Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 349: It's us

Only the last 8 seconds left in the game! The score was 92-86, and the Pacers were 6 points behind!

The Pacers' frontcourt touchline.

"Let" sgo! Pacers! "

The Pacers fans on the scene shouted hard.

On the court, Li Nan was close to Reggie Miller, pulling with a little movement. Reggie Miller must not take this ball.

Just like Li Nan who opened the last game, Reggie Miller in this game is also crazy.

The 76ers are nervous. Regarding Reggie Miller, no one dared to be careless. Can not repeat the mistakes of the Pacers.


The referee's whistle sounded, Reggie Miller pushed his elbow and slammed everything off his hand, cutting off Li Nan's evil hand, and he ran away immediately.

With the cover of his teammates, Reggie Miller had an opportunity!

Of course, this opportunity is not too good, there are still defenders in front of him. However, this defender is Iverson!

Without any hesitation, Reggie Miller pulled up his hand directly after taking the ball.


Come in!

"Good shot! Reggie, well done!"

The fans at the scene shouted loudly.


4 seconds left! 3 points difference!

Can catch up.

Just defend the next wave!

The fans were also united and changed their slogans immediately.

"Defence! defense! defense!"

The Pacers on the court are indeed defending hard.

The 76ers have no timeout, only the backcourt serve.

Li Nan, the most accurate free thrower, was entangled by Reggie Miller, which was very uncomfortable.

Although Li Nan stretched out his hand, the serving Coleman did not dare to send it out.

Finally, the ball was given to Iverson, who came forward.

Iverson walked to the free throw line.




Boos, whistles, flurry of towels... Pacers fans are trying hard to help the team.


Iverson walked to the free throw line as usual.

However, the free throw effect is not ideal.

One of two free throws!

The Pacers quickly delivered the backcourt and quickly led the ball to the frontcourt.

Reggie Miller had secretly passed halftime.

Of course, Reggie Miller is not easy, Li Nan is blocking here.

Facing Li Nan who raised his hand, Reggie Miller twisted left and right, squeezed left and right.

When the time came, Reggie Miller got out of Li Nan's right armpit, stepped forward with his left foot, leaned out, and struggling to push the ball out.

Li Nan didn't meet it!

The basketball flies to the basket in a flat arc!


Score in cricket!

light is on!

Reggie Miller jumped up and shouted in the air.


The fans at the scene were also crazy, yelling and shouting.

However, referee Dick Bavita made everyone quiet. He did not raise a valid three-pointer, but gestured to watch the playback.

The audience suddenly calmed down!

Reggie Miller had his hands on his hips, Larry Bird was worried, the Pacers stared at the technical table closely, and the 76ers stood quietly watching the referee...

"what's going on?"

"See if the goal is valid?"

"Do you see three points or two points?"

"It must be overtime! There is nothing wrong with this ball."

Everyone is waiting for the final result.

After a while, referee Dick Bavita finally returned to the middle of the court.

Under the eyes of the public, he held up his fingers, one, two, and then, nothing!

"Goal works! It's a two-pointer!"

Beep beep!

Dick Bavita blew the whistle!

The game is over!

He has a smile on his face, obviously, he is very satisfied with today's game.

The score is very close on both sides, and the situation on the court is 50-50.

Fair and open! This is my Dick Bavita whistled game!

92-91, the 76ers narrowly beat the Pacers by 1 point away.

Field data:

For the 76ers, five of them scored in double figures.

Li Nan had 29 points, Iverson had 28 points, Coleman had 12 points, Matt Geiger had 10 points and Wilkins had 10 points.


Reggie Miller had 30 points, Schmitz 25 points, Jaylen Rose 10 points, and Mark Jackson 8 points.


Li Nan wiped the sweat from his forehead. Complimented Reggie Miller.

"Reggie, you can play today!"

It's rare to be praised by someone, Reggie Miller is also kind. "Congratulations. Of course, you are not bad today."

As a result, Li Nan said again. "Of course I am not bad. Because I won."

Was it amazing to win? Okay, but it's really amazing, but is it necessary to be so ecstatic?

Reggie Miller also replied, "Although I lost, I score more points than you."

Li Nan said shamelessly, "I released the last ball. If it weren't for you, you wouldn't be able to throw it."

Reggie Miller was anxious. "Why don't you say that you were releasing water for the entire game today?"

Li Nan seemed to have discovered a secret. "Hey, how did you know?"

Reggie Miller was speechless, "Hehe..."

Alas~ I'm really old, I can't even fight trash...

On the other side, Larry Bird and Larry Brown got together again.

Reluctantly, Larry Bird expressed his congratulations. "congratulations."

Larry Brown didn't have a good face to show him, and said lightly: "Thanks."

Larry Bird sighed, "If only I had Li."

Larry Brown nodded directly, "Yeah! It's a pity that you don't have an old man who doesn't like, but Dao is really lucky.

Watching Larry Brown turn around and walk away, Larry Bird shook his head and sighed heavily, "Hey~~"

The moods of the players and coaches on both sides are huge and different. The fans on both sides also have different moods.

Although the referee Bavita made a gesture of "goal effective" in the end, the **** made the Pacers fans fall from the clouds.

"Why? Why is it two points? Can anyone tell me, why is this two points?"

"It must be an old referee with presbyopia! The ball is obviously a three-pointer! It is a three-pointer to tie the ball! This is overtime!"

"F@*#! God is not fair to us walkers!"

"No! We didn't lose! We didn't lose! I don't believe it!"

Thousands of Pacers fans are crying, but the 76ers fans are happy, especially the Chinese fans!

"Yeah! Won! We won! We, the 76ers, are in the finals!"

"I knew that the 76ers could make it to the finals, and we are not only going to the finals, we are also going to win this year's championship!"

"Congratulations to the 76ers! Congratulations to Li Nan! ——Yenjing University Building 19 sent a congratulatory message!

"A congratulatory message from Northwestern University!"

"A congratulatory message from the Bayi Rockets!"

"Guangdong Hongyuan team sent a congratulatory message!"

"Li Nan's number one fan, Li Yapeng, congratulations to the 76ers for winning! The championship is none other than us!"

"The Little Tigers congratulate the 76ers and Li Nan on winning and entering the finals! The championship is ours!"

"Yeah! The 76ers are in the finals! Then, it's time to reveal who the lucky audience is! I look forward to it!"

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