Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 343: Who taught it?

Previously, when the 76ers were 2-0, the media was unanimously optimistic about the 76ers reaching the finals.

However, after the Pacers chased two games in a row, the situation in the series suddenly changed.

"New York Sports" reported: "The Pacers won by surprise."

The article believes that:

"The Pacers adjusted first and replaced the Rockets Jaylen Rose and achieved very good results. Jaylen Rose can score on the offensive end and contributed a lot on the defensive end. His defensive Lee has only had to do in these two games. 20 points, 21 points.

The Pacers may pass the risk 4-3 and advance to the finals! "

"Sports Illustrated" also said: "China Li's nemesis has appeared!"

"Australian Jaylen Rose proved himself in two games. He is fully capable of being an excellent starting small forward. It can even be said that Jaylen has reached the All-Star level!"

The Oakland Sentinel stated:

"The Pacers will win the Battle of Tianwangshan, and then they will go to the finals 4-2 in one effort."

"The key to the match between the two sides lies in the next one! Whoever takes the battle of Tianwangshan has a high chance of qualifying for the final finals! In terms of the current state and preparation of the two teams, the Pacers have a much higher chance of qualifying. !"

The "Sports Pioneer" said: "China Li is the first core of the 76ers!"

"With Lee in a bad state, the threat has become smaller, and the opportunities for the 76ers and other players have become difficult.

And Allen failed to really carry the offensive task of the team at this time.

This shows that Lee is now in the real position of the 76ers tactical system, the absolute core! "

There are different opinions in the media and news. Whoever is right will have to watch the game in the end!


On June 7th, Philadelphia, the fifth battle of Feiyin and Tianwangshan.

Before the game, some media interviewed Jaylen Rose, who became famous recently.

A reporter asked, "Jay, do you regret that you didn't get the best sixth man award this season?"

Jaylen Rose is third in the best sixth man ranking, behind Magic Armstrong and Pistons Jerry Stackhouse.

Hearing this question, Jaylen-Ross felt a little regretful, and said with a smile: "It's really regrettable. That award may never belong to me anymore."

Because now he is the starter!

Proud! Jalen Rose is a little proud!

The reporter asked: "In the last two games, you have scored Lee Fang, the scoring champion and MVP hottest candidate this season, averaging only 20.5 points per game. How did you do it?"

The reporter asked that, but Jaylen Rose answered like this.

"Yes, Lee is the most popular candidate for the MVP and the hottest young man this season. In fact, he played very well in these two games. However, it is a pity that he met me.

Defensive end. I covered him with the advantage of height and arm length, and I used my flexible footwork to tightly assist him.

On the offensive end, I do whatever I want on him. I got a score about 4 points higher than him.

It should be his misfortune to meet me, right? "

Jaylen Rose squinted slightly, his expression somewhat indifferent and cold.

Some reporters reminded, "Jaylen, when you attacked, it was Eric Ksnor, and Lee was defending Reggie."

"Oh. Is that right?" Jaylen Rose didn't care at all.

Someone helped to add: "Jaylen, you don't seem to be as good as you said on the defensive end. You can't catch up with Li's position once. Every time Li plays with his back, his jump shot is higher than you. Li's fingertips are a lot higher. The reason why Lee scored less is because of the targeted defense of the Pacers team. Of course, there is also the reason why Lee's own shooting rate is not good."

"Excuse me, which media are you friends?"

The reporter just stood up and stared at Jaylen Rose! "Sports Vanguard! Pooh! What's wrong? Do you have an opinion on me?"

Of course there are no opinions.

"Hen~" Jaylen Rose snorted, "Then I will show you a single defense today! What is the top defense!"


In the Wachovia Center Arena, the atmosphere of the 76ers' home court is still the same.

The white ocean of fans has set off one wave after another, sweeping the entire arena.

"Let" sgo! 76ers! "

A black square made up of hundreds of people shouted.

That momentum is particularly great, just like a thousand troops.

On the field, the players on both sides are warming up.

Outside the sideline of the Pacers' half, Jaylen Rose is talking to coach Larry Bird:

"Coach, I want to defend Li alone today."

Larry Bird turned to look at Jaylen Rose, then said mercilessly, "NO!"

Jaylen Rose is still working hard to apply, "Coach, you have to believe me! I will definitely be able to guard him!"

Larry Bird looked at Jaylen Rose very seriously, and then said more seriously: "No! You can't! No one can stand alone against the shooter's Lee! Like no one can stand us alone. Reggie!"

Jaylen Ross is the "coach, I~" who praised Haikou in front of the media

"Okay, okay, come here, listen to me," Larry Bird ignored Jaylen Rose's meaning at all. To the crowd gathered, Larry Bird said a few words last. "Today's game is very important to us! To win this we just..."

On the other side, the 76ers’ rest area.

Larry Brown sits firmly on the Diaoyutai. It has been said in the locker room. The next thing to do is to watch the boys' performance.

Li Nan leaned on the chair, closed his eyes, and sat quietly.

In this round of the series, Li Nan has been playing poorly. Although he won the first two games, Li Nan didn't play well. The Pacers' targeted defense made Li Nan uncomfortable.

After three or four games were lost, Li Nan scored even fewer points. Just because of that few points, the 76ers lost the game!

Moreover, when warming up before the game today, Li Nan shot all kinds of inaccurate shots.

If this is on the court or in this awful state, then this game is not bad?

Just when Li Nan was thinking about it, Frank King came out again, "Li, that guy said he wants to protect you alone. Are you not going to give him some color?"

"You have to look at the color. It's just that," Li Nan hesitated, a little worried, and some not confident.

Frank King turned out to be disgusted, "Li, when did you become such a mother-in-law? It's not happy at all!"

Li Nan suddenly violent, "What do you skinny monkey say about me?"

The hand was snapped back in an instant, and Frank King screamed, "Wow, I'm going to break my hand! I'm going to break it! Brother Li, Brother Li, forgive me!"

Knowing his name is Brother Li at this time? late!

After fixing Frank King fiercely, Li Nan found that his mood suddenly became better.

Who taught Frank to do this?

Inadvertently, Li Nan saw Bubvić. That guy is smiling at Li Nanchan...

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