Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 341: Clever man

"The Eagles fired head coach Lanny Wilkens!"

"The Lakers fired head coach Del Harris!"

Two unexpected news, but two reasonable news.

Soon, more news was unearthed.

"Why did the Eagles fire Qiansheng coach Lanny Wilkens?"

Some media said that the Hawks did not improve every year in the playoffs and were swept by the 76ers for two consecutive years. The Hawks management was extremely disappointed with the team! Wilkens, who controls the team, is even more disappointed.

Some media said that the Eagles are not just firing Lanny Wilkens, they are also planning to completely enter the reconstruction this summer.

Some people say that the Hawks owner asked the Raptors to buy McGrady to strengthen the team's firepower output. however. Lanny Wilkens looks down on McGrady! Opinions differ, so they part ways.

As for "Why was Del Harris fired by the Lakers?"

Some media said that the Lakers have many contradictions. In the previous season, Del Harris reused O'Neal. Kobe's chances were very few. Almost all of them were on the bench. Kobe fans were not happy!

This season, Kobe was righted as a starter, playing time, and sometimes even more shots than O'Neal, which caused strong dissatisfaction with O'Neal fans!

Some media said that Jerry West took a fancy to the potential Raptors Tracy McGrady and wanted to form a combination of McGrady + Kobe + O'Neal. As a result, this idea was strongly inspired by Del Harris. Object! This drew dissatisfaction from the management!

Some media said that Del Harris recruited Rodman. However, Rodman came and had good results at first, but later he became lazier and lazier. Rodman did not bring good results. He even soaked up the boss' daughter Jenny. And because the team failed to go further in the playoffs, the management decided to let him have someone!

The Sports Vanguard has an exclusive prediction: "The next coach of the Los Angeles Lakers is Phil Jackson!"

The report of the Sports Vanguard is also recognized by many media and fans.

Subsequently, the media followed suit.

Some people say Wilkens is going to the Lakers, some say Phil Jackson is going to the Spurs, some say...

Many coaches have been implicated and disturbed one after another.


Seeing those reports, Li Nan was of course surprised, even surprised.

This alliance is different!

The wings of the little butterfly became hard, and it shook a lot of wind!

The Mavericks were hacked, Del Harris was fired at the end of the season, Lenny Wilkens was fired a year early, Bubvić actually left the Spurs...

All of this is changing.

"Lee, what are you thinking about?"

A "newcomer" voice on the side broke Li Nan who was sitting on the side chair in thought.

The person who disturbed Li Nan was the old man he was still "talking" just now, Greg Bubovich.

The old man had a slight smile on his face. If you don't take it seriously, it will feel like a spring breeze. If you look at it seriously, it's actually an old-fashioned face. Same as Larry Brown now. However, when facing Li Nan, there was something missing on this face.

Li Nan didn't answer the question, but directly asked, "Greg, why do you follow Old Brown's expression?"

"Hey? You observe very carefully. I'm just learning from him. I think that if you want to learn from him, you must have that kind of temper and that kind of mentality. Think about the problem from his perspective, from his perspective. Look at everything..."

Bubvić admitted directly. It not only admits, but also intends to learn Larry Brown thoroughly and thoroughly.

Li Nan's mouth twitched.

This old man's learning style is really special.

"You are not so good? Isn't the most important thing here is individual freedom and democracy? Without your own individuality, what is the point?"

"Li, you are right. We advocate freedom and democracy most. Without freedom and democracy, what is the point of living? We are born to fight for..."

Bubvić spoke wordily, with great interest.

Li Nan at the side is lack of interest.


Li Nan stretched sleepily.

The old man is also a wise man who is observant of words and colors, and immediately understood, and then directly turned to say:

"Of course, the point I want to say is that I actually think Larry's personality is very suitable for me. I am the same person in his bones. I learned his personality because I really like that kind of me. Lee, What do you think?"

I think?

"I think this is very good, very good! You used to laugh all the time, making it feel like you are a smiling tiger with a knife hidden in a smile. Now this is much better." Li Nan also pointed to Bu Weiqi. "Look at how good you are smiling now. Greg, in time, you will definitely be able to learn everything about Old Brown! By then, you will be the best handsome in the world!"

"Hahahaha, Lee, you said that too (good)~"

The red-faced Bubovich said halfway through, and suddenly changed his direction, "It's too exaggerated! It's really too exaggerated! I can only learn a little bit from I compare with him. It's really far!"

As soon as Bubovich finished speaking, Larry Brown approached.

What caught people off guard was that Larry Brown yelled as soon as he arrived:

"What are you doing while sitting? Training! Hurry up!"

Li Nan languidly did not move, still leaning on the chair comfortably.

Bubvić reminded me kindly.

"Lee, hurry up, the coach is going to get angry. He gets angry, even I can't hold it. Hurry up!"

Li Nan looked at Bubvić with puzzled expression.

Bubvić is a little baffling.

Boy, you just praised me like that and almost made me make a mistake. Now I don't care about the predecessors to help you, you still look at me like this? I really don't know good people!

However, at this moment, a hand was raised behind Bubvić.


"His~ Whoops!"

With a pain in his back, Bubvić catapulted like a conditioned reflex, looking at Larry Brown in disbelief.

Larry Brown pulled and pushed, pointing at some substitute players on the court in the training game, "Greg, I didn't want you to come here to play! Hurry up, get on!"

Bubvić stepped onto the court angrily and began to whistled penalties to the players who played the training game.

He tilted his head inadvertently, but saw that Li Brown was kindly talking to Li Nan, and even Iverson, who didn't wait to see him, leaned over.

"Damn! Old man Larry has forgotten my old love when he has a new love! I was your most proud disciple before!"

However, looking at the two guys around Larry Brown, Bubwich was really jealous.

"If I had them, our Spurs would have won the championship!"

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