Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 383: gap

In an office on the 15th floor of the Olympic Building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

Stern asked the duck, "Duck, what's the situation with Li now?"

Duck Dan went to investigate, but didn't find it. "I don't know. There is no news about Li from the outside. There are many rumors. Some people say that Li angrily sold the Philadelphia villa; some people say that Lee was vomiting blood in the hospital; some people say that Lee has announced that he has been reimbursed for the season."

Stern glanced at the duck egg, but I couldn't find it. What use is it for you?

"Oh~ that's it, that's all, that's what they mean."

Stern felt that his pre-season plan was going to be ruined. However, replacing Li Nan with Iverson now should have the same effect.

Duck Dan understood Stern's meaning at once. This is to boost the 76ers. "President, are you saying that we are going to give up Li? Haven't you always disliked Allen? Why...?"

Stern was also helpless, "Lee may not be able to return this season. It was three months after the injury and the bones! Three months later, Li, ah~ that's it, nothing..."


The next day, February 27, the trading deadline day, more transactions came.

The Raptors sent Tracy McGrady to the Magic!

The 76ers got veteran Kukoc from the Bulls again!


While the teams were sewing and repairing, various transactions continued, but the hottest was the tripartite transaction yesterday.

The media could not find Li Nan who was the party involved, but it burned the flames on Li Nan's former teammates.

However, without knowing why, the 76ers chose to remain silent without exception.

The media wanted to find a breakthrough from Larry Brown, but Larry Brown did not give a chance at all.

Surprisingly, in the subsequent game, the 76ers suddenly lost power.

3 consecutive losses!

The 76ers lost to the Bucks, Kings, and Timberwolves, three teams that are not strong.

Although they found their place on the Warriors, they lost another three-game losing streak!

I have only lost 7 games in the first three months, and now I have sent out 6 games in less than half a month!

The 76ers were instantly compared to the Lakers in the West, and more than that, the 76ers were also overtaken by the Heat in the East.

All of a sudden the 76ers fans fell out.

"What happened to our team?"

"Why change Li? Can anyone give me a clear explanation?"

"If you can't win this season, who will be responsible?"

In this case, Larry Brown stepped forward. Of course, he did not come out to take responsibility, he came out to persuade.

"The team introduced Dikembe, the league’s best defensive player, and he still needs time to get in. Everyone has seen that our new play is a new play with Allen at the core. The ups and downs of our record are inevitable. of..."

Larry Brown is frankly speaking, but the fans and the media are not happy.

Someone questioned Larry Brown.

"Why do you want to change Li?"

Larry Brown was also hard-spirited and just carried it off. Take down this **** pot.

"To win the championship! Everyone knows Li’s injuries, and no one can guarantee that he will come back healthy. Also because of Li’s contract. Everyone knows Li’s contract. Li will definitely leave this summer. For this season, for the sake of We have to do this next season!"

Larry Brown’s words stated the facts. Some 76ers fans believed it, but some yelled "the management is ruthless and unjust". Some even said that Li Nan’s is not...

However, because of Larry Brown's appearance, this matter can be regarded as calming down a bit.

However, at this juncture, Iverson suddenly appeared.

In front of the media, Iverson also told the truth.

"In fact, we all said that we won the championship together this season, and he will leave in the summer. If he doesn't win this season, then he will continue to stay."

"We said yes, we agreed to win another championship for Philadelphia together!"

At this point, Iverson also began to "go crazy."

"Can't figure it out! Can't figure it out! I really can't figure it out!"

"What is in our management's head?"

"That's FMVP! That's FMVP! That's FMVP!"

"You just sent him away without blinking?"

"That's FMVP!"


In the whole news interview, Iverson was "crazy", and some people also counted after the fact. Iverson said "FMVP" 20 times!

It was also because of Iverson's appearance that the 76ers suddenly became a little messy.

The management was put on fire, Larry Brown was accused by fans, and Iverson himself was criticized for being "not sensible." Li Nan, the previous party, was slowly "forgotten" inexplicably.

The 76ers are in chaos, and the record is beginning to fluctuate.

Larry Brown also found Iverson again.

"Alan, I said I didn't change Li, do you believe it?"

Larry Brown is a little haggard, but his eyes are still that, bright, energetic, and sincere.

Iverson looked hard into Larry Brown's eyes and found nothing unusual.

However, he did not say much. The old guy's skill is deep, it is normal that he can't see through.

Seeing Iverson's silence, Larry Brown also pushed the phone over.

Iverson picked it up and found that it got through.

"Alan, don't play kiddy..."



The door of the head coach's office slammed shut.

Iverson went straight away.

Larry Brown sighed alas~~~~"

Can't go back, can't go back again!


Next, the 76ers' game slowly returned to the right track, and they began to find the feeling of winning.

The storm of public opinion also slowly faded...



Wachovia Center Arena, Philadelphia, in the head coach's office.

"Cough cough cough~"

Larry Brown took a hard puff of cigarette.

Yes, Larry Brown, who doesn't like attracting and even hates other people's smoking, suddenly smoked one by himself today.

"Teacher, you still don't smoke, it's not good for your health." Bubvić, who was standing in front of him, was concerned, and was about to step forward to help pat his back.

Larry Brown raised his hand and refused.


Larry Brown took another heavy breath, holding his breath.

bitter! stuffy! choke!

Larry Brown's face turned red all at once.

It was also at this time that he suddenly exhaled, and the second-hand smoke hit Bubvić's face.

At this moment, Larry Brown suddenly said:

"Greg, you! Alas~~~"

Bubvić stood there and did not move.

Larry Brown shook his head and said, "At the end of this season, you should go back."

Bubovich looked up at Larry Brown.

"Teacher, I also do it for your own good."

"Hen" Larry Brown smiled, "Greg, go."

Bubvić, "Teacher, me,"

Larry Brown turned his seat, turning his back to Bubwich, but he raised his hand and swayed.


Bubvitch shook his head, glanced at Larry Brown, then turned away

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