Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 345: You definitely can!

In the first quarter, Li Nan frequently created opportunities for his teammates and also sent 4 assists. Iverson broke out and other teammates performed well.

Even so, in the second quarter, the Pacers did not adjust their defensive strategy, just staring at Li Nan! Larry Bird doesn't want to see last year's plot repeat itself!

It has been analyzed by professional analysts.

In the 76ers this season, Li Nan scored only 20 points, and the 76ers lost 3 in 4 games.

Li Nan scored 20-25, the 76ers lost 6 in 10 games!

Li Nan scored more than 25 points and the 76ers lost 3 of 36 games!

Li Nan scored more than 40 points and the 76ers won all 3 games!

The Pacers did not relax their defense against Li Nan

However, when the second quarter ended, the score between the two sides became 40-51.

11 points difference!

The game seems to have returned to the rhythm of the previous two games! The Pacers seem to have no chance at all!

During the halftime break, Larry Bird frowned in the Pacers lounge.

In the first half, Li Nan only shot 3 times, hit 2 goals and scored 5 points!

The rest of the 76ers have plenty of opportunities, and they have grasped a lot.

The Pacers still can't break the 76ers' defense today, and can't catch up with the score.

Reggie Miller scored 6 of 12 with 14 points, and Jalen Rose scored 11 points on 5 of 11.

If this continues in the second half, the battle of Tianwangshan will be over! The Pacers' dream of the finals will be shattered again!

How to do? Relax the targeting of Li Nan? Give up the defense that you have always insisted on?

"In the first two games, Lee's personal offensive efficiency seemed to be low. How about?"

At this moment, someone suddenly came over.

It is Jaylen Rose!


Before Jaylen Rose could speak, Larry Bird raised his hand to block it!

Don't you want to talk?

Jaylen Rose was disappointed and depressed. He was about to turn around, but Larry Bird spoke suddenly.

"Jaylen, didn't you mean to stare at Li alone? I'll give you this opportunity!"


Jaylen Rose finally got a positive answer from Larry Bird!

Single defender Li Nan!

Excited! excitement! Overjoyed! All emerged.

Larry Bird looked at Jaylen Rose and asked earnestly, "Jaylen, can you do it?"

"Of course! Coach! I can limit him! Definitely!"

I can deflate him in the first two games, and it will do the same today!

Larry Bird patted Jaylen Rose on the shoulder, "Well, you can do it! Come on! Boy!"

Jaylen Rose smiled even more, it was about to overflow.

This is a touch of being trusted!

What he didn't know was that Larry Bird didn't have any hope for him, and he was silently praying, "Li is in bad shape today! Li will definitely not break out! Li..."

Later, when setting up, the Pacers' players nodded, all believing that the coach's arrangement was correct.

Only Reggie Miller offered a different opinion.

"No! Coach! We can't relax our defense against Lee! Once he shoots, it's too scary!"

"Reggie! You have to believe me! I can defend him alone!"

"No! You can't! You can't even defend me, let alone that kid!"

Is this saying that you are weaker than that guy? To grow other people's ambitions and destroy one's own prestige? Isn't this the boss of the Pacers?

At this time, veteran Chris Mullin said, "Reggie, everyone in the opponent now has to make a choice!"

Looking at the veteran Mengyi and then at Larry Bird, Reggie Miller said nothing in the end.

so be it.

Who knows, at this time, Jaylen Rose has something to say again.

"Coach, I think our offense should also be strengthened. If the tactics cannot be played, we should increase the low offense, get closer to the basket, and our scoring rate will be much higher."

Upon hearing this, Reggie Miller glared at the other man.

Increase the low post attack and reduce the tactical ball. Isn't this demolishing my table? I am the leader of the Pacers!

Who knows, Larry Bird agreed.


However, Larry Bird's subsequent words made Reggie Miller's mouth bend.

"Rick, you need to have a little bit more low post..."



The second half of the game started soon.

Seeing the Pacers' defense, Larry Brown also squinted slightly, "Huh? Has it changed again?"

In the first two games, everyone said that Li Nan's offense was not good, and the team players did not perform well.

However, for Larry Brown, it was all luck.

In the third game, Li Nan didn't score the key goal and he lost. In the fourth game, Iverson missed a key goal and lost a good game. The points lost in both games were not many, less than 4 points.

The reason for losing is because of luck! In fact, the Pacers were not taken seriously by Larry Brown.

Look, today the 76ers get up a bit, and the Pacers can't stand it anymore.

"Hen~ let go of Li? You will regret it!"

On the field, the 76ers attacked the round. The ball was touched off the sideline and the 76ers made a sideline kick.

Jaylen Rose also launched an offensive against Li Nan, the single-defense target!

" You don’t even want to get 10 points today!"

"Boy, you don't speak because you are afraid of me, right?"

"Indeed, it's too hard to score under my hands. It's normal to be afraid."

"I didn't score a few points in the two games. I must be in a bad mood? I can understand you..."

After talking for a while, Jaylen-Ross found that Li Nan was looking at himself as if watching a monkey show.

When Jaylen Rose said the same thing, Li Nan also gave a thumbs up, "Well, it's not worse than Reggie Miller."

Jaylen Rose likes others to praise himself best. "Of course!"

However, just after Li Nan's praise was finished, he added another sentence, "But the ball is hit too much * Reggie Miller is far behind."

I play too * Reggie Miller who can only catch and shoot the ball is bad? Still far away?

Jaylen Rose was very dissatisfied, "Nonsense! How am I worse than him? If I took a few more shots, I would have already scored 20 points in the half."

Li Nan suddenly said to Jay Lun behind him, "Reggie, your little brother is fine! Very motivated!"

Jaylen Rose will not be fooled. "Don't lie to me, I won't be fooled so easily by you!"

Saying that, but Jalen Rose still couldn't help but turned his head and glanced secretly, just in time for Reggie Miller's round eyes.


Take a breath, but at this time, he found that Li Nan in front of him was gone!


Suddenly there was a huge cheer from the stands!

Li Nan's three-pointer hit directly!


14 points difference!

At this moment someone heard a voice from behind, "Idiot!"

Jalen Rose has a cold back...

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