammate Iverson, Nash is not at all soft. With the help of Duncan's cover, Nash went straight to Ben Wallace's direction.

Nash still has some understanding of the 76ers' defensive system.

If he played the three-point line by himself, then Ben Wallace immediately turned his head back to chase Duncan.

This time, Nash chose to shock.

Ben Wallace tried his best to cover Nash, but Nash directly passed the ball from Ben Wallace's crotch and sent it to Duncan, who was following.

In the face of Coleman, who had come to the defense, Duncan jumped up without hesitation.

He has long arms and amazing bounce.


Duncan slammed the ball into the basket directly over Coleman's head.


The Mavericks finally opened.

"Wow! Good shot!"

The fans in the stands were excited and cheered!

But Duncan and Nash did everything as usual, high-fiving, neither happy nor sad.

I don't know how many such **** they have played.


The 76ers dribble the ball slowly from Snow to half-court, holding the ball steadily.

The whole league is very familiar with the 76ers' play style, and conducts the ball and moves step by step to find opportunities.

The Mavericks were also fully prepared, and Finley followed Li Nan closely.

However, the 76ers are not playing like this today.

Snow suddenly gave the ball to Iverson.

Seeing Iverson staring at him with the ball, Nash knew that this guy had an idea about him.

"Steve, I'm coming." Iverson reminded me kindly.

Nash was completely mentally prepared. However, he still failed to prevent it after all.

Obviously knowing that Iverson was going to take the right, but Nash still passed by an acceleration.


It's such an understatement!

Iverson's crossover is too powerful, except for fouls, no one in the league can defend his breakthrough.

Nash can only look forward to it. I can only watch Iverson take a shot calmly in front of him.

A mid-range emergency stop jumper.

With a sound of the ground, the basketball hit the inner edge of the basket directly and rushed into the net.


Watching Iverson go away happily, Nash was also amazed.

Iverson is really good.

Nash used to envy Iverson, Iverson's excellent physical talent, Iverson's outstanding skills, Iverson was favored by the old man.

However, it is not important now. After all, that's a thing of the past.

Now Nash has his own pride.

The Mavericks serve fast in the backcourt.


Nash rushed like the wind.

Although the 76ers tried their best to retreat, Nash still found a chance to chase and fight back.

With the help of Duncan's screen, Nash avoided Iverson's defense, and directly chased for a three-pointer when everyone was not firmly established.





The fans in the stands raised their arms and shouted!

Although Nash is not the team's leading scorer, his shooting percentage, especially the three-pointer percentage, is very good.

"Steve is more than just passing the ball."

"Steve! Good shot, one more one!"

"We can get Steve. Thanks to Philadelphia and Larry Brown. Otherwise, it would not be perfect without Steve."

However, when the audience was celebrating, the 76ers suddenly served quickly.

Iverson suddenly drove straight in, a dragon killed it, and one flew to the basket.


After scoring the goal, Iverson didn't forget to hit Nash's shoulder.

Although he didn't say anything, the provocation in Iverson's eyes was full of meaning.

Nash's eyes came up with war.

"Go! go! go! Let's hit another one!"

Nash also shouted in his mouth, directing his teammates to follow.

This time, he played Duncan's pick and roll again. With the help of the cover, Nash rushed into the direction of Ben Wallace, smashed to the place where the rim was full of people, and strolled around in a leisurely court.

Iverson, Coleman, and Ben Wallace are at a loss.

When everyone thought that Nash was going beyond the high post and reorganizing the offense, Nash suddenly started and went to the basket.

A false pass behind the scenes directly deceived Ben Wallace.

He jumped up and lowered his hand to the basket.


The 76ers will naturally not let it go.

Iverson directly passed Nash again and encountered Tim Duncan who was defending. Iverson assisted Li Nan who sneaked in from the center.

After Li Nan got the ball, he stopped for a while, leaned against Finley behind him, then started with his strength, and started two steps directly! A low layup hit.



The game opened slowly, and the pace became a bit faster.

If you play a ball, I will give you one back. You have a dunk, and I have an empty pick. Offensive efficiency is pretty good.

However, the offense is good, which means the defense is not good.

The Mavericks don't seem to be so "careful" about defense. The offense against the 76ers is to ask for anything.

They let Iverson break through Nash easily, never double-teaming. They left Finley alone to chase Li Nan, and they had no idea of ​​a rotation.

Of course, it's not that the Mavericks don't target them, but they don't know how to target them.

Their defense is really bad. They all do their best on personal strength.

These have a lot to do with coach Don Nelson's offensive play style.

While the 76ers blocked the Mavericks' fast-break counterattack by quickly returning to defense, it seemed that they had nothing to do with Nash and Duncan's pick and roll.

Nash played the most fast-paced basketball and pick-and-rolls in the 76ers' season.

Last season, he was traded to the Mavericks. Under Don Nelson's guidance, Nash grew even faster.

After cooperating with Duncan for so long, the tacit understanding between the two has risen.

Nash passed the ball well and made a good shot. He can always deliver amazing balls.

Duncan is very strong in finishing ability, with long arms, good bounce, and fast speed. Even the weaker point of CIC, Duncan, has been trained during the This kind of two-person match is simply not too much. perfect.

The two teams played fast-paced offensive basketball just like that.

At halftime, the score between the two sides was 55-52, with the 76ers leading by 3 points.

Two teams data:


Duncan, 17 points, 5 rebounds,

Nash, 9 points, 9 assists,

Finley, 9 points,


Iverson, 18 points, 6 assists, 2 steals,

Li Nan, 18 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals.

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