Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 368: You think too much

boom! boom! boom!

A lot of people have arrived at the Wachovia Center Arena.

However, many people Li Nan knew well were no longer there.

Dominic Wilkins retired and went back to school to learn Chinese. He wants to do business in China in the future;

"Bad Old Man" Rick Mahon also announced his retirement in the summer, leaving with two champions, and his life came to a complete success;

Frank King, the skinny monkey, has actually developed a muscle, but this summer he has left to go to a higher-paid warrior;

The dumb Clarence Witherspoon and "Singer" Coleman switched to the Pacers, where they should be reused?

In the draft, the 76ers selected Argentine Manu Ginobili and young Canadian center Todd Mark Lodge.

In the free agency market, the Sixers introduced small forward Scott Pippen, introduced power forward Teyron Hill, and introduced small forward Bruce Bowen.

The 76ers' roughly 15 list is also out.

Point guards: Allen Iverson, Eric Snow, Aaron McGee

Shooting guards: Li Nan, Catino Mobley, Manu Ginobili,

Small forwards: Scott Pippen, George Lynch, Bruce Bowen,

Power forwards: Teillon Hill, Matt Geiger, Samaki Walker.

Centers: Theo Ratliff, Ben Wallace, Todd Mark Lodge.


"Hey! Guys, come on, we are going to win the championship this year, so take it seriously for me."

On the court, Scott Pippen was teaching young people by precept and example.

On the other side of the field, Iverson was training shooting alone.

Two points, three points, free throws, screen shots, jump shots, emergency stop jump shots...

Iverson practiced very carefully, carefully, and meticulously.

On other venues, Li Nan was one-on-one with Bruce Bowen. Practice defense, but also practice offense! Bruce Bowen is Li Nan's sparring partner.

Supervised by Larry Brown himself.

"Good! Very good! Li, very good!"

"You can get his foot stuck, you can step on his shoe, and you can stretch your hand for that."

"Your consciousness is in place, but sometimes consciousness can be deceived. You have to remember..."


During the break, Larry Brown was also a little puzzled.

"Lee, why do you think about practicing defense?"

"The sea of ​​learning is endless! The more the better! Moreover, I think I still have a lot of room for improvement, so why not learn?" Li Nan said nothing wrong.

"It's a good thing to be willing to learn." Larry Brown suddenly had something strange in his eyes, "Lee, did they say something to you?"

Li Nan nodded without concealment, but he said: "However, I did not promise them. I learned defense to improve my ability. It has nothing to do with those things. As for that, it is. We will solve our own business with Alan."

"Well, good, I support you," Larry Brown patted Li Nan on the shoulder, got up and left.

Of course he knows many things.

Moreover, he said "I support you", not "you".

This is interesting.


Sitting on the sidelines and resting, watching Ginobili, who has come in the team, is trying hard to adapt to the team's training, then look at the cautious Bruce Bowen, and then look at who is coaching **** the sidelines. Li Nan thinks this 76ers is really interesting.

At this moment, Iverson came over and sat on the side of himself.

"Li, is one mountain really not tolerating two tigers?"

Yo, he has a good memory, and I still remember what I said months ago.

"Of course! Unless you become a mother~~ Ahhh! Even if you become a mother, it is impossible!"

I almost said the wrong thing by accident.

At this time, Iverson suddenly said, "Li, I don't really need you like this. I will fight for it honestly."

"What do you mean?" Li Nan didn't understand this inexplicably.

Iverson said pretentiously: "It's training. Are you not practicing defense? Does that mean that?"

Iverson misunderstood, really misunderstood.

"Hehe, you think too much! I just want to improve myself. Do you think I will let you? Brother, you think too much."

Li Nan patted Iverson on the shoulder and did not forget to add, "Moreover, even if I let you, O'Neill, the Shark, hasn't spoken yet."

Hearing Li Nan's answer, Iverson breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly became proud again, "Hehe, I need you to let me? You don't know how good I am now."

O'Neal was directly excluded by Iverson.

"How powerful is it?" Li Nan asked cooperatively.

Iverson had a little pride on his face, "It's so powerful that I'm scared myself."

Li Nan pushed him, "Cut, you are very good at plagiarizing me."

"Or, let's try?" Iverson looked serious.

Li Nan also readily agreed, "Okay! Try it! I want you to taste the power of FMVP!"

The two of them also said to to fight and fight.

Bang, bang, bang, just hit two balls, and there was no activity yet, someone leaned in.

"Hey, you are playing a bullfight? Shouldn't it be fun to play with two people? Add me."

Scott Pippen took the initiative to get acquainted with the two boys in the team. After all, he is now the captain of the team, so naturally he must have his own responsibility.

Of course, whether there are other meanings in it, only he knows.

Iverson and Li Nan turned to look at Pippen, then smiled at each other.


Pippen suddenly felt that the atmosphere didn't seem so good, but he was a figure with six champions in hand, he was not afraid at all, yes, not at all.

Then, Pippen was targeted by two young men...


Seeing that Pippen was so embarrassed, Ed Snyder, the boss in a corner of the arena, also said, "Brad and Scott are 34 years old. Is he really good?"

Pippen was attacked by the two young men and was stunned by Li Nan many times. General Manager Greenberg was also a little uncertain, "Sho~ should it be possible?"

Ed Snyder frowned, "But, seeing that he was abused by Allen and Lee, he lost his temper."

Greenberg tried hard to defend Pippen, "Uh-uh-that's because Lee and Allen are too young and too powerful."

Hearing this, Ed Snyder also sighed: "Oh, why would he refuse to stay? They are so close, why would they refuse to stay? Why is that?"

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Greenberg didn't know if he should answer...

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