Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 321: Go in

On the afternoon of March 31, the NCAA March Madness finally came to an end.

Today, at the Penn State University Basketball Arena, the NCAA Finals kicked off.

"ESPN TV, ESPN TV, here is the NCAA Finals live broadcast for you. The two players are Duke University and Connecticut University. I am today's commentator, Mike Brin."

The scene of the game was so noisy and noisy, Mike Brin had to raise his own volume to allow the audience in front of the TV to hear his voice.

Mike Brin is working hard to speak up, introducing today's two teams to all the audience and fans in front of the TV:

Duke University is led by Coach K. The team has gathered many players with NBA strength: No. 1 forward Elton Brand, World Championships US team guard Trajan Langton, defensive Titan Sean -Battier, the top 10 favorites in the draft: Corey Maggette and William Avery. Duke University is too strong this year!

The University of Connecticut is led by coach Calhoun, and the only player on the team is the star player Richard Hamilton.

In high school, Hamilton and Kobe Bryant were considered the top talented basketball players nationwide.

In college, Hamilton was trained as a scoring machine by Calhoun. In this year's NCAA competition, Hamilton averaged 23.5 points per game in five games, ranked first in the United States, and was the most powerful contender for the Final Four MOP.

In the first five games of March Madness, Duke beat its opponents by 25.2 points per game, and the University of Connecticut beat its opponents by 13.6 points per game.

Before the game, many experts and media people were optimistic that Duke University won the championship.

"Okay! The starting players of both sides are on the stage, and we will enter the game immediately!"

McBrin's voice was very excited, and the two distinct fans off the court were even more excited.


"Let\'sgo! Duke!"

"Let\'sgo! ecticut!"

"Elton! Crush them!"

"Richard! Shoot them to death!"

The voices of both sides were louder than ever, and neither was convinced!



With a whistle, the game begins!

At the beginning, Duke University was aggressive. Relying on Brand's inside attack and outside Battier's three-pointer, Duke played a 9-2 high.

Moreover, Brand smashed and smashed inside, repeatedly causing Connecticut center Wolfe to foul, and Wolfe had to leave early because of the second foul.

The University of Connecticut had a very unfavorable start.

However, soon someone from the University of Connecticut stepped forward.

"Come! Richard! Start! Stop! Stop! An L-shaped run! Throw it away! ... Aami's ball passed! ... The bottom corner, a large two-pointer! Jump shot! ... Battier's blindfolding tactic is here!...Wow! Beautiful! Richard scored a beautiful goal! Clean! The blindfolding tactic failed!"

Mike Brin watched Connecticut all the way to the finals. Compared to Duke, he wanted to see Connecticut win the championship.

Looking at Hamilton running on the court, McBryn thought of something.

"Fans who watched the NBA should know that the best players without the ball are Reggie Miller and Lee, and in the NCAA, Richard Hamilton is the spokesperson for the ball and jumpers. Richard's running ability Too strong. Few people in the NCAA can catch up with him. Even in the NBA, Richard will have his own place."

Mike Brin also admired Hamilton.

However, the situation in Connecticut is still very unstable.

Hamilton's shooting feels average, and others don't feel good. Kangda struggled a little.

But Duke University is in full bloom. Brand on the inside is a big killer and can't stop him.

At the end of the first half, 39-32, Duke led by 7 points!

However, in the second half, Hamilton broke out suddenly. He led the University of Connecticut to start a strong counterattack.

"Richard slipped to the bottom line, an anti-running sneak attack layup! Beautiful!"

"Richard made a sudden Lengjian three-pointer from the outside! Is there any?...bang! Hebanksihree! The three-pointer hits the board to the basket!"

"Richard's CIC! Wow! Sure and relentless! Beautiful shot!"

"It's Richard's CIC! Oh, I made it! 9 points! Richard scored 9 points in a row!"

A wave of 9-1, the score came to 40-41, Kang Da suddenly overtook the score.

However, Duke University subsequently scored a goal by Brand to stabilize the situation.

After that, the two sides fell into a fierce battle...

With 5 minutes left in the game, Hamilton made a mid-range shot, 60-60, and the two sides tied for the eighth time.

In the ensuing game, under Battier's pursuit, Hamilton made several key shots and scored 6 points in a row!

Duke University seems to be a little weak in succession, Brand failed to score two goals in a row, and Langton missed the shot.

The point difference was opened by 6 points.

After that, Hamilton still feels hot, no matter how he casts.

The defensive Battier has nothing to do with the **** Hamilton. The best defensive player was disgraced today.

Although Duke University is also trying to score goals, it just can't catch up.

Beep beep! ! !

The whistle sounded at the end of the game!

The game is over!

77-84, the University of Connecticut won this year's NCAA championship!

The game data:

Duke University:

Elton Brand, 22 points, 9 rebounds,

Trajan Langton, 14 points, 6 assists,

Shane, 11 points,

Corey Maggette, 9 points,

William Avery, 8 points,

University of Connecticut:

Hamilton scored 34 points, scored 25 points in the second half, and even captured the last 15 points of the University of Connecticut.

In this series, Hamilton scored a total of 152 points, leading the team.

This also helped him win the MOP title of the final four.


At the press conference after the game, Richard Hamilton announced that he would participate in this year's NBA Draft.

A reporter asked, "Lee or Reggie Miller, choose a template for you after entering the NBA from the two. Which one do you choose?"

He hesitated for a Finally, Hamilton still chose to say: "Reggie Miller!"


Hamilton replied truthfully, "I'm very similar to Reggie. Neither of us has great explosiveness! But we have an unparalleled shooting feel! We are all excellent long-distance runners!"

The reporter asked again: "Who do you think is better than Li's projection ability?"

Hamilton blurted out without even thinking, "Me!"

The young man who answers this way is either self-confident or hype. The reporter also asked with great interest: "Why?"

After thinking about it, Hamilton said: "If you shoot, you will get in! I believe that everyone is the same as me whether it is Lee, Reggie, or other shooters. Because this is the belief of every shooter!"

Someone in the media reporter scratched his head.

Where did you hear this? Who on earth said it?

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