Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 363: why

In an office on the 15th floor of the Olympic Building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

"Now tell me, why didn't we give Lee the MVP before?"

Recalling the old things, the duck egg dare not sloppy.

This season, Li Nan averaged 29.4 points, 6.9 rebounds, 5.9 assists, 2.5 steals and 2.1 blocks per game, which is definitely the best in the league. Not giving MVP, it's really unreasonable.

"Topic! President, that is to create topics and heat for the game and make the game more exciting."

Is it exciting? It seems really exciting.

"Hen~" David Stern himself laughed, "In fact, there is no suspense in this round of the series! The Blazers are not an opponent of the 76ers at all. It is obviously a one-sided game, and we as managers will naturally not sit back and watch. Yes. If there is no suspense, then we will create the suspense ourselves. Duck Dan, you have to remember that the game is not exciting or not, it is not necessarily the fans and players that have the final say."

Duck Dan asked suddenly, "President, what if the 76ers lose?"

Stern said without thinking, "Lost? That doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?" Duck Dan opened his eyes incredulously. In his opinion, Stern still values ​​Li Nan and the Chinese market very much.

Stern said at this time, "Public opinion! Whether it is shady or gambling, all I need is public opinion!

This season is so bad, we must do something! How else will this season become popular?

Look, is there anyone talking about shady now? Everyone is discussing Lee! Discuss how and how things Lie.

After hard work, foreign players took our FMVP. This is inspirational! It will inspire more young people to work hard! "

After talking about a big deal, David Stern found that the duck egg was there and nodded. He also asked, "Understand?"

Duck Dan still nodded, "Well, I understand."

Stern was really a strict teacher, and asked sharply, "What do you know?"

Duck Dan answered much faster this time, "Public opinion, we must grasp public opinion, that is, we must work hard in the media, and we must build a good relationship with them."

Duck Dan said that, seeing Stern's face normal, he was relieved a lot.

Who knows, at this moment, a folder flew over, and he quickly caught it. Taking a look, Stern actually threw this year's draft list.

Stern asked again, "Look, what can you see from this draft?"

Duck Dan looked down at the draft list in his hand. This is another question for Mr. President!

Duck Dan also feels that he is a little tired of life. He doesn't know how long he can survive, or whether he can survive the old man's retirement? This is a problem...

After turning his eyes for a while, Duck Dan said.

"President, the status of shooters in this draft has generally risen. This is the impact of the Finals and Lee."

"Nonsense! Anything else?" Duck Dan said, the media had long said it was bad.

"Also, there is~" If there is, it will be embarrassing. He is a smart person, but, in the face of the strange ideas of Stern, the superior, the duck has to be defeated.

Stern couldn't see it, so he reminded.

"Look, how many international players are there this year?"

I am very grateful for Stern's tips, and the duck eggs quickly turned over.

Sure enough, there are many.

Spain’s Szebiak entered the Timberwolves, Russia’s Kirilenko was selected by the Jazz, Croatia’s Davor Kus was selected by the Warriors, Yugoslavia’s Bodilloga Nets selected, and Montenegro’s Alexander Radochevi Qi was selected by the Raptors, and Manu Ginobili of Argentina was selected by the 76ers...

There are also many Asian undrafted players, such as South Korea’s Lee Kyu-seop and Kim Sung-chi, Japan’s Takehiko Orimo and Wada Waketa, Iran’s...

It's just a pity that this year is another draft without Chinese players.

Ok? How did the 76ers choose an Argentine player? This is kind of interesting.

It's just that Duck Ball doesn't know much about these European players.

Stern said it. "Davor is a talented Croatian defender, and Bodi Loga is the MVP of the European League."

European League MVP? In the eyes of duck eggs, that's actually the case. The decline in Wilkins's status continues to win MVP in Europe.

It's just that Stern said so, so duck eggs naturally didn't dare to care.

"President, do you mean to bring the NBA in line with international standards?"

The corners of Stern's mouth are crooked, so you kid has a little bit of mind.

"Lee's success not only has an impact on Asia, but Europeans are also attracted. Europeans have always been ambitious, and they also want to win the NBA..."

However, Duck Dan seems to understand but he does have other problems of his own.

"President, didn't you say that making stars was only for Shaq? Don't you want it?"

What do you want? Want to train Li Nan to become a superstar? David Stern smiled and shook his head.

"No, no! There can only be one superstar in the league." David Stern stood up, walked to the window, looked out for a while, rubbed his eyes, and then turned around, "Think about it. Now Li has been raised to such a height, next year, Shaq will defeat Li again, in that case~"

In that case, Shaq is a national hero and an absolute MVP. Superstar status was achieved overnight!

"Hiss~~" He took a breath, and Duck Dan gave a thumbs up, "President, you are really clever! I'm inferior to you, far inferior!"

Duck Dan's eyebrows were open and smiling, but Stern was a little annoyed.

This shrinking season, NBA players are generally not in good shape, Li Nan and Duncan suddenly appeared.

There was no Jordan this year, it should be the rise of O'Neal. However, O'Neal and the Lakers are too disappointing. I can't grasp such a good opportunity.

"Oh~ they are not worry-free guys. It would be nice if they were like Lee and Tim." Stern shook his head, there are always so many troubles. Just like the silly boy in front of me.

Stern quickly asked another question.

"Do you now know why I promised those people to control the game?"

Why? Let the game play a few more games, and then cooperate with those people, operate it, artificially create suspense, the idea here is to make a lot of money except for the ones mentioned before?

"Isn't it for the money?" I can't take it back if I say it. His heart was beating.

Fortunately, Stern was only slightly angry on his face, "Nonsense!!!"

Duck Dan asked weakly: "Why is that?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Stern said faintly, then turned around and looked out the window.

This is to see off the guests.

When the duck egg went out, his heart was really itchy.

Then you will know!


It's really hateful to talk half way over and over again.

When I become president in the future, I will do the same to my assistant!

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