Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 375: He just took a nap

"The Lakers' defense has done very well during this time. Especially Kobe! Kobe seems to have found a way to deal with Allen Iverson. Let's take a look at the replay of the game just now."

On TNT TV, the scene of the game just now was also replayed.

That was Kobe Iverson's offense under three single defenses.

For the first ball, Kobe started physical contact before Iverson received the ball, and stubbornly withstood Iverson. Taking advantage of his height, arm length and strength, Kobe broke Pippen's pass to Iverson.

For the second time, Iverson singled Kobe with the ball. Kobe made a big step directly, it seems to be a defense against a breakthrough and a shot! Sure enough, Iverson shot directly, Kobe ignored, Iverson's shot missed!

For the third time, Kobe directly gave Iverson a big step, but he held up his hand to cover Iverson's shot at any time. As a result, Iverson reluctantly took the shot, and Kobe beat him up.

"Before the start of the fourth quarter, we saw Phil Jackson talk a lot with Kobe face to face. Now it seems that Phil Jackson's words are very useful to Kobe."

"Kobe has successfully restricted Allen Iverson. Then, it's time for the 76ers to have a headache."

Matt Gokas told the truth, but do the 76ers really have a headache?

Groom Albert doesn't think so.

"The 76ers don't have a headache at all! Lee hasn't played much yet. As long as the most stable Lee is back on the court, the 76ers will soon stabilize the situation and win the game."

Matt Gokas also smiled, "Wow, Groom, you have always admired Li so much since a few years ago. Here, I also help many viewers in front of the TV to ask, this is why?"

"Why? Because every time I don't think it's OK, Li always turns it into OK. This time, I think it will still be like this." Groom-Albert swore.

Matt Gokas deliberately said: "I think it will definitely not work this time!"

Groom-Albert came again suddenly, "Haha, how about a supper later?"

"Supper? Good! I support the old groom." Bill Walton heard the bet, and he suddenly appeared.

Matt Gokas thought about him, "Hehehe, it's better to eat less for supper. They are all a lot of age and don't know how to take good care of their bodies."

Want to lie to me for supper? That is impossible! Resolutely impossible!


Matt Gokas also suffered two blindfolds at the same time.


The timeout ended soon, and the players on both sides came back and they were all the main players!

When everyone didn’t react,


Li Nan went straight ahead by a three-pointer!

Groom-Albert spread his hands, his mouth bends,

"Look, it's that simple! As long as Li is on the court, all problems will not be a problem!"

Matt Gokas next to him also patted his chest, "Fortunately, fortunately, I am witty and didn't make a bet with you. Otherwise, I don't know how many thousands of me will be eaten by this supper."


On the court, it was amazing. When Li Nan came back, he just shot such a three-pointer, and the whole 76ers changed their appearance.

The biggest one is Iverson!

Look! Iverson once again appeared at the speed that defeated the other nine people in the audience.

Shooting inside and out, Iverson came back to life, and the omnipotent Iverson came back.

Kobe couldn't prevent Iverson from attacking again. This also confused him.

"Why? Didn't I defend Iverson well just now? Why is it not working now?"

Perhaps after seeing Kobe's thoughts, Li Nan, who passed by Kobe's side, also said that.

"No one can guard Alan!"

Kobe looked at Li Nan in disbelief, didn't he just defend him? "No, I guarded him before!"

Li Nan shook his head, "No, no, it was just Allen taking a nap before."

"Taking a nap? Stop kidding!" Kobe frowned, he didn't believe it!

Li Nan smiled.

In fact, Li Nan knows Kobe's tricks against Iverson today.

Isn't it just to keep one step away, prevent sudden shots, and let Iverson appear in an area where Iverson is not allowed to shoot?

Li Nan has used all these tricks.

It's useless!

Li Nan once felt that he could guard Iverson.

However, after these hundreds of battles, he knew that it was impossible.

There is absolutely no one in this world who can defend Iverson alone!

If you live on defense, you can only say that you are lucky! You ran into him when he was napping!

...On the field, the game continues.

The two sides played more intensely.

O'Neal led the Lakers in trying to chase points, constantly destroying the 76ers' inside.

Ben Wallace, Ratliff, Samaki Walker, Matt Geiger, Hill, and even rookie McLoch was also called up. The six big men took turns to deal with O'Neal, but they were still killed by O'Neal.

Today's O'Neal is indeed strong!

This summer, O'Neal has never been in vain!

The Lakers' offense is fierce, and the 76ers' offense is naturally not weak.

Under Iverson’s rush, the Lakers’ defense was One person could not defend, and the double team of two people was sometimes penetrated by Iverson. , Iverson’s breakthrough is too strong, Iverson’s finishing ability is too strong.

O'Neill is brave, Iverson is equally fierce!

If you score a goal, I will pay you back!

Neither team seems to have a good way to deal with their top scorers.

In this way, the scores of both sides are rising, but the point difference has always been around 9 points.


Beep beep!


The 76ers beat the Los Angeles Lakers by 9 points!

The game data:

76 people:

Iverson, 44 points, 3 assists, 3 steals,

Li Nan, 30 points, 10 rebounds, 12 assists, 4 steals, 3 blocks,

Pippen, 16 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists,


O'Neal, 40 points, 16 rebounds, 4 assists,

Kobe, 25 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists,

Glen Rice, 23 points, 3 rebounds,


After the game, Kobe also found Li Nan.

"Li, how did you know?"

Iverson on the side pricked his ears curiously.

what do you know? It must be some ulterior secret!

Looking at Kobe, Li Nan had a thousand words in his mouth, but in the end it turned into a sentence, "Treasure her well! She is a good girl!"

Seeing Li Nan's serious eyes, Kobe nodded subconsciously, "I will."

But why is Li Nan's words so strange? Li knows her? impossible! She is still just a high school student! How could you meet Li?

"Hey! Lee! Tell me clearly, how did you know?"

Kobe chased Li Nan

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