Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 338: you win

Ray Allen's shooting line is indeed very positive, but his strength is a little worse.


The basket ruthlessly rejected Ray Allen's shot!


This is a sighing "Oh", the fans in the stands are very sorry!

However, there is still time!

Ray Allen was a steal before! 27 seconds left in the game!

"Defence! defense! defense!"

All the fans stood up and shouted together for the Bucks!

Just defend the ball! They still have a chance!

Iverson was holding the ball at the top of the arc, killing time! only left with

Ray Allen stared closely, not daring to care!

With 8 seconds left in the offensive time, Iverson started to move!

Ray Allen knows Iverson too well. He stepped forward, pressed and squeezed, not giving Iverson a chance to start the first step!

If Ray Allen's action is taken in normal times, he may be called a foul, but this time the referee does not care!

Iverson did not have the speed of the first step, it was a bit difficult to pass others! Stopped the ball!

Ray Allen raised his hands and did not give a chance!

At this time, Iverson noticed Li Nan who was supporting him!



Ray Allen had already reached Iverson to pass the ball!

Steal the ball!

"Wow! Go!"

The last 7 seconds!

Ray Allen killed it alone! He still wants to score!

He wants to win this victory from the 76ers!

Go in! Go in! Go in!

Seeing the thinner Ray Allen rushing towards the frontcourt, the fans in the stands were a little moved.

"Go! Thunder!"

However, halfway through the shouting, many people changed their breaths!

"Be careful! Be careful behind!"

Ray Allen only heard "rush" and "let" sgo! Bucks! ","mine! "

"This ball must be scored! I must win today!"

Ray Allen was only thinking about scoring a goal, but didn't notice that someone was following closely behind him.

At the top of the arc, Ray Allen slowed down, stepped on his feet side by side, pulled up and shot!

The textbook standard shooting posture.

However, the ball suddenly deviated from the direction as soon as it was shot!


The ball hit the backboard and bounced to the side!

Ray Allen only sees basketball!

He rushed over! Hold the ball! He rushed beyond the bottom three-point line!

He stepped on his foot without increasing speed, turned around in the air, and the moment he turned around, Lei Allen saw Li Nan's hand coming up again!

However, this time Ray Allen floated diagonally to the rear.


A deliberately raised shot, avoiding the cover perfectly.

The ball draws a nice arc and rushes into the net!


Goal in!

It's just that the rebound timer has stopped, and the red light has been on.

The referee's gesture for an invalid goal,

Beep beep!

The whistle sounds!

competition is over!


The 76ers narrowly beat the Bucks and advanced to the next round with a big score of 3-0!

Field data:


Ray Allen, 16 of 28, scored 43 points and made 7 three-pointers!

Kassel, 24 points, 13 assists,

Dale Curry, 20 points,

Glen Robinson, 12 points.


Li Nan, 38 points, 16 points in the fourth quarter, 6 of 10 3-pointers, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals, 3 blocks,

Iverson, 29 points, 8 assists,


Many fans in the stands held their heads, unwilling to believe the fact that the game was over.

"No! That ball scored! It scored!"

"Play it back! Play it back!"

"This is overtime! This is definitely a buzzer!"

On the court, Ray Allen sat firmly outside the sideline, and looked at Li Nan who stretched out his hand in front of him.

Li Nan pulled up Lei Allen and patted him on the chest, "Man, this time, you won!"

Ray Allen scored 43 points and Li Nan scored 38.

Although Ray Allen won the personal match, the game was lost.


The gentleman gave him a congratulatory hug, turned around, and Ray Allen walked into the player tunnel.

By the aisle, many staff members reached out their hands,

"Ray! You have done a good job!"

"Ray! We will come again next season!"

"Man, good job!"

Ray Allen grinned reluctantly.

The moment I walked into the dressing room, I couldn't stretch it anymore, and tears instantly slipped off my face.

"Why? Why is this!"

That is the sigh of "When you are born to you, how to be born to me"...

In the news interview after the game, the reporter mentioned Ray Allen, but Larry Brown did not say anything good to Ray Allen to play so well.

"This game, our defense is too rubbish! The last two quarters of the game almost let the other party score 80 points! This is caused by the carelessness of the players. Although we advanced to the next round, but we still have a lot to do..."

George Carr is kinder, he praised his players with a smile:

"Lei surprised me too! He is fully capable of becoming a top shooter! I look forward to next season, when we will definitely become stronger..."


The 76ers won, but it was a bit thrilling to win.

Ray Allen's last-minute burst, a 43-point frenzy, shocked the 76ers in a cold sweat!

If it weren't for Li Nan's winning three-pointer at the crucial moment and the defense at the last minute, this game might be another scene!

The 76ers on this side eliminated the Bucks 3-0 without any risk, and advanced to the next round first.

Some accidents appeared in other stadiums.

On the second day, 82-85, the Houston Rockets beat the Mavericks by 3 points at home!

As a result, the total score defeated the opponent 3-0 to advance to the next round.

All of a sudden, the news media went up and down!

Black eight!

It was the Black Eight who swept the West 3-0! It's a bit dark! Blacker than the Black Eight Nuggets that defeated the Supersonics in 1995!

"The first in the west has its own appearance!"

"Offensive basketball won't work! The playoffs are all about defense!"

"Let Don Nelson go to **** with his running!"

"Dallasians will definitely not sleep tonight, and Houstonians will not sleep tonight either!"

The Dallas Mavericks became a joke in the league.

A few days later, the New York Knicks beat the Heat 87-81 away, defeating the Miami Heat with a total score of 3-2 and advancing to the next round!

Black Seven! The same shocking!

In another game, the Eagles narrowly beat the Magic by 1 point away to advance to the next round 3-2!

The same is below grams!

This is the case this season, with upsets one after another, and the playoffs are full of uncertainty. No one can predict what will happen in the future.

Successively, the first round of competition is over.


(1-8) 76ers vs. Bucks, 3-0

(4-5) Magic vs. Eagles, 2-3

(2-7) Heat vs Knicks, 2-3

(3-6) Pacers vs Pistons, 3-1


(1-8) Rockets vs Mavericks, 3-0

(45) Trailblazers vs. Kings, 31

(27) Jazz vs. Timberwolves, 31

(36) Lakers vs. Suns, 31


The West is playing fast and has played two semifinals, and the 76ers rested for several days before determining their next opponent, the Atlanta Hawks.

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