Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 317: crucial moment

Li Nan's dunk ignited the passion of the 76ers, ignited Duncan, and ignited everyone on the Mavericks.

The two sides fought even more fiercely.

"Allen came in, escaped Tim's block, and made a layup! It's beautiful!"

"It's Tim and Steve's pick-and-roll again, oh! Steve made a pass to Green who was running back. Green made a low layup! Good shot!"

"Lee's long run is here again! Slow down, speed up! Michael is thrown away again! The ball is coming! Li directly pulled up the shot. Hit! Nice!"

"Double-teamed! The Sixers double-teamed Tim for the first time! Oh! Beautiful, Tim passed the ball from behind and gave Green. The latter dunked! Good shot!"

"Lee's chance of CIC is not very good, it passed! It was given to Coleman in the middle! Coleman made a sneak attack! Good (opportunity), oh no! Tim is right behind!"

"Tim has been double-teamed again! Pass! To Trent who has slipped to the bottom line! Finley! Finley dunks! Good (ball), oh no! Li who came from behind directly slapped him, boom! Flew!"

The two sides had offensive and defensive each other, leading alternately, playing fiercely.

Until the last 3 minutes of the fourth quarter, the score between the two sides was 86-86, a tie!

The battle is fierce.

The 76ers are coming menacingly again! Iverson was facing Nash's defense again, and it was a simple acceleration and killed the past!

However, at this time,


An abrupt whistle broke the heat on the field!

"Pull foul! Mavericks No. 21!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the location of the incident: under the basket, the parties: Tim Duncan and Ben Wallace!

"Wow! In such a stalemate, the Mavericks took the lead! Attack Ben Wallace and send him to the free throw line! This is a wise move by Don Nelson."

In the commentary, Groom Albert agreed with Don Nelson's approach.

"Ben Wallace has made 35.6 percent of his free throws this season, and this time he has made free throws."

The old groom’s words were also verified later,



Ben Wallace missed two free throws!


The audience was extremely excited!

"The Mavericks' foul value this time! And, the most troublesome thing about the 76ers is that they can't change their books now! Sacrificing a timeout? Larry Brown is obviously unwilling. After all, this critical moment, the timeout is too important."

Not long after Matt Gokas finished speaking, there was a change on the court...

On the court, Duncan grabbed the rebound with a "bang", and immediately found Nash who started and passed it.

The Mavericks are going to fight back!


An abrupt whistle sounded!

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the location of the incident: the center line, the parties involved: Li Nan and AC-Green.

The 76ers decisively substitute! Exit Ben Wallace, enter Ratliff!

"Lee's foul was to replace Ben Wallace, and the goal was to achieve it. However, he gave the Mavericks two points for nothing, which is a bit of a loss."

Matt Gokas just finished speaking, and Green on the court brought everyone a "surprise."


The first penalty came in! 86-87


Missed the second penalty!

Ratliff grabbed the rebound!

The 76ers steadily played halftime! It's the lead ball again, playing steady and steady!

Li Nan's bottom line came out and made a hit!



The Mavericks just delivered the ball and the 76ers fouled Green again!

AC-Green stepped to the free throw line again!

Two free throws were made!


In turn, Iverson scored a CIC!


Off the court, seeing the 76ers scoring and preparing to play Green, Don Nelson called a timeout!

Can't put Green on the court anymore.

Beep! The timeout comes!

Both sides scored 90-88, with 37 seconds left!

In the commentary, Matt Gokas lowered his head, afraid to speak.

At this time, the director gave a set of important data:

AC-Green 51.7%, Ben Wallace 35.6%, Samaki Walker 52.1%.

Everyone finally understood why the 76ers were targeting Green.

In this period, the Mavericks lost a timeout!


After the timeout, the Mavericks still played Duncan and Nash's pick-and-roll cooperation. However, Duncan did not have a chance, but Nash had an opportunity.

Nash made a decisive shot from beyond the three-point line!



32 seconds left,

The 76ers are chasing and fast-breaking here, Iverson makes a strong shot and misses!

The Mavericks rebounded!


Li Nan fouled Duncan!

26 seconds left!

"This is Lee's fourth foul! How do you say this foul?"

Groom-Albert dare not jump to conclusions. 26 seconds, you can watch a wave of defense, after all, even if the Mavericks consume 24 seconds, the 76ers still have a chance to kill or tie.

It's hard to say if you violate the rules.

Matt Gokas ignored him, "Well, I think Lee’s foul is a bit wrong. Tim made 69% of his free throws. This is basically equivalent to sending the Mavericks two points! A three-point gap, This is not very optimistic for the 76ers."

While commenting in the commentary, Duncan went to the free throw line.


The shouts sounded more enthusiastically than ever, and they continued.

Duncan made a free throw calmly!




Cheers from the audience!

Immediately afterwards, the shouts of "MVP" in the stands were even stronger and longer!

Duncan frowned at the free throw line, a little irritable, but he still had to work hard to be calmer.



Duncan missed the second free throw!

Ratliff took off the rebound, hugged firmly, and timed out!

90-92, the Mavericks lead by 2 points!

There are 25.2 seconds left!

The fans in front of the TV set were also excited. People are talking about the current situation.

"25.2 seconds, two points difference, I think the 76ers will choose to play a quick two points."

"I think the 76ers will definitely choose a quick three-pointer! After all, Lee's three-pointer is very sure. They are definitely worth a try. Of course, if you don't make it, it won't be easy."

"The 76ers should squeeze time and let Lee shoot a three-pointer at the last moment and kill him. Then, Tim made a two-pointer and buzzed the whistle! The ending was perfect!"


Pause back!

The 76ers scattered around.


With a whistle, Iverson got the ball with Ratliff's screen.

On the other end, Li Nan slipped the bottom line from the opposite side, bypassed Coleman, ran in a V-shape, turned to the high post, and then passed the cover of Ratliff and rushed out of the three-point line.

Off the court, Don Nelson pointed his finger at the court and shouted, "Li, stare at Li!"

But it's useless to shout, it's too late!

Iverson passed the ball, Li Nan shot directly outside the three-point line!


In three points!



The audience in the stands exclaimed in excitement and sighed helplessly.

93-92! 22 seconds left!

The 76ers went ahead by 1 point!

The situation was reversed immediately!


The Mavericks used up the last timeout!

Don Nelson is holding the drawing board This offense must be scored!

"Listen, this ball is played like this..."

In the stands at the scene, the fans also sighed for Li Nan's three-pointer.

"That guy's three-pointer is too cruel!"

"The cold-blooded killer is not for nothing!"

"Let\'sgo! Dals! Our Mavericks will definitely win!"

"The 76ers will win!"

At this critical time, some 76ers fans in the stands finally started to emerge...

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